Marie‐Eve Beauchamp


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Evaluating Short-Term Drug Effects Using a Physician-Specific Prescribing Preference as an Instrumental Variable 2006 M. Alan Brookhart
Philip S. Wang
Daniel Solomon
Sebastian Schneeweiß
+ Comparison of algorithms to generate event times conditional on time‐dependent covariates 2007 Marie‐Pierre Sylvestre
Michał Abrahamowicz
+ PDF Chat Bias–variance trade‐off in pharmacoepidemiological studies using physician‐preference‐based instrumental variables: a simulation study 2009 Raluca Ionescu‐Ittu
Joseph A. Delaney
Michał Abrahamowicz
+ PDF Chat Variation Over Time of the Effects of Prognostic Factors in a Population-based Study of Colon Cancer: Comparison of Statistical Models 1999 Catherine Quantin
Michał Abrahamowicz
T. Moreau
Gillian Bartlett
Todd A. MacKenzie
M. A. Tazi
L. Lalonde
Jean Faivre
+ Approaches to combat with confounding by indication in observational studies of intended drug effects 2003 Alex D. McMahon
+ Time-Dependent Hazard Ratio: Modeling and Hypothesis Testing with Application in Lupus Nephritis 1996 Michał Abrahamowicz
Todd A. MacKenzie
John M. Esdaile
+ Drug Utilization Patterns 2005 Michał Abrahamowicz
Robyn Tamblyn
+ PDF Chat Attenuation caused by infrequently updated covariates in survival analysis 2003 P. Andersen
+ Joint estimation of time‐dependent and non‐linear effects of continuous covariates on survival 2006 Michał Abrahamowicz
Todd A. MacKenzie
+ Flexible modeling of the cumulative effects of time‐dependent exposures on the hazard 2009 Marie‐Pierre Sylvestre
Michał Abrahamowicz
+ PDF Chat Instrumental variable methods in comparative safety and effectiveness research 2010 M. Alan Brookhart
Jeremy A. Rassen
Sebastian Schneeweiß
+ Observational Studies of Drugs and Mortality 2005 Wayne A. Ray
+ PDF Chat On the necessity and design of studies comparing statistical methods 2017 Anne‐Laure Boulesteix
Harald Binder
Michał Abrahamowicz
Willi Sauerbrei
+ Controlling for Continuous Confounders in Epidemiologic Research 1997 Hermann Brenner
Maria Blettner
+ Constructing Inverse Probability Weights for Marginal Structural Models 2008 Stephen R. Cole
Miguel A. Hernán
+ PDF Chat Instrumental variables II: instrumental variable application—in 25 variations, the physician prescribing preference generally was strong and reduced covariate imbalance 2009 Jeremy A. Rassen
M. Alan Brookhart
Robert J. Glynn
Murray A. Mittleman
Sebastian Schneeweiß
+ PDF Chat Using simulation studies to evaluate statistical methods 2019 Tim P. Morris
Ian R. White
Michael J. Crowther
+ Dynamic Prediction by Landmarking in Event History Analysis 2006 Hans C. van Houwelingen
+ Subgroup analyses in randomized trials: risks of subgroup-specific analyses; 2004 Sara Brookes
Elise Whitely
Matthias Egger
George Davey Smith
Paul A. Mulheran
T. J. Peters
+ Instruments for Causal Inference 2006 Miguel A. Hernán
James M. Robins
+ Parametric survival models for interval-censored data with time-dependent covariates 2006 Yvonne Sparling
+ PDF Chat Analysis of time‐to‐event for observational studies: Guidance to the use of intensity models 2020 Per Kragh Andersen
Maja Pohar Perme
Hans C. van Houwelingen
Richard J. Cook
Pierre Joly
Torben Martinussen
Jeremy M. G. Taylor
Michał Abrahamowicz
Terry M. Therneau
+ PDF Chat Identification of Causal Effects Using Instrumental Variables 1996 Joshua D. Angrist
Guido W. Imbens
Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat Methods for time‐varying exposure related problems in pharmacoepidemiology: An overview 2017 Laura Pazzagli
Marie Linder
Mingliang Zhang
Emese Vágó
Paul Stang
David T. Myers
Morten Andersen
Shahram Bahmanyar
+ PDF Chat Comparison of Approaches to Weight Truncation for Marginal Structural Cox Models 2013 Yongling Xiao
Erica E. M. Moodie
Michał Abrahamowicz
+ The design of simulation studies in medical statistics 2006 Andrea Burton
Douglas G. Altman
Patrick Royston
Roger Holder
+ PDF Chat Identification of Causal Effects Using Instrumental Variables 1996 Joshua D. Angrist
Guido W. Imbens
Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat Simulation-Extrapolation Estimation in Parametric Measurement Error Models 1994 J.R. Cook
Leonard A. Stefanski
+ Marginal Structural Models to Estimate the Causal Effect of Zidovudine on the Survival of HIV-Positive Men 2000 Miguel A. Hernán
Babette Brumback
James M. Robins
+ Comparison of alternative models for linking drug exposure with adverse effects 2011 Michał Abrahamowicz
Marie‐Eve Beauchamp
Marie‐Pierre Sylvestre
+ PDF Chat Preference-Based Instrumental Variable Methods for the Estimation of Treatment Effects: Assessing Validity and Interpreting Results 2007 M. Alan Brookhart
Sebastian Schneeweiß
+ PDF Chat STRengthening Analytical Thinking for Observational Studies: the STRATOS initiative 2014 Willi Sauerbrei
Michał Abrahamowicz
Douglas G. Altman
Saskia le Cessie
James R. Carpenter
+ None 2002 Todd A. MacKenzie
Michał Abrahamowicz
+ Biased estimates of treatment effect in randomized experiments with nonlinear regressions and omitted covariates 1984 Mitchell H. Gail
Sam Wieand
Steven Piantadosi
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Information Criterion for Censored Survival Models 2000 Chris Volinsky
Adrian E. Raftery
+ The Hazards of Hazard Ratios 2009 Miguel A. Hernán
+ Addressing Limitations in Observational Studies of the Association Between Glucose-Lowering Medications and All-Cause Mortality: A Review 2015 Elisabetta Patorno
Elizabeth M. Garry
Amanda R. Patrick
Sebastian Schneeweiß
Victoria Gillet
Olesya Zorina
Dorothee B. Bartels
John D. Seeger
+ Adjustment for Missing Confounders Using External Validation Data and Propensity Scores 2012 Lawrence C. McCandless
Sylvia Richardson
Nicky Best
+ Evaluating the Validity of an Instrumental Variable Study of Neuroleptics 2007 M. Alan Brookhart
Jeremy A. Rassen
Philip S. Wang
Colin R. Dormuth
Helen Mogun
Sebastian Schneeweiß
+ PDF Chat Instrumental variable methods for causal inference 2014 Michael Baiocchi
Jing Cheng
Dylan S. Small
+ Studying noncollapsibility of the odds ratio with marginal structural and logistic regression models 2013 Menglan Pang
Jay S. Kaufman
Robert W. Platt
+ Covariate measurement errors and parameter estimation in a failure time regression model 1982 Ross L. Prentice
+ The use of claims databases for outcomes research: rationale, challenges, and strategies 1997 Brenda R. Motheral
Kathleen A. Fairman
+ Measurement Error in Covariates in the Marginal Hazards Model for Multivariate Failure Time Data 2004 Wendy F. Greene
Jianwen Cai
+ Exploring the Nature of Covariate Effects in the Proportional Hazards Model 1990 Trevor Hastie
Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Use of instrumental variable in prescription drug research with observational data: a systematic review 2010 Yong Chen
Becky A. Briesacher
+ Evidence of subgroup‐specific treatment effect in the absence of an overall effect: is there really a contradiction? 2013 Michał Abrahamowicz
Marie‐Eve Beauchamp
Pierre Fournier
Alexandre Dumont
+ Semi-Automated Sensitivity Analysis to Assess Systematic Errors in Observational Data 2003 Timothy L. Lash
Aliza K. Fink
+ A Semiparametric Approach for Accelerated Failure Time Models with Covariates Subject to Measurement Error 2013 Jiajia Zhang
Wenqing He
Haifen Li
+ Subgroup analysis, covariate adjustment and baseline comparisons in clinical trial reporting: current practiceand problems 2002 Stuart J. Pocock
Susan E. Assmann
Laura E. Enos
Linda Kasten