Irene Heinrich


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Classification of Finite Highly Regular Vertex-Colored Graphs 2025 Irene Heinrich
Thomas Schneider
Pascal Schweitzer
+ Finite Vertex-Colored Ultrahomogeneous Oriented Graphs 2025 Irene Heinrich
Eda Kaja
Pascal Schweitzer
+ Classification of countable 2-colored ultrahomogeneous graphs where each color class forms a disjoint union of cliques 2024 Sofia Brenner
Irene Heinrich
+ Twin-width of graphs with tree-structured decompositions 2024 Irene Heinrich
Simon Raßmann
+ PDF Chat Finite Vertex-colored Ultrahomogeneous Oriented Graphs 2024 Irene Heinrich
Eda Kaja
Pascal Schweitzer
+ PDF Chat Automated testing and interactive construction of unavoidable sets for graph classes of small path‐width 2023 Oliver Bachtler
Irene Heinrich
+ Reductions for the 3-Decomposition Conjecture 2023 Oliver Bachtler
Irene Heinrich
+ Countable ultrahomogeneous 2-colored graphs consisting of disjoint unions of cliques 2023 Sofia Brenner
Irene Heinrich
+ Countable ultrahomogeneous graphs on two imprimitive color classes 2023 Sofia Brenner
Irene Heinrich
+ Exploration of graphs with excluded minors 2023 Júlia Baligács
Yann Disser
Irene Heinrich
Pascal Schweitzer
+ Twin-width of graphs with tree-structured decompositions 2023 Irene Heinrich
Simon Raßmann
+ Line Planning in Public Transport: Bypassing Line Pool Generation 2022 Irene Heinrich
Philine Schiewe
Constantin Seebach
+ Reductions for the 3-Decomposition Conjecture 2021 Oliver Bachtler
Irene Heinrich
+ 2.5-Connectivity: Unique Components, Critical Graphs, and Applications 2020 Irene Heinrich
Till Heller
Eva Schmidt
Manuel Streicher
+ PDF Chat 2.5-Connectivity: Unique Components, Critical Graphs, and Applications 2020 Irene Heinrich
Till Heller
Eva Schmidt
Manuel Streicher
+ Classification of Finite Highly Regular Vertex-Coloured Graphs 2020 Irene Heinrich
Thomas Schneider
Pascal Schweitzer
+ 2.5-Connectivity: Unique Components, Critical Graphs, and Applications 2020 Irene Heinrich
Till Heller
Eva Marina Schmidt
Manuel Streicher
+ Automated Testing and Interactive Construction of Unavoidable Sets for Graph Classes of Small Path-width 2020 Oliver Bachtler
Irene Heinrich
+ PDF Chat Cycle decompositions of pathwidth‐6 graphs 2019 Elke Fuchs
Laura Gellert
Irene Heinrich
+ PDF Chat Cycle decompositions and constructive characterizations 2019 Irene Heinrich
Manuel Streicher
+ Neighborhood and Domination Polynomials of Graphs 2018 Irene Heinrich
Peter Tittmann
+ PDF Chat Large values of the clustering coefficient 2017 Michael Gentner
Irene Heinrich
Simon Jäger
Dieter Rautenbach
+ Constructive Characterization for Cycle Packing and Cycle Covering 2017 Irene Heinrich
Manuel Streicher
+ Cycle Decompositions and Constructive Characterizations 2017 Irene Heinrich
Manuel Streicher
+ Haj\'os' cycle conjecture for small graphs 2017 Irene Heinrich
Marco V. Natale
Manuel Streicher
+ Cycle decompositions of pathwidth-6 graphs 2017 Elke Fuchs
Laura Gellert
Irene Heinrich
+ Counting Dominating Sets of Graphs 2017 Irene Heinrich
Peter Tittmann
+ Minimum Cycle Decomposition: A Constructive Characterization for Graphs of Treewidth Two with Node Degrees Two and Four 2017 Irene Heinrich
Sven O. Krumke
+ Counting Dominating Sets of Graphs 2017 Irene Heinrich
Peter Tittmann
+ Cycle decompositions of pathwidth-6 graphs 2017 Elke C. Fuchs
Laura Gellert
Irene Heinrich
+ Hajós' cycle conjecture for small graphs 2017 Irene Heinrich
Marco V. Natale
Manuel Streicher
+ Cycle Decompositions and Constructive Characterizations 2017 Irene Heinrich
Manuel Streicher
+ Large Values of the Clustering Coefficient 2016 Michael Gentner
Irene Heinrich
Simon Jäger
Dieter Rautenbach
+ Large Values of the Clustering Coefficient 2016 Michael Gentner
Irene Heinrich
Simon Jäger
Dieter Rautenbach
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Hajós’ conjecture and projective graphs 2002 Genghua Fan
Baogang Xu
+ A survey of homogeneous structures 2011 Dugald Macpherson
+ Homogeneous coloured multipartite graphs 2014 Deborah C. Lockett
J. K. Truss
+ Smoothly Embeddable Subgraphs 1974 J. Sheehan
+ PDF Chat Countable homogeneous multipartite graphs 2011 Tristan Jenkinson
J. K. Truss
Daniel Seidel
+ Homogeneoys graphs 1976 A. Gardiner
+ Graduate Texts in Mathematics 1977 Rajendra Bhatia
Glen Bredon
Wolfgang Walter
Joseph Rotman
M. Ram Murty
Jane Gilman
Peter Walters
Martin Golubitsky
Ioannis Karatzas
Henri Cohen
+ PDF Chat Cycle decompositions of pathwidth‐6 graphs 2019 Elke Fuchs
Laura Gellert
Irene Heinrich
+ PDF Chat Countable ultrahomogeneous undirected graphs 1980 A. H. Lachlan
Robert E. Woodrow
+ PDF Chat Recurrence Relations and Splitting Formulas for the Domination Polynomial 2012 Tomer Kotek
James Preen
F. Simon
Peter Tittmann
Martin Trinks
+ PDF Chat Mean value for the matching and dominating polynomial 2000 Jorge L. Arocha
Bernardo Llano
+ PDF Chat Homogeneous Permutations 2002 Peter J‎. Cameron
+ 6-Transitive graphs 1980 Peter J‎. Cameron
+ The regular two-graph on 276 vertices 1975 J.-M. Goethals
J.J. Seidel
+ Spectra of Graphs 2011 Andries E. Brouwer
Willem H. Haemers
+ Connectivity in Graphs 1966 W. T. Tutte
+ Classification of Finite Highly Regular Vertex-Coloured Graphs 2020 Irene Heinrich
Thomas Schneider
Pascal Schweitzer
+ Quasi-4-Connected Components 2016 Martin Grohe
+ Minimum Cycle Decomposition: A Constructive Characterization for Graphs of Treewidth Two with Node Degrees Two and Four 2017 Irene Heinrich
Sven O. Krumke
+ PDF Chat Cycle decompositions and constructive characterizations 2019 Irene Heinrich
Manuel Streicher
+ A Criterion for the t-Vertex Condition of Graphs 2000 Sven Reichard
+ PDF Chat Homomorphism-Homogeneous Relational Structures 2006 Peter J‎. Cameron
Jaroslav Nešetřil
+ PDF Chat Path and cycle decompositions of dense graphs 2021 António Girão
Bertille Granet
Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ Small Cycle Double Covers of Graphs 1990 J. A. Bondy
+ On t-Designs and Groups 1965 D. Hughes
+ Infinite homogeneous bipartite graphs with unequal sides 1996 Martin Goldstern
Rami Grossberg
Menachem Kojman
+ PDF Chat Countable homogeneous tournaments 1984 A. H. Lachlan
+ PDF Chat Geometric Protean Graphs 2012 Anthony Bonato
Jeannette Janssen
Paweł Prałat
+ Finite primitive distance-transitive graphs 2005 John van Bon
+ Rank three permutation groups with rank three subconstituents 1985 Peter J‎. Cameron
Dugald Macpherson
+ Graph isomorphism in quasipolynomial time [extended abstract] 2016 László Babai
+ PDF Chat Connected-Homomorphism-Homogeneous Graphs 2014 Deborah C. Lockett
+ Bipartition polynomials, the Ising model and domination in graphs 2015 Markus Dod
Tomer Kotek
James Preen
Peter Tittmann
+ Classification of countable homogeneous 2-graphs 2011 Simon Edward Rose
+ House of Graphs: A database of interesting graphs 2012 Gunnar Brinkmann
Kris Coolsaet
Jan Goedgebeur
Hadrien Mélot
+ Practical graph isomorphism, II 2013 Brendan D. McKay
Adolfo Piperno
+ PDF Chat Strongly regular graphs with the $$7$$ 7 -vertex condition 2014 Sven Reichard
+ PDF Chat A Contribution to the Theory of Chromatic Polynomials 1954 W. T. Tutte
+ Homomorphism–homogeneous graphs 2010 Momchil Rusinov
Pascal Schweitzer
+ What is the smallest number of dicycles in a dicycle decomposition of an eulerian digraph? 1986 Nathaniel Dean
+ Countable homogeneous partially ordered sets 1979 James H. Schmerl
+ The neighbourhood polynomial of a graph. 2008 Jason I. Brown
Richard J. Nowakowski
+ Two problems on homogeneous structures, revisited 2011 Gregory Cherlin
+ PDF Chat Cherlin’s Conjecture for Finite Primitive Binary Permutation Groups 2022 Nick Gill
Martin W. Liebeck
Pablo Spiga
+ Threshold graphs, shifted complexes, and graphical complexes 2007 Caroline J. Klivans
+ Snarks without Small Cycles 1996 Martin Kochol
+ 1-homogeneous graphs 1985 Russell W. Myers
+ Distance-Regular Graphs 2011 Andries E. Brouwer
Willem H. Haemers
+ A family of cubical graphs 1947 W. T. Tutte
+ Homogeneous Solvable Groups 1991 Gregory Cherlin
Ulrich Felgner