Gerd Antes


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Is there a role for statistics in artificial intelligence? 2020 Sarah Friedrich
Gerd Antes
Sigrid Behr
Harald Binder
Werner Brannath
Florian Dumpert
Katja Ickstadt
Hans A. Kestler
Johannes Lederer
Heinz LeitgĂśb
+ Methods for detecting, quantifying, and adjusting for dissemination bias in meta-analysis are described 2016 Katharina Felicitas Mueller
Joerg J Meerpohl
Matthias Briel
Gerd Antes
Erik von Elm
Britta Lang
Edith Motschall
Guido Schwarzer
Dirk Bassler
+ Messung und Bewertung der Studienqualität und Berichtsqualität 2014 Anette Blßmle
Erik von Elm
Gerd Antes
Joerg J Meerpohl
+ Boosting qualifies capture–recapture methods for estimating the comprehensiveness of literature searches for systematic reviews 2011 Gerta Rücker
Veronika Reiser
Edith Motschall
Harald Binder
Joerg J Meerpohl
Gerd Antes
Martin Schumacher
+ Falsche Gelassenheit 2010 Monika Lelgemann
Beate Wieseler
Gerd Antes
+ [Clinical trials registers. Introduction to the topic and backgrounds]. 2009 Gerd Antes
G. Dreier
H. Hasselblatt
Anette BlĂźmle
Martin Schumacher
+ Register fĂźr klinische Studien 2009 Gerd Antes
G. Dreier
H. Hasselblatt
Anette BlĂźmle
Martin Schumacher
+ Register fĂźr klinische Studien: EinfĂźhrung in das Thema und HintergrĂźnde 2009 Gerd Antes
G. Dreier
H. Hasselblatt
Anette BlĂźmle
Martin Schumacher
+ A test for publication bias in meta‐analysis with sparse binary data 2006 Guido Schwarzer
Gerd Antes
Martin Schumacher
+ PDF Chat Inflation of type I error rate in two statistical tests for the detection of publication bias in meta‐analyses with binary outcomes 2002 Guido Schwarzer
Gerd Antes
Martin Schumacher
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Publication bias: the case for an international registry of clinical trials. 1986 R. J. Simes
+ PDF Chat Bias in meta-analysis detected by a simple, graphical test 1997 Matthias Egger
George Davey Smith
Martin Schneider
C. Minder
+ Publication Bias: A Problem in Interpreting Medical Data 1988 Colin B. Begg
Jesse A. Berlin
+ Operating Characteristics of a Rank Correlation Test for Publication Bias 1994 Colin B. Begg
Madhuchhanda Mazumdar
+ What Works?: Selectivity Models and Meta-Analysis 1999 J. B. Copas
+ Empirical Evidence for Selective Reporting of Outcomes in Randomized Trials 2004 An‐Wen Chan
Asbjørn Hróbjartsson
Mette T. Haahr
Peter C Gøtzsche
Douglas G. Altman
+ Estimation of Effect Size under Nonrandom Sampling: The Effects of Censoring Studies Yielding Statistically Insignificant Mean Differences 1984 Larry V. Hedges
+ Bayesian approaches to random‐effects meta‐analysis: A comparative study 1995 Teresa Smith
David J. Spiegelhalter
Andrew C. Thomas
+ A comparison of methods to detect publication bias in meta‐analysis 2001 Petra Macaskill
Stephen D. Walter
Les Irwig
+ Review papers : The statistical basis of meta-analysis 1993 JL Fleiss
+ Adjusting for publication bias in the presence of heterogeneity 2003 Norma Terrin
Christopher H. Schmid
Joseph Lau
Ingram Olkin
+ Publication Bias and Meta-Analysis for 2×2 Tables: An Average Markov Chain Monte Carlo EM Algorithm 2002 Jian Qing Shi
J. B. Copas
+ Capture-recapture is a potentially useful method for assessing publication bias 2004 Derrick Bennett
Nancy K. Latham
Caroline Stretton
Craig S. Anderson
+ Explaining heterogeneity in meta-analysis: a comparison of methods 1999 Simon G. Thompson
Stephen J. Sharp
+ PDF Chat Extent of publication bias in different categories of research cohorts: a meta-analysis of empirical studies 2009 Fujian Song
Sheetal Parekh‐Bhurke
Lee Hooper
Yoon K. Loke
Jon J Ryder
Alex J. Sutton
Caroline Hing
Ian Harvey
+ Hierarchical Selection Models with Applications in Meta-Analysis 1997 Nancy Silliman
+ PDF Chat Quantifying Selective Reporting and the Proteus Phenomenon for Multiple Datasets with Similar Bias 2011 Thomas Pfeiffer
Lars Bertram
John P. A. Ioannidis
+ PDF Chat An Approach for Assessing Publication Bias Prior to Performing a Meta-Analysis 1992 Keith Dear
Colin B. Begg
+ Model Selection: An Integral Part of Inference 1997 S. T. Buckland
Kenneth P. Burnham
Nicole H. Augustin
+ A note on graphical presentation of estimated odds ratios from several clinical trials 1988 R. F. Galbraith
+ PDF Chat An Application of Gibbs Sampling to Estimation in Meta-Analysis: Accounting for Publication Bias 1997 Richard J. Cleary
George Casella
+ Generation of allocation sequences in randomised trials: chance, not choice 2002 Kenneth F. Schulz
David A. Grimes
+ Nonparametric classes of weight functions to model publication bias 1997 Nancy Silliman
+ Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA Statement 2009 David Moher
+ Combining estimates of the odds ratio: the state of the art 1994 John D. Emerson
+ Fast and Stable Algorithms for Computing and Sampling From the Noncentral Hypergeometric Distribution 2001 Jie Liao
Ori Rosen
+ On the bias of various estimators of the logit and its variance with application to quantal bioassay 1967 John J. Gart
James R. Zweifel
+ The performance of tests of publication bias and other sample size effects in systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy was assessed 2005 Jonathan J Deeks
Petra Macaskill
Les Irwig
+ Publication Bias in Empirical Sociological Research 2008 Alan S. Gerber
Neil Malhotra
+ Generalized Additive Modeling with Implicit Variable Selection by Likelihood‐Based Boosting 2006 Gerhard Tutz
Harald Binder
+ Assessing the Sensitivity of Meta-analysis to Selection Bias: A Multiple Imputation Approach 2010 James R. Carpenter
Gerta RĂźcker
Guido Schwarzer
+ Assessing the quality of randomized controlled trials: An annotated bibliography of scales and checklists 1995 David Moher
Alejandro R. Jadad
Graham Nichol
Marie Penman
Peter Tugwell
Sharon Walsh
+ Trim and Fill: A Simple Funnel‐Plot–Based Method of Testing and Adjusting for Publication Bias in Meta‐Analysis 2000 Sue Duval
Richard L. Tweedie
+ PDF Chat Improving the error rates of the Begg and Mazumdar test for publication bias in fixed effects meta-analysis 2014 Miriam Gjerdevik
Ivar Heuch
+ Improved tests for a random effects meta‐regression with a single covariate 2003 Guido Knapp
Joachim Härtung
+ A measure to aid in the interpretation of published clinical trials 1985 Colin B. Begg
+ An Assessment of Publication Bias Using a Sample of Published Clinical Trials 1989 Jesse A. Berlin
Colin B. Begg
Thomas A. Louis
+ A modified test for small‐study effects in meta‐analyses of controlled trials with binary endpoints 2005 Roger Harbord
Matthias Egger
Jonathan A C Sterne
+ PDF Chat Allowing for mandatory covariates in boosting estimation of sparse high-dimensional survival models 2008 Harald Binder
Martin Schumacher
+ Publication and related bias in meta-analysis 2000 Jonathan A C Sterne
David J. Gavaghan
Matthias Egger
+ PDF Chat A New Mixture Model for Capture Heterogeneity 2008 Byron J. T. Morgan
M. S. Ridout
+ Editorial – Recent Developments in Capture‐Recapture Methods and Their Applications 2008 Dankmar Böhning
+ Odds ratio estimators when the data are sparse 1981 Norman E. Breslow
+ PDF Chat Application and investigation of a bound for outcome reporting bias 2007 Paula Williamson
Carrol Gamble
+ PDF Chat Using Journal Impact Factors to Correct for the Publication Bias of Medical Studies 2006 Rose Baker
Dan Jackson
+ Meta-analysis for the evaluation of potential surrogate markers 1997 Michael J. Daniels
Michael D. Hughes
+ An exploratory test for an excess of significant findings 2007 John P. A. Ioannidis
Thomas A Trikalinos
+ PDF Chat Discrepancies in sample size calculations and data analyses reported in randomised trials: comparison of publications with protocols 2008 A.-W. Chan
A. Hrobjartsson
Karsten Juhl Jørgensen
Peter C Gøtzsche
Douglas G. Altman
+ Estimation of a Common Effect Parameter from Sparse Follow-Up Data 1985 Sander Greenland
James M. Robins
+ Conditional likelihood inference under complex ascertainment using data augmentation 2003 D. Clayton