Theodore A. Evans


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Numerical Cognition and Quantitative Abilities in Nonhuman Primates 2015 Michael J. Beran
Audrey E. Parrish
Theodore A. Evans
+ PDF Chat Defining value through quantity and quality—Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) undervalue food quantities when items are broken 2014 Audrey E. Parrish
Theodore A. Evans
Michael J. Beran
+ Monkey Mathematical Abilities 2014 Michael J. Beran
Bonnie M. Perdue
Theodore A. Evans
+ PDF Chat What counts for ‘counting’? Chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes, respond appropriately to relevant and irrelevant information in a quantity judgment task 2013 Michael J. Beran
Joseph M. McIntyre
Alexis Garland
Theodore A. Evans
+ PDF Chat Humans and monkeys show similar skill in estimating uncertain outcomes 2012 Michael J. Beran
Katharine Owens
Holly A. Phillips
Theodore A. Evans
+ PDF Chat Do Social Conditions Affect Capuchin Monkeys’ (Cebus apella) Choices in a Quantity Judgment Task? 2012 Michael J. Beran
Bonnie M. Perdue
Audrey E. Parrish
Theodore A. Evans
+ Numerical judgments by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in a token economy. 2011 Michael J. Beran
Theodore A. Evans
Daniel Hoyle
+ What counts for "counting"? Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) know what does or does not matter during quantity judgments 2011 Michael J. Beran
Joseph M. McIntyre
Jessica Bramlett
Theodore A. Evans
+ PDF Chat Perception of food amounts by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): The role of magnitude, contiguity, and wholeness. 2009 Michael J. Beran
Theodore A. Evans
Chasity L. Ratliff
+ PDF Chat Natural choice in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): Perceptual and temporal effects on selective value 2008 Michael J. Beran
Chasity L. Ratliff
Theodore A. Evans
+ PDF Chat When in doubt, chimpanzees rely on estimates of past reward amounts 2008 Michael J. Beran
Theodore A. Evans
Emily H. Harris
+ Quantity judgments of sequentially presented food items by capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) 2008 Theodore A. Evans
Michael J. Beran
Emily H. Harris
Daniel F. Rice
+ PDF Chat An efficient computerized testing method for the capuchin monkey (Cebus apella): Adaptation of the LRC-CTS to a socially housed nonhuman primate species 2008 Theodore A. Evans
Michael J. Beran
Betty Chan
Emily D. Klein
Charles R. Menzel
+ PDF Chat Perception of food amounts by chimpanzees based on the number, size, contour length and visibility of items 2008 Michael J. Beran
Theodore A. Evans
Emily H. Harris
+ Ordinal judgments of symbolic stimuli by capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) and rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta): The effects of differential and nondifferential reward. 2008 Michael J. Beran
Emily H. Harris
Theodore A. Evans
Emily D. Klein
Betty Chan
Timothy M. Flemming
David A. Washburn
+ PDF Chat Discrimination Reversal Learning in Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus Apella) 2008 Michael J. Beran
Emily D. Klein
Theodore A. Evans
Betty Chan
Timothy M. Flemming
Emily H. Harris
David A. Washburn
Duane M. Rumbaugh
+ Summation and quantity judgments of sequentially presented sets by capuchin monkeys (<i>Cebus apella</i>) 2007 Michael J. Beran
Theodore A. Evans
Katherine A. Leighty
Emily H. Harris
Daniel F. Rice
+ Ordinal Representation of Numeric Quantities by Brown Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella). 2005 Peter G. Judge
Theodore A. Evans
Dhaval K. Vyas
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Summation and numerousness judgments of sequentially presented sets of items by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). 2001 Michael J. Beran
+ Estimating and operating on discrete quantities in Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus). 2000 Josep Call
+ Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Respond to Nonvisible Sets After One-by-One Addition and Removal of Items. 2004 Michael J. Beran
+ Chimpanzees Remember the Results of One-by-One Addition of Food Items to Sets Over Extended Time Periods 2004 Michael J. Beran
Mary M. Beran
+ Discrete quantity judgments in the great apes (Pan paniscus, Pan troglodytes, Gorilla gorilla, Pongo pygmaeus): The effect of presenting whole sets versus item-by-item. 2007 Daniel Hanus
Josep Call
+ Food and token quantity discrimination in capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) 2007 Elsa Addessi
Lara Crescimbene
Elisabetta Visalberghi
+ Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) go for more: rudiments of number in an amphibian 2003 Claudia Uller
Robert G. Jaeger
Gena Guidry
Carolyn Martin
+ PDF Chat Representation of the numerosities 1-9 by rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). 2000 Elizabeth M. Brannon
H. S. Terrace
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous number representation in semi–free–ranging rhesus monkeys 2000 Marc D. Hauser
Susan Carey
Lilan B. Hauser
+ Summation in the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). 1987 Duane M. Rumbaugh
Sue Savage‐Rumbaugh
Mark T. Hegel
+ Non-verbal numerical cognition: from reals to integers 2000 C. R. Gallistel
Rochel Gelman
+ Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) enumerate large and small sequentially presented sets of items using analog numerical representations. 2007 Michael J. Beran
+ Quantity-based judgments in the domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) 2006 Camille Ward
Barbara Smuts
+ PDF Chat Perception of food amounts by chimpanzees based on the number, size, contour length and visibility of items 2008 Michael J. Beran
Theodore A. Evans
Emily H. Harris
+ Nonverbal Representations of Time and Number in Animals and Human Infants 2003 Jamie D. Roitman
Elizabeth M. Brannon
+ Summation and quantity judgments of sequentially presented sets by capuchin monkeys (<i>Cebus apella</i>) 2007 Michael J. Beran
Theodore A. Evans
Katherine A. Leighty
Emily H. Harris
Daniel F. Rice
+ Functional and Neural Mechanisms of Interval Timing 2003 Warren H. Meck
+ How capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) quantify objects and substances. 2006 Kristy vanMarle
Justine Aw
Koleen McCrink
Laurie R. Santos
+ Relative Numerousness Judgment and Summation in Young and Old Western Lowland Gorillas. 2005 Ursula S. Anderson
Tara S. Stoinski
Mollie A. Bloomsmith
M. Jackson Marr
Anderson D. Smith
Terry L. Maple
+ Ordinal Representation of Numeric Quantities by Brown Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella). 2005 Peter G. Judge
Theodore A. Evans
Dhaval K. Vyas
+ PDF Chat Numerical competence in a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). 1989 Sarah T. Boysen
Gary G. Berntson
+ Piagetian conservation of discrete quantities in bonobos (Pan paniscus), chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), and orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) 2005 Chikako Suda
Josep Call
+ Quantity judgments of sequentially presented food items by capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) 2008 Theodore A. Evans
Michael J. Beran
Emily H. Harris
Daniel F. Rice
+ PDF Chat Size matters: Impact of item size and quantity on array choice by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). 2001 Sarah T. Boysen
Gary G. Berntson
Kimberly L. Mukobi
+ Quantity discrimination in salamanders 2010 Paul Krusche
Claudia Uller
Ursula Dicke
+ Selection of Food by Size in the Chimpanzee, and Comparison with Human Judgments 1960 Emil W. Menzel
+ Putting the Elephant Back in the Herd: Elephant Relative Quantity Judgments Match Those of Other Species 2011 Bonnie M. Perdue
Kate Talbot
Adam Stone
Michael J. Beran
+ Do fish count? Spontaneous discrimination of quantity in female mosquitofish 2008 Christian Agrillo
Marco Dadda
Giovanna Serena
Angelo Bisazza
+ Representation of the numerosities 1–9 by rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). 2000 Elizabeth M. Brannon
H. S. Terrace
+ Shared System for Ordering Small and Large Numbers in Monkeys and Humans 2006 Jessica F. Cantlon
Elizabeth M. Brannon
+ Ordinal Judgments and Summation of Nonvisible Sets of Food Items by Two Chimpanzees and a Rhesus Macaque. 2005 Michael J. Beran
Mary M. Beran
Emily H. Harris
David A. Washburn
+ PDF Chat Numerosity differences and effects of stimulus density on pigeons’ discrimination performance 1998 Jacky Emmerton
+ Numerical competence in animals: Definitional issues, current evidence, and a new research agenda 1988 Hank Davis
Rachelle PĂ©russe
+ Ordering of the Numerosities 1 to 9 by Monkeys 1998 Elizabeth M. Brannon
H. S. Terrace
+ Judgments of ordinality and summation of number symbols by squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus). 1997 Anneke Olthof
Caron M. Iden
William A. Roberts
+ PDF Chat Responses to quantity: Perceptual versus cognitive mechanisms in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). 1995 Sarah T. Boysen
Gary G. Berntson
+ Relative numerosity discrimination by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): evidence for approximate numerical representations 2007 Masaki Tomonaga
+ Understanding of the concept of numerically "less" by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). 2005 Kelly Jaakkola
Wendi Fellner
Linda Erb
Mandy Rodriguez
Emily Guarino
+ Relative quantity judgments in South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) 2011 José Zamorano-Abramson
Marı́a Victoria HernĂĄndez-Lloreda
Josep Call
Fernando Colmenares
+ PDF Chat Quantity judgments of auditory and visual stimuli by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). 2011 Michael J. Beran
+ Small and large number discrimination in guppies 2011 Laura Piffer
Christian Agrillo
Daniel C. Hyde
+ The Child's Understanding of Number 1979 Karen C. Fuson
Rochel Gelman
C. R. Gallistel
+ "Constructive" enumeration by chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes ) on a computerized task 2001 Michael J. Beran
Duane M. Rumbaugh
+ Capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) succeed in a test of quantity conservation 2007 Michael J. Beran
+ Ordinal Judgments of Numerical Symbols by Macaques (<i>Macaca Mulatta</i>) 1991 David A. Washburn
Duane M. Rumbaugh
+ PDF Chat When in doubt, chimpanzees rely on estimates of past reward amounts 2008 Michael J. Beran
Theodore A. Evans
Emily H. Harris
+ Meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, can distinguish more over-marks from fewer over-marks 2004 Michael H. Ferkin
Andrew A. Pierce
Robert O. Sealand
Javier delBarco‐Trillo
+ Numerosity discrimination in infants: Evidence for two systems of representations 2003 Fei Xu
+ Use of numbers by a chimpanzee 1985 Tetsuro Matsuzawa
+ Relative quantity judgment by Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) 2008 Naoko Irie-Sugimoto
Tessei Kobayashi
Takao SatĂŽ
Toshikazu Hasegawa