Piergiulio Tempesta


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonian integrable systems in a magnetic field and symplectic-Haantjes geometry 2024 Ondřej Kubů
Daniel Reyes
Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ PDF Chat Sobolev orthogonal polynomials, Gauss–Borel factorization and perturbations 2024 Gerardo Ariznabarreta
Manuel Mañas
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat A Frobenius-type theory for discrete systems 2024 D.F. Reyes
Miguel Á. Rodríguez
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Partial separability and symplectic-Haantjes manifolds 2024 D.F. Reyes
Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ PDF Chat A new discretization of the Euler equation via the finite operator theory 2024 Miguel Á. Rodríguez
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonian integrable systems in a magnetic field and Symplectic-Haantjes geometry 2024 Ondřej Kubů
Daniel Reyes
Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ PDF Chat Generalized Nijenhuis Torsions and Block-Diagonalization of Operator Fields 2023 D.F. Reyes
Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ Partial separability and symplectic-Haantjes manifolds 2023 D.F. Reyes
Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ PDF Chat Polarization of generalized Nijenhuis torsions 2023 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ PDF Chat On higher-dimensional superintegrable systems: a new family of classical and quantum Hamiltonian models 2022 Miguel Á. Rodríguez
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Permutation group entropy: A new route to complexity for real-valued processes 2022 José M. Amigó
Roberto Dale
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Generalized Nijenhuis Torsions and block-diagonalization of operator fields 2022 Daniel Reyes Nozaleda
Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ Polarization of generalized Nijenhuis torsions 2022 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ On higher-dimensional superintegrable systems: A new family of classical and quantum Hamiltonian models 2022 Miguel Á. Rodríguez
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Higher Haantjes Brackets and Integrability 2021 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ Complexity-based permutation entropies: From deterministic time series to white noise 2021 José M. Amigó
Roberto Dale
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat New computable entanglement monotones from formal group theory 2021 José Carrasco
G. Marmo
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Classical multiseparable Hamiltonian systems, superintegrability and Haantjes geometry 2021 Daniel Reyes Nozaleda
Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ PDF Chat Haantjes algebras of classical integrable systems 2021 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ PDF Chat A generalized permutation entropy for noisy dynamics and random processes 2021 José M. Amigó
Roberto Dale
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Classical Multiseparable Systems, Superintegrability and Haantjes Geometry 2020 Daniel Reyes Nozaleda
Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ PDF Chat Multivariate group entropies, super-exponentially growing complex systems, and functional equations 2020 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Haantjes algebras and diagonalization 2020 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ PDF Chat Universality Classes and Information-Theoretic Measures of Complexity via Group Entropies 2020 Piergiulio Tempesta
Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
+ Classical Multiseparable Hamiltonian Systems, Superintegrability and Haantjes Geometry 2020 Daniel Reyes Nozaleda
Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ New computable entanglement monotones and witnesses from formal group theory 2019 José Carrasco
G. Marmo
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ New computable entanglement monotones from formal group theory 2019 José Carrasco
G. Marmo
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Nilpotent integrability, reduction of dynamical systems and a third-order Calogero–Moser system 2019 Alberto Ibort
G. Marmo
Miguel A. Rodrı́guez
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Formal Rings 2019 José Carrasco
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat A new class of entropic information measures, formal group theory and information geometry 2019 Miguel Á. Rodríguez
Álvaro Romaniega
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ New computable entanglement monotones from formal group theory 2019 José A. Carrasco
G. Marmo
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Universality Classes and Information-Theoretic Measures of Complexity via Group Entropies 2019 Piergiulio Tempesta
Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
+ Formal Rings 2019 José Carrasco
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Group Entropies: From Phase Space Geometry to Entropy Functionals via Group Theory 2018 Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ A New Class of Generalized Haantjes Tensors and Nilpotency 2018 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ A New family of higher-order Generalized Haantjes Tensors, Nilpotency and Integrability 2018 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ A New family of higher-order Haantjes Tensors and a Generalized Haantjes Integrability Theorem 2018 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ Higher Haantjes Brackets and Integrability. 2018 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ Group entropies: from phase space geometry to entropy functionals via group theory 2018 Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of exploding phase spaces: ontic open systems 2018 Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
Roozbeh H. Pazuki
Gunnar Pruessner
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness and characterization theorems for generalized entropies 2017 Alberto Enciso
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat A duality principle for the multi-block entanglement entropy of free fermion systems 2017 José Carrasco
Federico Finkel
Artemio González-López
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat A Foundational Approach to the Lie Theory for Fractional Order Partial Differential Equations 2017 Rosario Antonio Leo
Gabriele Sicuro
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ A duality principle for the entanglement entropy of free fermion systems 2017 José Carrasco
Federico Finkel
Artemio González-López
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Generalized Sobolev orthogonal polynomials, matrix moment problems and integrable systems 2016 Gerardo Ariznabarreta
Manuel Mañas
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Formal groups and <i>Z</i> -entropies 2016 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Statistical mechanics of exploding phase spaces 2016 Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
Roozbeh H. Pazuki
Gunnar Pruessner
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Statistical mechanics of exploding phase spaces: Ontic open systems 2016 Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
Roozbeh H. Pazuki
Gunnar Pruessner
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Critical behavior of su(1|1) supersymmetric spin chains with long-range interactions 2016 José Carrasco
Federico Finkel
Artemio González-López
Miguel Á. Rodríguez
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Groups, information theory, and Einstein's likelihood principle 2016 Gabriele Sicuro
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Generalized isotropic Lipkin–Meshkov–Glick models: ground state entanglement and quantum entropies 2016 José Carrasco
Federico Finkel
Artemio González-López
Miguel Á. Rodríguez
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Haantjes Structures for the Jacobi-Calogero Model and the Benenti Systems 2016 Giorgio Tondo
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat A new entropy based on a group-theoretical structure 2016 Evaldo M. F. Curado
Piergiulio Tempesta
Constantino Tsallis
+ Generalized Sobolev orthogonal polynomials, matrix moment problems and integrable systems 2016 Gerardo Ariznabarreta
Manuel Mañas
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Statistical mechanics of exploding phase spaces: Ontic open systems 2016 Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
Roozbeh H. Pazuki
Gunnar Pruessner
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Generalized Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick models: ground state entanglement and quantum entropies 2015 José Carrasco
Federico Finkel
Artemio González-López
Miguel A. Rodríguez
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat On the robustness of the <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si38.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>q</mml:mi></mml:math>-Gaussian family 2015 Gabriele Sicuro
Piergiulio Tempesta
A. Rodrı́guez
Constantino Tsallis
+ PDF Chat A parallel space saving algorithm for frequent items and the Hurwitz zeta distribution 2015 Massimo Cafaro
Marco Pulimeno
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Beyond the Shannon–Khinchin formulation: The composability axiom and the universal-group entropy 2015 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ On the characterization of integrable systems via the Haantjes geometry 2015 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ PDF Chat On the characterization of integrable systems via the Haantjes geometry 2015 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ A New Class of Composable Entropies from Group Theory: The Z-entropies 2015 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ The Lazard formal group, universal congruences and special values of zeta functions 2015 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Nilpotent integrability, reduction of dynamical systems and a third-order Calogero-Moser system 2015 Alberto Ibort
G. Marmo
Miguel A. Rodrı́guez
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ On the characterization of integrable systems via the Haantjes geometry 2015 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ PDF Chat Singularity confinement for matrix discrete Painlevé equations 2014 Giovanni A. Cassatella‐Contra
Manuel Mañas
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Galois differential algebras and categorical discretization of dynamical systems 2014 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Haantjes Manifolds and Integrable Systems 2014 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ Haantjes Manifolds of Classical Integrable Systems 2014 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ A general theory of Lie symmetries for fractional differential equations 2014 Rosario Antonio Leo
Gabriele Sicuro
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ On the theory of Lie symmetries for fractional differential equations 2014 Rosario Antonio Leo
Gabriele Sicuro
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat A theorem on the existence of symmetries of fractional PDEs 2014 Rosario Antonio Leo
Gabriele Sicuro
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Beyond the Shannon-Khinchin Formulation: The Composability Axiom and the Universal Group Entropy 2014 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Bipartite and directed scale-free complex networks arising from zeta functions 2014 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Galois differential algebras and categorical discretization of dynamical systems 2014 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Bipartite and directed scale-free complex networks arising from zeta functions 2013 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Integrable maps from Galois differential algebras, Borel transforms and number sequences 2013 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Generalized Lenard chains, separation of variables, and superintegrability 2012 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ Hyperfunctions, formal groups and generalized Lipschitz summation formulas 2011 Stefano Marmi
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Group entropies, correlation laws, and zeta functions 2011 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Finding frequent items in parallel 2011 Massimo Cafaro
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ On the high energy stability of the nonlinear modal solutions for the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam β system 2011 Mario Leo
Rosario Antonio Leo
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Multiple-scale analysis of dynamical systems on the lattice 2010 D. Levi
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Thermostatistics in the neighbourhood of the π-mode solution for the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam β system: from weak to strong chaos 2010 Mario Leo
Rosario Antonio Leo
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ L-series and Hurwitz zeta functions associated with the universal formal group 2010 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Discretization of nonlinear evolution equations over associative function algebras 2009 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Symmetry reduction and superintegrable Hamiltonian systems 2009 Miguel A. Rodrı́guez
Piergiulio Tempesta
P. Winternitz
+ From symmetries to number theory 2009 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ ELEMENTARY PARTICLES AND FIELDS Theory From Symmetries to Number Theory 2009 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Reduction of superintegrable systems: The anisotropic harmonic oscillator 2008 Miguel Á. Rodríguez
Piergiulio Tempesta
P. Winternitz
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Formal groups, Bernoulli-type polynomials and L-series 2007 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ On Appell sequences of polynomials of Bernoulli and Euler type 2007 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Polylogarithms, hyperfunctions and generalized Lipschitz summation formulae 2007 Stefano Marmi
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ On a Generalization of Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials 2006 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ On Appell sequences of polynomials of Bernoulli and Euler type 2006 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Group Theory and Numerical Analysis 2005 P. Winternitz
David Gómez‐Ullate
A. Iserles
Decio Levi
Peter J. Olver
G. Quispel
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Umbral calculus, difference equations and the discrete Schrödinger equation 2004 D. Levi
Piergiulio Tempesta
P. Winternitz
+ PDF Chat Lorentz and Galilei invariance on lattices 2004 D. Levi
Piergiulio Tempesta
P. Winternitz
+ PDF Chat Weak transversality and partially invariant solutions 2003 A. M. Grundland
Piergiulio Tempesta
P. Winternitz
+ Erratum to “Vortices and invariant surfaces generated by symmetries for the 3D Navier–Stokes equations” 2002 Viviane Grassi
R. A. Leo
G. Soliani
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Quantum models related to fouled Hamiltonians of the harmonic oscillator 2002 Piergiulio Tempesta
Eleonora Alfinito
R. A. Leo
G. Soliani
+ Lie symmetries and superintegrability in quantum mechanics 2002 M. B. Sheftel
Piergiulio Tempesta
P. Winternitz
+ PDF Chat Temperature behaviour of vortices of a 3D thermoconducting viscous fluid 2002 Viviane Grassi
R. A. Leo
G. Soliani
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Exact solvability of superintegrable systems 2001 Piergiulio Tempesta
Alexander V. Turbiner
P. Winternitz
+ PDF Chat Vortices and invariant surfaces generated by symmetries for the 3D Navier–Stokes equations 2000 Viviane Grassi
R. A. Leo
G. Soliani
Piergiulio Tempesta
R. A. Leo
G. Soliani
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Non-local Symmetries of Nonlinear Field Equations: an Algebraic Approach 1999 M. Leo
R. A. Leo
G. Soliani
Piergiulio Tempesta
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Formal Groups and Applications 2012 Michiel Hazewinkel
+ PDF Chat Group entropies, correlation laws, and zeta functions 2011 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Beyond the Shannon–Khinchin formulation: The composability axiom and the universal-group entropy 2015 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Introduction to Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics 2009 Constantino Tsallis
+ Formal Lie Groups 1946 S. Bochner
A. S. Mishchenko
S P Novikov
+ PDF Chat Formal groups and <i>Z</i> -entropies 2016 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ L-series and Hurwitz zeta functions associated with the universal formal group 2010 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Finite operator calculus 1975 Gian‐Carlo Rota
Peter Doubilet
+ PDF Chat Formal groups, Bernoulli-type polynomials and L-series 2007 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ On Appell sequences of polynomials of Bernoulli and Euler type 2007 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Xn-1-Forming Sets of Eigenvectors 1951 Albert Nijenhuis
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness and characterization theorems for generalized entropies 2017 Alberto Enciso
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ Combinatorial and arithmetic identities based on formal group laws 1987 Andrew Baker
+ Jacobi-type identities for bilinear differential concomitants of certain tensor fields. II 1955 Albert Nijenhuis
+ PDF Chat Differential-geometric approach to the integrability of hydrodynamic chains: the Haantjes tensor 2007 E. V. Ferapontov
D. G. Marshall
+ Universal Higher Order Bernoulli Numbers and Kummer and Related Congruences 2000 Arnold Adelberg
+ On Xm-forming sets of eigenvectors 1955 J. Haantjes
+ PDF Chat A new class of entropic information measures, formal group theory and information geometry 2019 Miguel Á. Rodríguez
Álvaro Romaniega
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Haantjes algebras and diagonalization 2020 Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ PDF Chat On the Kummer congruences and the stable homotopy of 𝐵U 1989 Andrew Baker
Francis Clarke
Nigel Ray
Lionel Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Applications of lie groups to differential equations 1990 Peter J. Olver
+ PDF Chat Necessary conditions for existence of non-degenerate Hamiltonian structures 1996 Oleg I. Bogoyavlenskij
+ PDF Chat The universal von Staudt theorems 1989 Francis Clarke
+ A simple model of the integrable Hamiltonian equation 1978 Franco Magri
+ PDF Chat Haantjes Structures for the Jacobi-Calogero Model and the Benenti Systems 2016 Giorgio Tondo
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of exploding phase spaces: ontic open systems 2018 Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
Roozbeh H. Pazuki
Gunnar Pruessner
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Universality Classes and Information-Theoretic Measures of Complexity via Group Entropies 2020 Piergiulio Tempesta
Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
+ PDF Chat Lorentz and Galilei invariance on lattices 2004 D. Levi
Piergiulio Tempesta
P. Winternitz
+ The Lazard formal group, universal congruences and special values of zeta functions 2015 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ The Umbral Calculus 1984 Steven Roman
+ Jacobi-type identities for bilinear differential concomitants of certain tensor fields. I 1955 Albert Nijenhuis
+ Stirling and Bernoulli numbers for complex oriented homology theory 1989 Nigel Ray
+ General algebraic identities for the Nijenhuis and Haantjes tensors 2004 Oleg I. Bogoyavlenskij
+ PDF Chat The Haantjes tensor and double waves for multi-dimensional systems of hydrodynamic type: a necessary condition for integrability 2006 E. V. Ferapontov
К. Р. Хуснутдинова
+ A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory 1982 Kenneth Ireland
Michael Rosen
+ PDF Chat Classical multiseparable Hamiltonian systems, superintegrability and Haantjes geometry 2021 Daniel Reyes Nozaleda
Piergiulio Tempesta
Giorgio Tondo
+ PDF Chat Umbral calculus, discretization, and quantum mechanics on a lattice 1996 Aristophanes Dimakis
Folkert Müller-Hoissen
T Striker
+ PDF Chat Beyond Recursion Operators 2019 Yvette Kosmann–Schwarzbach
+ PDF Chat Umbral calculus, difference equations and the discrete Schrödinger equation 2004 D. Levi
Piergiulio Tempesta
P. Winternitz
+ PDF Chat When do generalized entropies apply? How phase space volume determines entropy 2011 Rudolf Hanel
Stefan Thurner
+ PDF Chat Multivariate group entropies, super-exponentially growing complex systems, and functional equations 2020 Piergiulio Tempesta
+ A geometrical approach to the nonlinear solvable equations 2008 Franco Magri
+ PDF Chat Recursion Operators and Frobenius Manifolds 2012 Franco Magri
+ PDF Chat Quasi-bi-Hamiltonian systems and separability 1997 Carlo Morosi
Giorgio Tondo
+ PDF Chat Reduction of bi-Hamiltonian systems and separation of variables: An example from the Boussinesq hierarchy 2000 Gregorio Falqui
Франко Магри
Giorgio Tondo
+ PDF Chat Group Entropies: From Phase Space Geometry to Entropy Functionals via Group Theory 2018 Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
Piergiulio Tempesta
+ PDF Chat Quantum entanglement 2009 Ryszard Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Michał Horodecki
Karol Horodecki