Éric Leichtnam


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat ZETA INVARIANTS OF MORSE FORMS 2024 Jesús A. Álvarez López
Yuri A. Kordyukov
Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat Topology of the space of conormal distributions 2024 Jesús A. Álvarez López
Yuri A. Kordyukov
Éric Leichtnam
+ A Trace Formula for Foliated Flows. 2024 Éric Leichtnam
Yuri A Kordyukov
Jesús A. Álvarez López
+ Arithmétique quasicristalline : vers une définition des modules de Drinfeld en caractéristique nulle 2023 Tim Gendron
Éric Leichtnam
Pierre Lochak
+ Topology of the space of conormal distributions 2023 Jesús A. Álvarez López
Yuri A. Kordyukov
Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat Simple foliated flows 2022 Jesús A. Álvarez López
Yuri A. Kordyukov
Éric Leichtnam
+ On complex algebraic singularities of some genuinely non linear PDEs 2021 Denys Dutykh
Éric Leichtnam
+ Zeta invariants of Morse forms 2021 Jesús A. Álvarez López
Yuri A. Kordyukov
Éric Leichtnam
Éric Leichtnam
Pierre Lochak
+ Simple foliated flows 2019 Jesús A. Álvarez López
Yuri A. Kordyukov
Éric Leichtnam
+ Analysis on Riemannian foliations of bounded geometry 2019 Jesús A. Álvarez López
Yuri A. Kordyukov
Éric Leichtnam
+ Modules de Drinfeld Quasicristallins 2019 Thibault Gendron
Éric Leichtnam
Pierre Lochak
+ Simple foliated flows 2019 Jesús A. Álvarez López
Yuri A. Kordyukov
Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat The Novikov conjecture on Cheeger spaces 2017 Pierre Albin
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat The higher twisted index theorem for foliations 2017 Moulay-Tahar Benameur
Alexander Gorokhovsky
Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat A classification of the commutative Banach perfect semi-fields of characteristic 1: applications 2017 Éric Leichtnam
+ The higher twisted index theorem for foliations 2016 Moulay-Tahar Benameur
Alexander Gorokhovsky
Éric Leichtnam
+ A classification of the commutative Banach perfect semi-fields of characteristic 1. Applications 2016 Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat Hodge theory on Cheeger spaces 2016 Pierre Albin
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ A classification of the commutative Banach perfect semi-fields of characteristic 1. Applications 2016 Éric Leichtnam
+ The higher twisted index theorem for foliations 2016 Moulay-Tahar Benameur
Alexander Gorokhovsky
Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat Refined intersection homology on non-Witt spaces 2014 Pierre Albin
Markus Banagl
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat Riemannian foliations of bounded geometry 2014 Jesús A. Álvarez López
Yuri A. Kordyukov
Éric Leichtnam
+ On the analogy between L-functions and Atiyah-Bott-Lefschetz trace formulas for foliated spaces 2014 Éric Leichtnam
+ Refined intersection homology on non-Witt spaces 2013 Pierre Albin
Markus Banagl
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ The Novikov conjecture on Cheeger spaces 2013 Pierre Albin
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ Riemannian foliations of bounded geometry 2013 Jesús A. Álvarez López
Yuri A. Kordyukov
Éric Leichtnam
+ Hodge theory on Cheeger spaces 2013 Pierre Albin
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ On the analogy between L-functions and Atiyah-Bott-Lefschetz trace formulas for foliated spaces 2013 Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat Commuting and Noncommuting Infinitesimals 2013 Mikhail G. Katz
Éric Leichtnam
+ Riemannian foliations of bounded geometry 2013 Jesús A. Álvarez López
Yuri A. Kordyukov
Éric Leichtnam
+ Refined intersection homology on non-Witt spaces 2013 Pierre Albin
Markus Banagl
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ Hodge theory on Cheeger spaces 2013 Pierre Albin
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ The Novikov conjecture on Cheeger spaces 2013 Pierre Albin
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat The signature package on Witt spaces 2012 Pierre Albin
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ The signature package on Witt spaces 2011 Pierre Albin
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ Asymptotic equivariant index of Toeplitz operators and relative index of CR structures 2011 L. Boutet de Monvel
Éric Leichtnam
Xiang Tang
Alan Weinstein
+ The signature package on Witt spaces 2011 Pierre Albin
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ The signature package on Witt spaces, II. Higher signatures 2009 Pierre Albin
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ The signature package on Witt spaces, I. Index classes 2009 Pierre Albin
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ On the analogy between Arithmetic Geometry and foliated spaces 2008 Éric Leichtnam
+ Asymptotic equivariant index of Toeplitz operators and relative index of CR structures 2008 L. Boutet de Monvel
Éric Leichtnam
Xiang Tang
Alan Weinstein
+ PDF Chat Poisson geometry and deformation quantization near a strictly pseudoconvex boundary 2007 Éric Leichtnam
Xiang Tang
Alan Weinstein
+ The index of Dirac operators on manifolds with fibered boundaries 2007 Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ Scaling group flow and Lefschetz trace formula for laminated spaces with p-adic transversal 2006 Éric Leichtnam
+ Poisson geometry and deformation quantization near a pseudoconvex boundary 2006 Éric Leichtnam
Xiang Tang
Alan Weinstein
+ Scaling group flow and Lefschetz trace formula for laminated spaces with $p-$adic transversal 2006 Éric Leichtnam
+ The index of Dirac operators on manifolds with fibered boundaries 2006 Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat Étale groupoids, eta invariants and index theory 2005 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ An invitation to Deninger’s work on arithmetic zeta functions 2005 Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat Cut-and-paste on foliated bundles 2005 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ Cut-and-Paste on Foliated Bundles 2004 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ Elliptic Operators and Higher Signatures 2004 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat Elliptic operators and higher signatures 2004 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ Cut-and-Paste on Foliated Bundles 2004 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ Elliptic Operators and Higher Signatures 2004 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat Dirac index classes and the noncommutative spectral flow 2003 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ Etale Groupoids, eta invariants and index theory 2003 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat On the cut-and-paste property of higher signatures of a closed oriented manifold 2002 Éric Leichtnam
Wolfgang Lück
Matthias Kreck
+ PDF Chat On Higher Eta-Invariants and Metrics of Positive Scalar Curvature 2001 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat Local Formula for the Index of a Fourier Integral Operator 2001 Éric Leichtnam
Ryszard Nest
Boris Tsygan
+ Crossed Product Algebras and the Homology of Certain p-Adic and Adélic Dynamical Systems 2000 Éric Leichtnam
Victor Nistor
+ None 2000 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat On the homotopy invariance of higher signatures for manifolds with boundary 2000 Éric Leichtnam
John Lott
Paolo Piazza
+ Local formula for the index of a Fourier Integral Operator 2000 Éric Leichtnam
Ryszard Nest
Boris Tsygan
+ On the cut and paste property of higher signatures of a closed oriented manifold 2000 Éric Leichtnam
Wolfgang Lueck
+ PDF Chat Homotopy invariance of twisted higher signatures on manifolds with boundary 1999 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ On the homotopy invariance of higher signatures for manifolds with boundary 1999 Éric Leichtnam
John Lott
Paolo Piazza
+ Applications of Connes' Geodesic Flow to Trace Formulas in Noncommutative Geometry 1998 François Golse
Éric Leichtnam
+ Higher eta invariants and the Novikov conjecture on manifolds with boundary 1998 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat Spectral Sections and Higher Atiyah-Patodi-Singer Index Theory on Galois Coverings 1998 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ Higher Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theory on Galois coverings 1997 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ Extension du phénomène de brisure spontanée de symétrie de Bost-Connes au cas des corps globaux quelconques 1997 D. Harari
Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat The $b$-pseudodifferential calculus on Galois coverings and a higher Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theorem 1997 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ The Noncommutative Residue for Manifolds with Boundary 1996 Boris Fedosov
François Golse
Éric Leichtnam
Elmar Schrohe
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic microlocal analysis and inversion formulae for the heat equation on compact real-analytic riemannian manifolds 1996 Éric Leichtnam
François Golse
Matthew B. Stenzel
+ Ergodic properties of eigenfunctions for the Dirichlet problem 1993 Patrick Gérard
Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat Le problème de Cauchy ramifié linéaire pour des données à singularités algébriques 1993 Éric Leichtnam
+ Ergodicité de fonctions propres pour des problèmes aux limites 1992 Patrick Gérard
Éric Leichtnam
+ Le problème de Cauchy ramifié linéaire pour des données à singularités algébriques 1992 Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat Équirépartition de fonctions propres pour des problèmes aux limites 1992 Patrick Gérard
Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat Le problème de Cauchy ramifié semi-linéaire d'ordre deux 1991 Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat Rectificatif à l'article intitulé «Régularité microlocale pour des problèmes de Dirichlet non linéaires non caractéristiques d'ordre deux à bord peu régulier» 1990 Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat Le problème de Cauchy ramifié 1990 Éric Leichtnam
+ Le problème de Cauchy ramifié I 1990 Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat Construction de solutions singulières pour des équations aux dérivées partielles non linéaires 1987 Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat Régularité microlocale pour des problèmes de Dirichlet non linéaires non caractéristiques d'ordre deux à bord peu régulier 1987 Éric Leichtnam
+ Régularité microlocale pour des problèmes de Dirichlet non linéaires non caractéristiques d'ordre deux à bord peu régulier 1987 Éric Leichtnam
+ Régularité microlocale pour des problèmes de Dirichlet non linéaires non caractéristiques d'ordre deux à bord peu régulier 1987 Éric Leichtnam
+ Contributions à l'étude des singularités des solutions des équations aux dérivées partielles non linéaires 1987 Éric Leichtnam
+ Construction de solutions singulières pour des équations aux dérivées partielles non linéaires 1986 Éric Leichtnam
+ Front d'0nde d'une sous-variete applications aux equations aux derivees partielles non lineaires 1985 Éric Leichtnam
+ PDF Chat Interactions de singularités pour une classe d'équations à caractéristiques doubles 1985 Éric Leichtnam
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Atiyah-Patodi-Singer Index Theorem 1993 Richard Melrose
+ PDF Chat Superconnections and higher index theory 1992 John Lott
+ PDF Chat An index theorem for families of Dirac operators on odd-dimensional manifolds with boundary 1997 Richard Melrose
Paolo Piazza
+ Cyclic cohomology, the Novikov conjecture and hyperbolic groups 1990 Alain Connes
Henri Moscovici
+ The Atiyah-Singer index theorem for families of Dirac operators: Two heat equation proofs 1986 Jean‐Michel Bismut
+ PDF Chat The $b$-pseudodifferential calculus on Galois coverings and a higher Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theorem 1997 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat Spectral Sections and Higher Atiyah-Patodi-Singer Index Theory on Galois Coverings 1998 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat On the homotopy invariance of higher signatures for manifolds with boundary 2000 Éric Leichtnam
John Lott
Paolo Piazza
+ Spectral asymmetry and Riemannian Geometry. I 1975 Michael Atiyah
V. K. Patodi
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat Higher eta-invariants 1992 John Lott
+ Heat Kernels and Dirac Operators 1992 Nicole Berline
Ezra Getzler
Michèle Vergne
+ PDF Chat Spectral geometry of singular Riemannian spaces 1983 Jeff Cheeger
+ PDF Chat Families of Dirac operators, boundaries and the $b$-calculus 1997 Richard Melrose
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat On the spectral geometry of spaces with cone-like singularities 1979 Jeff Cheeger
+ PDF Chat Homotopy invariance of twisted higher signatures on manifolds with boundary 1999 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
А. Т. Фоменко
+ PDF Chat Novikov's higher signature and families of elliptic operators 1972 Gheorghe Lusztig
+ PDF Chat On the cut-and-paste property of higher signatures of a closed oriented manifold 2002 Éric Leichtnam
Wolfgang Lück
Matthias Kreck
+ EquivariantKK-theory and the Novikov conjecture 1988 Gennadi Kasparov
+ Higher Spectral Flow 1998 Xianzhe Dai
Weiping Zhang
+ PDF Chat Dirac index classes and the noncommutative spectral flow 2003 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat On Higher Eta-Invariants and Metrics of Positive Scalar Curvature 2001 Éric Leichtnam
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat A history and survey of the Novikov conjecture 1995 Steven C. Ferry
Andrew Ranicki
Jonathan Rosenberg
+ PDF Chat The Longitudinal Index Theorem for Foliations 1984 Alain Connes
Georges Skandalis
+ PDF Chat The signature package on Witt spaces 2012 Pierre Albin
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat Local index theory over étale groupoids 2003 Alexander Gorokhovsky
John Lott
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Geometry 2010 Alain Connes
Joachim Cuntz
Marc A. Rieffel
+ PDF Chat Signatures and higher signatures of $S^1$ -quotients 2000 John Lott
+ On the noncommutative spectral flow 2006 Charlotte Wahl
+ Cutting and pasting of manifolds : SK-groups 1973 Ulrich Karras
+ The analysis of elliptic families 1986 Jean‐Michel Bismut
Daniel S. Freed
+ PDF Chat 𝜂-invariants and their adiabatic limits 1989 Jean‐Michel Bismut
Jeff Cheeger
+ Splitting of the family index 1996 Xianzhe Dai
Weiping Zhang
+ An Introduction to Intersection Homology Theory 2006 Frances Kirwan
Jonathan Woolf
+ Pseudodifferential operators on differential groupoids 1999 Victor Nistor
Alan Weinstein
Ping Xu
+ Some questions about the index of quantized contact transformations 1998 Alan Weinstein
+ Extending intersection homology type invariants to non-Witt spaces 2002 Markus Banagl
+ PDF Chat Adjoints of elliptic cone operators 2003 Juan B. Gil
Gerardo A. Mendoza
+ PDF Chat None 2005 Eugénie Hunsicker
Rafe Mazzeo
+ Intersection homology II 1983 Mark Goresky
Robert Macpherson
+ Diffeomorphisms and noncommutative analytic torsion 1999 John Lott
+ An Index Theorem for First Order Regular Singular Operators 1988 Jochen Brüning
R. Seeley
+ Superconnections and the Chern character 1985 Daniel Quillen
+ Elliptic Boundary Problems for Dirac Operators 1993 Bernhelm Booß–Bavnbek
Krzysztof P. Wojciechowski
+ PDF Chat The Godbillon-Vey cyclic cocycle and longitudinal Dirac operators 1996 Hitoshi Moriyoshi
Toshikazu Natsume
+ Elliptic theory of differential edge operators I 1991 Rafe Mazzeo
+ PDF Chat Stratified fibrations and the intersection homology of the regular neighborhoods of bottom strata 2003 Greg Friedman
+ On the Index of Elliptic Operators on Manifolds with Boundary 1993 Paolo Piazza
+ PDF Chat Witt Spaces: A Geometric Cycle Theory for KO-Homology at Odd Primes 1983 Paul H. Siegel