Louis Laurencelle


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Pour la différence entre deux proportions jumelées, un nouveau test, plus valide et plus puissant [A new standard normal-based test for the difference between paired proportions to supersede obsolete McNemar-like and other indirect procedures] 2023 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat Analysis of frequency data: The ANOFA framework 2023 Louis Laurencelle
Denis Cousineau
+ PDF Chat Le tau de Kendall et deux variantes pour mesurer la cohĂ©rence de variation entre deux sĂ©ries ordinales, leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s et leurs valeurs critiques "honnĂȘtes" 2022 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat Corrigendum Ă  La loi de Pascal restreinte et ses cas particuliers 2022 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat Étude comparative de trois fonctions de transformation d'une proportion (Anscombe, 1948 -- Freeman-Tukey, 1950 -- Chanter 1975) 2021 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat The exact binomial test between two independent proportions: A companion 2021 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat La somme des rangs de Wilcoxon, ses moments, sa distribution nulle,avec illustration et compléments 2020 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat Suppléer aux données manquantes par maximum de vraisemblance : une application à des variables de Bernoulli//Making up for missing data by maximum likelihood estimation: an application to Bernoulli variables 2019 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat Le test binomial exact de la différence entre deux proportions et ses approximations [The exact binomial test between two proportions and its approximations] 2017 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat The unweighted ``harmonic mean'' solution for unbalanced anova designs : A detailed argument 2017 Louis Laurencelle
+ Le quotient de deux variances corr\'el\'ees, sa distribution et son test 2016 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat Les lois Gamma restreintes, leurs variantes, leurs moments et quelques bribes de leurs distributions Time-constrained Gamma variables, their variants, moments and distribution 2016 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat Une thĂ©orie des seuils psychomĂ©triques Ă  double contrĂŽle d’erreur – Partie II : l’erreur de mesure et le concept de norme sĂ»re 2016 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat Le différentiel de sélection multiple 2015 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat A Ratio Test of Interrater Agreement With High Specificity 2015 Denis Cousineau
Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat Errata to Non-central t distribution and the power of the t test: A rejoinder 2015 Denis Cousineau
Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat A general non-linear index of association between two continuous rank-order variables 2015 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat Relative selection as a function of two pre-weighted criteria: A study of two procedures 2014 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat Un indice gĂ©nĂ©ral d’association entre deux variables continues; A general non-linear index of association for two continuous variables 2012 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat Un algorithme efficace pour la comparaison de deux moyennes indépendantes par combinatoire exhaustive; Highly efficient algorithms for the exact randomization test of the difference between two independent means 2012 Pierre Ferland
Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat Faut-il contrîler l’erreur de type I dans le cas de comparaisons de moyennes multiples? Must we over-control the type I error rate in post anova multiple comparison procedures? 2012 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat La loi de Pascal restreinte et ses cas particuliers; Constrained Pascal distribution and its special cases 2012 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat Non-central t distribution and the power of the t test: A rejoinder 2011 Denis Cousineau
Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat La sĂ©lection grĂące Ă  l’utilisation d’une mesure prĂ©dictive : une exploration des mĂ©thodes 2005 Louis Laurencelle
+ The Sampling Variance of<i>r</i>(<i>X</i>,<i>Y</i>) for Unrelated<i>X</i>and<i>Y</i>: A Simple Algebraic Demonstration 2004 Denis Allaire
Louis Laurencelle
+ Statistical Tables, Explained and Applied 2002 Louis Laurencelle
François-A Dupuis
+ Statistical Tables, Explained and Applied 2002 Louis Laurencelle
François-A Dupuis
+ Hasard, nombres aléatoires et méthode Monte Carlo Louis Laurencelle 2001 Louis Laurencelle
+ Hasard, nombres aléatoires et méthode Monte Carlo 2001 Louis Laurencelle
+ Analysis of Covariance: A Proposed Algorithm 1993 Jean-Yves Frigon
Louis Laurencelle
+ Difference between the mean calculated from raw data and from a frequency distribution: a new approach 1992 Louis Laurencelle
Jean-Yves Frigon
Guy ChĂątillon
+ Percentiles from a set of classes or from the raw data? an argument based on the trinomial distribution 1991 Guy ChĂątillon
Louis Laurencelle
+ When Is it Preferable to Estimate Population Percentiles From a Set of Classes Rather Than From the Raw Data? 1987 Guy ChĂątillon
RĂ©al GĂ©linas
Louise Martin
Louis Laurencelle
+ When Is It Preferable to Estimate Population Percentiles from a Set of Classes Rather Than from the Raw Data? 1987 Guy ChĂątillon
RĂ©al GĂ©linas
Louise Martin
Louis Laurencelle
Guy ChĂątillon
Real Gelinas
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Practical Tests of 2 × 2 Contingency Tables 1976 Douglas Liddell
+ Distribution-Free Statistical Tests 1969 Edwin C. Harrington
+ Nonparametrics: Statistical Methods Based on Ranks. 1976 Robert J. Beaver
E. L. Lehmann
+ PDF Chat Le test binomial exact de la différence entre deux proportions et ses approximations [The exact binomial test between two proportions and its approximations] 2017 Louis Laurencelle
+ PDF Chat La loi de Pascal restreinte et ses cas particuliers; Constrained Pascal distribution and its special cases 2012 Louis Laurencelle
+ Chi-plots for assessing dependence 1985 N. I. Fisher
Paul Switzer
+ Statistical Distributions 2010 Catherine Forbes
Merran Evans
Nicholas Anthony John Hastings
Brian Peacock
+ The Advanced Theory of Statistics. 1978 G. M. Clarke
M. G. Kendall
A. Stuart
+ PDF Chat Transformations Related to the Angular and the Square Root 1950 Murray F. Freeman
John W. Tukey
+ Statistical inference under order restrictions 1973 2
+ PDF Chat The Mean Square Successive Difference 1941 J. v. Neumann
R. H. Kent
H. R. Bellinson
B. I. Hart
+ On a waiting time distribution in a sequence of Bernoulli trials 1996 Markos V. Koutras
+ PDF Chat On a Measure of Association 1964 S. D. Silvey
+ Distribution of the Ratio of the Mean Square Successive Difference to the Variance 1941 John von Neumann
+ Bivariate Distributions With Nonmonotone Dependence Structure 1993 Marco Scarsini
Achilles Venetoulias
+ The effect of bias, variance estimation, skewness and kurtosis of the empirical logit on weighted least squares analyses 1985 John J. Gart
Hugh M. Pettigrew
Donald G. Thomas
+ Runs, scans and URN model distributions: A unified Markov chain approach 1995 Markos V. Koutras
V. A. Alexandrou
+ The harmonic mean method for one-way and two-way analyses of variance 1974 Neil O. Rankin
+ Multiple Comparison Procedures 2013 Y. Hochberg
Ajit C. Tamhane
+ Analysis of Variance Frameworks in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology: Issues and Recommendations 2002 James Jaccard
Vincent Guilamo‐Ramos
+ PDF Chat General Distribution Theory of the Concomitants of Order Statistics 1977 Sai-Long Yang
+ PDF Chat A Simulation Study on the Performance of the Simple Difference and Covariance-Adjusted Scores in Randomized Experimental Designs 2011 Yaacov Petscher
Christopher Schatschneider
+ Miller, I., and J. E. Freund: Probability and Statistics for Engineers. Prentice‐Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1965. 432 S., Preis 96. s. 1968 G. Enderlein
+ Educational Measurement (4th ed.) 2009 Denny Borsboom
+ Statistical principles in experimental design. 1962 B. J. WINER
+ An Analysis of Variance for Categorical Data 1971 Richard J. Light
Barry H. Margolin
+ Interval Estimation for the Unbalanced Case of the One-Way Random Effects Model 1978 James D. Thomas
Robert Hultquist
+ Testing Specific Hypotheses in Contingency Tables: Chi-Square Partitioning and other Methods 1973 Juliet Popper Shaffer
+ Note on a transformation function for proportions and percentages. 1935 Joseph Zubin
+ Catanova for Two-Way Contingency Tables with Ordinal Variables Using Orthogonal Polynomials 2005 Luigi D’Ambra
Eric J. Beh
Pietro Amenta
+ The Maximum Familywise Error Rate of Fisher's Least Significant Difference Test 1986 Anthony J. Hayter
+ Historical Notes on the Wilcoxon Unpaired Two-Sample Test 1957 William Kruskal
+ Personnel Selection and Classification Systems 1979 Marvin D. Dunnette
Walter C. Borman
+ On a Test of Whether one of Two Random Variables is Stochastically Larger than the Other 1947 H. B. Mann
Douglas R. Whitney
+ PDF Chat Distribution and Expected Value of the Rank of a Concomitant of an Order Statistic 1977 H. A. David
Martin J. O’Connell
S. S. Yang
+ PDF Chat Significance Probabilities of the Wilcoxon Test 1955 Evelyn Fix
J. L. Hodges
+ A general equation and technique for the exact partitioning of chi-square contingency tables. 1966 Jean L. Bresnahan
Martin Shapiro
+ A Study of the Powers of Several Methods of Multiple Comparisons 1975 Israel Einot
K. R. Gabriel
+ The Use of Cutting Scores in Selection Procedures 1980 D. B. Owen
Loretta Y. Li
+ Analysis of Covariance with Nonparallel Regression Lines 1988 Earl Jennings
+ Some Theorems on Quadratic Forms Applied in the Study of Analysis of Variance Problems, I. Effect of Inequality of Variance in the One-Way Classification 1954 George E. P. Box
+ Frequency Polygons: Theory and Application 1985 David W. Scott
+ (ii) The Distribution of the Ratio of Estimates of the Two Variances in a Sample from a Normal Bi-variate Population 1938 D. J. Finney
+ On Bounding Moments from Grouped Data 1975 Joseph L. Gastwirth
Abba M. Krieger
+ The Large-Sample Distribution of the Likelihood Ratio for Testing Composite Hypotheses 1938 S. S. Wilks
+ Significance tests for multiple comparison of proportions, variances, and other statistics. 1960 Thomas H. Ryan
+ A family of simultaneous confidence intervals for multinomial proportions 2003 Chia‐Ding Hou
Jeng‐Tung Chiang
John Jen Tai
+ On optimal and data-based histograms 1979 David W. Scott