S. Sepehr Tabatabaei


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On dynamic models of human emotion 2012 S. Sepehr Tabatabaei
Mohammad Javad Yazdanpanah
Mohammad Saleh Tavazoei
A. Karimian
+ None 2002 Carl F. Lorenzo
Tom T. Hartley
+ Nonlinear differential equations with the Caputo fractional derivative in the space of continuously differentiable functions 2005 Anatoly A. Kilbas
Sergei Marzan
+ A General Formulation and Solution Scheme for Fractional Optimal Control Problems 2004 Om P. Agrawal
+ Integration and differentiation to a variable fractional order 1993 Stefan Samko
Bertram Ross
+ Incommensurate order fractional optimal control: Application to treatment of psychiatric disorders 2013 S. Sepehr Tabatabaei
Mohammad Javad Yazdanpanah
Mohammad Saleh Tavazoei
+ PDF Chat Noether’s theorem for fractional variational problems of variable order 2013 Tatiana Odzijewicz
Agnieszka B. Malinowska
Delfim F. M. Torres
+ Solution existence for non-autonomous variable-order fractional differential equations 2011 Abolhassan Razminia
Ahmad Feyz Dizaji
Vahid Johari Majd
+ PDF Chat Fractional conservation laws in optimal control theory 2007 GastĂŁo S. F. Frederico
Delfim F. M. Torres
+ Extensions in dynamic models of happiness: effect of memory 2014 S. Sepehr Tabatabaei
Mohammad Javad Yazdanpanah
Sajad Jafari
J. C. Sprott
+ Variable-Order Fractional Operators for Adaptive Order and Parameter Estimation 2014 Milan R. Rapaić
Alessandro Pisano
+ Chaos control and synchronization of dynamical model of happiness with fractional order 2009 Lei Song
Jianying Yang
+ Pontryagin maximum principle for fractional ordinary optimal control problems 2013 RafaƂ Kamocki
+ PDF Chat Algorithms for the fractional calculus: A selection of numerical methods 2004 Kai Diethelm
Neville J. Ford
Alan D. Freed
Yu. Luchko
+ None 2001 Neville J. Ford
A. Charles Simpson
+ Dynamical models of happiness with fractional order 2009 Lei Song
Shiyun Xu
Jianying Yang
+ A Quadratic Numerical Scheme for Fractional Optimal Control Problems 2007 Om P. Agrawal
+ PDF Chat Advances in fractional calculus: theoretical developments and applications in physics and Engineering 2007 Jocelyn Sabatier
Om P. Agrawal
J. A. Tenreiro Machado
+ Fractional Optimal Control Problems With Specified Final Time 2010 Raj Kumar Biswas
Siddhartha Sen
+ Fractional order models of the human respiratory system 2009 Clara M. Ionescu
+ Fractional Differential Equations - An Introduction to Fractional Derivatives, Fractional Differential Equations, to Methods of their Solution and some of their Applications 1999 1
+ Formulation and Numerical Solution for Fractional Order Time Optimal Control Problem Using Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle 2017 S. Sepehr Tabatabaei
Mohammad Javad Yazdanpanah
Mohammad Saleh Tavazoei
+ The Fractional Calculus of Variations 2018 Ricardo Almeida
Dina Tavares
Delfim F. M. Torres
+ OUP accepted manuscript 2017 S. Sepehr Tabatabaei
Mohammad Javad Yazdanapanah
Mohammad Saleh Tavazoei
+ PDF Chat A Review on Variable-Order Fractional Differential Equations: Mathematical Foundations, Physical Models, Numerical Methods and Applications 2019 HongGuang Sun
Ailian Chang
Yong Zhang
Wen Chen
+ PDF Chat A mathematical model for simulating the phase-based transmissibility of a novel coronavirus 2020 Tianmu Chen
Jia Rui
Qiu-Peng Wang
Ze-Yu Zhao
Jing-An Cui
Ling Yin
+ Short-term predictions and prevention strategies for COVID-19: A model-based study 2021 Sk Shahid Nadim
Indrajit Ghosh
Joydev Chattopadhyay
+ PDF Chat Estimate of the Basic Reproduction Number for COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 2020 Yousef Alimohamadi
Maryam Taghdir
Mojtaba Sepandi
+ PDF Chat Forecasting Models for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): A Survey of the State-of-the-Art 2020 Gitanjali R. Shinde
Asmita Balasaheb Kalamkar
Parikshit N. Mahalle
Nilanjan Dey
Jyotismita Chaki
Aboul Ella Hassanien
+ Clarify the physical process for fractional dynamical systems 2020 Ping Zhou
Jun Ma
Jun Tang
+ Applicability of time fractional derivative models for simulating the dynamics and mitigation scenarios of COVID-19 2020 Yong Zhang
Xiangnan Yu
HongGuang Sun
Geoffrey R. Tick
Wei Wei
Bin Jin
+ PDF Chat A fractional-order model for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak 2020 Karthikeyan Rajagopal
Navid Hasanzadeh
Fatemeh Parastesh
Ibrahim Ismael Hamarash
Sajad Jafari
Iqtadar Hussain
+ PDF Chat Influencing factors of COVID-19 spreading: a case study of Thailand 2020 Kraichat Tantrakarnapa
Bhophkrit Bhopdhornangkul
Kanchana Nakhaapakorn
+ SEIR modeling of the COVID-19 and its dynamics 2020 Shaobo He
Yuexi Peng
Kehui Sun
+ A novel mathematics model of covid-19 with fractional derivative. Stability and numerical analysis 2020 Badr Saad T. Alkahtani
Sara Salem Alzaid
+ A mathematical model for COVID-19 transmission by using the Caputo fractional derivative 2020 Nguyen Huy Tuan
Hakimeh Mohammadi
Shahram Rezapour
+ A numerical simulation of fractional order mathematical modeling of COVID-19 disease in case of Wuhan China 2020 Ram Prasad Yadav
Renu Verma
+ The introduction of population migration to SEIAR for COVID-19 epidemic modeling with an efficient intervention strategy 2020 Chen Min
Miao Li
Yixue Hao
Zhongchun Liu
Long Hu
Lin Wang
+ PDF Chat Uncertain SEIAR model for COVID-19 cases in China 2020 Lifen Jia
Wei Chen
+ Fractional Order Model for the Role of Mild Cases in the Transmission of COVID-19 2020 Isa Abdullahi Baba
Bashir Ahmad Nasidi
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Models for COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Analysis 2020 Aniruddha Adiga
Devdatt Dubhashi
Bryan Lewis
Madhav Marathe
Srinivasan Venkatramanan
Anil Vullikanti
+ Mathematical modeling for the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) under fractional nonlocal operator 2020 Saleh S. Redhwan
Mohammed S. ‬Abdo
Kamal Shah
Thabet Abdeljawad
Shaheenah Dawood
Hakim A. Abdo
Sadikali L. Shaikh
+ Modeling and simulation of the novel coronavirus in Caputo derivative 2020 Muhammad Awais
Fehaid Salem Alshammari
Saif Ullah
Muhammad Altaf Khan
Saeed Islam
+ Forecasting the daily and cumulative number of cases for the COVID-19 pandemic in India 2020 Subhas Khajanchi
Kankan Sarkar
+ PDF Chat A review on COVID-19 forecasting models 2021 Iman Rahimi
Chen Fang
Amir H. Gandomi
+ A fractional-order SIRD model with time-dependent memory indexes for encompassing the multi-fractional characteristics of the COVID-19 2021 Hadi Jahanshahi
JesĂșs M. Muñoz‐Pacheco
Stelios Bekiros
Naif D. Alotaibi
+ Fractional model of COVID-19 applied to Galicia, Spain and Portugal 2021 Faïçal Ndaïrou
IvĂĄn Area
Juan J. Nieto
Cristiana J. Silva
Delfim F. M. Torres
+ Impacts of social distancing on the spread of infectious diseases with asymptomatic infection: A mathematical model 2021 He Huang
Yahong Chen
Zhijun Yan
+ Analysis of novel fractional COVID-19 model with real-life data application 2021 Mustafa İnç
Bahar Acay
Hailay Weldegiorgis Berhe
Abdullahi Yusuf
Amir Khan
Shao‐Wen Yao
+ The effectiveness of contact tracing in mitigating COVID-19 outbreak: A model-based analysis in the context of India 2021 Dhiraj Kumar Das
Anupam Khatua
T. K. Kar
Soovoojeet Jana