Н. В. Ларионов


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The wave function of a photoelectron near the center of a quantum vortex 2024 Н. В. Ларионов
Yu. L. Kolesnikov
+ Identification of quantum vortices in momentum space 2023 Н. В. Ларионов
Vasily M. Molchanovskiy
+ PDF Chat Q Function for a Single-Atom Laser Operating in the “Classical” Regime 2022 Н. В. Ларионов
+ PDF Chat Quasi-probability Q for a single-atom laser generating in the 'semi-classical' regime 2021 Н. В. Ларионов
+ Regime of small number of photons in the cavity for a singleemitter laser 2021 Н. В. Ларионов
+ PDF Chat Behavior of a Single-Atom Laser in the Sub-Poissonian Regime 2020 Н. В. Ларионов
+ PDF Chat Formation of Quantum Vortices at the Ionization of an Atom by an Ultrashort Laser Pulse: Two- and Three-Dimensional Cases 2019 Н. В. Ларионов
Д. Н. Макаров
A. A. Smirnovsky
S. Yu. Ovchinnikov
+ PDF Chat Atom ionization by ultrashort laser pulse - 2D, 3D consideration 2019 Н. В. Ларионов
Д. Н. Макаров
A. A. Smirnovsky
+ PDF Chat Quantum theory of a single-emitter nanolaser 2013 Н. В. Ларионов
Mikhail I. Kolobov
+ PDF Chat Cooperative light scattering on an atomic system with degenerate structure of the ground state 2012 A. S. Sheremet
A. D. Manukhova
Н. В. Ларионов
D. V. Kupriyanov
+ Autler-Townes effect in the D1-line hyperfine structure of an alkali atom 2009 A. S. Sheremet
O. S. Mishina
Н. В. Ларионов
D. V. Kupriyanov
+ Stimulated Raman process in a scattering medium applied to the quantum memory scheme 2008 O. S. Mishina
Н. В. Ларионов
A. S. Sheremet
I. M. Sokolov
D. V. Kupriyanov
+ PDF Chat Spectral dependence of coherent backscattering of light in a narrow-resonance atomic system 2004 D. V. Kupriyanov
I. M. Sokolov
Н. В. Ларионов
P. Kulatunga
C. I. Sukenik
S. Balik
M. D. Havey
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat An elementary quantum network of single atoms in optical cavities 2012 Stephan Ritter
Christian Nölleke
Carolin Hahn
Andreas Reiserer
Andreas Neuzner
Manuel Uphoff
Martin Mücke
Eden Figueroa
J. Bochmann
Gerhard Rempe
+ PDF Chat Quantum to classical transition in a single-ion laser 2010 François Dubin
C. Russo
H. G. Barros
Andreas Stute
Christoph Becher
Piet O. Schmidt
R. Blatt
+ PDF Chat Quantum theory of a single-emitter nanolaser 2013 Н. В. Ларионов
Mikhail I. Kolobov
+ PDF Chat Single-atom maser with an engineered circuit for population inversion 2021 А. Соколова
Gleb Fedorov
E. Il’ichev
O. Astafiev
+ PDF Chat Behavior of a Single-Atom Laser in the Sub-Poissonian Regime 2020 Н. В. Ларионов
+ PDF Chat Single-atom laser generates nonlinear coherent states 2012 S. Ya. Kilin
Alexander Mikhalychev
+ PDF Chat Vortices Associated with the Wave Function of a Single Electron Emitted in Slow Ion-Atom Collisions 2014 L. Ph. H. Schmidt
C. Goihl
D. Metz
H. Schmidt‐Böcking
R. Dörner
S. Yu. Ovchinnikov
J. H. Macek
David Schultz
+ PDF Chat Optimal Control of Light Pulse Storage and Retrieval 2007 Irina Novikova
Alexey V. Gorshkov
David F. Phillips
Anders S. Sørensen
Mikhail D. Lukin
Ronald L. Walsworth
+ Photonic crystal nanocavity laser with a single quantum dot gain 2009 Masahiro Nomura
Naoto Kumagai
Satoshi Iwamoto
Yasutomo Ota
Yasuhiko Arakawa
+ PDF Chat The two-dimensional hydrogen atom revisited 2002 D. G. W. Parfitt
M. E. Portnoi
+ PDF Chat Mapping photonic entanglement into and out of a quantum memory 2008 K. S. Choi
Hui Deng
Julien Laurat
H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat Motion of vortex lines in quantum mechanics 2000 Iwo Białynicki‐Birula
Zofia Białynicka-Birula
Cezary Śliwa
+ PDF Chat Optical-mechanical cooling of a charged resonator 2019 Д. Н. Макаров
+ The lower-boundary asymptotics of continuous spectrum for quantum layers laterally coupled by a periodic system of small windows 2001 I. Yu. Popov
+ PDF Chat Storage and retrieval of single photons transmitted between remote quantum memories 2005 T. Chanelière
Dzmitry Matsukevich
S. D. Jenkins
Shau-Yu Lan
Tom Kennedy
A. Kuzmich
+ PDF Chat Spectral theory of quantum memory and entanglement via Raman scattering of light by an atomic ensemble 2007 O. S. Mishina
D. V. Kupriyanov
J. H. Müller
E. S. Polzik
+ PDF Chat Probing Anderson localization of light via decay rate statistics 2004 F. A. Pinheiro
Marian Rusek
Arkadiusz Orłowski
B. A. van Tiggelen
+ PDF Chat Quantum Study of Information Delay in Electromagnetically Induced Transparency 2006 Magnus T. L. Hsu
G. Hétet
O. Glöckl
Jevon J. Longdell
B. C. Buchler
Hans‐A. Bachor
Ping Koy Lam
+ PDF Chat Coherent Backscattering of Light by Cold Atoms 1999 G. Labeyrie
F. De Tomasi
J. Bernard
Cord A. Müller
Christian Miniatura
Robin Kaiser
+ PDF Chat Coherent backscattering of light by cold atoms: Theory meets experiment 2003 G. Labeyrie
Dominique Delande
Cord A. Müller
Christian Miniatura
Robin Kaiser
+ PDF Chat Electromagnetically induced transparency in an inhomogeneously broadened<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Λ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>transition with multiple excited levels 2011 O. S. Mishina
Michael S. Scherman
Pietro Lombardi
J. Ortalo
D. Felinto
A. S. Sheremet
Alberto Bramati
D. V. Kupriyanov
Julien Laurat
E. Giacobino
+ PDF Chat Interfacing Collective Atomic Excitations and Single Photons 2007 Jonathan Simon
Haruka Tanji
James K. Thompson
Vladan Vuletić
+ PDF Chat Storage of Light in Atomic Vapor 2001 David F. Phillips
A. Fleischhauer
A. Mair
Ronald L. Walsworth
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Hanle Effect in Coherent Backscattering 2002 G. Labeyrie
Christian Miniatura
Cord A. Müller
Olivier Sigwarth
Dominique Delande
Robin Kaiser
+ PDF Chat Threshold of a Random Laser with Cold Atoms 2009 Luis S. Froufe‐Pérez
William Guerin
Rémi Carminati
Robin Kaiser
+ PDF Chat Universal Approach to Optimal Photon Storage in Atomic Media 2007 Alexey V. Gorshkov
A. André
Michael Fleischhauer
Anders S. Sørensen
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Photon storage in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>Λ</mml:mi></mml:math>-type optically dense atomic media. II. Free-space model 2007 Alexey V. Gorshkov
A. André
Mikhail D. Lukin
Anders S. Sørensen
+ PDF Chat Reversible Quantum Interface for Tunable Single-Sideband Modulation 2008 J. Cviklinski
J. Ortalo
Julien Laurat
Alberto Bramati
M. Pinard
E. Giacobino
+ PDF Chat Photonic polarization gears for ultra-sensitive angular measurements 2013 Vincenzo D’Ambrosio
Nicolò Spagnolo
Lorenzo Del Re
Sergei Slussarenko
Ying Li
L. C. Kwek
Lorenzo Marrucci
S. P. Walborn
Leandro Aolita
Fabio Sciarrino
+ PDF Chat Quantum interface between light and atomic ensembles 2010 Klemens Hammerer
Anders S. Sørensen
E. S. Polzik
+ PDF Chat Photon storage in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>Λ</mml:mi></mml:math>-type optically dense atomic media. IV. Optimal control using gradient ascent 2008 Alexey V. Gorshkov
Tommaso Calarco
Mikhail D. Lukin
Anders S. Sørensen
+ PDF Chat Quantum information with continuous variables 2005 Samuel L. Braunstein
Peter van Loock
+ PDF Chat Coherent Light Transport in a Cold Strontium Cloud 2002 Yannick Bidel
B.G. Klappauf
J. Bernard
Dominique Delande
G. Labeyrie
Christian Miniatura
David Wilkowski
Robin Kaiser
+ PDF Chat Ultralow-threshold electrically pumped quantum-dot photonic-crystal nanocavity laser 2011 Bryan Ellis
Marie A. Mayer
Gary Shambat
Tomás Sarmiento
James S. Harris
Eugene E. Haller
Jelena Vučković
+ PDF Chat Experimental demonstration of quantum memory for light 2004 Brian Julsgaard
Jacob Sherson
J. I. Cirac
Jaromı́r Fiurášek
E. S. Polzik
+ PDF Chat Quantum memory for photons: Dark-state polaritons 2002 Michael Fleischhauer
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Light trapping in an ensemble of pointlike impurity centers in a Fabry-Perot cavity 2016 A. S. Kuraptsev
I. M. Sokolov
+ PDF Chat Optimal light storage with full pulse-shape control 2008 Irina Novikova
Nathaniel B. Phillips
Alexey V. Gorshkov
+ PDF Chat Quantum memory for light 2000 A. Kozhekin
Klaus Mølmer
E. S. Polzik
+ PDF Chat Light trapping in high-density ultracold atomic gases for quantum memory applications 2010 I. M. Sokolov
D. V. Kupriyanov
R. G. Olave
M. D. Havey
+ PDF Chat Quantum optical systems for the implementation of quantum information processing 2006 Timothy C. Ralph
+ Quantum imaging with sub-Poissonian light: challenges and perspectives in optical metrology 2018 Ivano Ruo Berchera
I. P. Degiovanni
+ PDF Chat Towards a random laser with cold atoms 2010 William Guerin
Nicolas Mercadier
François Michaud
Davide Brivio
Luis S. Froufe‐Pérez
R. Carminati
Vitalie Eremeev
Arthur Goetschy
S. E. Skipetrov
Robin Kaiser
+ PDF Chat Steep optical-wave group-velocity reduction and “storage” of light without on-resonance electromagnetically induced transparency 2002 Mikio Kozuma
Daisuke Akamatsu
L. Deng
E. W. Hagley
Marvin G. Payne
+ Regime of small number of photons in the cavity for a singleemitter laser 2021 Н. В. Ларионов
+ PDF Chat Time-ordering effects in a one-atom laser based on electromagnetically induced transparency 2021 D. B. Horoshko
Chang‐shui Yu
S. Ya. Kilin
+ PDF Chat Modematching an optical quantum memory 2006 Joshua Nunn
Ian A. Walmsley
M. G. Raymer
K. Surmacz
F. C. Waldermann
Z Wang
Dieter Jaksch
+ PDF Chat Quantum memories 2010 Christoph Simon
Mikael Afzelius
J. Appel
A. Boyer de la Giroday
Samuel Dewhurst
Nicolas Gisin
C. Y. Hu
Fedor Jelezko
Stefan Kröll
J. H. Müller
+ PDF Chat Mapping broadband single-photon wave packets into an atomic memory 2007 Joshua Nunn
Ian A. Walmsley
Michael G. Raymer
K. Surmacz
F. C. Waldermann
Z. Wang
Dieter Jaksch
+ PDF Chat Optical control of diffuse light storage in an ultracold atomic gas 2011 L. V. Gerasimov
I. M. Sokolov
D. V. Kupriyanov
R. G. Olave
M. D. Havey