H. D. Ursell


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The Degrees of Radical Extensions 1974 H. D. Ursell
+ Infinite Matrices and Sequence Spaces. By R. G. Cooke. Pp. xiii, 347. 20s. 1966. (Constable.) 1967 H. D. Ursell
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Lattice Theory. By D. E. Rutherford. Pp. x, 117. 36s. 1966. (Oliver and Boyd) 1966 H. D. Ursell
+ Elementary Real Analysis. By H. G. Eggleston. Pp. viii, 282. 37s. 61962. (Cambridge University Press) 1965 H. D. Ursell
+ Introduction to Calculus 1964 H. D. Ursell
Kazimierz Kuratowski
+ Introduction to Calculus. By K. Ktjratowski. Pp. 315. 35s. 1961. (Pergamon Press) 1964 H. D. Ursell
+ Introduction to Set Theory and Topology. By K. Kuratowski. Pp. 283. 45s. 1960. (Pergamon Press) 1964 H. D. Ursell
+ Set Topology. By R. Vaidanathaswamy 2nd edition. Pp. vi, 305. 1960. (Chelsea Publishing Co., New York) 1963 H. D. Ursell
+ Fondements de la Topologie generale. By A. Csaszar Pp. 230. 1960. (Academy of Sciences of Hungary) 1963 H. D. Ursell
+ Riemann Surfaces. By L. V. Ahlfors and L. Sabio (Princeton Mathematical Series 26). Pp. xi + 382. 80s. 1960. (Princeton University Press: Oxford University Press) 1963 H. D. Ursell
+ Random walk on a sphere and on a Riemannian manifold 1960 Paul Roberts
H. D. Ursell
+ Inequalities Between Sums of Powers 1959 H. D. Ursell
+ PDF Chat Simultaneous Linear Recurrence Relations with Variable Coefficients 1958 H. D. Ursell
+ On the Lightness and Strong Interiority of Analytic Functions 1952 H. G. Eggleston
H. D. Ursell
+ Remarks on the theory of prime ends 1951 H. D. Ursell
Louise Young
+ Note on the Transfinite Diameter 1938 H. D. Ursell
+ On the Behaviour of a Certain Sequence of Functions Derived From a Given One 1937 H. D. Ursell
+ On The Behaviour of a Certain Sequence of Functions Derived from a Given One 1937 H. D. Ursell
+ Sets of Fractional Dimensions (V): on Dimensional Numbers of Some Continuous Curves 1937 A. S. Besicovitch
H. D. Ursell
+ The Cantor Manifolds Lying on a Closed Surface. Part II 1935 H. D. Ursell
+ Analysis of the Conditions of Generalized almost Periodicity 1934 H. D. Ursell
+ On the Total Variation of {<i>f(t+r)−f(t)</i> } 1934 H. D. Ursell
+ On the Convergence Almost Everywhere of Rademacher's Series and of the Bochnerfejér Sums of a Function almost Periodic in the Sense of Stepanoff 1932 H. D. Ursell
+ Parseval's Theorem for Almost-Periodic Functions 1931 H. D. Ursell
+ Normality of Almost Periodic Functions 1930 H. D. Ursell
+ On Quadrics Satisfying Nine Conditions 1930 H. D. Ursell
+ Normality and almost Periodic Functions 1929 H. D. Ursell
+ Coincidence formulae in geometry 1929 H. D. Ursell
+ Cayley's problem of seven lines on a quartic surface 1929 H. D. Ursell