Павел Димовски


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Diameter of nanotori 2023 Vesna Andova
Павел Димовски
Martin Knor
Riste Škrekovski
+ PDF Chat Wiener amalgam spaces of quasianalytic ultradistributions 2022 Павел Димовски
Bojan Prangoski
+ Wiener amalgam spaces of quasianalytic ultradistributions 2022 Павел Димовски
Bojan Prangoski
+ Some fixed point theorems in S-metric spaces 2020 Tomi Dimovski
Павел Димовски
+ PDF Chat Wave front sets with respect to Banach spaces of ultradistributions. Characterisation via the short-time fourier transform 2019 Павел Димовски
Bojan Prangoski
+ PDF Chat Translation–Modulation Invariant Banach Spaces of Ultradistributions 2018 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ Wave front sets with respect to Banach spaces of ultradistributions. Characterisation via the short-time Fourier transform 2018 Павел Димовски
Bojan Prangoski
+ Wave front sets with respect to Banach spaces of ultradistributions. Characterisation via the short-time Fourier transform 2018 Павел Димовски
Bojan Prangoski
+ PDF Chat Convolution of ultradistributions and ultradistribution spaces associated to translation-invariant Banach spaces 2016 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ Translation-invariant spaces of quasianalytic ultradistributions 2015 Bojan Prangoski
Павел Димовски
Jasson Vindas
+ Translation invariant Banach spaces of distributions and boundary values of integral transform 2015 Павел Димовски
+ On a class of translation-invariant spaces of quasianalytic ultradistributions 2015 Павел Димовски
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Boundary values of holomorphic functions and heat kernel method in translation-invariant distribution spaces 2015 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ On a class of translation-invariant spaces of quasianalytic ultradistributions 2015 Павел Димовски
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat New distribution spaces associated to translation-invariant Banach spaces 2014 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ On the space of multipliers and convolutors in the space of tempered ultradistributions 2014 Павел Димовски
Bojan Prangoski
Daniel Velinov
+ New distribution spaces associated to translation-invariant Banach spaces and boundary values of holomorphic functions 2013 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Topological Vector Spaces. 1967 M. S. Ramanujan
Helmut Schaefer
+ Boundary Values and Convolution in Ultradistribution Spaces 2007 R. D. Carmichael
Andrzej Kamiński
Stevan Pilipović
+ PDF Chat On Cohen's proof of the Factorization Theorem 2000 Jan Kisyński
+ PDF Chat Convolution of ultradistributions and ultradistribution spaces associated to translation-invariant Banach spaces 2016 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Théorie des distributions à valeurs vectorielles. I 1957 Laurent Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Boundary values of holomorphic functions and heat kernel method in translation-invariant distribution spaces 2015 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Laplace transform in spaces of ultradistributions 2013 Bojan Prangoski
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of bounded sets in spaces of ultradistributions 1994 Stevan Pilipović
+ The analysis of linear partial differential operators 1990 Lars Hörmander
+ An Introduction to Sato's Hyperfunctions 1993 Mitsuo Morimoto
+ PDF Chat New distribution spaces associated to translation-invariant Banach spaces 2014 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ Compactness in translation invariant Banach spaces of distributions and compact multipliers 1984 Hans G. Feichtinger
+ PDF Chat On quasianalytic classes of Gelfand–Shilov type. Parametrix and convolution 2017 Stevan Pilipović
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Complex powers for a class of infinite order hypoelliptic operators 2018 Stevan Pilipović
Bojan Prangoski
+ PDF Chat A calculus approach to hyperfunctions I 1987 Tadato Matsuzawa
+ On a class of translation-invariant spaces of quasianalytic ultradistributions 2015 Павел Димовски
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ Topological Vector Spaces II 1979 h.c. Gottfried Köthe
+ PDF Chat Representation of quasianalytic ultradistributions 1993 Soon‐Yeong Chung
Dohan Kim
+ Multidimensional Tauberian theorems for Banach-space valued generalized functions 2003 Yu. N. Drozhzhinov
B I Zav'yalov
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic extension of generalizations ofHpfunctions. II 1987 R. D. Carmichael
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness in the Cauchy problem for the heat equation 1999 Soon‐Yeong Chung
+ PDF Chat Micro-local analysis in some spaces of ultradistributions 2012 Karoline Johansson
Stevan Pilipović
Nenad Teofanov
Joachim Toft
+ (Ultra) distributions of Lp-growth as Boundary Values of Holomorphic Functions 2003 Antonio Galbis Verdú
Carmen Fernández
+ Topological Vector Spaces II 1979 Gottfried Köthe
+ Topological vector spaces and distributions 1966 Juan Horváth
+ PDF Chat Tauberian theorems for generalized functions 1988 V. S. Vladimirov
Ю. Н. Дрожжинов
Boris Ivanovich Zavialov
+ Generalization of <i>H<sup>p</sup> </i> functions in tubes. I 1983 R. D. Carmichael
+ Almost analytic extension of ultradifferentiable functions and the boundary values of holomorphic functions 1984 Hans-Joachim Petzsche
Dietmar Vogt
+ PDF Chat Fourier Hyperfunctions as the Boundary Values of Smooth Solutions of Heat Equations 1993 Kwang Whoi Kim
Soon‐Yeong Chung
Dohan Kim
+ Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean Spaces. 1971 Elias M. Stein
Guido Weiss
+ PDF Chat Factorization in some Fréchet algebras of differentiable functions 1984 Jürgen Voigt
+ PDF Chat Harmonic analysis based on certain commutative Banach algebras 1956 Yngve Domar
Yngve Domar
+ Lectures on the Edge-of-the-Wedge Theorem 1971 Walter Rudin
+ Banach spaces related to integrable group representations and their atomic decompositions, I 1989 Hans G. Feichtinger
Karlheinz Gröchenig
+ PDF Chat Vector Valued Hyperfunctions and Boundary Values of Vector Valued Harmonic and Holomorphic Functions 2008 Paweł Domański
Michael Langenbruch
+ PDF Chat Generalized Amalgams, With Applications to Fourier Transform 1990 Hans G. Feichtinger
+ Topological vector spaces, distributions and kernels 2006 François Trèves
+ PDF Chat Bounded and Almost Periodic Ultradistributions as Boundary Values of Holomorphic Functions 2003 Carmen Fernández
Antonio Galbis
María del Carmen Gómez-Collado
+ Irreducibility of Certain Entire Functions with Applications to Harmonic Analysis 1978 Lee A. Rubel
William A. Squires
B. A. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Equality of the homogeneous and the Gabor wave front set 2017 René Schulz
Patrik Wahlberg
+ PDF Chat Microlocal properties of Shubin pseudodifferential and localization operators 2015 René Schulz
Patrik Wahlberg
+ A characterization of tempered distributions with support in a cone by the heat kernel method and its applications 2004 Masanori Suwa
Kunio Yoshino
+ PDF Chat Fourier integral operators. I 1971 Lars Hörmander
+ Harmonic extensions of distributions 2007 Josefina Álvarez
Martha Guzmán–Partida
Salvador Pérez‐Esteva
+ PDF Chat On inverse-closed algebras of infinitely differentiable functions 1981 Joaquim Bruna
+ Distributionen als Randverteilungen analytischer Funktionen. II 1961 Heinz G�nther Tillmann
+ Banach spaces of distributions having two module structures 1983 Wolfgang Braun
Hans G. Feichtinger
+ Tauberian Theory: A Century of Developments 2010 Jacob Korevaar
+ Multidimensional Tauberian theorems for wavelet and non-wavelet transforms 2010 Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ Tauberian theorems for generalized functions with values in Banach spaces 2002 Yu. N. Drozhzhinov
B I Zav'yalov