Edward A. K. Cohen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Functional summary statistics and testing for independence in marked point processes on the surface of three dimensional convex shapes 2024 Scott Ward
Edward A. K. Cohen
Niall M. Adams
+ PDF Chat Online Bayesian changepoint detection for network Poisson processes with community structure 2024 Joshua Corneck
Edward A. K. Cohen
James S. Martin
Francesco Sanna Passino
+ PDF Chat Online Changepoint Detection via Dynamic Mode Decomposition 2024 Victor K. Khamesi
Niall M. Adams
Dean A. Bodenham
Edward A. K. Cohen
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric estimation of the intensity function of a spatial point process on a Riemannian manifold 2023 Samuel Ward
Heather Battey
Edward A. K. Cohen
+ PDF Chat A parameter estimation method for multivariate binned Hawkes processes 2022 Leigh Shlomovich
Edward A. K. Cohen
Niall M. Adams
+ Parameter Estimation of Binned Hawkes Processes 2022 Leigh Shlomovich
Edward A. K. Cohen
Niall M. Adams
Lekha Patel
+ Parameter Estimation of Binned Hawkes Processes 2022 Leigh Shlomovich
Edward A. K. Cohen
Niall M. Adams
Lekha Patel
+ PDF Chat Wavelet spectra for multivariate point processes 2021 Edward A. K. Cohen
Alex Gibberd
+ Testing for complete spatial randomness on three dimensional bounded convex shapes 2021 Scott Ward
Edward A. K. Cohen
Niall M. Adams
+ A Parameter Estimation Method for Multivariate Aggregated Hawkes Processes 2021 Leigh Shlomovich
Edward A. K. Cohen
Niall M. Adams
+ PDF Chat Multiresolution analysis of point processes and statistical thresholding for Haar wavelet-based intensity estimation 2020 Youssef Taleb
Edward A. K. Cohen
+ Testing for complete spatial randomness on three dimensional bounded convex shapes 2020 Scott Ward
Edward A. K. Cohen
Niall M. Adams
+ A Monte Carlo EM Algorithm for the Parameter Estimation of Aggregated Hawkes Processes 2020 Leigh Shlomovich
Edward A. K. Cohen
Niall M. Adams
Lekha Patel
+ Improving axial resolution in SIM using deep learning 2020 Miguel Boland
Edward A. K. Cohen
Seth Flaxman
Mark A. A. Neil
+ Testing for complete spatial randomness on three dimensional bounded convex shapes 2020 Scott Ward
Edward A. K. Cohen
Niall M. Adams
+ Wavelet Spectra for Multivariate Point Processes 2019 Edward A. K. Cohen
Alex Gibberd
+ Wavelet Spectra for Multivariate Point Processes 2019 Edward A. K. Cohen
Alex Gibberd
+ Multiresolution analysis of point processes and statistical thresholding for wavelet-based intensity estimation 2018 Youssef Taleb
Edward A. K. Cohen
+ Characterising Dependency in Computer Networks using Spectral Coherence 2017 Alex Gibberd
Jordan Noble
Edward A. K. Cohen
+ A wavelet based likelihood ratio test for the homogeneity of poisson processes 2016 Youssef Taleb
Edward A. K. Cohen
+ Correcting the estimator for the mean vectors in a multivariate errors-in-variables regression model 2015 Johannes F. Lutzeyer
Edward A. K. Cohen
+ PDF Chat Cramér-Rao Lower Bound for Point Based Image Registration With Heteroscedastic Error Model for Application in Single Molecule Microscopy 2015 Edward A. K. Cohen
Doojin Kim
Raimund J. Ober
+ Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Point Based Image Registration with Heteroscedastic Error Model for Application in Single Molecule Microscopy 2015 Edward A. K. Cohen
Doojin Kim
Raimund J. Ober
+ Correcting the estimator for the mean vectors in a multivariate errors-in-variables regression model 2015 Johannes F. Lutzeyer
Edward A. K. Cohen
+ PDF Chat Wavelet Coherence for Certain Nonstationary Bivariate Processes 2011 Edward A. K. Cohen
Andrew T. Walden
+ Wavelet Coherence for Certain Nonstationary 2011 Edward A. K. Cohen
Andrew T. Walden
+ A Statistical Study of Temporally Smoothed Wavelet Coherence 2010 Edward A. K. Cohen
Andrew T. Walden
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Spectra of some self-exciting and mutually exciting point processes 1971 Alan G. Hawkes
+ PDF Chat Modelling security market events in continuous time: Intensity based, multivariate point process models 2007 Clive G. Bowsher
+ PDF Chat Network Estimation From Point Process Data 2018 Benjamin Mark
Garvesh Raskutti
Rebecca Willett
+ Hawkes and INAR(<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>∞</mml:mi></mml:math>) processes 2016 Matthias Kirchner
+ Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the <i>EM</i> Algorithm 1977 A. P. Dempster
N. M. Laird
Donald B. Rubin
+ A unified view of multitaper multivariate spectral estimation 2000 Andrew T. Walden
+ Statistical Inference for Stationary Point Processes 2011 David R. Brillinger
+ PDF Chat Estimation of the intensity of non-homogeneous point processes via wavelets 2010 José Carlos Simon de Miranda
Pedro A. Morettin
+ PDF Chat Smoothing Counting Process Intensities by Means of Kernel Functions 1983 Henrik Ramlau-Hansen
+ The asymptotic distribution of a likelihood ratio test statistic for the homogeneity of poisson distribution 2012 Changyong Feng
Hongyue Wang
Xin Tu
+ Adjusted Score Tests of Homogeneity for Poisson Processes 1999 Edmund T. M. Ng
Richard J. Cook
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to the Theory of Point Processes 2007 D. J. Daley
D. Vere-Jones
+ Asymptotic Properties of Estimators for the Parameters of Spatial Inhomogeneous Poisson Point Processes 1994 Stephen L. Rathbun
Noel Cressie
+ Point pattern analysis on a region of a sphere 2016 Thomas Joseph Lawrence
Adrian Baddeley
Robin K. Milne
Gopalan Nair
+ A Statistical Study of Temporally Smoothed Wavelet Coherence 2010 Edward A. K. Cohen
Andrew T. Walden
+ PDF Chat Statistical Inference and Simulation for Spatial Point Processes 2003 Jesper MĂžller
Rasmus Waagepetersen
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric self-exciting models for computer network traffic 2019 Matthew Price-Williams
Nicholas A. Heard
+ The Large-Sample Distribution of the Likelihood Ratio for Testing Composite Hypotheses 1938 S. S. Wilks
+ Tests for an Increasing Trend in the Intensity of a Poisson Process: A Power Study 1985 Lee J. Bain
Max Engelhardt
F. T. Wright
+ Nonparametric Inference for a Family of Counting Processes 1978 Odd O. Aalen
+ Simulation of Improper Complex-Valued Sequences 2007 Patrick Rubin‐Delanchy
Andrew T. Walden
+ PDF Chat Estimation in a Multivariate "Errors in Variables" Regression Model: Large Sample Results 1981 Leon Jay Gleser
+ Testing Homogeneity for Poisson Processes 2011 RaĂșl Fierro
Alejandra Tapia
+ PDF Chat Functional summary statistics for point processes on the sphere with an application to determinantal point processes 2016 Jesper MĂžller
Ege Rubak
+ PDF Chat Statistical Analysis Based on a Certain Multivariate Complex Gaussian Distribution (An Introduction) 1963 N. R. Goodman
+ PDF Chat Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns 1986 Peter J. Diggle
+ A wavelet based likelihood ratio test for the homogeneity of poisson processes 2016 Youssef Taleb
Edward A. K. Cohen
+ PDF Chat Unified Host and Network Data Set 2018 Melissa Turcotte
Alexander D. Kent
Curtis Hash
+ A Comparative Simulation Study of Wavelet Shrinkage Estimators for Poisson Counts 2004 Panagiotis Besbeas
Italia De Feis
Theofanis Sapatinas
+ PDF Chat The hierarchy of correlation functions and its relation to other measures of galaxy clustering 1979 Simon D. M. White
+ Wavelet Shrinkage: Asymptopia? 1995 David L. Donoho
Iain M. Johnstone
GĂ©rard Kerkyacharian
Dominique Picard
+ Performance bounds on image registration 2006 İmam ƞamil Yetik
Arye Nehorai
+ Probability Density Functions of the Empirical Wavelet Coefficients of Multidimensional Poisson Intensities 2008 José Carlos Simon de Miranda
+ A cluster process representation of a self-exciting process 1974 Alan G. Hawkes
David Oakes
+ A nonparametric estimation procedure for the Hawkes process: comparison with maximum likelihood estimation 2018 Matthias Kirchner
A. Bercher
+ PDF Chat An estimation procedure for the Hawkes process 2016 Matthias Kirchner
+ Heteroscedastic errors in a linear functional relationship 1984 N. N. Chan
Tak K. Mak
+ Multiscale modeling and estimation of Poisson processes with application to photon-limited imaging 1999 K.E. Timmermann
Robert D. Nowak
+ A Comment on “Performance Bounds on Image Registration” 2009 Jing Li
Peikang Huang
+ PDF Chat The control of the false discovery rate in multiple testing under dependency 2001 Yoav Benjamini
Daniel Yekutieli
+ Evolutionary Spectra Estimation Using Wavelets 2004 Pol D. Spanos
Giuseppe Failla
+ Maximum likelihood estimation of Hawkes' self-exciting point processes 1979 T. Ozaki
+ PDF Chat Testing randomness of spatial point patterns with the Ripley statistic 2012 Gabriel Lang
Éric Marcon
+ The Spectral Analysis of Point Processes 1963 M. S. Bartlett
+ PDF Chat A <i>J</i>–function for inhomogeneous point processes 2011 M. N. M. van Lieshout
+ PDF Chat Hawkes Processes in Finance 2015 Emmanuel Bacry
Iacopo Mastromatteo
J. F. Muzy
+ Statistical Models for Earthquake Occurrences and Residual Analysis for Point Processes 1988 Yosihiko Ogata
+ Data dependent wavelet thresholding in nonparametric regression with change-point applications 1996 Todd Ogden
Emanuel Parzen
+ Controlling the False Discovery Rate: A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing 1995 Yoav Benjamini
Yosef Hochberg