Gaven Martin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The combinatorics of Farey words and their traces 2024 Alex Elzenaar
Gaven Martin
Jeroen Schillewaert
+ PDF Chat The exponential Teichm\"uller theory: Ahlfors--Hopf differentials and diffeomorphisms 2024 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ PDF Chat On Thin Heckoid and Generalised Triangle Groups in $PSL(2,\mathbb{C})$} 2024 Alex Elzenaar
Gaven Martin
Jeroen Schillewaert
+ PDF Chat The Generic Failure of Lower-Semicontinuity for the Linear Distortion Functional 2024 Mohsen Hashemi
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Bounding deformation spaces of Kleinian groups with two generators 2024 Alex Elzenaar
Jianhua Gong
Gaven Martin
Jeroen Schillewaert
+ The $$L^p$$ Teichmüller Theory: Existence and Regularity of Critical Points 2024 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ Concrete One Complex Dimensional Moduli Spaces of Hyperbolic Manifolds and Orbifolds: Kleinian Groups and the Generalised Riley Slices 2024 Alex Elzenaar
Gaven Martin
Jeroen Schillewaert
+ PDF Chat Topological Regularity for Solutions to the Generalised Hopf Equation 2023 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ PDF Chat Topological regularity for solutions to the generalised Hopf equation. 2023 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ PDF Chat Approximations of the Riley slice 2023 Alex Elzenaar
Gaven Martin
Jeroen Schillewaert
+ The Generic Failure of Lower-semicontinuity for the Linear Distortion Functional 2023 Sayed Mohsen Hashemi
Gaven Martin
+ Topological regularity for solutions to the generalised Hopf equation 2023 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ On the Conformal Energy of Quasisymmetric and Quasimöbius Mappings 2023 Mihai Florincescu
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Extremal mappings of finite distortion and the Radon–Riesz property 2022 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ PDF Chat The Teichmüller problem for L^p-means of distortion 2022 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ PDF Chat Projections in Moduli Spaces of the Kleinian Groups 2022 Hala Alaqad
Jianhua Gong
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Subharmonic functions, conformal metrics, and CAT(0) 2022 David A. Herron
Gaven Martin
+ Polynomial Trace Identities in SL(2,C), Quaternion Algebras, and Two-generator Kleinian Groups 2022 T. H. Marshall
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat New Models for Deformations: Linear Distortion and the Failure of Rank-One Convexity 2022 Seyed Mohsen Hashemi
Gaven Martin
+ The combinatorics of Farey words and their traces 2022 Alex Elzenaar
Gaven Martin
Jeroen Schillewaert
+ Concrete one complex dimensional moduli spaces of hyperbolic manifolds and orbifolds 2022 Alex Elzenaar
Gaven Martin
Jeroen Schillewaert
+ On the uniqueness of extremal mappings of finite distortion 2022 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ PDF Chat Higher regularity and uniqueness for inner variational equations 2021 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ PDF Chat Chebyshev polynomials and inequalities for Kleinian groups 2021 Hala Alaqad
Jianhua Gong
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Energy-minimal Principles in Geometric Function Theory. 2021 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
Jani Onninen
+ PDF Chat Non-variational extrema of exponential Teichmüller spaces 2021 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ Energy-minimal Principles in Geometric Function Theory 2021 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
Jani Onninen
+ PDF Chat Super regularity for Beltrami systems 2021 Gaven Martin
+ Extremal mappings of finite distortion and the Radon-Riesz property 2021 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ Approximations of the Riley slice 2021 Alex Elzenaar
Gaven Martin
Jeroen Schillewaert
+ Energy-minimal Principles in Geometric Function Theory 2021 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
Jani Onninen
+ The Teichmüller problem for $L^p$-means of distortion 2021 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ Subharmonic Functions, Conformal Metrics, and CAT(0) 2020 David A. Herron
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Nondiscrete parabolic characters of the free group F2: supergroup density and Nielsen classes in the complement of the Riley slice 2020 Gaven Martin
+ Quasihyperbolic Metric Universal Covers 2020 David A. Herron
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat A resonance interaction of seismogravitational modes on tectonic plates 2020 V. V. Flambaum
Gaven Martin
B. S. Pavlov
+ The continuous part of the axial distance spectrum for Kleinian groups 2020 Gaven Martin
+ The $L^p$ Teichmüller theory: Existence and regularity of critical points 2020 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ Subharmonic Functions, Conformal Metrics, and CAT(0) 2020 David A. Herron
Gaven Martin
+ Quasihyperbolic Metric Universal Covers 2020 David A. Herron
Gaven Martin
+ New models for deformations: Linear Distortion and the failure of rank-one convexity 2020 Seyed Mohsen Hashemi
Gaven Martin
+ Higher regularity and uniqueness for inner variational equations 2020 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ Random Möbius groups, I : Random subgroups of PSL(2,R) 2019 Gaven Martin
Graeme K O'Brien
+ Non-variational extrema of exponential Teichm\"uller spaces 2019 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ PDF Chat Quasiregular Families Bounded in $$L^p$$ and Elliptic Estimates 2019 A. Hinkkanen
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Random ideal hyperbolic quadrilaterals, the cross ratio distribution and punctured tori 2019 Gaven Martin
+ Random lattices, punctured tori and the Teichmüller distribution 2019 Gaven Martin
+ Super regularity for Beltrami systems. 2019 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Random Kleinian Groups, II Two Parabolic Generators 2019 Gaven Martin
Graeme K O'Brien
Yasushi Yamashita
+ Polynomial Trace Identities in $SL(2,{\bf C})$, Quaternion Algebras, and Two-generator Kleinian Groups 2019 T. H. Marshall
Gaven Martin
+ Non-variational extrema of exponential Teichmüller spaces 2019 Gaven Martin
Cong Yao
+ Super regularity for Beltrami systems 2019 Gaven Martin
+ Random Lattices, Punctured Tori and the Teichm\"uller distribution 2018 Gaven Martin
+ Quasiregular families bounded in $L^p$ and elliptic estimates 2018 A. Hinkkanen
Gaven Martin
+ Random Kleinian Groups, II : Two parabolic generators 2018 Gaven Martin
Graeme K O'Brien
Yasushi Yamashita
+ A resonance interaction of seismogravitational modes on tectonic plates 2018 V. V. Flambaum
Gaven Martin
B. S. Pavlov
+ Random Lattices, Punctured Tori and the Teichmüller distribution 2018 Gaven Martin
+ Quasiregular families bounded in $L^p$ and elliptic estimates 2018 A. Hinkkanen
Gaven Martin
+ Distortion and topology 2017 Riku Klén
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to the Theory of Higher-Dimensional Quasiconformal Mappings 2017 Frederick Gehring
Gaven Martin
Bruce Palka
+ The Mostow rigidity theorem and discrete Möbius groups 2017 Frederick Gehring
Gaven Martin
Bruce Palka
+ PDF Chat The moduli of curve families 2017 Frederick Gehring
Gaven Martin
Bruce Palka
+ Random Kleinian Groups I: Random Fuchsian Groups 2017 Gaven Martin
Graeme K O'Brien
+ An Introduction to the AMS-NZMS Maclaurin Lecture: Siegel's Problem in Three Dimensions 2016 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Quasicircles as equipotential lines, homotopy classes and geodesics 2016 Gaven Martin
+ Frederick William Gehring, Life and Mathematics 2016 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Stream lines, quasilines and holomorphic motions 2015 Gaven Martin
+ The (p, q)-arithmetic hyperbolic lattices; p, q greater than or equal to 6 2015 Colin M. MacLachlan
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat The tension equation with holomorphic coefficients, harmonic mappings and rigidity 2015 Gaven Martin
+ Harmonic degree 1 maps are diffeomorphisms: Lewy’s theorem for curved metrics 2015 Gaven Martin
+ The (p, q)-arithmetic hyperbolic lattices; p, q greater than or equal to 6 2015 Colin M. MacLachlan
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Approximating metal–insulator transitions 2014 Carlo Danieli
Kristian Rayanov
B. S. Pavlov
Gaven Martin
Sergej Flach
+ Fred Gehring’s Mathematics 2014 Gaven Martin
+ Stream lines, quasilines and holomorphic motions 2014 Gaven Martin
+ Quasicircles as equipotential lines, homotopy classes and geodesics 2014 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat The theory of quasiconformal mappings in higher dimensions, I 2014 Gaven Martin
+ On Minimisers of $$L^p$$ L p -mean Distortion 2014 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
Jani Onninen
+ PDF Chat The dispersion functions for quasi-2D periodic lattices via Dirichlet-to-Neumann map 2014 L. I. Goncharov
A. M. Yafyasov
B. S. Pavlov
Gaven Martin
+ Distortion and topology 2014 Riku Klén
Gaven Martin
+ Quasicircles as equipotential lines, homotopy classes and geodesics 2014 Gaven Martin
+ Stream lines, quasilines and holomorphic motions 2014 Gaven Martin
+ The tension equation with holomorphic coefficients, harmonic mappings and rigidity 2013 Gaven Martin
+ Harmonic degree 1 maps are diffeomorphisms: Lewy's theorem for curved metrics 2013 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic motions and quasicircles 2013 Gaven Martin
+ The Geometry and Arithmetic of Kleinian Groups 2013 Colin M. MacLachlan
Gaven Martin
+ The tension equation with holomorphic coefficients, harmonic mappings and rigidity 2013 Gaven Martin
+ Harmonic degree 1 maps are diffeomorphisms: Lewy's theorem for curved metrics 2013 Gaven Martin
+ The Theory of Quasiconformal Mappings in Higher Dimensions, I 2013 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Minimal co-volume hyperbolic lattices, II: Simple torsion in a Kleinian group 2012 T. H. Marshall
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Deformations with smallest weighted <i>L<sup>p</sup> </i> average distortion and Nitsche-type phenomena 2012 Gaven Martin
Maarten McKubre‐Jordens
+ Quasiregular Mappings, Curvature &amp; Dynamics 2011 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Teichmuller Mappings, Quasiconformal Homogeneity, and Non-amenable Covers of Riemann Surfaces 2011 Petra Bonfert-Taylor
Gaven Martin
Alan W. Reid
Edward C. Taylor
+ PDF Chat The (6,p)-arithmetic Hyperbolic Lattices in Dimension 3. 2011 Colin M. MacLachlan
Gaven Martin
+ Landau-Zener effect for a quasi-2D periodic sandwich 2011 N. T. Bagraev
Gaven Martin
B. S. Pavlov
A. M. Yafyasov
+ PDF Chat Cofinitely Hopfian groups, open mappings and knot complements 2010 Martin R. Bridson
Daniel Groves
Jonathan A. Hillman
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Ambient quasiconformal homogeneity of planar domains 2010 Petra Bonfert-Taylor
Richard D. Canary
Gaven Martin
Edward C. Taylor
Michael Wolf
+ PDF Chat Stoïlow factorization for quasiregular mappings in all dimensions 2010 Gaven Martin
Kirsi Peltonen
+ PDF Chat Minimal co-volume hyperbolic lattices, I: The spherical points of a Kleinian group 2009 Frederick Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Calculation of the Kirchhoff coefficients for the Helmholtz resonator 2009 J. Brüning
Gaven Martin
B. S. Pavlov
+ Deformations of Annuli with Smallest Mean Distortion 2009 Kari Astala
Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Elliptic Partial Differential Equations and Quasiconformal Mappings in the Plane (PMS-48) 2008 Kari Astala
Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ $L^p$-integrability &amp; weak type $L^{2}$-estimates for the gradient of harmonic mappings of $\mathbb D$ 2008 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
Carlo Sbordone
+ The Beltrami equation 2008 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Monotone Maps of Rn are Quasiconformal 2008 Kari Astala
Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Quasiregular self-mappings of manifolds and word hyperbolic groups 2007 Martin R. Bridson
A. Hinkkanen
Gaven Martin
Gaven Martin
+ Pucci's conjecture and the Alexandrov inequality for elliptic PDEs in the plane 2006 Kari Astala
Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Quasiconformal groups with small dilatation II 2006 Petra Bonfert-Taylor
Gaven Martin
+ The generalized Lichnerowicz problem: Uniformly quasiregular mappings and space forms 2006 Gaven Martin
Volker Mayer
Kirsi Peltonen
+ Maximal Symmetry Groups of Hyperbolic three-manifolds 2006 Marsten Conder
Gaven Martin
Anna Torstensson
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal groups of compact type 2005 Petra Bonfert-Taylor
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Extremal mappings of finite distortion 2005 Kari Astala
Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
Jani Onninen
+ Hyperbolic Geometry and Quasiconformal Mappings 2005 Petra Bonfert-Taylor
Martin Bridgeman
Richard D. Canary
Gaven Martin
Edward C. Taylor
+ Cylinder and horoball packing in hyperbolic space 2005 T. H. Marshall
Gaven Martin
+ (𝑝,𝑞,𝑟)-Kleinian groups and the Margulis constant 2005 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Extending rational maps 2004 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal homogeneity of hyperbolic manifolds 2004 Petra Bonfert-Taylor
Richard D. Canary
Gaven Martin
Edward C. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Local dynamics of uniformly quasiregular mappings 2004 A. Hinkkanen
Gaven Martin
Volker Mayer
+ All Kleinian groups with two elliptic generators whose commutator is elliptic 2003 Colin M. MacLachlan
Gaven Martin
+ Rigidity in holomorphic and quasiregular dynamics 2003 Gaven Martin
Volker Mayer
+ Volumes of hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Notes on a paper of Gabai, Meyerhoff, and Milley 2003 T. H. Marshall
Gaven Martin
+ Recent Results in the Geometry of Kleinian Groups 2003 Frederick Gehring
Timothy Marshall
Gaven Martin
+ Conformal Mappings from the Upper Half Plane to Fundamental Domains on the Hyperbolic Plane 2003 M. Harmer
Gaven Martin
+ MAPPINGS OF FINITE DISTORTION: $L^n \log^{\alpha} L$ -INTEGRABILITY 2003 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Pekka Koskela
Gaven Martin
Carlo Sbordone
Gaven Martin
+ Mappings ofBMO-distortion and beltrami-type operators 2002 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Pekka Koskela
Gaven Martin
+ Analytic continuation for Beltrami systems, Siegel's Theorem for UQR maps, and the Hilbert-Smith Conjecture 2002 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat 2-Generator arithmetic Kleinian groups III 2002 Marston Conder
Colin M. MacLachlan
Gaven Martin
E. A. O’Brien
+ Geometric Function Theory and Non-linear Analysis 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Beltrami Equations 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Riesz Transforms 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ PainlevÉ’S Theorem In Space 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Analytic Continuation For Beltra1h Systems 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Picard And Montel Theorems In Space 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Mappings Of Finite Distortion 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ The Governing Equations 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Introduction And Overview 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Conformal Mappings 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Preface 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Quasiconformal Groups 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ The Liouville Theorem 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Conformal Structures 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Stability Of The Mobius Group 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Topological Properties Of Mappings Of Bounded Distortion 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Uniformly Quasiregular Mappings 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Continuity 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ The Gehring Lemma 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ The non-compact arithmetic generalised triangle groups 2001 Colin M. MacLachlan
Gaven Martin
Jane Gilman
Gaven Martin
+ What's new for the Beltrami equation? 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal groups with small dilatation I 2000 Petra Bonfert-Taylor
Gaven Martin
+ Mappings of BMO–bounded distortion 2000 Kari Astala
Tadeusz Iwaniec
Pekka Koskela
Gaven Martin
+ Families of meromorphic functions avoiding continuous functions 1999 Detlef Bargmann
Mario Bonk
A. Hinkkanen
Gaven Martin
+ 2-generator arithmetic Kleinian groups 1999 Colin M. MacLachlan
Gaven Martin
+ The Hilbert-Smith conjecture for quasiconformal actions 1999 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Two-Generator Arithmetic Kleinian Groups II 1998 F. W. Gehring
Colin M. MacLachlan
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Precisely invariant collars and the volume of hyperbolic 3-folds 1998 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ On the Geometry of Kleinian Groups 1998 Gaven Martin
+ The spectrum of elliptic axial distances in Kleinian groups 1998 F. W. Gehring
T. H. Marshall
Gaven Martin
+ Hyperbolic axes and elliptic fixed points in a fuchsian group 1997 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Branch sets of uniformly quasiregular maps 1997 Gaven Martin
+ Attractors in quasiregular semigroups 1997 A. Hinkkanen
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat The Distortion Theorem for quasiconformal mappings, Schottky’s Theorem and holomorphic motions 1997 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Arithmeticity, discreteness and volume 1997 F. W. Gehring
Colin M. MacLachlan
Gaven Martin
A. W. Reid
+ PDF Chat Geodesics in hyperbolic $3$-folds. 1997 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Lattice constants and a lemma of Zagier 1997 C. Cao
F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Triangle subgroups of Kleinian groups 1996 Gaven Martin
+ The Dynamics of Semigroups of Rational Functions I 1996 A. Hinkkanen
Gaven Martin
+ Julia sets of rational semigroups 1996 A. Hinkkanen
Gaven Martin
+ Julia sets of rational semigroups 1996 A. Hinkkanen
Gaven Martin
+ Riesz transforms and related singular integrals. 1996 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ On the Margulis constant for Kleinian groups. I. 1996 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Some properties of semigroups of rational functions 1996 A. Hinkkanen
Gaven Martin
+ Holomorphic Motions, Schottky’s Theorem and an Inequality for Discrete Groups 1995 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ On the Margulis constant for Kleinian groups, I curvature 1995 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Arithmeticity, Discreteness and Volume 1995 F. W. Gehring
Colin M. MacLachlan
Gaven Martin
Alan W. Reid
+ Commutators, collars and the geometry of Möbius groups 1994 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Complex dynamical systems 1994 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat On the minimal volume hyperbolic 3–orbifold 1994 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Measurable conformal mappings in space 1994 Gaven Martin
+ On irrational rotations in convergence groups of the $2$-sphere 1994 A. Hinkkanen
Gaven Martin
+ A functional equation arising in the theory of convergence groups 1994 A. Hinkkanen
Gaven Martin
+ Abelian nondiscrete convergence groups in the plane 1994 A. Hinkkanen
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Essential singularities of quasimeromorphic mappings. 1993 David Gauld
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Cusps, triangle groups and hyperbolic 3-folds 1993 Marston Conder
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat On discrete isometry groups of negative curvature 1993 Gaven Martin
+ The iterated commutator in a fuchsian group 1993 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ 6-Torsion and Hyperbolic Volume 1993 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Quasiregular mappings in even dimensions 1993 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat 6-torsion and hyperbolic volume 1993 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Convergence Groups with an Invariant Component Pair 1992 Gaven Martin
Pekka Tukia
+ PDF Chat Axial distances in discrete Möbius groups. 1992 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Lipschitz conditions in conformally invariant metrics 1991 J Ferrand
Gaven Martin
Матти Вуоринен
+ Inequalities for Möbius transformations and discrete groups. 1991 Gaven Martin
F. W. Gehring
+ Some Universal Constraints for Discrete Möbius Groups 1991 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Mediatrice de deux arcs de quasicercle 1990 Guy David
Gaven Martin
Stephen Semmes
+ Stability and extremality in j⊘rgensen's inequality 1989 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Balls in Hyperbolic Manifolds 1989 Gaven Martin
+ Group Actions of the 2-Sphere 1989 Gaven Martin
Richard Skora
+ PDF Chat Iteration theory and inequalities for Kleinian groups 1989 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal and affine groups 1989 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat On discrete Möbius groups in all dimensions: A generalization of Jørgensen's inequality 1989 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Infinite Group Actions on Spheres 1988 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Factorizations of Lebesgue Measure via Convolutions 1988 Norman Levenberg
Gaven Martin
Allen Shields
Smilka Zdravkovska
+ The Matrix and Chordal Norms of Möbius Transformations 1988 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Factorizations of Lebesgue measure via convolutions 1988 Norman Levenberg
Gaven Martin
Allen Shields
Smilka Zdravkovska
+ Quasiconformal Actions on Domains in Space 1988 Gaven Martin
+ Convergence and Möbius Groups 1988 Gaven Martin
Pekka Tukia
+ PDF Chat Discrete Quasiconformal Groups I 1987 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Discrete convergence groups 1987 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ The quasihyperbolic metric and associated estimates on the hyperbolic metric 1986 Gaven Martin
Brad Osgood
+ Discrete quasiconformal groups that are not the quasiconformal conjugates of Möbius groups 1986 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal and Bi-Lipschitz Homeomorphisms, Uniform Domains and the Quasihyperbolic Metric 1985 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal and bi-Lipschitz homeomorphisms, uniform domains and the quasihyperbolic metric 1985 Gaven Martin
+ The Geometry Of Quasiconformal Mappings (lipschitz, Geodesic, Uniform, Quasihyperbolic). 1985 Gaven Martin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Geometry of Discrete Groups 2006 Alan F. Beardon
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of Discrete Groups 1983 Alan F. Beardon
+ Commutators, collars and the geometry of Möbius groups 1994 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ On Discrete Groups of Mobius Transformations 1976 Troels Jørgensen
+ Elliptic Partial Differential Equations and Quasiconformal Mappings in the Plane (PMS-48) 2008 Kari Astala
Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Geometric Function Theory and Non-linear Analysis 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Discrete Quasiconformal Groups I 1987 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Extremal mappings of finite distortion 2005 Kari Astala
Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
Jani Onninen
+ PDF Chat Arithmeticity, discreteness and volume 1997 F. W. Gehring
Colin M. MacLachlan
Gaven Martin
A. W. Reid
+ Inequalities for Möbius transformations and discrete groups. 1991 Gaven Martin
F. W. Gehring
+ Quasiconformally homogeneous domains 1976 F. W. Gehring
Bruce Palka
+ PDF Chat Lectures on n-Dimensional Quasiconformal Mappings 1971 Jussi Väısälä
+ PDF Chat On the minimal volume hyperbolic 3–orbifold 1994 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Iteration theory and inequalities for Kleinian groups 1989 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Precisely invariant collars and the volume of hyperbolic 3-folds 1998 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Lipschitz and quasiconformal approximation and extension 1981 Pekka Tukia
Jussi Väısälä
+ PDF Chat Rings and quasiconformal mappings in space 1962 F. W. Gehring
+ The geometry and topology of three-manifolds 1979 William P. Thurston
+ Quasi-conformal mappings inn-space and the rigidity of hyperbolic space forms 1968 G. D. Mostow
+ Discrete quasiconformal groups that are not the quasiconformal conjugates of Möbius groups 1986 Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat 6-torsion and hyperbolic volume 1993 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Quasiregular Mappings 1993 Seppo Rickman
+ On two-dimensional quasiconformal groups 1980 Pekka Tukia
+ Compact 3-Manifolds of Constant Negative Curvature Fibering Over the Circle 1977 Troels Jørgensen
+ PDF Chat Axial distances in discrete Möbius groups. 1992 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Area distortion of quasiconformal mappings 1994 Kari Astala
+ PDF Chat Cusps, triangle groups and hyperbolic 3-folds 1993 Marston Conder
Gaven Martin
+ Strange actions of groups on spheres, II 1988 Michael Freedman
Richard Skora
+ Deformations of Annuli with Smallest Mean Distortion 2009 Kari Astala
Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal Mappings in the Plane: 1983 Olli Lehto
K. I. Virtanen
+ Uniformly quasiregular mappings of Lattès type 1997 Volker Mayer
+ On the Margulis constant for Kleinian groups. I. 1996 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ On quasiconformal groups 1986 Pekka Tukia
+ PDF Chat Groups Generated by two Parabolic Linear Fractional Transformations 1969 Roger C. Lyndon
J. L. Ullman
+ The Beltrami equation 2008 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Stability and extremality in j⊘rgensen's inequality 1989 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ On the dynamics of rational maps 1983 Ricardo Mañé
Paulo Sad
Dennis Sullivan
+ GEOMETRIC FUNCTION THEORY AND NON-LINEAR ANALYSIS (Oxford Mathematical Monographs) 2002 Pekka Koskela
+ The smallest arithmetic hyperbolic three-orbifold 1986 Ted Chinburg
Eduardo Friedman
+ PDF Chat Homotopy hyperbolic 3-manifolds are hyperbolic 2003 David Gabai
G. Robert Meyerhoff
Nathaniel Thurston
+ PDF Chat Some special 2-generator Kleinian groups 1989 Bernard Maskit
+ PDF Chat Lipschitz regularity for inner-variational equations 2013 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Leonid V. Kovalev
Jani Onninen
+ PDF Chat Limit volumes of hyperbolic three-orbifolds 1991 Colin Adams
+ 2-generator arithmetic Kleinian groups 1999 Colin M. MacLachlan
Gaven Martin
+ PDF Chat On the non-vanishing of the Jacobian in certain one-to-one mappings 1936 Hans Lewy
+ On Minimisers of $$L^p$$ L p -mean Distortion 2014 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
Jani Onninen
+ On univalent harmonic maps between surfaces 1978 Richard Schoen
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ On The Ergodic Theory at Infinity of an Arbitrary Discrete Group of Hyperbolic Motions 1981 Dennis Sullivan
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings 2006 Lars V. Ahlfors