Daniel Erman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat King's Conjecture and Birational Geometry 2024 Matthew R. Ballard
Christine Berkesch
Michael K. Brown
Lauren Cranton Heller
Daniel Erman
David Favero
Sheel Ganatra
Andrew Hanlon
Jesse Huang
+ Tate resolutions on toric varieties 2024 Michael K. Brown
Daniel Erman
+ Linear strands of multigraded free resolutions 2024 Michael K. Brown
Daniel Erman
+ PDF Chat A short proof of the Hanlon-Hicks-Lazarev Theorem 2024 Michael K. Brown
Daniel Erman
+ Positivity and nonstandard graded Betti numbers 2023 Michael K. Brown
Daniel Erman
+ Linear syzygies of curves in weighted projective space 2023 Michael K. Brown
Daniel Erman
+ Positivity and nonstandard graded Betti numbers 2023 Michael K. Brown
Daniel Erman
+ A short proof of the Hanlon-Hicks-Lazarev Theorem 2023 Michael K. Brown
Daniel Erman
+ Interpolation over ℤ and torsion in class groups 2022 John D. Berman
Daniel Erman
+ Minimal free resolutions of differential modules 2022 Michael K. Brown
Daniel Erman
+ PDF Chat Characteristic Dependence of Syzygies of Random Monomial Ideals 2022 Caitlyn Booms-Peot
Daniel Erman
Jay Yang
+ Linear strands of multigraded free resolutions 2022 Michael K. Brown
Daniel Erman
+ PDF Chat The Schur–Veronese package in Macaulay2 2021 Juliette Bruce
Daniel Erman
Steve Goldstein
Jay Yang
+ PDF Chat Syzygies of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">P</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">P</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>: Data and conjectures 2021 Juliette Bruce
Daniel Corey
Daniel Erman
Steve Goldstein
Robert P. Laudone
Jay Yang
+ Small projective spaces and Stillman uniformity for sheaves 2021 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
Andrew Snowden
+ Syzygies of $\mathbb{P}^{1}\times \mathbb{P}^{1}$: data and conjectures 2021 Juliette Bruce
Daniel Corey
Daniel Erman
Steve Goldstein
Robert P. Laudone
Jay Yang
+ Matrix factorizations of generic polynomials 2021 Daniel Erman
+ Tate resolutions on toric varieties 2021 Michael K. Brown
Daniel Erman
+ Minimal free resolutions of differential modules 2021 Michael K. Brown
Daniel Erman
+ PDF Chat Big Polynomial Rings with Imperfect Coefficient Fields 2020 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
Andrew Snowden
+ Heuristics for $\ell$-torsion in Veronese Syzygies 2020 Caitlyn Booms-Peot
Daniel Erman
Jay Yang
+ PDF Chat Strength and Hartshorne’s Conjecture in high degree 2020 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
Andrew Snowden
+ Virtual resolutions for a product of projective spaces 2020 Daniel Erman
+ PDF Chat An equivariant Hilbert basis theorem 2020 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
Andrew Snowden
+ Characteristic dependence of syzygies of random monomial ideals 2020 Caitlyn Booms-Peot
Daniel Erman
Jay Yang
+ PDF Chat A probabilistic approach to systems of parameters and Noether normalization 2019 Juliette Bruce
Daniel Erman
+ PDF Chat Generalizations of Stillman’s Conjecture via Twisted Commutative Algebra 2019 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
Andrew Snowden
+ Stillman uniformity for cohomology of sheaves 2019 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
Andrew Snowden
+ The SchurVeronese package in Macaulay2 2019 Juliette Bruce
Daniel Erman
Steve Goldstein
Jay Yang
+ Tate Resolutions on Products of Projective Spaces: Cohomology and Direct Image Complexes 2019 Daniel Erman
David Eisenbud
Frank–Olaf Schreyer
+ PDF Chat Big polynomial rings and Stillman’s conjecture 2019 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
Andrew Snowden
+ Interpolation over ZZ and torsion in class groups 2019 John D. Berman
Daniel Erman
+ Tate Resolutions on Products of Projective Spaces: Cohomology and Direct Image Complexes 2019 Daniel Erman
David Eisenbud
Frank–Olaf Schreyer
+ PDF Chat Random flag complexes and asymptotic syzygies 2018 Daniel Erman
Jay Yang
+ PDF Chat Cubics in 10 variables vs. cubics in 1000 variables: Uniformity phenomena for bounded degree polynomials 2018 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
Andrew Snowden
+ PDF Chat Conjectures and Computations about Veronese Syzygies 2018 Juliette Bruce
Daniel Erman
Steve Goldstein
Jay Yang
+ Big polynomial rings with imperfect coefficient fields 2018 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
Andrew Snowden
+ An equivariant Hilbert basis theorem 2017 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
Andrew Snowden
+ PDF Chat Categorified duality in Boij–Söderberg theory and invariants of free complexes 2017 David Eisenbud
Daniel Erman
+ PDF Chat Divergent series and Serre's intersection formula for graded rings 2017 Daniel Erman
+ Conjectures and computations about Veronese syzygies 2017 Juliette Bruce
Daniel Erman
Steve Goldstein
Jay Yang
+ An equivariant Hilbert basis theorem 2017 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
Andrew Snowden
+ Questions about Boij–Söderberg theory 2017 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
+ PDF Chat Supernatural analogues of Beilinson monads 2016 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
+ PDF Chat Furstenberg sets and Furstenberg schemes over finite fields 2016 Jordan S. Ellenberg
Daniel Erman
+ Gauss composition for<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">P</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>, and the universal Jacobian of the Hurwitz space of double covers 2016 Daniel Erman
Melanie Matchett Wood
+ A quick proof of nonvanishing for asymptotic syzygies 2016 Lawrence Ein
Daniel Erman
Robert Lazarsfeld
+ Questions about Boij-Söderberg theory 2016 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
+ Divergent Series and Serre's intersection formula for graded rings 2015 Daniel Erman
+ PDF Chat A heuristic for the distribution of point counts for random curves over a finite field 2015 Jeffrey D. Achter
Daniel Erman
Kiran S. Kedlaya
Melanie Matchett Wood
David Zureick-Brown
+ PDF Chat Tate Resolutions for Products of Projective Spaces 2015 David Eisenbud
Daniel Erman
Frank–Olaf Schreyer
+ PDF Chat Semiample Bertini theorems over finite fields 2015 Daniel Erman
Melanie Matchett Wood
+ PDF Chat The Betti table of a high-degree curve is asymptotically pure 2015 Daniel Erman
+ Recent Advances in Algebraic Geometry 2015 Christopher D. Hacon
Christopher D. Hacon
Thomas Bauer
Aaron Bertram
Sébastien Boucksom
Gilbert Burnham
F. Campana
Fabrizio Catanese
J. A. Chen
Olivier Debarre
+ Divergent Series and Serre's intersection formula for graded rings 2015 Daniel Erman
+ PDF Chat Tensor complexes: multilinear free resolutions constructed from higher tensors 2013 Christine Berkesch
Daniel Erman
Manoj Kummini
Steven V Sam
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of random Betti tables 2013 Lawrence Ein
Daniel Erman
Robert Lazarsfeld
+ PDF Chat Filtering free resolutions 2013 David Eisenbud
Daniel Erman
Frank–Olaf Schreyer
+ The Betti table of a high degree curve is asymptotically pure 2013 Daniel Erman
+ Three Flavors of Extremal Betti Tables 2012 Christine Berkesch
Daniel Erman
Manoj Kummini
+ Categorified duality in Boij-S\ 2012 David Eisenbud
Daniel Erman
+ The cone of Betti diagrams over a hypersurface ring of low embedding dimension 2012 Christine Berkesch
Jesse Burke
Daniel Erman
Courtney R. Gibbons
+ PDF Chat Murphy’s law for Hilbert function strata in the Hilbert scheme of points 2012 Daniel Erman
+ PDF Chat Poset Structures in Boij–Söderberg Theory 2011 Christine Berkesch
Daniel Erman
Manoj Kummini
Steven V Sam
+ PDF Chat Secant varieties of ℙ<sup>2</sup> × ℙ<sup> <i>n</i> </sup> embedded by 𝒪(1, 2) 2011 Dustin Cartwright
Daniel Erman
Luke Oeding
+ PDF Chat Shapes of free resolutions over a local ring 2011 Christine Berkesch
Daniel Erman
Manoj Kummini
Steven V Sam
Irena Swanson
Amelia Taylor
+ Laurent polynomials and Eulerian numbers 2010 Daniel Erman
Gregory Smith
Anthony Várilly‐Alvarado
+ A syzygetic approach to the smoothability of zero-dimensional schemes 2010 Daniel Erman
Mauricio Velasco
+ Beyond Numerics: The Existence of Pure Filtrations 2010 David Eisenbud
Daniel Erman
Frank–Olaf Schreyer
+ Applications and Extensions of Boij-Soederberg Theory 2010 Daniel Erman
+ PDF Chat A special case of the Buchsbaum-Eisenbud-Horrocks rank conjecture 2010 Daniel Erman
+ Applications and Extensions of Boij-Soederberg Theory - eScholarship 2010 Daniel Erman
+ PDF Chat Hilbert schemes of 8 points 2009 Dustin Cartwright
Daniel Erman
Mauricio Velasco
Bianca Viray
+ PDF Chat The semigroup of Betti diagrams 2009 Daniel Erman
+ Hilbert schemes of 8 points in A^d 2008 Dustin Cartwright
Daniel Erman
Mauricio Velasco
Bianca Viray
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Betti numbers of graded modules and cohomology of vector bundles 2008 David Eisenbud
Frank Olaf Schreyer
+ PDF Chat Graded Betti numbers of Cohen-Macaulay modules and the multiplicity conjecture 2008 Mats Boij
Jonas Söderberg
+ PDF Chat The existence of equivariant pure free resolutions 2011 David Eisenbud
Gunnar Fløystad
Jerzy Weyman
+ Sheaf cohomology and free resolutions over exterior algebras 2003 David Eisenbud
Gunnar Fløystad
Frank–Olaf Schreyer
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic syzygies of algebraic varieties 2012 Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of coherent sheaves and series of supernatural bundles 2010 David Eisenbud
Frank–Olaf Schreyer
+ Betti Numbers of Syzygies and Cohomology of Coherent Sheaves 2011 David Eisenbud
Frank–Olaf Schreyer
+ PDF Chat Betti Numbers of Syzygies and Cohomology of Coherent Sheaves 2011 Frank–Olaf Schreyer
David Eisenbud
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud
+ PDF Chat Betti numbers of graded modules and the multiplicity conjecture in the non-Cohen–Macaulay case 2012 Mats Boij
Jonas Söderberg
+ PDF Chat Koszul cohomology and the geometry of projective varieties 1984 Mark L. Green
+ PDF Chat Tensor complexes: multilinear free resolutions constructed from higher tensors 2013 Christine Berkesch
Daniel Erman
Manoj Kummini
Steven V Sam
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of random Betti tables 2013 Lawrence Ein
Daniel Erman
Robert Lazarsfeld
+ Graduate Texts in Mathematics 1977 Rajendra Bhatia
Glen Bredon
Wolfgang Walter
Joseph Rotman
M. Ram Murty
Jane Gilman
Peter Walters
Martin Golubitsky
Ioannis Karatzas
Henri Cohen
+ Betti numbers of graded modules and the Multiplicity Conjecture in the non-Cohen-Macaulay case 2008 Mats Boij
Jonas Söderberg
+ PDF Chat Shapes of free resolutions over a local ring 2011 Christine Berkesch
Daniel Erman
Manoj Kummini
Steven V Sam
+ Pieri resolutions for classical groups 2010 Steven V Sam
Jerzy Weyman
+ Algebra Structures for Finite Free Resolutions, and Some Structure Theorems for Ideals of Codimension 3 1977 David A. Buchsbaum
David Eisenbud
+ Coherent sheaves on Pn and problems of linear algebra 1978 A. A. Beilinson
+ A quick proof of nonvanishing for asymptotic syzygies 2016 Lawrence Ein
Daniel Erman
Robert Lazarsfeld
+ PDF Chat Open Problems on Syzygies and Hilbert Functions 2008 Irena Peeva
Michael Stillman
+ PDF Chat The linear space of Betti diagrams of multigraded artinian modules 2010 Gunnar Fløystad
+ PDF Chat Boij-Söderberg theory: Introduction and survey 2011 Gunnar Fløystad
+ PDF Chat Categorified duality in Boij–Söderberg theory and invariants of free complexes 2017 David Eisenbud
Daniel Erman
+ Algebraic Geometry 1977 Robin Hartshorne
+ Commutative Algebra 1995 David Eisenbud
+ Computing graded Betti tables of toric surfaces 2019 Wouter Castryck
Filip Cools
Jeroen Demeyer
Alexander Lemmens
+ Small subalgebras of polynomial rings and Stillman’s Conjecture 2019 Tigran Ananyan
Melvin Hochster
+ PDF Chat Conjectures and Computations about Veronese Syzygies 2018 Juliette Bruce
Daniel Erman
Steve Goldstein
Jay Yang
+ Virtual resolutions for a product of projective spaces 2020 Daniel Erman
+ Algebraic vector bundles on projective spaces: A problem list 1979 Robin Hartshorne
+ PDF Chat Filtering free resolutions 2013 David Eisenbud
Daniel Erman
Frank–Olaf Schreyer
+ The cone of Betti tables over a rational normal curve 2013 Manoj Kummini
Steven V Sam
+ PDF Chat Three themes of syzygies 2016 Gunnar Fløystad
Jason McCullough
Irena Peeva
+ Topological Noetherianity of polynomial functors 2017 Jan Draisma
+ The cone of Betti diagrams over a hypersurface ring of low embedding dimension 2012 Christine Berkesch
Jesse Burke
Daniel Erman
Courtney R. Gibbons
+ PDF Chat Supernatural analogues of Beilinson monads 2016 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
+ Cohomology of Vector Bundles and Syzygies 2003 Jerzy Weyman
+ PDF Chat Non-simplicial decompositions of Betti diagrams of complete intersections 2015 Courtney R. Gibbons
Jack Jeffries
Sarah Mayes
Claudiu Raicu
Branden Stone
Bryan White
+ PDF Chat Big polynomial rings and Stillman’s conjecture 2019 Daniel Erman
Steven V Sam
Andrew Snowden
+ Combinatorial Aspects of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry 2011 Gunnar Fløystad
Trygve Johnsen
Andreas Leopold Knutsen
+ PDF Chat Stillman’s conjecture via generic initial ideals 2019 Jan Draisma
Michał Lasoń
Anton Leykin
+ On the bettinumbers of finite pure and linear resolutions 1984 Jürgen Herzog
Michael Kühl
+ PDF Chat The Betti table of a high-degree curve is asymptotically pure 2015 Daniel Erman
+ Castelnuovo Mumford regularity with respect to multigraded ideals 2016 Nicolás Botbol
Marc Chardin
+ Koszul duality for multigraded algebras 2009 Fareed Hawwa
+ Combinatorial Commutative Algebra 2005 Ezra Miller
Bernd Sturmfels
+ Resultants and Chow forms via exterior syzygies 2003 David Eisenbud
Frank–Olaf Schreyer
Jerzy Weyman
+ The Cone of Betti Diagrams of Bigraded Artinian Modules of Codimension Two 2011 Mats Boij
Gunnar Fløystad
+ Positivity in Algebraic Geometry I 2004 Robert Lazarsfeld