Hongyun Peng


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The Relaxation Limit of a Quasi-Linear Hyperbolic-Parabolic Chemotaxis System Modeling Vasculogenesis 2024 Qingqing Liu
Hongyun Peng
Zhi‐An Wang
+ The Cauchy Problem for the \(\boldsymbol{N}\)-Dimensional Compressible Navier–Stokes Equations without Heat Conductivity 2023 Hongyun Peng
Xiaoping Zhai
+ Global existence for a class of large solution to compressible Navier–Stokes equations with vacuum 2023 Guangyi Hong
Xiaofeng Hou
Hongyun Peng
Changjiang Zhu
+ On a hyperbolic-parabolic chemotaxis system 2023 Hongyun Peng
Kun Zhao
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Stability of Diffusion Waves of a Quasi-Linear Hyperbolic-Parabolic Model for Vasculogenesis 2022 Qingqing Liu
Hongyun Peng
Zhi‐An Wang
+ PDF Chat Convergence to nonlinear diffusion waves for a hyperbolic-parabolic chemotaxis system modelling vasculogenesis 2022 Qingqing Liu
Hongyun Peng
Zhi‐An Wang
+ Global strong solution to 3D full compressible magnetohydrodynamic flows with vacuum at infinity 2021 Xiaofeng Hou
Mina Jiang
Hongyun Peng
+ On the attraction–repulsion chemotaxis system with volume-filling effect 2021 Hongyun Peng
+ Global existence for a class of large solution to the three-dimensional micropolar fluid equations with vacuum 2021 Xiaofeng Hou
Hongyun Peng
+ Convergence to nonlinear diffusion waves for a hyperbolic-parabolic chemotaxis system modelling vasculogenesis 2021 Qingqing Liu
Hongyun Peng
Zhi‐An Wang
+ Hsiao–Liu correction functions and their applications 2021 Hongyun Peng
Changjiang Zhu
+ PDF Chat Global weak solutions and asymptotics of a singular PDE-ODE Chemotaxis system with discontinuous data 2020 Hongyun Peng
Zhi‐An Wang
Changjiang Zhu
+ Nonlinear stability of phase transition steady states to a hyperbolic–parabolic system modeling vascular networks 2020 Guangyi Hong
Hongyun Peng
Zhi‐An Wang
Changjiang Zhu
+ Nonlinear stability of phase transition steady states to a hyperbolic-parabolic system modelling vascular networks 2020 Guangyi Hong
Hongyun Peng
Zhi‐An Wang
Changjiang Zhu
+ On a parabolic-hyperbolic chemotaxis system with discontinuous data: Well-posedness, stability and regularity 2019 Hongyun Peng
Zhi‐An Wang
+ On a Parabolic-Hyperbolic Chemotaxis System with Discontinuous Data: Well-posedness, Stability and Regularity 2019 Hongyun Peng
Zhi‐An Wang
+ Global weak solutions and asymptotics of a singular PDE-ODE chemotaxis system with discontinuous data 2019 Hongyun Peng
Zhi‐An Wang
Changjaing Zhu
+ Nonlinear stability of strong traveling waves for the singular Keller–Segel system with large perturbations 2018 Hongyun Peng
Zhi‐An Wang
+ Global well-posedness of the 3D non-isothermal compressible fluid model of Korteweg type 2018 Xiaofeng Hou
Hongyun Peng
Changjiang Zhu
+ PDF Chat Boundary layers and stabilization of the singular Keller-Segel system 2018 Hongyun Peng
Zhi‐An Wang
Kun Zhao
Changjiang Zhu
+ Global Existence for a Class of Large Solutions to Three-Dimensional Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Equations with Vacuum 2017 Guangyi Hong
Xiaofeng Hou
Hongyun Peng
Changjiang Zhu
+ Global classical solutions to the 3D Navier–Stokes–Korteweg equations with small initial energy 2016 Xiaofeng Hou
Hongyun Peng
Changjiang Zhu
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic profile of a parabolic–hyperbolic system with boundary effect arising from tumor angiogenesis 2015 Ming Mei
Hongyun Peng
Zhi‐An Wang
+ A note on boundary layer of a nonlinear evolution system with damping and diffusions 2015 Hongyun Peng
Lizhi Ruan
Jianlin Xiang
+ Global classical solution to 3D isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations with large initial data and vacuum 2015 Xiaofeng Hou
Hongyun Peng
Changjiang Zhu
+ Global classical solution to 3D compressible magnetohydrodynamic equations with large initial data and vacuum 2015 Guangyi Hong
Xiaofeng Hou
Hongyun Peng
Changjiang Zhu
+ Global spherically symmetric classical solution to the Navier-Stokes-Maxwell system with large initial data and vacuum 2014 Guangyi Hong
Xiaofeng Hou
Hongyun Peng
Changjiang Zhu
+ PDF Chat Global well-posedness and zero diffusion limit of classical solutions to 3D conservation laws arising in chemotaxis 2013 Hongyun Peng
Huanyao Wen
Changjiang Zhu
+ Convergence rates of zero diffusion limit on large amplitude solution to a conservation laws arising in chemotaxis 2012 Hongyun Peng
Lizhi Ruan
Changjiang Zhu
+ Convergence Rate of Zero Viscosity Limit on Large Amplitude Solution to a Conservation Laws Arising in Chemotaxis 2011 Hongyun Peng
Lizhi Ruan
Changjiang Zhu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Nonlinear Stability of Traveling Waves to a Hyperbolic-Parabolic System Modeling Chemotaxis 2009 Tong Li
Zhi‐An Wang
+ Global Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations for Multidimensional Compressible Flow with Discontinuous Initial Data 1995 D. Hoff
+ PDF Chat Global existence of solutions to a hyperbolic-parabolic system 2006 Mei Zhang
Changjiang Zhu
Zhi‐An Wang
Tong Li
Kun Zhao
+ Traveling bands of chemotactic bacteria: A theoretical analysis 1971 Evelyn Fox Keller
Lee A. Segel
+ Discontinuous Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations for Multidimensional Flows of Heat-Conducting Fluids 1997 David Hoff
+ Aggregation, Blowup, and Collapse: The ABC's of Taxis in Reinforced Random Walks 1997 Angela Stevens
Hans G. Othmer
+ PDF Chat Global Spherically Symmetric Classical Solution to Compressible Navier–Stokes Equations with Large Initial Data and Vacuum 2012 Shijin Ding
Huanyao Wen
Lei Yao
Changjiang Zhu
+ Global solutions to a hyperbolic-parabolic coupled system with large initial data 2009 Jun Guo
Xiao Jixiong
Huijiang Zhao
Changjiang Zhu
+ PDF Chat Percolation, Morphogenesis, and Burgers Dynamics in Blood Vessels Formation 2003 A. Gamba
D. Ambrosi
Antonio Coniglio
A. de Candia
Stefano Di Talia
Enrico Giraudo
Guido Serini
Luigi Preziosi
Federico Bussolino
+ Global symmetric classical solutions of the full compressible Navier–Stokes equations with vacuum and large initial data 2013 Huanyao Wen
Changjiang Zhu
+ Blow-up criterions of strong solutions to 3D compressible Navier–Stokes equations with vacuum 2013 Huanyao Wen
Changjiang Zhu
+ PDF Chat Global well‐posedness of classical solutions with large oscillations and vacuum to the three‐dimensional isentropic compressible Navier‐Stokes equations 2011 Xiangdi Huang
Jing Li
Zhouping Xin
+ Unique global solution with respect to time of initial-boundary value problems for one-dimensional equations of a viscous gas 1977 A. V. Kazhikhov
V. V. Shelukhin
+ On the stability of homogeneous solutions to some aggregation models 2003 Luigi Preziosi
A. Gamba
R. Kowalczyk
+ PDF Chat Kinetic and hydrodynamic models of chemotactic aggregation 2007 Pierre-Henri Chavanis
Clément Sire
+ Global well-posedness for a multidimensional chemotaxis model in critical Besov spaces 2012 Chengchun Hao
+ Initial–boundary value problems for a system of hyperbolic balance laws arising from chemotaxis 2014 Huicong Li
Kun Zhao
+ Stationary solutions with vacuum for a one-dimensional chemotaxis model with nonlinear pressure 2015 Florent Berthelin
David Chiron
Magali Ribot
+ PDF Chat On classical solutions of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with nonnegative initial densities 2006 Yonggeun Cho
Hyunseok Kim
+ PDF Chat A System of Reaction Diffusion Equations Arising in the Theory of Reinforced Random Walks 1997 B. D. Sleeman
Howard A. Levine
+ Well-posedness of a 3D parabolic–hyperbolic Keller–Segel system in the Sobolev space framework 2014 Chao Deng
Tong Li
+ PDF Chat Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to a Quasi-linear Hyperbolic-Parabolic Model of Vasculogenesis 2013 Cristiana Di Russo
Alice Sepe
+ Asymptotic dynamics on a singular chemotaxis system modeling onset of tumor angiogenesis 2015 Zhi‐An Wang
Zhaoyin Xiang
Pei Yu
+ PDF Chat Global Classical Large Solutions to Navier--Stokes Equations for Viscous Compressible and Heat-Conducting Fluids with Vacuum 2013 Huanyao Wen
Changjiang Zhu
+ Asymptotic stability of traveling waves of a chemotaxis model with singular sensitivity 2013 Hai‐Yang Jin
Jingyu Li
Zhi‐An Wang
+ A mathematical model for the roles of pericytes and macrophages in the initiation of angiogenesis. I. The role of protease inhibitors in preventing angiogenesis 2000 Howard A. Levine
B. D. Sleeman
Marit Nilsen‐Hamilton
+ On the Existence of Globally Defined Weak Solutions to the Navier—Stokes Equations 2001 Eduard Feireisl
Antonín Novotný
Hana Petzeltová
+ Global Dynamics of a Hyperbolic-Parabolic Model Arising from Chemotaxis 2012 Tong Li
Ronghua Pan
Kun Zhao
+ Global classical large solutions to 1D compressible Navier–Stokes equations with density-dependent viscosity and vacuum 2011 Shijin Ding
Huanyao Wen
Changjiang Zhu
+ PDF Chat Phase Transitions and Bump Solutions of the Keller--Segel Model with Volume Exclusion 2020 José A. Carrillo
Xinfu Chen
Qi Wang
Zhi‐An Wang
Lu Zhang
+ PDF Chat The initial value problem for the equations of motion of viscous and heat-conductive gases 1980 Akitaka Matsumura
Takaaki Nishida
+ Boundary Effect on Asymptotic Behaviour of Solutions to the p-System with Linear Damping 1999 Kenji Nishihara
Tong Yang
+ Asymptotic stability of a composite wave of two traveling waves to a hyperbolic–parabolic system modeling chemotaxis 2013 Jingyu Li
Lina Wang
Kai‐Jun Zhang
+ Asymptotic nonlinear stability of traveling waves to conservation laws arising from chemotaxis 2010 Tong Li
Zhi‐An Wang
+ PDF Chat Convergence to nonlinear diffusion waves for solutions of a system of hyperbolic conservation laws with damping 1992 Ling Hsiao
Tai-Ping Liu
+ Approximation of Hyperbolic Models for Chemosensitive Movement 2005 Francis Filbet
Chi‐Wang Shu
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic Sensing in Escherichia coli Bacterial Chemotaxis 2009 Yevgeniy V. Kalinin
Lili Jiang
Yuhai Tu
Mingming Wu
+ Nonlinear stability of phase transition steady states to a hyperbolic–parabolic system modeling vascular networks 2020 Guangyi Hong
Hongyun Peng
Zhi‐An Wang
Changjiang Zhu
+ PDF Chat Singular convergence of nonlinear hyperbolic chemotaxis systems to Keller-Segel type models 2009 Marco Di Francesco
Donatella Donatelli
+ Convergence Rates to Nonlinear Diffusion Waves for Solutions of System of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Damping 1996 Kenji Nishihara
+ PDF Chat Stability of Boundary Layers for a Viscous Hyperbolic System Arising from Chemotaxis: One-Dimensional Case 2018 Qianqian Hou
Cheng-Jie Liu
Ya-Guang Wang
Zhi‐An Wang
+ PDF Chat One-dimensional Compressible Navier--Stokes Equations with Temperature Dependent Transport Coefficients and Large Data 2014 Hongxia Liu
Tong Yang
Huijiang Zhao
Qingyang Zou
+ Shock formation in a chemotaxis model 2007 Zhi‐An Wang
Thomas Hillen
+ Boundary Layers for the Navier–Stokes Equations of Compressible Heat-Conducting Flows with Cylindrical Symmetry 2009 Song Jiang
Jianwen Zhang
+ On Spherically Symmetric Solutions¶of the Compressible Isentropic Navier–Stokes Equations 2001 Song Jiang
Ping Zhang
+ Blow up criterion for a hyperbolic–parabolic system arising from chemotaxis 2012 Jishan Fan
Kun Zhao
+ Solutions in the large for some nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws 1973 Takaaki Nishida
Joel Smoller
+ Blowup of smooth solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equation with compact density 1998 Zhouping Xin