Ilan Barnea


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative CW-spectra as enriched presheaves on matrix algebras 2022 Gregory Arone
Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ PDF Chat Suspension spectra of matrix algebras, the rank filtration, and rational noncommutative CW-spectra 2022 Gregory Arone
Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ Noncommutative CW-spectra as enriched presheaves on matrix algebras 2021 Gregory Arone
Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ Suspension spectra of matrix algebras, the rank filtration, and rational noncommutative CW-spectra 2021 Gregory Arone
Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ Inverse limits of left adjoint functors on pointed sets 2020 Ilan Barnea
Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat The abelianization of inverse limits of groups 2018 Ilan Barnea
Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat Pro-categories in homotopy theory 2017 Ilan Barnea
Yonatan Harpaz
Geoffroy Horel
+ From weak cofibration categories to model categories 2016 Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ The abelianization of inverse limits of groups 2016 Ilan Barnea
Saharon Shelah
+ A projective model structure on pro-simplicial sheaves, and the relative étale homotopy type 2016 Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ From weak cofibration categories to model categories 2016 Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ The abelianization of inverse limits of groups 2016 Ilan Barnea
Saharon Shelah
+ Model structure on projective systems of $C^*$-algebras and bivariant homology theories 2015 Ilan Barnea
M. Joachim
Snigdhayan Mahanta
+ The two out of three property in ind-categories and a convenient model category of spaces 2015 Ilan Barnea
+ PDF Chat Model structures on ind-categories and the accessibility rank of weak equivalences 2015 Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ Model structure on projective systems of $C^*$-algebras and bivariant homology theories 2015 Ilan Barnea
M. Joachim
Snigdhayan Mahanta
+ Model Structures on Ind Categories and the Accessibility Rank of Weak Equivalences 2014 Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ PDF Chat A new model for pro-categories 2014 Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ A new model for pro-categories 2014 Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ Model Structures on Ind Categories and the Accessibility Rank of Weak Equivalences 2014 Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ Functorial Factorizations in Pro Categories 2013 Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ Functorial Factorizations in Pro Categories 2013 Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ A Projective Model Structure on Pro Simplicial Sheaves, and the Relative \'Etale Homotopy Type 2011 Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ A Projective Model Structure on Pro Simplicial Sheaves, and the Relative Étale Homotopy Type 2011 Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Locally Presentable and Accessible Categories 1994 J. Adámek
J. Rosicky
+ PDF Chat A new model for pro-categories 2014 Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ Higher Topos Theory 2009 Jacob Lurie
+ PDF Chat Abstract homotopy theory and generalized sheaf cohomology 1973 Kenneth S. Brown
+ PDF Chat Čech and Steenrod Homotopy Theories with Applications to Geometric Topology 1976 David A. Edwards
Harold M. Hastings
+ Strict Model Structures for Pro-categories 2003 Daniel C. Isaksen
+ PDF Chat Model structures on ind-categories and the accessibility rank of weak equivalences 2015 Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ Model Categories and Their Localizations 2009 Philip Hirschhorn
+ A projective model structure on pro-simplicial sheaves, and the relative étale homotopy type 2016 Ilan Barnea
Tomer M. Schlank
+ PDF Chat Dwyer–Kan localization revisited 2016 Vladimir Hinich
+ PDF Chat Pro-categories in homotopy theory 2017 Ilan Barnea
Yonatan Harpaz
Geoffroy Horel
+ PDF Chat Calculating limits and colimits in pro-categories 2002 Daniel C. Isaksen
+ PDF Chat Simplicial Homotopy Theory 2009 Paul G. Goerss
John F. Jardine
+ PDF Chat Homotopical algebra for C*-algebras 2013 Otgonbayar Uuye
+ Pullback and Pushout Constructions in C*-Algebra Theory 1999 Gert K. Pedersen
+ Function complexes in homotopical algebra 1980 W. G. Dwyer
D Kan
+ A generalization of Quillen's small object argument 2005 Boris Chorny
+ A model structure on the category of pro-simplicial sets 2001 Daniel C. Isaksen
+ Quillen adjunctions induce adjunctions of quasicategories 2015 Aaron Mazel-Gee
+ The homotopy category is a homotopy category 1972 Arne Str�m
+ PDF Chat Simplicial Homotopy Theory 1999 Paul G. Goerss
John F. Jardine
+ Inverse limits of C*-algebras and applications 1989 Nicholas C. K. Phillips
+ Formal category theory: adjointness for 2-categories 1974 John W. Gray
+ Yoneda lemma for enriched ∞-categories 2020 Vladimir Hinich
+ Higher spinor classes 1994 John F. Jardine
+ Model structure on projective systems of $C^*$-algebras and bivariant homology theories 2015 Ilan Barnea
M. Joachim
Snigdhayan Mahanta
+ PDF Chat Théorie des Topos et Cohomologie Etale des Schémas 1972 J. L. Verdier
B. Saint-Donat
Alexandre Grothendieck
J.-L. Verdier
+ PDF Chat Homotopy theory of posets 2010 George Raptis
+ PDF Chat Beyond the Manin obstruction 1999 Alexei N. Skorobogatov
+ Noncommutative Motives I: A Universal Characterization of the Motivic Stable Homotopy Theory of Schemes 2012 Marco Robalo
+ Calculus of Fractions and Homotopy Theory 1967 Peter Gabriel
Michel Zisman
+ PDF Chat Relative categories: Another model for the homotopy theory of homotopy theories 2012 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ Inverse limits of C^*-algebras 1988 N. Christopher Phillips
+ The accessibility rank of weak equivalences 2014 George Raptis
Jir̆ı́ Rosický
+ On the values of the functorlim 1979 Robert B. Warfield
Martin Huber
+ PDF Chat Symmetric monoidal noncommutative spectra, strongly self-absorbing $C^*$-algebras, and bivariant homology 2017 Snigdhayan Mahanta
+ PDF Chat Categories for the Working Mathematician 1971 Saunders Mac Lane
+ Model structures for pro-simplicial presheaves 2011 John F. Jardine
+ PDF Chat Spectra and symmetric spectra in general model categories 2001 Mark Hovey
+ PDF Chat Weak equivalences of simplicial presheaves 2004 Daniel Dugger
Daniel C. Isaksen
+ PDF Chat A characterization of<i>KK</i>-theory 1987 Nigel Higson
+ PDF Chat Non-splitting in Kirchberg's Ideal-related<i>KK</i>-Theory 2010 Søren Eilers
Gunnar Restorff
Efren Ruiz
+ Homotopy Theory of C*-Algebras 2010 Paul Arne Østvær
+ PDF Chat Model structures on pro-categories 2007 Halvard Fausk
Daniel C. Isaksen
+ Quasi-categories and Kan complexes 2002 André Joyal
+ Stability of anticommutation relations: An Application of noncommutative CW-complexes 1998 Gert K. Pedersen
Terry A. Loring
Søren Eilers
+ PDF Chat Model Categories of Diagram Spectra 2001 Michael A. Mandell
J. P. May
Stefan Schwede
Brooke Shipley
+ Über LMC‐Algebren 1975 Konrad Schmüdgen
+ Etale homotopy of simplicial schemes 1982 Eric M. Friedlander
+ PDF Chat Morita homotopy theory of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">C</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>⁎</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>-categories 2013 Ivo Dell’Ambrogio
Gonçalo Tabuada