Shaun Stevens


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Reducibility points and characteristic $p$ local fields I- Simple supercuspidal representations of symplectic groups 2024 Corinne Blondel
Guy Henniart
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Block decompositions for $p$-adic classical groups and their inner forms 2024 David Helm
Robert Kurinczuk
Daniel Skodlerack
Shaun Stevens
+ Simple cuspidal representations of symplectic groups: Langlands parameter 2023 Corinne Blondel
Guy Henniart
Shaun Stevens
+ Galois self-dual cuspidal types and Asai local factors 2021 U. K. Anandavardhanan
Robert Kurinczuk
Nadir Matringe
Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Endo-parameters for p-adic classical groups 2020 Robert Kurinczuk
Daniel Skodlerack
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat On depth zero L‐packets for classical groups 2020 Jaime Lust
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Towards an explicit local Jacquet–Langlands correspondence beyond the cuspidal case 2019 Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Cuspidal ℓ-modular representations of <i>p</i>-adic classical groups 2019 Robert Kurinczuk
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Jordan blocks of cuspidal representations of symplectic groups 2018 Corinne Blondel
Guy Henniart
Shaun Stevens
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat On the sharpness of the bound for the Local Converse Theorem of 𝑝-adic 𝐺𝐿_{𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒} 2018 Moshe Adrian
Baiying Liu
Shaun Stevens
Geo Kam-Fai Tam
+ Galois self-dual cuspidal types and Asai local factors 2018 U. K. Anandavardhanan
Robert Kurinczuk
Nadir Matringe
Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat The regular representations of GLN over finite local principal ideal rings 2017 Alexander Stasinski
Shaun Stevens
+ Endo-parameters for p-adic classical groups. 2016 Robert Kurinczuk
Daniel Skodlerack
Shaun Stevens
+ Endo-classes for p-adic classical groups 2016 Robert Kurinczuk
Daniel Skodlerack
Shaun Stevens
+ On the Jacquet Conjecture on the local converse problem for 𝑝-adic 𝐺𝐿_{𝑁} 2016 Moshe Adrian
Baiying Liu
Shaun Stevens
Peng Xu
+ Block decomposition of the category of $\ell$-modular smooth representations of $GL_n(F)$ and its inner forms 2016 Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Halving dynamical systems 2016 Shaun Stevens
Thomas Ward
Stefanie Zegowitz
+ PDF Chat Halving dynamical systems 2016 Shaun Stevens
Thomas Ward
Stefanie Zegowitz
+ Endo-parameters for p-adic classical groups 2016 Robert Kurinczuk
Daniel Skodlerack
Shaun Stevens
+ Cuspidal $\ell$-modular representations of $p$-adic classical groups 2015 Robert Kurinczuk
Shaun Stevens
+ Generalized Local Coefficients 2015 Carlos de la Mora
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Towards the Jacquet conjecture on the Local Converse Problem for $p$-adic $\mathrm {GL}_n$ 2015 Dihua Jiang
Chufeng Nien
Shaun Stevens
+ Intertwining semisimple characters for p-adic classical groups 2015 Daniel Skodlerack
Shaun Stevens
+ Generalized Local Coefficients 2015 Carlos de la Mora
Shaun Stevens
+ Cuspidal $\ell$-modular representations of $p$-adic classical groups 2015 Robert Kurinczuk
Shaun Stevens
+ Intertwining semisimple characters for p-adic classical groups 2015 Daniel Skodlerack
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Halving dynamical systems 2014 Shaun Stevens
Thomas Ward
Stefanie Zegowitz
+ Types modulo ℓ pour les formes intérieures de GL<sub><i>n</i></sub>sur un corps local non archimédien 2014 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ On the Jacquet Conjecture on the Local Converse Problem for p-adic GL_n 2014 Moshe Adrian
Baiying Liu
Shaun Stevens
Peng Xu
+ Block decomposition of the category of l-modular smooth representations of GL(n,F) and its inner forms 2014 Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Semisimple types for $$p$$ p -adic classical groups 2013 Michitaka Miyauchi
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Automorphisms with exotic orbit growth 2013 Stephan Baier
Sawian Jaidee
Shaun Stevens
Thomas Ward
+ PDF Chat Smooth representations of GLm(D) V: Endo-classes 2012 Paul Broussous
Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ Semisimple types for p-adic classical groups 2012 Michitaka Miyauchi
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Smooth representations of ${GL}_m(D)$. V: Endo-classes 2012 Paul Broussous
Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ Smooth Representations of GLm(D) VI: Semisimple Types 2011 Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Mertens’ theorem for toral automorphisms 2010 Sawian Jaidee
Shaun Stevens
Thomas Ward
+ PDF Chat Fisher information and Stam inequality on a finite group(<i>Bull</i>.<i>London</i>.<i>Math</i>.<i>Soc</i>. 40 (2008) 855–862) 2010 Shaun Stevens
Thomas Ward
+ The Uniform Primality Conjecture for the Twisted Fermat Cubic 2010 Graham Everest
Ouamporn Phuksuwan
Shaun Stevens
+ Smooth representations of GL_m(D) VI : semisimple types 2010 Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ Smooth representations of GL(m,D), V: Endo-classes 2010 Paul Broussous
Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Dirichlet series for finite combinatorial rank dynamics 2009 Graham Everest
Richard Miles
Shaun Stevens
Thomas Ward
+ Buildings of classical groups and centralizers of Lie algebra elements 2009 Paul Broussous
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Primitive Divisors on Twists of Fermat's Cubic 2009 Graham Everest
Patrick Ingram
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Genericity of supercuspidal representations of <i>p</i>-adic Sp<sub>4</sub> 2009 Corinne Blondel
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat On the realization of maximal simple types and epsilon factors of pairs 2008 Vytautas Paškūnas
Shaun Stevens
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat The supercuspidal representations of p-adic classical groups 2008 Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat The uniform primality conjecture for elliptic curves 2008 Graham Everest
Patrick Ingram
Valéry Mahé
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Covers for Self-dual Supercuspidal Representations of the Siegel Levi Subgroup of Classical p-adic Groups 2007 David Theo Goldberg
Philip Kutzko
Shaun Stevens
+ On the denominators of rational points on elliptic curves 2007 Graham Everest
Jonathan Reynolds
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Primes Generated by Recurrence Sequences 2007 Graham Everest
Shaun Stevens
D. Tamsett
Thomas Ward
+ Orbit-counting in non-hyperbolic dynamical systems 2007 Graham Everest
R. Miles
Shaun Stevens
Thomas Ward
+ Primitive divisors on twists of the Fermat cubic 2007 Graham Everest
Patrick Ingram
Shaun Stevens
+ Rational points on elliptic curves 2006 Graham Everest
Jonathan Reynolds
Shaun Stevens
+ On the realisation of maximal simple types and epsilon factors of pairs 2006 Vytautas Paškūnas
Shaun Stevens
+ Covers for self-dual supercuspidal representations of the Siegel Levi subgroup of classical p-adic groups 2006 David Theo Goldberg
Philip Kutzko
Shaun Stevens
+ The supercuspidal representations of p-adic classical groups 2006 Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Semisimple characters for p-adic classical groups 2005 Shaun Stevens
+ Primitive Divisors of Quadratic Polynomial Sequences 2004 Graham Everest
Shaun Stevens
D. Tamsett
Thomas Ward
+ Buildings of classical groups and centralizers of Lie algebra elements 2004 Paul Broussous
Shaun Stevens
+ Primes Generated by Recurrence Sequences 2004 Graham Everest
Shaun Stevens
D. Tamsett
Thomas Ward
+ PDF Chat Semisimple strata for p-adic classical groups1 2002 Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Double coset decompositions and intertwining 2001 Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Intertwining and Supercuspidal Types for <i>p</i> -Adic Classical Groups 2001 Shaun Stevens
+ Types and supercuspidal representations of p-adic symplectic groups 1998 Shaun Stevens
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Local tame lifting for GL(N) I: Simple characters 1996 Colin J. Bushnell
Guy Henniart
+ The admissible dual of GL(N) via compact open subgroups 1993 Colin J. Bushnell
Philip Kutzko
+ Smooth representations of reductive <i>p</i> -ADIC groups: structure theory via types 1998 CJ Bushnell
PC Kutzko
+ PDF Chat None 1999 Colin J. Bushnell
Philip Kutzko
+ PDF Chat Semisimple characters for p-adic classical groups 2005 Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Intertwining and Supercuspidal Types for <i>p</i> -Adic Classical Groups 2001 Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Double coset decompositions and intertwining 2001 Shaun Stevens
+ Finitude pour les représentations lisses de groupes <i>p</i>-adiques 2008 Jean-François Dat
+ PDF Chat The supercuspidal representations of p-adic classical groups 2008 Shaun Stevens
+ The Admissible Dual of GL(N) via Compact Open Subgroups. (AM-129) 1993 Colin J. Bushnell
Philip Kutzko
+ Sequences of numbers generated by addition in formal groups and new primality and factorization tests 1986 D. V. Chudnovsky
G. V. Chudnovsky
+ Primes generated by elliptic curves 2003 Graham Everest
Victor S. Miller
N. M. Stephens
+ Building ofGL(m, D) and centralizers 2002 Paul Broussous
B. Lemaire
+ Sp(2)-covers for self-contragredient supercuspidal representations of GL() 2004 Corinne Blondel
+ PDF Chat Smooth representations of ${GL}_m(D)$. V: Endo-classes 2012 Paul Broussous
Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Semisimple strata for p-adic classical groups1 2002 Shaun Stevens
+ Local Tame Lifting for GL(n) IV: Simple Characters and Base Change 2003 Colin J. Bushnell
Guy Henniart
+ PDF Chat Primes in Elliptic Divisibility Sequences 2001 Manfred Einsiedler
Graham Everest
Thomas Ward
Shaun Stevens
+ Rankin-Selberg Convolutions 1983 H. Jacquet
I. I. Piatetskii-Shapiro
J. A. Shalika
+ Fourier Transforms of Intertwining Operators and Plancherel Measures for GL(n) 1984 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Induced cuspidal representations and generalised Hecke rings 1980 Robert B. Howlett
G Lehrer
+ Smooth Representations of GLm(D) VI: Semisimple Types 2011 Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Prime powers in elliptic divisibility sequences 2005 Graham Everest
Helen King
+ PDF Chat On the realization of maximal simple types and epsilon factors of pairs 2008 Vytautas Paškūnas
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Semisimple types for $$p$$ p -adic classical groups 2013 Michitaka Miyauchi
Shaun Stevens
+ Types modulo ℓ pour les formes intérieures de GL<sub><i>n</i></sub>sur un corps local non archimédien 2014 Alberto Mínguez
Vincent Sécherre
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Primitive divisors of elliptic divisibility sequences 2005 Graham Everest
Gerard Mclaren
Thomas Ward
+ PDF Chat Représentations lisses de $\textup {GL} (m,D)$ I : caractères simples 2004 Vincent Sécherre
+ Supercuspidal Representations of GLn: Explicit Whittaker Functions 1998 Colin J. Bushnell
Guy Henniart
+ Wieferich's criterion and the abc-conjecture 1988 Joseph H. Silverman
+ Pure elements and intertwining classes of simple strata in local central simple algebras 2000 Paul Broussous
Martin Grabitz
+ PDF Chat Représentations lisses de GL(m, D) II : β-extensions 2005 Vincent Sécherre
+ PDF Chat Description du dual admissible de U (2,1)( F ) par la théorie des types de C. Bushnell et P. Kutzko 2002 Laure Blasco
+ Buildings of classical groups and centralizers of Lie algebra elements 2009 Paul Broussous
Shaun Stevens
+ Tamely ramified intertwining algebras 1993 Lawrence Morris
+ PDF Chat Tamely ramified supercuspidal representations of classical groups. I. Filtrations 1991 Lawrence Morris
+ Construction of tame supercuspidal representations 2001 Jiu-Kang Yu
+ PDF Chat Tamely ramified supercuspidal representations of<i>Gl</i><sub><i>n</i></sub> 1977 Roger Howe
+ PDF Chat Self-contragredient supercuspidal representations of $\mathrm {GL}_n$ 1997 Jeffrey D. Adler
+ Hereditary orders, Gauss sums and supercuspidal representations of GLN. 1987 Colin J. Bushnell
+ Hereditary Orders and Embeddings of Local Fields in Simple Algebras 1998 Paul Broussous
+ PDF Chat Existence of primitive divisors of Lucas and Lehmer numbers 2001 Yonatan Bilu
Guillaume Hanrot
Paul Voutier
+ PDF Chat Représentations cuspidales du groupe linéaire 1984 Henri Carayol
+ PDF Chat S-integer dynamical systems: periodic points. 1997 Thomas Ward
Graham Everest
Vijay Chothi
+ The Geometry and Cohomology of Some Simple Shimura Varieties. 2001 Michael Harris
Richard Taylor
Vladimir G. Berkovich
+ Types in reductive 𝑝-adic groups: The Hecke algebra of a cover 2000 Colin J. Bushnell
Philip Kutzko
+ Quelques propri�t�s des paires couvrantes 2004 Corinne Blondel
+ Primitive divisors of the expression An - Bn in algebraic number fields. 1974 Andrzej Schinzel
+ Level Zero Types and Hecke Algebras for Local Central Simple Algebras 2001 Martin Grabitz
Allan J. Silberger
Ernst‐Wilhelm Zink