Cristiana Sebu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Estimating the strong coupling from $\tau$ decay using accelerating series convergence 2024 Karl Schilcher
Cristiana Sebu
H. Spiesberger
+ Simultaneous determination of mass density and flexural rigidity of the damped Euler–Bernoulli beam from two boundary measured outputs 2022 Cristiana Sebu
+ PDF Chat Research biography of a distinguished expert in the field of inverse problems: Professor Eric Todd Quinto 2022 Mark Agranovsky
Jan Boman
Alemdar Hasanov
Raluca Felea
JĂźrgen Frikel
Venky Krishnan
Roman Novikov
Ronny Ramlau
Cristiana Sebu
+ On unique determination of an unknown spatial load in damped Euler–Bernoulli beam equation from final time output 2021 Anjuna Dileep
Alemdar Hasanov
K. Sakthivel
Cristiana Sebu
+ Identification of a space- and time-dependent source in a variable coefficient advection-diffusion equation from Dirichlet and Neumann boundary measured outputs 2020 Cristiana Sebu
+ Identification of an unknown shear force in the Euler–Bernoulli cantilever beam from measured boundary deflection 2019 Alemdar Hasanov
Onur Baysal
Cristiana Sebu
+ Learning to Invert Pseudo-Spectral Data for Seismic Waveform Inversion 2019 Christopher Zerafa
Pauline Galea
Cristiana Sebu
+ Identification of separable sources for advection-diffusion equations with variable diffusion coefficient from boundary measured data 2016 Magira Kulbay
Balgaisha Mukanova
Cristiana Sebu
+ PDF Chat Sparse 3D reconstructions in electrical impedance tomography using real data 2013 Matthias Gehre
Tobias Kluth
Cristiana Sebu
Peter Maaß
+ PDF Chat Conductivity imaging with interior potential measurements 2011 C. Hähnlein
Karl Schilcher
Cristiana Sebu
H. Spiesberger
+ PDF Chat A regularized solution for the inverse conductivity problem using mollifiers 2009 Peter Maaß
Michael Pidcock
Cristiana Sebu
+ A mollifier method for the inverse conductivity problem 2008 Peter Maaß
Michael Pidcock
Cristiana Sebu
+ The asymptotic behaviour of weak solutions to the forward problem of electrical impedance tomography on unbounded three‐dimensional domains 2008 Michael Lukaschewitsch
Peter Maaß
Michael Pidcock
Cristiana Sebu
+ On the resolving power of electrical impedance tomography 2007 Pierre Sabatier
Cristiana Sebu
+ QCD condensates from τ-decay data: a functional approach 2004 S. Ciulli
Cristiana Sebu
Karl Schilcher
H. Spiesberger
+ PDF Chat An integral equation method for the inverse conductivity problem 2004 S. Ciulli
Michael Pidcock
Cristiana Sebu
+ Problèmes inversÊs dans la physique classique et quantique 2004 Cristiana Sebu
+ On the inverse conductivity problem in the half space 2003 S. Ciulli
Michael Pidcock
Cristiana Sebu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Inverse boundary value problems at the boundary—continuous dependence 1988 John Sylvester
GĂźnther Uhlmann
+ Image reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography using an integral equation of the Lippmann–Schwinger type 2000 S. Ciulli
Michael Pidcock
T. D. Spearman
A. Stroian
+ Electrical impedance tomography 2002 Liliana Borcea
+ PDF Chat An implementation of the reconstruction algorithm of A Nachman for the 2D inverse conductivity problem 2001 Samuli Siltanen
Jennifer J. Mueller
David Isaacson
+ PDF Chat Identification of conductivity imperfections of small diameter by boundary measurements. Continuous dependence and computational reconstruction 1998 Donna J. Cedio-Fengya
Shari Moskow
Michael Vogelius
+ A direct impedance tomography algorithm for locating small inhomogeneities 2003 Martin Br�hl
Martin Hanke
Michael Vogelius
+ PDF Chat REGULARIZATION TOOLS: A Matlab package for analysis and solution of discrete ill-posed problems 1994 Per Christian Hansen
+ PDF Chat An integral equation method for the inverse conductivity problem 2004 S. Ciulli
Michael Pidcock
Cristiana Sebu
+ Introduction to Inverse Problems for Differential Equations 2017 Alemdar Hasanov Hasanoğlu
V. G. Romanov
+ An implementation of the reconstruction algorithm of A Nachman for the 2D inverse conductivity problem 2000 Samuli Siltanen
Jennifer L. Mueller
David Isaacson
+ Global Uniqueness for a Two-Dimensional Inverse Boundary Value Problem 1996 Adrian Nachman
+ Numerical implementation of two noniterative methods for locating inclusions by impedance tomography 2000 Martin BrĂźhl
Martin Hanke
+ Inverse eigenvalue problems 1986 Victor Barcilon
+ On the inverse conductivity problem in the half space 2003 S. Ciulli
Michael Pidcock
Cristiana Sebu
+ PDF Chat The Factorization Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography Data from a New Planar Device 2007 Mustapha Azzouz
Martin Hanke
Chantal Oesterlein
Karl Schilcher
+ Identification of variable spacial coefficients for a beam equation from boundary measurements 2007 Jin-De Chang
Bao‐Zhu Guo
+ Fourier collocation algorithm for identifying the spacewise-dependent source in the advection–diffusion equation from boundary data measurements 2015 Alemdar Hasanov
Balgaisha Mukanova
+ PDF Chat Inverse source problem in a one-dimensional evolution linear transport equation with spatially varying coefficients: application to surface water pollution 2013 Adel Hamdi
Imed Mahfoudhi
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Inverse Problems 2011 Andreas Kirsch
+ Tikhonov regularization for electrical impedance tomography on unbounded domains 2003 Michael Lukaschewitsch
Peter Maaß
Michael Pidcock
+ Identification of unknown temporal and spatial load distributions in a vibrating Euler–Bernoulli beam from Dirichlet boundary measured data 2016 Alemdar Hasanov
Onur Baysal
+ Simultaneous determination of source terms in a linear parabolic problem from the final overdetermination: Weak solution approach 2006 Alemdar Hasanov
+ Direct Reconstructions of Conductivities from Boundary Measurements 2003 Jennifer L. Mueller
Samuli Siltanen
+ Inverse Problem Theory and Methods for Model Parameter Estimation 2005 Albert Tarantola
+ PDF Chat Inverse Problems in Vibration 2005 G. M. L. Gladwell
+ A unified approach to regularization methods for linear ill-posed problems 1999 Alfred K. Louis
+ Uniqueness in the determination of unknown coefficients of an Euler–Bernoulli beam equation with observation in an arbitrary small interval of time 2017 Alexandre Kawano
+ PDF Chat The Resolving Power of Gross Earth Data 1968 George Backus
Freeman Gilbert
+ Nonlinear integral equations and the iterative solution for an inverse boundary value problem 2005 Rainer Kreß
William Rundell
+ Identification of unknown spatial load distributions in a vibrating Euler–Bernoulli beam from limited measured data 2016 Alemdar Hasanov
Alexandre Kawano
+ PDF Chat Calderón’s inverse conductivity problem in the plane 2006 Kari Astala
Lassi Païvärinta
+ A mollifier method for linear operator equations of the first kind 1990 Alfred K. Louis
Peter Maaß
+ Identification of an unknown source term in a vibrating cantilevered beam from final overdetermination 2009 Alemdar Hasanov
+ Approximate inverse for linear and some nonlinear problems 1996 Alfred K. Louis
+ The inverse problem for the Euler-Bernoulli beam 1986 G. M. L. Gladwell
+ Some uniqueness theorems for inverse spacewise dependent source problems in nonlinear PDEs 2013 Marián Slodička
+ On the resolving power of electrical impedance tomography 2007 Pierre Sabatier
Cristiana Sebu
+ PDF Chat Inverse Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Theory 2012 David Colton
Rainer Kreß
+ Identification of a point source in a linear advection–dispersion–reaction equation: application to a pollution source problem 2005 Abdellatif El Badia
Tuong Ha-Duong
Adel Hamdi
+ A priori estimates for the general dynamic Euler–Bernoulli beam equation: Supported and cantilever beams 2018 Alemdar Hasanov
Hiromichi Itou
+ Inverse und schlecht gestellte Probleme 1989 Alfred K. Louis
+ Determining conductivity by boundary measurements 1984 Robert V. Kohn
Michael Vogelius
+ The inverse Sturm–Liouville problem. II 1984 Eli L. Isaacson
H. P. McKean
Eugene Trubowitz
+ Numerical Solution of Sturm-Liouville Problems 1994 John D. Pryce
+ On the Laplace operator and on the vector potential problems in the half‐space: an approach using weighted spaces 2003 Tahar Zamène Boulmezaoud
+ Inverse Problems in Classical and Quantum Physics 2009 Andrea A. Almasy
+ Introduction to Inverse Problems in Imaging 1998 M. Bertero
Patrizia Boccacci
+ Numerical solution for temporally and spatially dependent solute dispersion of pulse type input concentration in semi-infinite media 2013 Svetislav Savović
Alexandar Djordjevich
+ Inverse Heat Conduction: Ill-Posed Problems 1985 James V. Beck
Ben Blackwell
Charles Clair
+ PDF Chat On the Degree of Ill-posedness for Linear Problems with Noncompact Operators 2010 Bernd Hofmann
Stefan Kindermann