Lenhard Ng


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Torsion in linearized contact homology for Legendrian knots 2023 Robert Lipshitz
Lenhard Ng
+ An L-infinity structure for Legendrian contact homology 2023 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Chat Braid loops with infinite monodromy on the Legendrian contact DGA 2022 Roger Casals
Lenhard Ng
+ Braid Loops with infinite monodromy on the Legendrian contact DGA 2021 Roger Casals
Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Chat Augmentations are sheaves 2020 Lenhard Ng
Dan Rutherford
Vivek Shende
Steven Sivek
Eric Zaslow
+ PDF Chat Legendrian contact homology in $\mathbb{R}^3$ 2020 John B. Etnyre
Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Chat Higher genus knot contact homology and recursion for colored HOMFLY-PT polynomials 2020 Tobias Ekholm
Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Representations, sheaves, and Legendrian $(2,m)$ torus links 2019 Baptiste Chantraine
Lenhard Ng
Steven Sivek
+ PDF Chat Representations, sheaves and Legendrian (2,m) torus links 2018 Baptiste Chantraine
Lenhard Ng
Steven Sivek
+ Higher genus knot contact homology and recursion for colored HOMFLY-PT polynomials 2018 Tobias Ekholm
Lenhard Ng
+ Legendrian contact homology in $\mathbb{R}^3$ 2018 John B. Etnyre
Lenhard Ng
+ Higher genus knot contact homology and recursion for colored HOMFLY-PT polynomials 2018 Tobias Ekholm
Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Chat A complete knot invariant from contact homology 2017 Tobias Ekholm
Lenhard Ng
Vivek Shende
+ PDF Knot contact homology, string topology, and the cord algebra 2017 Kai Cieliebak
Tobias Ekholm
Janko Latschev
Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Chat The cardinality of the augmentation category of a Legendrian link 2017 Lenhard Ng
Dan Rutherford
Vivek Shende
Steven Sivek
+ PDF Obstructions to Lagrangian concordance 2016 Christopher Cornwell
Lenhard Ng
Steven Sivek
+ Knot contact homology, string topology, and the cord algebra 2016 Kai Cieliebak
Tobias Ekholm
Janko Latschev
Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Legendrian contact homology in the boundary of a subcritical Weinstein 4-manifold 2015 Tobias Ekholm
Lenhard Ng
+ PDF On transverse invariants from Khovanov homology 2015 Robert Lipshitz
Lenhard Ng
Sucharit Sarkar
+ PDF Chat A Topological Introduction to Knot Contact Homology 2014 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Topological strings, D-model, and knot contact homology 2014 Cumrun Vafa
Mina Aganagic
Tobias Ekholm
Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Satellites of Legendrian knots and representations of the Chekanov–Eliashberg algebra 2013 Lenhard Ng
Daniel Rutherford
+ Legendrian contact homology in the boundary of a subcritical Weinstein 4-manifold 2013 Tobias Ekholm
Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Knot contact homology 2013 Tobias Ekholm
John B. Etnyre
Lenhard Ng
Michael G. Sullivan
+ PDF Legendrian and transverse twist knots 2013 John B. Etnyre
Lenhard Ng
Vera Vértesi
+ PDF Chat An Atlas of Legendrian Knots 2013 Wutichai Chongchitmate
Lenhard Ng
+ Legendrian contact homology in the boundary of a subcritical Weinstein 4-manifold 2013 Tobias Ekholm
Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Chat Filtrations on the knot contact homology of transverse knots 2012 Tobias Ekholm
John B. Etnyre
Lenhard Ng
Michael G. Sullivan
+ Combinatorial knot contact homology and transverse knots 2011 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Chat Rational symplectic field theory for Legendrian knots 2010 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF A family of transversely nonsimple knots 2010 Tirasan Khandhawit
Lenhard Ng
+ Grid Diagrams, Braids, and Contact Geometry 2008 Lenhard Ng
Dylan P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat Framed knot contact homology 2008 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Chat A Skein Approach to Bennequin-Type Inequalities 2008 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Transverse knots distinguished by knot Floer homology 2008 Lenhard Ng
Peter Ozsváth
Dylan P. Thurston
+ Grid Diagrams, Braids, and Contact Geometry 2008 Lenhard Ng
Dylan P. Thurston
+ Transverse Knots Distinguished by Knot Floer Homology 2007 Lenhard Ng
Peter Ozsváth
Dylan P. Thurston
+ A skein approach to Bennequin type inequalities 2007 Lenhard Ng
+ Transverse Knots Distinguished by Knot Floer Homology 2007 Lenhard Ng
Peter Ozsváth
Dylan P. Thurston
+ Insights From SMPY's Greatest Former Child Prodigies: Drs. Terence (“Terry”) Tao and Lenhard (“Lenny”) Ng Reflect on Their Talent Development 2006 Michelle Muratori
Julian C. Stanley
Lenhard Ng
Jack Ng
Miraca U. M. Gross
Terence Tao
Billy Tao
+ PDF Chat Conormal bundles, contact homology and knot invariants 2006 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF The correspondence between augmentations and rulings for Legendrian knots 2006 Lenhard Ng
Joshua Sabloff
+ PDF A Legendrian Thurston–Bennequin bound from Khovanov homology 2005 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Knot and braid invariants from contact homology II 2005 Lenhard Ng
+ The correspondence between augmentations and rulings for Legendrian knots 2005 Lenhard Ng
Joshua M. Sabloff
+ PDF Knot and braid invariants from contact homology I 2005 Lenhard Ng
+ Plane curves and contact geometry 2005 Lenhard Ng
+ The correspondence between augmentations and rulings for Legendrian knots 2005 Lenhard Ng
Joshua M. Sabloff
+ PDF Legendrian solid-torus links 2004 Lenhard Ng
+ Framed knot contact homology 2004 Lenhard Ng
+ Legendrian solid-torus links 2004 Lenhard Ng
Lisa Traynor
+ PDF Knot and braid invariants from contact homology II, with an appendix written jointly with Siddhartha Gadgil 2003 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Chat Computable Legendrian invariants 2003 Lenhard Ng
+ Problems in Low Dimensional Contact Topology 2002 John B. Etnyre
Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Maximal Thurston–Bennequin number of two-bridge links 2001 Lenhard Ng
+ The Legendrian satellite construction 2001 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Invariants of Legendrian Knots and Coherent Orientations 2001 John B. Etnyre
Lenhard Ng
Joshua M. Sabloff
+ Invariants of Legendrian Knots and Coherent Orientations 2001 John B. Etnyre
Lenhard Ng
Joshua M. Sabloff
+ Legendrian mirrors and Legendrian isotopy 2000 Lenhard Ng
+ Computable Legendrian invariants 2000 Lenhard Ng
+ The Rook on the Half-Chessboard, or How Not to Diagonalize a Matrix 1998 Kiran S. Kedlaya
Lenhard Ng
+ The Rook on the Half-Chessboard, or How Not to Diagonalize a Matrix 1998 Kiran S. Kedlaya
Lenhard Ng
+ Hamiltonian Decomposition of Lexicographic Products of Digraphs 1998 Lenhard Ng
+ Hamiltonian decomposition of complete regular multipartite digraphs 1997 Lenhard Ng
+ k -Ordered Hamiltonian graphs 1997 Lenhard Ng
Michelle Schultz
+ k-ordered Hamiltonian graphs 1997 Lenhard Ng
Michelle Schultz
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Differential algebra of Legendrian links 2002 Yuri Chekanov
+ PDF Chat Computable Legendrian invariants 2003 Lenhard Ng
+ Invariants in contact topology 1998 Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF Invariants of Legendrian Knots and Coherent Orientations 2001 John B. Etnyre
Lenhard Ng
Joshua M. Sabloff
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Symplectic Field Theory 2000 Yakov Eliashberg
A. Glvental
Helmut Hofer
John B. Etnyre
Michael Sullivan
+ PDF Chekanov–Eliashberg invariants and transverse approximations of Legendrian knots 2001 Judith Epstein
Dmitry Fuchs
Maike Meyer
+ PDF Legendrian solid-torus links 2004 Lenhard Ng
+ Invariants of Legendrian and transverse knots in the standard contact space 1997 Dmitry Fuchs
Serge Tabachnikov
+ Chekanov–Eliashberg invariant of Legendrian knots: existence of augmentations 2003 Dmitry Fuchs
+ PDF Legendrian and Transversal Knots 2005 John B. Etnyre
+ Combinatorial knot contact homology and transverse knots 2011 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Knot and braid invariants from contact homology I 2005 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Legendrian knots, transverse knots and combinatorial Floer homology 2008 Peter Ozsváth
Zoltán Szabó
Dylan P. Thurston
+ Knots and Contact Geometry 2000 John B. Etnyre
Ko Honda
+ PDF Chat Framed knot contact homology 2008 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Knot and braid invariants from contact homology II 2005 Lenhard Ng
+ Legendrian contact homology in 𝑃×ℝ 2007 Tobias Ekholm
John B. Etnyre
Michael C. Sullivan
+ PDF Knot contact homology 2013 Tobias Ekholm
John B. Etnyre
Lenhard Ng
Michael G. Sullivan
+ On Legendrian knots and polynomial invariants 2001 Emmanuel Ferrand
+ PDF Knots and Contact Geometry I: Torus Knots and the Figure Eight Knot 2001 John B. Etnyre
Ko Honda
+ PDF Transverse knots and Khovanov homology 2006 Olga Plamenevskaya
+ The Thurston-Bennequin number, Kauffman polynomial, and ruling invariants of a Legendrian link: The Fuchs conjecture and beyond 2006 Dan Rutherford
+ None 2005 Joshua Sabloff
+ PDF Morse flow trees and Legendrian contact homology in 1–jet spaces 2007 Tobias Ekholm
+ PDF Chat Filtrations on the knot contact homology of transverse knots 2012 Tobias Ekholm
John B. Etnyre
Lenhard Ng
Michael G. Sullivan
+ PDF The <b>N</b>-copy of a topologically trivial Legendrian knot 2001 K.N. Mishachev
+ A congruence between link polynomials 1990 Lee Rudolph
+ PDF The contact homology of Legendrian submanifolds in R2n+1 2005 Tobias Ekholm
John B. Etnyre
Michael G. Sullivan
+ PDF Knot and braid invariants from contact homology II, with an appendix written jointly with Siddhartha Gadgil 2003 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Satellites of Legendrian knots and representations of the Chekanov–Eliashberg algebra 2013 Lenhard Ng
Daniel Rutherford
+ PDF Transverse knots distinguished by knot Floer homology 2008 Lenhard Ng
Peter Ozsváth
Dylan P. Thurston
+ Seifert circles and knot polynomials 1986 H. R. Morton
+ PDF Non-triviality of the<i>A</i>–polynomial for knots in<i>S</i><sup>3</sup> 2004 Nathan M. Dunfield
Stavros Garoufalidis
+ PDF Legendrian knots and exact Lagrangian cobordisms 2016 Tobias Ekholm
Ko Honda
Tamás Kálmán
+ Lagrangian Intersection Floer Theory: Anomaly and Obstruction 2009 賢治 深谷
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Classification of topologically trivial Legendrian knots 1998 Yakov Eliashberg
Maia Fraser
+ PDF Stabilization in the braid groups II: Transversal simplicity of knots 2006 Joan S. Birman
William W. Menasco
+ PDF A Legendrian Thurston–Bennequin bound from Khovanov homology 2005 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Chat Rational symplectic field theory for Legendrian knots 2010 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Bounds for the Thurston–Bennequin number from Floer homology 2004 Olga Plamenevskaya
+ Augmentations and Rulings of Legendrian Knots 2004 Joshua M. Sabloff
+ PDF Braids and the Jones polynomial 1987 John Franks
R. F. Williams
+ Markov theorem for transversal links 2001 S. Yu. Orevkov
Vsevolod Shevchishin
+ Heegaard Floer invariants of Legendrian knots in contact three--manifolds 2008 Paolo Lisca
Peter Ozsváth
András I. Stipsicz
Zoltán Szabó
+ PDF Chat A categorification of the Jones polynomial 2000 Mikhail Khovanov
+ PDF Chat A duality exact sequence for legendrian contact homology 2009 Tobias Ekholm
John B. Etnyre
Joshua M. Sabloff
+ PDF Non-isotopic Legendrian submanifolds in R2n+1 2005 Tobias Ekholm
John B. Etnyre
Michael G. Sullivan
+ PDF Effect of Legendrian surgery 2012 Frédéric Bourgeois
Tobias Ekholm
Yakov Eliashberg
+ PDF A combinatorial description of knot Floer homology 2009 Ciprian Manolescu
Peter Ozsváth
Sucharit Sarkar