Klaus Gürlebeck


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On bergman type operators on weighted monogenic Bergman spaces 2024 Karen Avetisyan
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ PDF Chat Estimates for the discrete fundamental solution of the discrete Laplace operator on a rectangular lattice 2021 Anastasiia Legatiuk
Klaus Gürlebeck
Angela Hommel
+ PDF Chat The solution of the inner and outer Dirichlet problems based on the discrete double-layer potential 2020 Klaus Gürlebeck
Angela Hommel
+ PDF Chat Geometry discretisation algorithm for finite difference operators arising in discrete potential and function theories 2020 Klaus Gürlebeck
Angela Hommel
Anastasiia Legatiuk
+ Construction of Special Solutions for the Maxwell Equations 2019 Chao Ding
S. Bock
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Numerical modelling of an induction heating problem 2019 Klaus Gürlebeck
Angela Hommel
Anastasiia Legatiuk
+ On quaternionic functions for the solution of an ill-posed Cauchy problem for a viscous fluid 2019 Yu. M. Grigor’ev
Klaus Gürlebeck
Dmitrii Legatiuk
A. Yakovlev
+ Quaternionic Operator Calculus for Boundary Value Problems of Micropolar Elasticity 2019 Klaus Gürlebeck
Dmitrii Legatiuk
+ On weighted Dirichlet spaces of monogenic functions in 2018 Karen Avetisyan
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ The Discrete Borel–Pompeiu Formula on a Rectangular Lattice 2018 Anastasiia Legatiuk
Klaus Gürlebeck
Angela Hommel
+ On a Dirichlet Problem for a Generalized Beltrami Equation 2018 Klaus Gürlebeck
Uğur Yüksel
+ Special bases for solutions of a generalized Maxwell system in 3‐dimensional space 2018 Chao Ding
S. Bock
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ A discrete p-Dirac operator and a discrete function theory 2018 Zainab Riyadh Shaker Al-Yasiri
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Quaternionic formulation of a Cauchy problem for the Lamé equation 2018 Yu. M. Grigor’ev
Klaus Gürlebeck
Dmitrii Legatiuk
+ 13th Symposium Clifford Analysis and Applications 2018 Klaus Gürlebeck
Sören Kraußhar
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Three-dimensional interpolation with monogenic polynomials 2017 Klaus Gürlebeck
Dmitrii Legatiuk
+ Interpolation problem for the solutions of linear elasticity equations based on monogenic functions 2017 Yu. M. Grigor’ev
Klaus Gürlebeck
Dmitrii Legatiuk
+ Non-destructive identification of residual stresses in steel under thermal loadings 2016 Tom Lahmer
S. Bock
Jörg Hildebrand
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ On a boundary value problem for a <i>p</i>‐Dirac equation 2016 Zainab Riyadh Shaker Al-Yasiri
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Function theoretic function spaces 2016 Klaus Gürlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Application of Holomorphic Functions in Two and Higher Dimensions 2016 Klaus Gürlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Boundary value problems for second-order partial differential equations 2016 Klaus Gürlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Conformal and quasi-conformal mappings 2016 Klaus Gürlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Some initial-boundary value problems 2016 Klaus Gürlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Some first-order systems of partial differential equations 2016 Klaus Gürlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Riemann-Hilbert problems 2016 Klaus Gürlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Initial-boundary value problems on the sphere 2016 Klaus Gürlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Basic properties of holomorphic functions 2016 Klaus Gürlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ On Some Properties of Pseudo-complex Polynomials 2016 Klaus Gürlebeck
Dmitrii Legatiuk
+ Operator calculus 2016 Klaus Gürlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ <i>ψ</i>‐Hyperholomorphic functions and a Kolosov–Muskhelishvili formula 2015 S. Bock
Klaus Gürlebeck
Dmitrii Legatiuk
Hung Manh Nguyen
+ ψ-hyperholomorphic functions and an application to elasticity problems 2015 Klaus Gürlebeck
Hung Manh Nguyen
+ Clifford Analysis and Harmonic Polynomials 2015 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Quaternionic Analysis: Application to Boundary Value Problems 2015 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Three-dimensional elasticity based on quaternion-valued potentials 2014 Daniel Weisz-Patrault
S. Bock
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ On orthogonal monogenics in oblate spheroidal domains and recurrence formulae 2014 Hung Manh Nguyen
Klaus Gürlebeck
J. Morais
S. Bock
+ An Additive Decomposition of Harmonic Functions in $\rm{I\!R}^{3}$ 2014 Klaus Gürlebeck
Hung Manh Nguyen
Dmitrii Legatiuk
+ Quaternionic Analysis: Application to Boundary Value Problems 2014 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ On ψ-hyperholomorphic Functions and a Decomposition of Harmonics 2013 Klaus Gürlebeck
Hung Manh Nguyen
+ On the Continuous Coupling of Finite Elements with Holomorphic Basis Functions 2013 Klaus Gürlebeck
Dmitrii Legatiuk
+ On Riesz systems of harmonic conjugates in 2013 J. Morais
Karen Avetisyan
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Clifford Analysis and Harmonic Polynomials 2013 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Convergence of the finite element method with holomorphic functions 2013 S. Bock
Klaus Gürlebeck
Dmitrii Legatiuk
+ On ψ-hyperholomorphic functions in R[sup 3] 2013 Klaus Gürlebeck
Hung Manh Nguyen
+ PDF Chat Gelfand–Tsetlin bases for spherical monogenics in dimension 3 2012 S. Bock
Klaus Gürlebeck
Roman Lávička
Vladimı́r Souček
+ PDF Chat Bloch’s Theorem in the Context of Quaternion Analysis 2012 J. Morais
Klaus Gürlebeck
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ On M-conformal mappings 2012 Klaus Gürlebeck
Manh‐Hung Nguyen
J. Morais
+ On 3D Riesz systems of harmonic conjugates 2012 Karen Avetisyan
Klaus Gürlebeck
J. Morais
+ Bloch's Theorem in the Context of Quaternion Analysis 2012 Klaus Gürlebeck
J. Morais
+ Some Riemann boundary value problems in Clifford analysis (I) 2011 Zhongxiang Zhang
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Real-part estimates for solutions of the Riesz system in ℝ<sup>3</sup> 2011 J. Morais
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Analysis in Clifford Algebras—Some Aspects 2011 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
Theodore E. Simos
George Psihoyios
Ch. Tsitouras
Zacharias Anastassi
+ Generalized integral representations for functions with values in C(V 3,3) 2010 Klaus Gürlebeck
Zhongxiang Zhang
+ On Orthonormal Polynomial Solutions of the Riesz System in ℝ3 2010 Klaus Gürlebeck
J. Morais
+ Fluid Flow Problems with Quaternionic Analysis—An Alternative Conception 2010 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ On the Construction of Harmonic Conjugates in the Context of Quaternionic Analysis 2010 Klaus Gürlebeck
J. Morais
Theodore E. Simos
George Psihoyios
Ch. Tsitouras
+ Geometric Characterization of M-Conformal Mappings. 2010 Klaus Gürlebeck
J. Morais
+ Geometric Characterization of "Equation missing" -Conformal Mappings 2010 Klaus Gürlebeck
J. Morais
+ On a generalized Appell system and monogenic power series 2009 S. Bock
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Some Riemann boundary value problems in Clifford analysis 2009 Klaus Gürlebeck
Zhongxiang Zhang
+ Bohr Type Theorems for Monogenic Power Series 2009 Klaus Gürlebeck
J. Morais
+ Harmonic Conjugates in Weighted Bergman Spaces of Quaternion-Valued Functions 2009 Karen Avetisyan
Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ On a Polynomial Basis Generated from the Generalized Kolosov–Muskhelishvili Formulae 2009 S. Bock
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Local Properties of Monogenic Mappings 2009 Klaus Gürlebeck
J. Morais
Theodore E. Simos
George Psihoyios
Ch. Tsitouras
+ A Quaternionic Approach to Treat the Ideally Stationary Magnetohydrodynamic Equations 2009 Klaus Gürlebeck
R. S. Krauβhar
Stefaan Poedts
Theodore E. Simos
George Psihoyios
Ch. Tsitouras
+ On an Orthonormal Basis of Solid Spherical Monogenics Recursively Generated by Anti-Holomorphic z̄-Powers 2009 S. Bock
Klaus Gürlebeck
Theodore E. Simos
George Psihoyios
Ch. Tsitouras
+ On a spatial generalization of the Kolosov–Muskhelishvili formulae 2008 S. Bock
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ PDF Chat Borel–Carathéodory Type Theorem for Monogenic Functions 2008 Klaus Gürlebeck
J. Morais
Paula Cerejeiras
+ On Recurrence Formulae of Solid Spherical Monogenics 2008 S. Bock
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Hadamard’s Real Part Theorem for Monogenic Functions 2008 Klaus Gürlebeck
J. Morais
+ Complex and Hypercomplex Methods in Applications 2008 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Spröβig
+ Holomorphic Functions in the Plane and n-dimensional Space 2007 Klaus Gürlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ On monogenic primitives of monogenic functions 2007 Isabel Cação
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ On the Calculation of Monogenic Primitives 2007 Klaus Gürlebeck
J. Morais
+ Bohr's Theorem for Monogenic Functions 2007 Klaus Gürlebeck
J. Morais
Theodore E. Simos
George Psihoyios
Ch. Tsitouras
+ On Hypercomplex Differential and Primitivation Operators with Applications to Representation Formulae of Linear Elastostatics 2007 S. Bock
Klaus Gürlebeck
Theodore E. Simos
George Psihoyios
Ch. Tsitouras
+ Clifford Algebras in Mathematics and Applied Sciences 2007 Wolfgang Sprößig
Klaus Gürlebeck
Theodore E. Simos
George Psihoyios
Ch. Tsitouras
+ Borel-Carathéodory Type Theorem for monogenic functions 2007 Klaus Gürlebeck
J. Morais
Paula Cerejeiras
+ On derivatives of spherical monogenics 2006 Isabel Cação
Klaus Gürlebeck
S. Bock
+ A Coupled Ritz-Galerkin Approach Using Holomorphic and Anti-holomorphic Functions 2006 S. Bock
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Applications of quaternionic analysis in Engineering 2006 Rolf Sören Kraußhar
Denis Constales
Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Difference potentials for the Navier–Stokes equations in unbounded domains 2006 Nelson Faustino
Klaus Gürlebeck
Angela Hommel
Uwe Kähler
+ Characterizations for Bloch space by B<sup>p, q</sup>spaces in Clifford analysis 2006 A‎. ‎El-Sayed Ahmed
Klaus Gürlebeck
L. F. Reséndis
Luis M. Tovar S.
+ Funktionentheorie in der Ebene und im Raum 2006 Klaus Gürlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Dirichlet and Hardy Spaces of Harmonic and Monogenic Functions 2005 Swanhild Bernstein
Klaus Gürlebeck
L. F. Reséndis O.
L. M. Tovar S.
+ A 3-dimensional Bergman kernel method with applications to rectangular domains 2005 S. Bock
M. I. Falcão
Klaus Gürlebeck
Helmuth R. Malonek
+ On the Solution of Discrete Vekua Equations 2005 Klaus Gürlebeck
Angela Hommel
+ Discrete Vekua equations with constant coefficients in the complex and quaternionic case 2005 Klaus Gürlebeck
Angela Hommel
+ On Series Expansions of Hyperholomorphic Bq Functions 2004 Klaus Gürlebeck
A‎. ‎El-Sayed Ahmed
+ Galpern—Sobolev Type Equations with Non-constant Coefficients 2004 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ On B Q Spaces of Hyperholomorphic Functions and the Bloch Space in R3 2004 Klaus Gürlebeck
A‎. ‎El-Sayed Ahmed
+ Bp,q-Functions and their Harmonic Majorants 2004 Swanhild Bernstein
Klaus Gürlebeck
L. F. Reséndis
Luis M. Tovar S.
+ On Discrete Stokes and Navier—Stokes Equations in the Plane 2004 Klaus Gürlebeck
Angela Hommel
Klaus Gürlebeck
A. M. A. El‐Sayed
+ Finite Difference Cauchy-Riemann Operators and Their Fundamental Solutions in the Complex Case 2003 Klaus Gürlebeck
Angela Hommel
+ Representation theory for classes of initial value problems with quaternionic analysis 2002 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ On finite difference potentials and their applications in a discrete function theory 2002 Klaus Gürlebeck
Angela Hommel
+ On a modified teodorescu transform 2001 Helge Bahmann
Klaus Gürlebeck
Michael Shapiro
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ PDF Chat On strict inclusions of weighted dirichlet spaces of monogenic functions 2001 Klaus Gürlebeck
Helmuth R. Malonek
+ On finite difference Dirac operators and their fundamental solutions 2001 Klaus Gürlebeck
Angela Hommel
+ Special monogenic polynomials andL 2-approximation 2001 Isabel Cação
Klaus Gürlebeck
Helmuth R. Malonek
+ PDF Chat A Quaternionic Beltrami-Type Equation and the Existence of Local Homeomorphic Solutions 2001 Paula Cerejeiras
Klaus Gürlebeck
Uwe Kähler
Helmuth R. Malonek
+ PDF Chat Q p -spaces in clifford analysis 2001 Jan Cnops
Richard Delanghe
Klaus Gürlebeck
Michael Shapiro
+ On Weighted Spaces of Monogenic Quaternion-valued Functions 2001 Klaus Gürlebeck
+ On Some Weighted Spaces of Quaternion-Valued Functions 2000 Klaus Gürlebeck
+ A hypercomplex derivative of monogenic functsions in and its Applications 1999 Klaus Gürlebeck
Helmuth R. Malonek
+ On the Π-operator in hyperholomorphic function theory 1999 Klaus Gürlebeck
Uwe Kähler
Michael Shapiro
+ On Q<sub>p</sub>-spaces of quaternion-valued functions 1999 Klaus Gürlebeck
Uwe Kähler
Michael Shapiro
Luis Manuel Tovar
+ On a higher dimensional miuratransform 1999 Swanhild Bernstein
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ On Some Applications of the Biharmonic Equation 1998 Klaus Gürlebeck
+ On some operators in Clifford analysis 1998 Klaus Gürlebeck
+ On the treatment of fluid problems by methods of Clifford analysis 1997 Wolfgang Sprößig
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Quaternionic and Clifford calculus for physicists and engineers 1997 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Clifford Analysis over Unbounded Domains 1997 Klaus Gürlebeck
Uwe Kähler
John Ryan
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ On a Boundary Value Problem of the Biharmonic Equation 1997 Klaus Gürlebeck
Uwe Kähler
+ PDF Chat On a Spatial Generalization of the Complex $\Pi$-Operator 1996 Klaus Gürlebeck
Uwe Kähler
+ On the treatment of fluid problems by methods of Clifford analysis 1996 Wolfgang Sprößig
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Clifford-Analysis and Elliptic Boundary Value Problems 1995 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Hypercomplex function theory for non-linear stokes problems with variable viscosity 1993 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
Ulrike Wimmer
+ Quaternionic Analysis and Transmission Problems 1993 Klaus Gürlebeck
+ On eigenvalue estimates of nonlinear Stokes eigenvalue problems 1992 Wolfgang Sprößig
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Quaternionic Analysis and Elliptic Boundary Value Problems 1990 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Approximate Solution of the Stationary Navier‐Stokes Equations 1990 Klaus Gürlebeck
+ A quaternionic treatment of Navier-Stokes equations 1990 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ 1. Quaternionic Analysis 1989 Klaus Gürlebeck
W. Sprößig
+ 6. Discrete Quaternionic Function Theory 1989 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ 3. Orthogonal Decomposition of the Space L<sub>2,H</sub>(G) 1989 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ PDF Chat Quaternionic Analysis and Elliptic Boundary Value Problems 1989 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ H-Regular Boundary Collocation Methods 1989 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Orthogonal Decomposition of the Space L2,H(G) 1989 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Some Boundary Value Problems of Dirichlet’s Type 1989 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Operators 1989 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Quaternionic Analysis 1989 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Discrete Quaternionic Function Theory 1989 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ A Unified Approach to Estimation of Lower Bounds for the First Eigenvalue of Several Elliptic Boundary Value Problems 1987 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ A generalized Leibniz rule and foundation of a discrete quaternionic analysis 1987 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ PDF Chat Hypercomplex Factorization of the Helmholtz Equation 1986 Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Numerical Realization of Boundary Collocation Methods 1985 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
Manfred Tasche
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Quaternionic Analysis and Elliptic Boundary Value Problems 1990 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Quaternionic analysis 1979 A. Sudbery
+ A hypercomplex derivative of monogenic functsions in and its Applications 1999 Klaus Gürlebeck
Helmuth R. Malonek
+ Differentiation of the Martinelli‐Bochner Integrals and the Notion of Hyperderivability 1995 Igor M. Mitelman
Michael Shapiro
+ Integral Representations For Spatial Models of Mathematical Physics 2020 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
Michael Shapiro
+ Quaternionic and Clifford calculus for physicists and engineers 1997 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ Constructive approximation by monogenic polynomials 2004 Isabel Cação
+ Power series representation for monogenic functions in based on a permutational product 1990 Helmuth R. Malonek
+ Holomorphic Functions in the Plane and n-dimensional Space 2007 Klaus Gürlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ On derivatives of spherical monogenics 2006 Isabel Cação
Klaus Gürlebeck
S. Bock
+ Clifford Algebra and Spinor-Valued Functions 1992 Richard Delanghe
F. Sommen
Vladimı́r Souček
+ Die Funktionentheorie der Differentialgleichungen? u=0 und?? u=0 mit vier reellen Variablen 1934 Run Fueter
+ PDF Chat Quaternionic Analysis and Elliptic Boundary Value Problems 1989 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig
+ On regular-analytic functions with values in a Clifford algebra 1970 Richard Delanghe
+ Bohr Type Theorems for Monogenic Power Series 2009 Klaus Gürlebeck
J. Morais
+ PDF Chat Besov-type characterisations for the Bloch space 1989 Karel Stroethoff
+ Elliptische Differenzenoperatoren unter Dirichletrandbedingungen 1967 Friedrich Stummel
+ PDF Chat Möbius invariant spaces in the unit ball 1999 Jan Cnops
Richard Delanghe
+ On Q<sub>p</sub>-spaces of quaternion-valued functions 1999 Klaus Gürlebeck
Uwe Kähler
Michael Shapiro
Luis Manuel Tovar
Jie Xiao
Ruhan Zhao
+ On a spatial generalization of the Kolosov–Muskhelishvili formulae 2008 S. Bock
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ On finite difference potentials and their applications in a discrete function theory 2002 Klaus Gürlebeck
Angela Hommel
+ Methods of Complex and Clifford Analysis 2004 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ On the treatment of fluid problems by methods of Clifford analysis 1997 Wolfgang Sprößig
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Discrete Interior Schauder Estimates for Elliptic Difference Operators 1968 Vidar Thomée
+ Harmonic Function Theory 1992 Sheldon Axler
Paul Bourdon
Wade Ramey
+ On homogeneous polynomial solutions of the Riesz system and their harmonic potentials 2007 R. Delanghe
+ PDF Chat On strict inclusions of weighted dirichlet spaces of monogenic functions 2001 Klaus Gürlebeck
Helmuth R. Malonek
+ Applied quaternionic analysis 2003 Vladislav V. Kravchenko
+ Definition and Properties of a Hypercomplex Singular Integral Operator 1992 Helmuth R. Malonek
Bruno J. Müller
+ Quaternionic ψ-hyperholomorphic functions, singular integral operators and boundary value problems I. ψ-hyperholomorphic function theory 1995 Michael Shapiro
Nikolai Vasilevski
+ A Survey on the (Hyper-) Derivatives in Complex, Quaternionic and Clifford Analysis 2011 M. Elena Luna–Elizarrarás
Michael Shapiro
+ A new hypercomplex structure of the euclidean space <i>R</i> <sup>m+1</sup> and the concept of hypercomplex differentiability 1990 Helmuth R. Malonek
+ On a generalized Appell system and monogenic power series 2009 S. Bock
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ Special monogenic polynomials andL 2-approximation 2001 Isabel Cação
Klaus Gürlebeck
Helmuth R. Malonek
+ Generalized Analytic Functions 2006 I. Vekua
+ Basic properties of discrete analytic functions 1956 R. J. Duffin
+ On a three dimensional analogue to the holomorphic<i>z</i>-powers: power series and recurrence formulae 2011 S. Bock
+ Differentiability of functions with values in some real associative algebras : approaches to an old problem 2001 Richard Delanghe
Rolf Sölen Krausshar
Helmuth R. Malonek
+ Quaternionic Analysis in ℝ3 Versus Its Hyperbolic Modification 2001 Heinz Leutwiler
+ PDF Chat On Harmonic Potential Fields and the Structure of Monogenic Functions 2003 Fred Brackx
Richard Delanghe
+ PDF Chat Sur une classe de polynômes 1880 Paul Appell
+ On conjugate harmonic functions in Euclidean space 2002 Fred Brackx
Richard Delanghe
F. Sommen
+ Real-part estimates for solutions of the Riesz system in ℝ<sup>3</sup> 2011 J. Morais
Klaus Gürlebeck
+ PDF Chat Conformally Covariant Operators in Clifford Analysis 1995 John Ryan
+ On a three-dimensional analogue to the holomorphic<i>z</i>-powers: power series and recurrence formulae 2011 S. Bock
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of Bergman spaces and Bloch space in the unit ball of 𝐶ⁿ 1995 Cai Heng Ouyang
Wei Sheng Yang
Ru Han Zhao
+ PDF Chat Möbius invariant Q<sub>p</sub>spaces associated with the Green’s function on the unit ball of C<sup>n</sup> 1998 Caiheng Ouyang
Weisheng Yang
Ruhan Zhao
+ PDF Chat A property of analytic functions with Hadamard gaps 1992 Jie Miao
+ Boundary value problems and function theory for spin-invariant differential operators 1989 Zhenyuan Xu