Berwin A. Turlach


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Optimal non-negative forecast reconciliation 2020 Shanika L. Wickramasuriya
Berwin A. Turlach
Rob Hyndman
+ Flexible regression modelling under shape constraints 2020 Andrew A. Manderson
Kevin Murray
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Functions to Fit Monotone Polynomials [R package MonoPoly version 0.3-10] 2019 Berwin A. Turlach
+ PDF Chat A flexible sequential Monte Carlo algorithm for parametric constrained regression 2019 Kenyon Ng
Berwin A. Turlach
Kevin Murray
+ Edge selection for undirected graphs 2018 Meng Hwee Victor Ong
Sanjay Chaudhuri
Berwin A. Turlach
+ A general approach to generate random variates for multivariate copulae 2018 Nader Tajvidi
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Fitting monotone polynomials in mixed effects models 2017 Joshua J. Bon
Kevin Murray
Berwin A. Turlach
+ PDF Chat Monotone polynomials using BUGS and Stan 2017 Andrew A. Manderson
Edward Cripps
Kevin Murray
Berwin A. Turlach
+ PDF Chat Reducing Bruzzi’s Formula to Remove Instability in the Estimation of Population Attributable Fraction for Health Outcomes 2017 Matthew Tuson
Berwin A. Turlach
Alistair Vickery
David Whyatt
+ PDF Chat Constructing longitudinal disease progression curves using sparse, short‐term individual data with an application to Alzheimer's disease 2017 Charley A. Budgeon
Kevin Murray
Berwin A. Turlach
Susan Baker
Victor L. Villemagne
Samantha Burnham
+ Spline Smoothing 2016 Berwin A. Turlach
+ Fast and flexible methods for monotone polynomial fitting 2016 Kevin Murray
Samuel Müller
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Functions to Fit Monotone Polynomials 2015 Berwin A. Turlach
+ Quadratic programming 2015 Berwin A. Turlach
Stephen J. Wright
+ Spline Smoothing 2014 Berwin A. Turlach
+ MonoPoly: Functions to Fit Monotone Polynomials 2013 Berwin A. Turlach
+ Revisiting fitting monotone polynomials to data 2012 Kevin Murray
Samuel Müller
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Semiparametric regression with shape-constrained penalized splines 2011 Martin L. Hazelton
Berwin A. Turlach
+ A Homotopy Algorithm for the Quantile Regression Lasso and Related Piecewise Linear Problems 2011 M. R. Osborne
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Semiparametric Density Deconvolution 2009 Martin L. Hazelton
Berwin A. Turlach
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric density deconvolution by weighted kernel estimators 2008 Martin L. Hazelton
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Book Review: Computational statistics 2006 Berwin A. Turlach
+ Reweighted kernel density estimation 2006 Martin L. Hazelton
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Simultaneous Variable Selection 2005 Berwin A. Turlach
W. N. Venables
Stephen J. Wright
+ Shape constrained smoothing using smoothing splines 2005 Berwin A. Turlach
+ Spline Smoothing 2005 Berwin A. Turlach
+ An even faster algorithm for ridge regression of reduced rank data 2004 Berwin A. Turlach
+ PDF Chat A General Projection Framework for Constrained Smoothing 2001 Enno Mammen
J. S. Marron
Berwin A. Turlach
M. P. Wand
+ Reducing Bias Without Prejudicing Sign 2000 Peter Hall
Brett Presnell
Berwin A. Turlach
+ PDF Chat Additive and Generalized Additive Models 2000 Michael G. Schimek
Berwin A. Turlach
+ A new approach to variable selection in least squares problems 2000 M. R. Osborne
Brett Presnell
Berwin A. Turlach
+ On the LASSO and Its Dual 2000 M. R. Osborne
Brett Presnell
Berwin A. Turlach
+ On the LASSO and its Dual 2000 M. R. Osborne
Brett Presnell
Berwin A. Turlach
+ A parallel solver for generalised additive models 1999 Markus Hegland
Ian McIntosh
Berwin A. Turlach
+ PDF Chat High-derivative parametric enhancements of nonparametric curve estimators 1999 Ming‐Yen Cheng
Peter Hall
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Reducing bias in curve estimation by use of weights 1999 Peter Hall
Berwin A. Turlach
+ A General Framework for Constrained Smoothing 1998 Enno Mammen
J. S. Marron
Berwin A. Turlach
M. P. Wand
+ Miscellanea. A note on design transformation and binning in nonparametric curve estimation 1998 Peter A. Hall
Byeong U. Park
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Fast Computation of Auxiliary Quantities in Local Polynomial Regression 1998 Berwin A. Turlach
M. P. Wand
+ Additive and generalized additive models: A survey 1998 Michael G. Schimek
Berwin A. Turlach
+ PDF Chat Interpolation methods for nonlinear wavelet regression with irregularly spaced design 1997 Peter Hall
Berwin A. Turlach
+ PDF Chat Note on convergence rates of semiparametric estimators of dependence index 1997 Peter Hall
Hira L. Koul
Berwin A. Turlach
+ On the Estimation of a Convex Set From Noisy Data on Its Support Function 1997 N. I. Fisher
Peter Hall
Berwin A. Turlach
G. S. Watson
+ On Local Polynomial Smoothers and Their Competitors 1997 Peter A. Hall
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Enhancing convolution and interpolation methods for nonparametric regression 1997 Peter A. Hall
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Fast implementation of density-weighted average derivative estimation 1995 Berwin A. Turlach
+ Generalized Linear Models 1995 Joseph M. Hilbe
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Additive Modeling 1995 Thomas Kötter
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Semiparametric Approaches to Dimension Reduction 1993 Wolfgang Karl Härdle
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Nonparametric Approaches to Generalized Linear Models 1992 Wolfgang Karl Härdle
Berwin A. Turlach
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Estimating Smooth Monotone Functions 1998 J. O. Ramsay
+ Smoothing Methods in Statistics 1996 Jeffrey S. Simonoff
+ Applied Smoothing Techniques for Data Analysis 1997 Adrian Bowman
Adelchi Azzalini
+ Fitting Monotonic Polynomials to Data 1994 Douglas M. Hawkins
+ Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso 1996 Robert Tibshirani
+ A target distribution model for nonparametric density estimation 1983 C.D. Elphinstone
+ Multivariate Density Estimation 1992 David W. Scott
+ PDF Chat Monotone Regression Splines in Action 1988 J. O. Ramsay
+ PDF Chat Smoothing Methods in Statistics 1997 Brian S. Yandell
Jeffrey S. Simonoff
+ A numerically stable dual method for solving strictly convex quadratic programs 1983 Donald Goldfarb
A. Idnani
+ Revisiting fitting monotone polynomials to data 2012 Kevin Murray
Samuel Müller
Berwin A. Turlach
+ A new approach to variable selection in least squares problems 2000 M. R. Osborne
Brett Presnell
Berwin A. Turlach
+ PDF Chat A General Projection Framework for Constrained Smoothing 2001 Enno Mammen
J. S. Marron
Berwin A. Turlach
M. P. Wand
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric Regression Analysis of Longitudinal Data 1990 R. L. Eubank
Hans‐Georg Müller
Hans‐Georg Müller
+ Fast and flexible methods for monotone polynomial fitting 2016 Kevin Murray
Samuel Müller
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Monotone Smoothing with Application to Dose-Response Curves and the Assessment of Synergism 1990 Colleen Kelly
John Rice
+ PDF Chat The Monotone Smoothing of Scatterplots 1984 Jerome H. Friedman
Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Flexible smoothing with B-splines and penalties 1996 Paul H.C. Eilers
Brian D. Marx
+ Nonparametric Regression and Spline Smoothing 1999 R. L. Eubank
+ On Linear Restricted and Interval Least-Squares Problems 1988 D. I. Clark
M. R. Osborne
+ Smoothing and Regression 2000 Michael G. Schimek
+ Penalized regression with model‐based penalties 2000 Nancy Heckman
J. O. Ramsay
+ PDF Chat Fast Implementations of Nonparametric Curve Estimators 1994 Jianqing Fan
J. S. Marron
+ PDF Chat Local Regression: Automatic Kernel Carpentry 1993 Trevor Hastie
Clive Loader
+ PDF Chat Polynomial splines and their tensor products in extended linear modeling: 1994 Wald memorial lecture 1997 Charles J. Stone
Mark Hansen
Charles Kooperberg
Young K. Truong
+ Semiparametric regression with shape-constrained penalized splines 2011 Martin L. Hazelton
Berwin A. Turlach
+ Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis 1400 4
+ PDF Chat Exact Mean Integrated Squared Error 1992 J. S. Marron
M. P. Wand
+ Smoothing by spline functions. II 1971 C. Reinsch
+ Kernel estimation of regression functions 1979 Théo Gasser
Hans‐Georg Müller
+ Dual and primal-dual methods for solving strictly convex quadratic programs 1982 Donald Goldfarb
A. Idnani
+ Shape constrained smoothing using smoothing splines 2005 Berwin A. Turlach
+ PDF Chat Modelling and Smoothing Parameter Estimation With Multiple Quadratic Penalties 2000 Simon N. Wood
+ PDF Chat Choosing a Kernel Regression Estimator 1991 C. K. Chu
J. S. Marron
+ Smoothing noisy data with spline functions 1985 Michael F. Hutchinson
F. R. de Hoog
+ Theory & Methods: Spatially‐adaptive Penalties for Spline Fitting 2000 David Ruppert
Raymond J. Carroll
+ Selecting the Number of Knots for Penalized Splines 2002 David Ruppert
+ PDF Chat Local Linear Regression Smoothers and Their Minimax Efficiencies 1993 Jianqing Fan
+ PDF Chat Projection Pursuit Regression 1981 Jerome H. Friedman
Werner Stuetzle
+ Smoothing noisy data under monotonicity constraints existence, characterization and convergence rates 1985 Florencio I. Utreras
+ Estimating Optimal Transformations for Multiple Regression and Correlation 1985 Leo Breiman
Jerome H. Friedman
+ PDF Chat Linear Smoothers and Additive Models 1989 Andreas Buja
Trevor Hastie
Robert Tibshirani
+ Numerical Methods: Algorithms and Applications 2002 Laurene V. Fausett
+ Versions of Kernel-Type Regression Estimators 1994 M. C. Jones
S. J. Davies
Byeong U. Park
+ PDF Chat Additive Regression and Other Nonparametric Models 1985 Charles J. Stone
+ PDF Chat Isotonic smoothing splines under sequential designs 1994 Chim Tantiyaswasdikul
Michael Woodroofe
+ Finite Algorithms in Optimization and Data Analysis 1987 Robin B. Lake
M. R. Osborne
+ Multivariate Spline Regression 2000 Chong Gu
+ PDF Chat Least angle regression 2004 Bradley Efron
Trevor Hastie
Iain M. Johnstone
Robert Tibshirani
+ Solving Least Squares Problems 1995 C. L. Lawson
Richard Hanson