Daria Ghilli


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Linear-Quadratic Mean Field Games in Hilbert spaces 2024 Salvatore Federico
Fausto Gozzi
Daria Ghilli
+ Habits and demand changes after COVID-19 2023 Mauro Bambi
Daria Ghilli
Fausto Gozzi
Marta Leocata
+ PDF Chat A mean field game model for COVID-19 with human capital accumulation 2023 Daria Ghilli
Cristiano Ricci
Giovanni Zanco
+ Rate of convergence for singular perturbations of Hamilton-Jacobi equations in unbounded spaces 2023 Daria Ghilli
Claudio Marchi
+ Habits and Demand Changes after COVID19 2023 Daria Ghilli
Fausto Gozzi
Mauro Bambi
Marta Leocata
+ Optimal Planning in Habit Formation Models with Multiple Goods 2023 Mauro Bambi
Daria Ghilli
Fausto Gozzi
Marta Leocata
+ Habits and Demand Changes after COVID-19 2022 Fausto Gozzi
Mauro Bambi
Daria Ghilli
Marta Leocata
+ Habits and Demand Changes after COVID-19 2022 Mauro Bambi
Daria Ghilli
Fausto Gozzi
Marta Leocata
+ Rate of convergence for singular perturbations of Hamilton-Jacobi equations in unbounded spaces 2022 Daria Ghilli
Claudio Marchi
+ A Mean Field Game model for COVID-19 with human capital accumulation 2022 Daria Ghilli
Cristiano Ricci
Giovanni Zanco
+ PDF Chat A Mean Field Game Model for COVID-19 with Human Capital Accumulation 2022 Daria Ghilli
Cristiano Ricci
Giovanni Zanco
+ PDF Chat Nonconvex flexible sparsity regularization: theory and monotone numerical schemes 2021 Daria Ghilli
Dirk A. Lorenz
Elena Resmerita
+ PDF Chat Periodic homogenization for weakly elliptic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations with critical fractional diffusion 2021 Adina Ciomaga
Daria Ghilli
Erwin Topp
+ PDF Chat Existence and non-existence for time-dependent mean field games with strong aggregation 2021 Marco Cirant
Daria Ghilli
+ Habits and Demand Changes after COVID-19 2021 Mauro Bambi
Daria Ghilli
Fausto Gozzi
Marta Leocata
+ Nonconvex flexible sparsity regularization: theory and monotone numerical schemes 2021 Daria Ghilli
Dirk A. Lorenz
Elena Resmerita
+ Habits and demand changes after COVID-19 2021 Mauro Bambi
Daria Ghilli
Fausto Gozzi
Marta Leocata
+ Existence and non-existence for time-dependent mean field games with strong aggregation 2020 Marco Cirant
Daria Ghilli
+ Existence and non-existence for time-dependent mean field games with strong aggregation 2020 Marco Cirant
Daria Ghilli
+ Periodic Homogenization for Weakly Elliptic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations with Critical Fractional Diffusion 2020 Adina Ciomaga
Daria Ghilli
Erwin Topp
+ PDF Chat On a Monotone Scheme for Nonconvex Nonsmooth Optimization with Applications to Fracture Mechanics 2019 Daria Ghilli
Karl Kunisch
+ PDF Chat Junction conditions for finite horizon optimal control problems on multi-domains with continuous and discontinuous solutions 2018 Daria Ghilli
Zhiping Rao
Hasnaa Zidani
+ PDF Chat On monotone and primal-dual active set schemes for $$\ell ^p$$ ℓ p -type problems, $$p \in (0,1]$$ p ∈ ( 0 , 1 ] 2018 Daria Ghilli
Karl Kunisch
+ On a monotone scheme for nonconvex nonsmooth optimization with applications to fracture mechanics 2018 Daria Ghilli
Karl Kunisch
+ On a monotone scheme for nonconvex nonsmooth optimization with applications to fracture mechanics 2018 Daria Ghilli
Karl Kunisch
+ On the monotone and primal-dual active set schemes for $\ell^p$-type problems, $p \in (0,1]$ 2017 Daria Ghilli
Karl Kunisch
+ PDF Chat On Neumann problems for nonlocal Hamilton–Jacobi equations with dominating gradient terms 2017 Daria Ghilli
+ Viscosity methods for large deviations estimates of multiscale stochastic processes 2017 Daria Ghilli
+ Junction conditions for finite horizon optimal control problems on multi-domains with continuous and discontinuous solutions 2017 Daria Ghilli
Zhiping Rao
Hasnaa Zidani
+ A monotone scheme for sparsity optimization in lp with p Є (0,1] 2017 Daria Ghilli
Karl Kunisch
+ Quantitative Borell-Brascamp-Lieb inequalities for power concave functions 2017 Daria Ghilli
Paolo Salani
+ On the monotone and primal-dual active set schemes for $\ell^p$-type problems, $p \in (0,1]$ 2017 Daria Ghilli
Karl Kunisch
+ Junction conditions for finite horizon optimal control problems on multi-domains with continuous and discontinuous solutions 2017 Daria Ghilli
Zhiping Rao
Hasnaa Zidani
+ Viscosity methods for large deviations estimates for multiscale stochastic processes 2016 Daria Ghilli
+ Some Results in Nonlinear PDEs: Large Deviations Problems, Nonlocal Operators, and Stability for Some Isoperimetric Problems 2016 Daria Ghilli
+ Viscosity methods for large deviations estimates for multiscale stochastic processes 2016 Daria Ghilli
+ Quantitative Borell-Brascamp-Lieb inequalities for compactly supported power concave functions (and some applications) 2015 Daria Ghilli
Paolo Salani
+ Large deviations for some fast stochastic volatility models by viscosity methods 2015 Martino Bardi
Annalisa Cesaroni
Daria Ghilli
+ Quantitative Borell-Brascamp-Lieb inequalities for compactly supported power concave functions (and some applications) 2015 Daria Ghilli
Paolo Salani
+ PDF Chat Stability of isoperimetric type inequalities for some Monge–Ampère functionals 2012 Daria Ghilli
Paolo Salani
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The perturbed test function method for viscosity solutions of nonlinear PDE 1989 Lawrence C. Evans
+ PDF Chat Global Convergence of Splitting Methods for Nonconvex Composite Optimization 2015 Guoyin Li
Ting Kei Pong
+ Viscosity Solutions Methods for Singular Perturbations in Deterministic and Stochastic Control 2002 Olivier Alvarez
Martino Bardi
+ PDF Chat Efficient Reconstruction of Piecewise Constant Images Using Nonsmooth Nonconvex Minimization 2008 Mila Nikolova
Michael K. Ng
Shuqin Zhang
Wai-Ki Ching
+ Ergodicity, stabilization, and singular perturbations for Bellman-Isaacs equations 2010 Olivier Alvarez
Martino Bardi
+ PDF Chat Exact Support Recovery for Sparse Spikes Deconvolution 2014 Vincent Duval
Gabriel Peyré
+ PDF Chat Nonconvex TV$^q$-Models in Image Restoration: Analysis and a Trust-Region Regularization--Based Superlinearly Convergent Solver 2013 Michael Hintermüller
Tao Wu
+ PDF Chat Minimization of Non-smooth, Non-convex Functionals by Iterative Thresholding 2014 Kristian Bredies
Dirk A. Lorenz
Stefan Reiterer
+ On Iteratively Reweighted Algorithms for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization in Computer Vision 2015 Peter Ochs
Alexey Dosovitskiy
Thomas Brox
Thomas Pock
+ PDF Chat Linearly Constrained Nonsmooth and Nonconvex Minimization 2013 Marco Artina
Massimo Fornasier
Francesco Solombrino
+ User’s guide to viscosity solutions of second order partial differential equations 1992 Michael G. Crandall
Hitoshi Ishii
Pierre-Louis Lions
+ PDF Chat Stable signal recovery from incomplete and inaccurate measurements 2006 Emmanuel J. Candès
Justin Romberg
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat A weak Bernstein method for fully nonlinear elliptic equations 1991 Guy Barles
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness Results for Second-Order Bellman--Isaacs Equations under Quadratic Growth Assumptions and Applications 2006 Francesca Da Lio
Olivier Ley
+ Solutions de viscosité des équations de Hamilton-Jacobi 1994 Guy Barles
+ Iterative reweighted minimization methods for $$l_p$$ l p regularized unconstrained nonlinear programming 2013 Zhaosong Lu
+ Large deviations for stochastic processes 2006 Jin Feng
Thomas G. Kurtz
+ Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis 1990 Frank H. Clarke
+ Comparison principle for dirichlet-type Hamilton-Jacobi equations and singular perturbations of degenerated elliptic equations 1990 Guy Barles
Benoı̂t Perthame
+ PDF Chat Convergence by Viscosity Methods in Multiscale Financial Models with Stochastic Volatility 2010 Martino Bardi
Annalisa Cesaroni
Luigi Manca
+ PDF Chat Short-Time Existence for a General Backward–Forward Parabolic System Arising from Mean-Field Games 2019 Marco Cirant
Roberto Gianni
Paola Mannucci
+ Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso 1996 Robert Tibshirani
+ Sparsest solutions of underdetermined linear systems via <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi>ℓ</mml:mi><mml:mi>q</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>-minimization for <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si2.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mn>0</mml:mn><mml:mo>&lt;</mml:mo><mml:mi>q</mml:mi><mml:mo>⩽</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math> 2008 Simon Foucart
Ming‐Jun Lai
+ Singular Perturbations of Nonlinear Degenerate Parabolic PDEs: a General Convergence Result 2003 Olivier Alvarez
Martino Bardi
+ A Primal Dual Active Set Algorithm for a Class of Nonconvex Sparsity Optimization 2013 Yuling Jiao
Bangti Jin
Xiliang Lu
Weina Ren
+ A primal dual active set with continuation algorithm for the <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>ℓ</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>-regularized optimization problem 2014 Yuling Jiao
Bangti Jin
Xiliang Lu
+ PDF Chat A variational approach to sparsity optimization based on Lagrange multiplier theory 2013 Kazufumi Ito
Karl Kunisch
+ A short proof of the -regularity of viscosity subsolutions for superquadratic viscous Hamilton–Jacobi equations and applications 2010 Guy Barles
+ Multiscale problems and homogenization for second-order Hamilton–Jacobi equations 2007 Olivier Alvarez
Martino Bardi
Claudio Marchi
+ Recurrence and Transience of Optimal Feedback Processes Associated with Bellman Equations of Ergodic Type 2011 Naoyuki Ichihara
+ Convex Bodies: The Brunn–Minkowski Theory 1993 Rolf Schneider
+ PDF Chat Nearly unbiased variable selection under minimax concave penalty 2010 Cun‐Hui Zhang
+ Rates of convergence for the homogenization of fully nonlinear uniformly elliptic pde in random media 2010 Luis Caffarelli
Panagiotis E. Souganidis
+ Multi-population Mean Field Games systems with Neumann boundary conditions 2014 Marco Cirant
+ PDF Chat Large time behavior of periodic viscosity solutions for uniformly parabolic integro-differential equations 2013 Guy Barles
Emmanuel Chasseigne
Adina Ciomaga
Cyril Imbert
+ Proximal Analysis and the Minimal Time Function 1998 Peter R. Wolenski
Yu Zhuang
+ Infectious disease models with time-varying parameters and general nonlinear incidence rate 2011 Xinzhi Liu
Peter Stechlinski
+ PDF Chat On Parabolic Equations for Measures 2008 В. И. Богачев
Giuseppe Da Prato
Michael Röckner
+ Concavity properties for elliptic free boundary problems 2009 Chiara Bianchini
Paolo Salani
+ PDF Chat Hölder Continuity to Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with Superquadratic Growth in the Gradient and Unbounded Right-hand Side 2012 Pierre Cardaliaguet
Luís Silvestre
+ Regularity results and large time behavior for integro-differential equations with coercive Hamiltonians 2014 Guy Barles
Shigeaki Koike
Olivier Ley
Erwin Topp
+ Lower Semicontinuous Solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman Equations 1993 Hélène Frankowska
+ A Bellman Approach for Regional Optimal Control Problems in $\mathbb{R}^N$ 2014 Guy Barles
Ariela Briani
Emmanuel Chasseigne
+ Large Time Behavior of Solutions of Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman Equations with Quadratic Nonlinearity in Gradients 2013 Naoyuki Ichihara
Shuenn‐Jyi Sheu
+ The scaling of contact rates with population density for the infectious disease models 2013 Hao Hu
Karima Nigmatulina
Philip A. Eckhoff
+ PDF Chat Iterative Thresholding Meets Free-Discontinuity Problems 2010 Massimo Fornasier
Rachel Ward
+ PDF Chat Hamilton-Jacobi equations with measurable dependence on the state variable 2003 Fabio Camilli
Antonio Siconolfi
+ PDF Chat Lipschitz regularity of solutions for mixed integro-differential equations 2012 Guy Barles
Emmanuel Chasseigne
Adina Ciomaga
Cyril Imbert
+ PDF Chat The Brunn-Minkowski inequality 2002 Richard J. Gardner
+ PDF Chat Mean Field Games: Numerical Methods 2010 Yves Achdou
Italo Capuzzo-Dolcetta