Yu. G. Shondin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Approximation of N(k)(infinity)-functions II : Convergence of Models 2010 Aad Dijksma
Annemarie Luger
Yu. G. Shondin
+ Approximation of N(kappa)(infinity)-functions I: Models and Regularization 2009 Aad Dijksma
Annemarie Luger
Yu. G. Shondin
+ Approximation of N κ ∞ -functions II: Convergence of Models 2009 Aad Dijksma
Annemarie Luger
Yu. G. Shondin
+ Approximation of N κ ∞ -functions I: Models and Regularization 2008 Aad Dijksma
Annemarie Luger
Yu. G. Shondin
+ Models and Regularization 2008 Aad Dijksma
Annemarie Luger
Yu. G. Shondin
+ PDF Chat The Schur Transformation for Generalized Nevanlinna Functions: Interpolation and Self-Adjoint Operator Realizations 2006 Daniel Alpay
Aad Dijksma
Heinz Langer
Yu. G. Shondin
+ Minimal Models for $$ \mathcal{N}_\kappa ^\infty $$ -functions 2006 Aad Dijksma
Annemarie Luger
Yu. G. Shondin
+ PDF Chat High Order Singular Rank One Perturbations of a Positive Operator 2005 Aad Dijksma
Pavel Kurasov
Yu. G. Shondin
+ On approximation of high order singular perturbations 2005 Yu. G. Shondin
+ Minimal Models for N∞κ-functions 2005 Aad Dijksma
Annemarie Luger
Yu. G. Shondin
+ Minimal Realizations of Scalar Generalized Nevanlinna Functions Related to Their Basic Factorization 2004 Aad Dijksma
Heinz Langer
Annemarie Luger
Yu. G. Shondin
+ Rank one perturbations at infinite coupling in Pontryagin spaces 2003 Aad Dijksma
Heinz Langer
Yu. G. Shondin
+ Singular Point-like Perturbations of the Laguerre Operator in a Pontryagin Space 2002 Aad Dijksma
Yu. G. Shondin
+ Singular Point-like Perturbations of the Bessel Operator in a Pontryagin Space 2000 Aad Dijksma
Yu. G. Shondin
+ A factorization result for generalized Nevanlinna functions of the classN k 2000 Aad Dijksma
Heinz Langer
Annemarie Luger
Yu. G. Shondin
+ Self-adjoint Operators with Inner Singularities and Pontryagin Spaces 2000 Aad Dijksma
Heinz Langer
Yu. G. Shondin
Chris Zeinstra
+ A factorization result for generalized Nevanlinna functions of the class Nκ 2000 Aad Dijksma
Heinz Langer
Annemarie Luger
Yu. G. Shondin
+ Singular point perturbation of an odd operator in ℤ2-Graded space 1999 Yu. G. Shondin
+ Perturbations of elliptic operators on high codimension subsets and the extension theory on an indefinite metric space 1997 Yu. G. Shondin
+ Semibounded local hamiltonians in ℝ4 for a laplacian perturbed on curves with corner points 1996 Yu. G. Shondin
+ On the semiboundedness ofδ-perturbations of the laplacian supported by curves with angle points 1995 Yu. G. Shondin
+ Perturbation of differential operators on high-codimension manifold and the extension theory for symmetric linear relations in an indefinite metric space 1992 Yu. G. Shondin
+ Quantum-mechanical models in Rn associated with extensions of the energy operator in a Pontryagin space 1988 Yu. G. Shondin
+ Generalized pointlike interactions in R3 and related models with rational S matrix II.l=1 1985 Yu. G. Shondin
+ Generalized pointlike interactions in R3 and related models with rational S matrix 1985 Yu. G. Shondin
+ Fourier expansion associated with the Lorentz group in the space of functions with support outisde the light cone 1978 Yu. G. Shondin
+ Fourier expansion associated with the Lorentz group in the space of generalized functions with support in the light cone 1978 Yu. G. Shondin
+ Expansion of generalized functions with support in the light cone with respect to a continuous set of irreducible representations of the Lorentz group and comparison with Wilson expansions 1977 Yu. M. Shirokov
Yu. G. Shondin
+ Spectral properties of bilocal operators in the expansion of a product of local operators on the light cone 1976 Yu. G. Shondin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Self-adjoint Operators with Inner Singularities and Pontryagin Spaces 2000 Aad Dijksma
Heinz Langer
Yu. G. Shondin
Chris Zeinstra
+ Über einige Fortsetzungsprobleme, die eng mit der Theorie hermitescher Operatoren im Raume <i>II</i><sub>x</sub> zusammenhängen. I. Einige Funktionenklassen und ihre Darstellungen 1977 M. Г. Крейн
Heinz Langer
+ Singular Point-like Perturbations of the Bessel Operator in a Pontryagin Space 2000 Aad Dijksma
Yu. G. Shondin
+ A Characterization of Generalized Zeros of Negative Type of Functions of the Class Nκ 1986 Heinz Langer
+ Schur Functions, Operator Colligations, and Reproducing Kernel Pontryagin Spaces 1997 Daniel Alpay
Aad Dijksma
James Rovnyak
Hendrik de Snoo
+ Introduction to the Spectral Theory of Operators in Spaces with an Indefinite Metric 1982 I. S. Iohvidov
M. Г. Крейн
Heinz Langer
+ Quantum-mechanical models in Rn associated with extensions of the energy operator in a Pontryagin space 1988 Yu. G. Shondin
+ Symmetric and selfadjoint relations in Krein spaces II 1987 Aad Dijksma
H.S. de Snoo
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ Eigenvalues and Pole Functions of Hamiltonian Systems with Eigenvalue Depending Boundary Conditions 1993 Aad Dijksma
Heinz Langer
Henk de Snoo
+ PDF Chat Approximations for strongly singular evolution equations 2003 O. Yu. Shvedov
+ Minimal Realizations of Scalar Generalized Nevanlinna Functions Related to Their Basic Factorization 2004 Aad Dijksma
Heinz Langer
Annemarie Luger
Yu. G. Shondin
+ A factorization result for generalized Nevanlinna functions of the classN k 2000 Aad Dijksma
Heinz Langer
Annemarie Luger
Yu. G. Shondin
+ Expansions in Eigenfunctions of Selfadjoint Operators 1968 Ju. M. Berezanskiĭ
+ Sturm-Liouville operators with an indefinite weight function 1977 K. Daho
Heinz Langer
+ T. Kato, Perturbation theory for linear operators. (Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Anwendungsgebiete, Band 132) XX + 592 S. m. 3 Fig. Berlin/Heidelberg/New York Springer-Verlag. Preis geb. DM 79,20 1967 Philipp Müller
+ Rank one perturbations at infinite coupling in Pontryagin spaces 2003 Aad Dijksma
Heinz Langer
Yu. G. Shondin
+ PDF Chat Unitary colligations in Π<sub><i>κ</i></sub>-spaces, characteristic functions and Štraus extensions 1986 Aad Dijksma
Heinz Langer
Hendrik de Snoo
+ On approximation of high order singular perturbations 2005 Yu. G. Shondin
+ Singular Perturbations of Differential Operators 2000 S. Albeverio
Pavel Kurasov
+ Expansions in eigenfunctions of selfadjoint operators 1968 Ю. М. Березанский
Richard Bolstein
+ PDF Chat Selfadjoint π K of symmetric subspaces: an abstract approach to boundary problems with spectral parameter in the boundary conditions 1984 Aad Dijksma
Heinz Langer
H. S. V. de Snoo
+ Selfadjoint ΠK of symmetric subspaces: An abstract approach to boundary problems with spectral parameter in the boundary conditions 1984 Aad Dijksma
Heinz Langer
H. S. V. de Snoo
+ Rank One Perturbations at Infinite Coupling 1995 Fritz Gesztesy
Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ Hilbert spaces of entire functions 1968 Louis de Branges
+ Quantum delta-like potential acting in the P state 1981 I. S. Tsirova
Yu. M. Shirokov
+ A reproducing kernel space model for 𝐍_{𝜅}-functions 2003 Vladimir Derkach
Seppo Hassi
+ Perturbation of differential operators on high-codimension manifold and the extension theory for symmetric linear relations in an indefinite metric space 1992 Yu. G. Shondin
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ Diskrete Konvergenz linearer Operatoren III 1972 Friedrich Stummel
+ PDF Chat Singular Perturbations of Self-Adjoint Operators 2003 Vladimir Derkach
Seppo Hassi
Henk de Snoo
+ Titchmarsh–Weyl <i>m</i> ‐functions for second‐order Sturm–Liouville problems with two singular endpoints 2008 Charles T. Fulton
+ Higher moments in a model of zero-width slits 1991 Alexander Kiselev
I. Yu. Popov
+ Operator theory and ordinary differential operators 1995 Aad Dijksma
Heinz Langer
+ Spectral analysis of rank one perturbations and applications 1995 Barry Simon
+ Generalized integral transformations 1968 A. H. Zemanian
+ Scalar Generalized Nevanlinna Functions: Realizations with Block Operator Matrices 2006 Matthias Langer
Annemarie Luger
+ Models and Unitary Equivalence of Cyclic Selfadjoint Operators in Pontrjagin Spaces 1992 Peter Jonas
Heinz Langer
Björn Textorius
+ PDF Chat Operational calculus of linear relations 1961 Richard Arens
+ The sum of matrix nevanlinna functions and self-adjoint extensions in exit spaces 1998 Seppo Hassi
Michael Kaltenbäck
H. S. V. de Snoo
+ On rank one H_-3 perturbations of positive self--adjoint operators 2000 Pavel Kurasov
Kazuo Watanabe
+ Perturbation of the Laplacian supported by null sets, with applications to polymer measures and quantum fields 1984 Sergio Albeverio
Jens-Erik Fenstad
Raphaël Høegh-Krohn
W. Karwowski
Tom Lindstrøm
+ <i>Integrals of Bessel Functions</i> 1963 Yudell L. Luke
J. Gillis
+ Generalized resolvents and the boundary value problems for Hermitian operators with gaps 1991 Volodymyr Derkach
M. M. Malamud
+ Interpolation and Approximation by Rational Functions in the Complex Domain 1935 J. L. Walsh
+ N. I. Achieser und I. M. Glasmann, Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbert‐Raum. (Mathematische Lehrbücher und Monographien, Band IV) XIII + 369 S. Berlin 1965. Akademie‐Verlag. Preis geb. MDN 28,– 1966 K. P. Hadeler
+ PDF Chat Generalized point interactions for the radial Schrodinger equation via unitary dilations 1995 Christopher J. Fewster
+ Rank One Perturbations in a Pontryagin Space with One Negative Square 2002 Vladimir Derkach
Seppo Hassi
Henk de Snoo