Mark S. Shephard


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Using Hierarchical Parallelism to Accelerate the Solution of Many Small Partial Differential Equations 2023 Jacob Merson
Mark S. Shephard
+ MuMFiM: Multiscale Modeling of Fibrous Materials 2023 Jacob Merson
Catalin R. Picu
Mark S. Shephard
+ PDF Chat Efficient exascale discretizations: High-order finite element methods 2021 Tzanio Kolev
Paul Fischer
Misun Min
Jack Dongarra
Jed Brown
Veselin Dobrev
Tim Warburton
Stanimire Tomov
Mark S. Shephard
Ahmad Abdelfattah
+ Recent Results from the SciDAC Center for Simulation of Fusion Relevant RF Actuators 2019 P. T. Bonoli
D. L. Green
E. D’Azevedo
N. Bertelli
A. M. Dimits
Tzanio Kolev
David Smithe
R. W. Harvey
J. R. Myra
Mark S. Shephard
+ PDF Chat A locally discontinuous ALE finite element formulation for compressible phase change problems 2019 Yu Zhang
Anirban Chandra
Fan Yang
Ehsan Shams
Onkar Sahni
Mark S. Shephard
Assad A. Oberai
+ A Stabilized Finite Element Method for Compressible Phase Change Problems 2017 Yu Zhang
Fan Yang
Anirban Chandra
Ehsan Shams
Mark S. Shephard
Onkar Sahni
Assad A. Oberai
+ PDF Chat Anisotropic Boundary Layer Adaptivity of Multi-Element Wings 2014 Kedar C. Chitale
Michel Rasquin
Onkar Sahni
Mark S. Shephard
Kenneth E. Jansen
+ Boundary Layer Adaptivity For Incompressible Turbulent Flows 2014 Kedar C. Chitale
Michel Rasquin
Onkar Sahni
Mark S. Shephard
Kenneth E. Jansen
+ Parallel Adaptive Boundary Layer Meshing for CFD Analysis 2012 Aleksandr Ovcharenko
Kedar C. Chitale
Onkar Sahni
Kenneth E. Jansen
Mark S. Shephard
+ An adaptive finite element method for magnetohydrodynamics 2006 S. Lankalapalli
Joseph E. Flaherty
Mark S. Shephard
H. R. Strauss
+ An adaptive discretization of shallow‐water equations based on discontinuous Galerkin methods 2006 Jean‐François Remacle
Sandra Soares FrazĂŁo
Xiangrong Li
Mark S. Shephard
+ Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Applied to Shock and Blast Problems 2005 Nicolas Chevaugeon
Jinhao Xin
Ping Hu
X. Li
Daniel Cler
Joseph E. Flaherty
Mark S. Shephard
+ Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Shallow Water Equations 2003 Sandra Soares
Xiagrong Li
Mark S. Shephard
+ Adaptive and Parallel Computation for Transient Partial Differential Equations 2002 Joseph E. Flaherty
Mark S. Shephard
+ PDF Chat Automatic generation of octree-based three-dimensional discretizations for Partition of Unity methods 2000 Ottmar Klaas
Mark S. Shephard
+ Parallel Adaptive Techniques for Transient Partial Differential Equations 1999 Joseph E. Flaherty
Mark S. Shephard
+ PDF Chat An Object-Oriented Framework for Reliable Numerical Simulations 1999 Mark W. Beall
Mark S. Shephard
+ Distributed Octree Data Structures and Local Refinement Method for the Parallel Solution of Three-Dimensional Conservation Laws 1999 Joseph E. Flaherty
R. M. Loy
Mark S. Shephard
M. Simone
BolesƂaw K. SzymaƄski
James D. Teresco
Louis H. Ziantz
+ Parallel structures and dynamic load balancing for adaptive finite element computation 1998 Joseph E. Flaherty
R. M. Loy
Can Özturan
Mark S. Shephard
BolesƂaw K. SzymaƄski
James D. Teresco
Louis H. Ziantz
+ PDF Chat Adaptive Local Refinement with Octree Load Balancing for the Parallel Solution of Three-Dimensional Conservation Laws 1997 Joseph E. Flaherty
R. M. Loy
Mark S. Shephard
BolesƂaw K. SzymaƄski
James D. Teresco
Louis H. Ziantz
+ Parallel Adaptive Finite Element Euler Flow Solver for Rotary Wing Aerodynamics 1997 Carlo L. Bottasso
Mark S. Shephard
+ Load Balancing and Communication Optimization for Parallel Adaptive Finite Element Methods (Invited Paper). 1997 Joseph E. Flaherty
Raymond M. Loy
Padraig Scully
Mark S. Shephard
BolesƂaw K. SzymaƄski
James D. Teresco
Louis H. Ziantz
+ A parallel adaptive finite element Euler flow solver for rotary wing aerodynamics 1995 Carlo L. Bottasso
Mark S. Shephard
+ Load balancing for the parallel adaptive solution of partial differential equations 1994 H.L. deCougny
Karen Devine
Joseph E. Flaherty
R. M. Loy
Can Özturan
Mark S. Shephard
+ Workshop on Adaptive Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1994 Joseph E. Flaherty
Mark S. Shephard
+ Automated adaptive time-discontinuous finite element method for unsteady compressible airfoil aerodynamics 1994 Bruce Webster
Mark S. Shephard
Zvi Rusak
Joseph E. Flaherty
+ Proceedings of the third ARO workshop on Adaptive methods for partial differential equations 1994 Joseph E. Flaherty
Kenneth D. Clark
Mark S. Shephard
Robert Vichnevetsky
+ Adaptive solutions of the Euler equations using finite quadtree and octree grids 1988 Raymond Ludwig
Joseph E. Flaherty
Fabio Guerinoni
Peggy L. Baehmann
Mark S. Shephard
Joseph E. Flaherty
Mark S. Shephard
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Flux-vector splitting for the Euler equations 1982 Bram van Leer
+ PDF Chat TVB Runge-Kutta local projection discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for conservation laws. II. General framework 1989 Bernardo Cockburn
Chi‐Wang Shu
+ Load balancing for the parallel adaptive solution of partial differential equations 1994 H.L. deCougny
Karen Devine
Joseph E. Flaherty
R. M. Loy
Can Özturan
Mark S. Shephard
+ Parallel Partitioning Strategies for the Adaptive Solution of Conservation Laws 1995 Karen Devine
Joseph E. Flaherty
Raymond M. Loy
Stephen R. Wheat
+ PDF Chat TVB Runge-Kutta local projection discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for conservation laws III: One-dimensional systems 1989 Bernardo Cockburn
San‐Yih Lin
Chi‐Wang Shu
+ Partitioning Sparse Matrices with Eigenvectors of Graphs 1990 Alex Pothen
Horst D. Simon
K. N. Liou
+ PDF Chat The Runge-Kutta local projection discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for conservation laws. IV. The multidimensional case 1990 Bernardo Cockburn
Suchung Hou
Chi‐Wang Shu
+ High-order adaptive methods for parabolic systems 1992 Slimane Adjerid
Joseph E. Flaherty
Peter K. Moore
Y. J. Wang
+ Triangular mesh methods for the neutron transport equation 1973 W.H. Reed
T.R. Hill
+ Parallel adaptive hp-refinement techniques for conservation laws 1996 Karen Devine
Joseph E. Flaherty
+ A posteriori error estimation for discontinuous Galerkin solutions of hyperbolic problems 2002 Slimane Adjerid
Karen Devine
Joseph E. Flaherty
Lilia Krivodonova
+ Approximate Riemann Solvers, Parameter Vectors, and Difference Schemes 1997 Philip L. Roe
+ Towards the ultimate conservative difference scheme. II. Monotonicity and conservation combined in a second-order scheme 1974 Bram van Leer
+ Adaptive solutions of the Euler equations using finite quadtree and octree grids 1988 Raymond Ludwig
Joseph E. Flaherty
Fabio Guerinoni
Peggy L. Baehmann
Mark S. Shephard
+ Parallel structures and dynamic load balancing for adaptive finite element computation 1998 Joseph E. Flaherty
R. M. Loy
Can Özturan
Mark S. Shephard
BolesƂaw K. SzymaƄski
James D. Teresco
Louis H. Ziantz
+ Front Tracking and The Interaction of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Waves 1989 Frederico Furtado
James Glimm
John W. Grove
X. L. Li
Brent Lindquist
Ralph Menikoff
David H. Sharp
Qiang Zhang
+ High-Order Finite Element Methods for Singularly Perturbed Elliptic and Parabolic Problems 1995 Slimane Adjerid
Mohammed Aiffa
Joseph E. Flaherty
+ The numerical simulation of two-dimensional fluid flow with strong shocks 1984 Paul R. Woodward
Phillip Colella
+ Efficient implementation of essentially non-oscillatory shock-capturing schemes, II 1989 Chi‐Wang Shu
Stanley Osher
+ Approximate Riemann solutions of the shallow water equations 1988 P. Glaister
+ A generalized-α method for integrating the filtered Navier–Stokes equations with a stabilized finite element method 2000 Kenneth E. Jansen
Christian H. Whiting
Gregory M. Hulbert
+ A stabilized finite element method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using a hierarchical basis 2001 Christian H. Whiting
Kenneth E. Jansen
+ Parallel Adaptive Boundary Layer Meshing for CFD Analysis 2012 Aleksandr Ovcharenko
Kedar C. Chitale
Onkar Sahni
Kenneth E. Jansen
Mark S. Shephard
+ Approximate Riemann solvers, parameter vectors, and difference schemes 1981 Philip L. Roe
+ High Resolution Schemes Using Flux Limiters for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws 1984 P. K. Sweby
+ On Upstream Differencing and Godunov-Type Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws 1983 Amiram Harten
Peter D. Lax
Bram van Leer
+ PDF Chat A survey of several finite difference methods for systems of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws 1978 Gary A. Sod
+ PDF Chat Nodal High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Spherical Shallow Water Equations 2002 Francis X. Giraldo
Jan S. Hesthaven
Tim Warburton
+ An efficient communications strategy for finite element methods on the Connection Machine CM-5 system 1994 Zdeněk Johan
Kapil K. Mathur
S. Lennart Johnsson
Thomas J.R. Hughes
+ On Conservation at Grid Interfaces 1987 Marsha Berger
+ PDF Chat Adaptive Local Refinement with Octree Load Balancing for the Parallel Solution of Three-Dimensional Conservation Laws 1997 Joseph E. Flaherty
R. M. Loy
Mark S. Shephard
BolesƂaw K. SzymaƄski
James D. Teresco
Louis H. Ziantz
+ Nonreflecting boundary conditions for nonlinear hyperbolic systems 1979 G. W. Hedstrom
+ Modeling, Mesh Generation, and Adaptive Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1995 Ivo BabuĆĄka
William D. Henshaw
Joseph Oliger
Joseph E. Flaherty
John E. Hopcroft
Tayfun E. Tezduyar
+ Discontinuous Galerkin methods 2003 Bernardo Cockburn
+ An adaptive finite element scheme for transient problems in CFD 1987 Rainald Löhner
+ PDF Chat Diagonalization and simultaneous symmetrization of the gas-dynamic matrices 1975 R. F. Warming
Richard M. Beam
B. J. Hyett
+ PDF Chat On a Finite Element Method for Solving the Neutron Transport Equation 1974 P. LASAINT
Pierre-Arnaud Raviart
+ PDF Chat Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Singular Current Sheets in Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamic Flows 1997 Holger Friedel
Rainer Grauer
Christiane Marliani
+ A Single Formula for the “Law of the Wall” 1961 D. B. Spalding
+ Object-oriented finite elements I. Principles of symbolic derivations and automatic programming 1996 Th. Zimmermann
Dominique Eyheramendy
+ PDF Chat An analysis of finite-difference and finite-volume formulations of conservation laws 1989 Marcel Vinokur
+ Integrated space-time adaptive hp-refinement methods for parabolic systems 1995 Joseph E. Flaherty
Peter K. Moore
+ Upwind schemes and boundary conditions with applications to Euler equations in general geometries 1983 Stanley Osher
Sukumar Chakravarthy
+ Constraints on finite-time current sheet formation at null points in two-dimensional ideal incompressible magnetohydrodynamics 1998 Isaac Klapper
+ Data parallel finite element techniques for large-scale computational fluid dynamics 1992 Zdeněk Johan
+ Space-time finite element computation of compressible flows involving moving boundaries and interfaces 1993 Shahrouz Aliabadi
Tayfun E. Tezduyar
+ PDF Chat An adaptive mesh-moving and local refinement method for time-dependent partial differential equations 1990 David C. Arney
Joseph E. Flaherty
+ PDF Chat Finite Element Flow Simulations of the EUROLIFT DLR-F11 High Lift Configuration 2014 Kedar C. Chitale
Michel Rasquin
Jeffrey D. Martin
Kenneth E. Jansen
+ Modeling phase transition for compressible two-phase flows applied to metastable liquids 2010 Ali Zein
Maren Hantke
Gerald Warnecke
+ A Non-oscillatory Eulerian Approach to Interfaces in Multimaterial Flows (the Ghost Fluid Method) 1999 Ronald Fedkiw
Tariq D. Aslam
Barry Merriman
Stanley Osher