Dorothee Schueth


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the Dirac Spectrum of Homogeneous 3-Spheres 2022 Jordi Kling
Dorothee Schueth
+ On the Dirac spectrum of homogeneous 3-spheres 2022 Jordi Kling
Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat On the corner contributions to the heat coefficients of geodesic polygons 2020 Dorothee Schueth
+ On the corner contributions to the heat coefficients of geodesic polygons 2018 Dorothee Schueth
+ Contributions to the spectral geometry of locally homogeneous spaces 2018 Sebastian Boldt
Dorothee Schueth
+ On the corner contributions to the heat coefficients of geodesic polygons 2018 Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Generic irreducibilty of Laplace eigenspaces on certain compact Lie groups 2017 Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Inaudibility of sixth order curvature invariants 2016 Teresa Arias-Marco
Dorothee Schueth
+ Generic irreducibilty of Laplace eigenspaces on certain compact Lie groups 2016 Dorothee Schueth
+ Generic irreducibilty of Laplace eigenspaces on certain compact Lie groups 2016 Dorothee Schueth
+ Inaudibility of sixth order curvature invariants 2015 Teresa Arias-Marco
Dorothee Schueth
+ Inaudibility of sixth order curvature invariants 2015 Teresa Arias-Marco
Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Local Symmetry of Harmonic Spaces as Determined by The Spectra of Small Geodesic Spheres 2012 Teresa Arias-Marco
Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Classical equivalence and quantum equivalence of magnetic fields on Flat Tori 2012 Carolyn S. Gordon
William D. Kirwin
Dorothee Schueth
David J. Webb
+ Classical Equivalence and Quantum Equivalence of Magnetic Fields on Flat Tori 2011 Carolyn S. Gordon
William D. Kirwin
Dorothee Schueth
Davi D Webb
+ Quantum Equivalent Magnetic Fields that Are Not Classically Equivalent 2010 Carolyn S. Gordon
William D. Kirwin
Dorothee Schueth
David L. Webb
+ Local symmetry of harmonic spaces as determined by the spectra of small geodesic spheres 2010 Teresa Arias-Marco
Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Spectral isolation of bi-invariant metrics on compact Lie groups 2010 Carolyn S. Gordon
Dorothee Schueth
Craig J. Sutton
+ PDF Chat Quantum Equivalent Magnetic Fields that Are Not Classically Equivalent 2010 Carolyn S. Gordon
William D. Kirwin
Dorothee Schueth
David L. Webb
+ Quantum Equivalent Magnetic Fields that Are Not Classically Equivalent 2010 Carolyn S. Gordon
William D. Kirwin
Dorothee Schueth
David J. Webb
+ Local symmetry of harmonic spaces as determined by the spectra of small geodesic spheres 2010 Teresa Arias-Marco
Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat On inaudible curvature properties of closed Riemannian manifolds 2009 Teresa Arias-Marco
Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Isospectral orbifolds with different maximal isotropy orders 2008 Juan Pablo Rossetti
Dorothee Schueth
Martin Weilandt
+ PDF Chat Integrability of geodesic flows and isospectrality of Riemannian manifolds 2007 Dorothee Schueth
+ Local Spectral Rigidity of Bi-invariant Metrics on Compact Lie Groups 2007 Carolyn S. Gordon
Dorothee Schueth
Craig J. Sutotn
+ Spectral isolation of bi-invariant metrics on compact Lie groups 2007 Carolyn S. Gordon
Dorothee Schueth
Craig J. Sutton
+ Isospectral orbifolds with different maximal isotropy orders 2007 Juan Pablo Rossetti
Dorothee Schueth
Martin Weilandt
+ Integrability of geodesic flows and isospectrality of Riemannian manifolds 2007 Dorothee Schueth
+ Spectral isolation of bi-invariant metrics on compact Lie groups 2007 Carolyn S. Gordon
Dorothee Schueth
Craig J. Sutton
+ PDF Chat Isoscattering deformations for complete manifolds of negative curvature 2006 Peter Perry
Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Isospectral and isoscattering manifolds: a survey of techniques and examples 2005 Carolyn S. Gordon
Peter Perry
Dorothee Schueth
+ On the 'Standard' Condition for Noncompact Homogeneous Einstein Spaces 2004 Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Isospectral potentials and conformally equivalent isospectral metrics on spheres, balls and Lie groups 2003 Carolyn S. Gordon
Dorothee Schueth
+ Constructing Isospectral Metrics via Principal Connections 2003 Dorothee Schueth
+ Isospectral potentials and conformally equivalent isospectral metrics on spheres, balls and Lie groups 2002 Carolyn S. Gordon
Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Isospectral Metrics on Five-Dimensional Spheres 2001 Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Isospectral manifolds with different local geometries 2001 Dorothee Schueth
+ Isospectral manifolds with different local geometries 2001 Dorothee Schueth
+ Isospectral metrics on five-dimensional spheres 2001 Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Continuous Families of Isospectral Metrics on Simply Connected Manifolds 1999 Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Isospectral deformations of closed riemannian manifolds with different scalar curvature 1998 Carolyn S. Gordon
Ruth Gornet
Dorothee Schueth
David L. Webb
Edward N. Wilson
+ Isospectral deformations of closed Riemannian manifolds with different scalar curvature 1997 Carolyn S. Gordon
Ruth Gornet
Dorothee Schueth
David L. Webb
Edward N. Wilson
+ PDF Chat Line bundle Laplacians over isospectral nilmanifolds 1997 Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Distinguishing isospectral nilmanifolds by bundle laplacians 1997 Carolyn S. Gordon
He Ouyang
Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Symplectic rigidity of geodesic flows on two-step nilmanifolds1 1997 C SGORDON
Yiping Mao
Dorothee Schueth
+ Continuous families of isospectral metrics on simply connected manifolds 1997 Dorothee Schueth
+ Isospectral deformations of closed Riemannian manifolds with different scalar curvature 1997 Carolyn S. Gordon
Ruth Gornet
Dorothee Schueth
David L. Webb
Edward N. Wilson
+ Isospectral deformations on Riemannian manifolds which are diffeomorphic to compact Heisenberg manifolds 1995 Dorothee Schueth
+ Continuous Families of Quasi-Regular Representations of Solvable Lie Groups 1995 Dorothee Schueth
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Isospectral deformations of compact solvmanifolds 1984 Carolyn S. Gordon
Edward N. Wilson
+ Riemannian Coverings and Isospectral Manifolds 1985 Toshikazu Sunada
+ Isospectral deformations II: Trace formulas, metrics, and potentials 1989 Dennis DeTurck
Carolyn S. Gordon
Kyung Bai Lee
+ Locally Non-isometric yet Super Isospectral Spaces 1999 Z.I. Szab�
+ Continuous families of isospectral Riemannian metrics which are not locally isometric 1997 Carolyn S. Gordon
Edward N. Wilson
+ PDF Chat Isospectral deformations of closed riemannian manifolds with different scalar curvature 1998 Carolyn S. Gordon
Ruth Gornet
Dorothee Schueth
David L. Webb
Edward N. Wilson
+ PDF Chat Isospectral closed Riemannian manifolds which are not locally isometric 1993 Carolyn S. Gordon
+ PDF Chat Continuous Families of Isospectral Metrics on Simply Connected Manifolds 1999 Dorothee Schueth
+ Isospectral plane domains and surfaces via Riemannian orbifolds 1992 Carolyn S. Gordon
David L. Webb
Scott A. Wolpert
+ Isospectral deformations of metrics on spheres 2001 Carolyn S. Gordon
+ PDF Chat Continuous families of Riemannian manifolds, Isospectral on functions but not on 1-forms 2000 Ruth Gornet
+ PDF Chat Isospectral manifolds with different local geometries 2001 Dorothee Schueth
+ Isospectral deformations of negatively curved Riemannian manifolds with boundary which are not locally isometric 2002 Carolyn S. Gordon
Zoltán Szabó
+ PDF Chat On lens spaces which are isospectral but not isometric 1980 Akira Ikeda
+ Invariance theory, the heat equation, and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem 1995 Peter Gilkey
+ PDF Chat The spectrum of the Laplacian on Riemannian Heisenberg manifolds. 1986 Carolyn S. Gordon
Edward N. Wilson
+ Isospectral deformations I: Riemannian structures on two‐step nilspaces 1987 Dennis DeTurck
Carolyn S. Gordon
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues of the Laplacian of Riemannian manifolds 1973 Shûkichi Tanno
+ PDF Chat Isospectral families of conformally equivalent Riemannian metrics 1990 Robert Brooks
Carolyn S. Gordon
+ PDF Chat Geometry of $2$-step nilpotent groups with a left invariant metric 1994 Patrick Eberlein
+ Varietes Riemanniennes Isospectrales et non Isometriques 1980 Marie-France Vignéras
+ PDF Chat A new construction of isospectral Riemannian nilmanifolds with examples. 1996 Ruth Gornet
+ A characterization of the canonical spheres by the spectrum 1980 Sh�kichi Tanno
+ Isospectral deformations on Riemannian manifolds which are diffeomorphic to compact Heisenberg manifolds 1995 Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Isospectral Riemann surfaces 1986 Peter Buser
+ None 1992 J. Conway
N. J. A. Sloane
+ PDF Chat Isospectral Metrics on Five-Dimensional Spheres 2001 Dorothee Schueth
+ PDF Chat Generalized Heisenberg Groups and Damek-Ricci Harmonic Spaces 1995 Jürgen Berndt
F. Tricerri
L. Vanhecke
+ PDF Chat On eigen-values of Laplacian and curvature of Riemannian manifold 1971 Takashi Sakai
+ PDF Chat Isospectral metrics and potentials on classical compact simple Lie groups 2005 Emily Proctor
+ PDF Chat Flat manifolds isospectral on p-forms 2001 Roberto J. Miatello
Juan Pablo Rossetti
+ Mutually Isospectral Riemann Surfaces 1998 Robert Brooks
Ruth Gornet
William H. Gustafson
+ On the spectrum of positive elliptic operators and periodic bicharacteristics 1975 J. J. Duistermaat
Victor Guillemin
+ PDF Chat Isospectral Pairs of Metrics on Balls, Spheres, and other Manifolds with Different Local Geometries 2001 Zoltán Szabó
+ Isometry groups on homogeneous nilmanifolds 1982 EdwardN. Wilson
+ Survey of Isospectral Manifolds 2000 Carolyn S. Gordon
+ PDF Chat Isospectral simply-connected homogeneous spaces and the spectral rigidity of group actions 2002 Craig J. Sutton
+ PDF Chat Le Spectre D'une Variété Riemannienne 1971 Marcel Berger
Paul Gauduchon
Edmond Mazet
+ Cornucopia of Isospectral Pairs of Metrics on Balls and Spheres with Different Local Geometries 2000 Zoltán Szabó
+ On the Construction of Isospectral Manifolds 2004 Werner Ballmann
+ PDF Chat Isospectral surfaces of small genus 1987 Brooks Roberts
Richard Tse
+ Spectral rigidity of a compact negatively curved manifold 1998 Christopher B. Croke
Vladimir Sharafutdinov
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel for orbifolds 2008 Emily B. Dryden
Carolyn S. Gordon
Sarah J. Greenwald
David L. Webb
+ Isospectral sets of conformally equivalent metrics 1989 Robert Brooks
Peter Perry
Paul Yang
+ PDF Chat Transplantation Et Isospectralité II 1993 Pierre Bérard
+ Compact isospectral sets of surfaces 1988 Brad Osgood
Ralph S. Phillips
Peter Sarnak
+ PDF Chat Riemannian geometry as determined by the volumes of small geodesic balls 1979 Alfred Gray
L. Vanhecke
+ PDF Chat Length and Eigenvalue Equivalence 2007 Christopher J. Leininger
D. B. McReynolds
Walter D. Neumann
Alan W. Reid
+ Foundations of Differential Geometry 1963 Shôshichi Kobayashi
Katsumi Nomizu
+ PDF Chat Geometry and Spectra of Compact Riemann Surfaces 2010 Peter Buser