Boris Vertman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Phase transitions and minimal interfaces on manifolds with conical singularities 2025 Daniel Grieser
Sina Held
Hannes Uecker
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Scattering theory for difference equations with operator coefficients 2025 David A. Sher
Luís Silva
Boris Vertman
Monika Winklmeier
+ PDF Chat Analytic Torsion for Fibred Boundary Metrics and Conic Degeneration 2024 Jørgen Olsen Lye
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Generalized Yamabe Flows 2024 Jørgen Olsen Lye
Boris Vertman
Mannaim Gennaro Vitti
+ Cheeger–Müller theorem for a wedge singularity along an embedded submanifold 2024 Luiz Hartmann
Boris Vertman
+ Stability of <b>L</b>2-Invariants on Stratified Spaces 2024 Francesco Bei
Paolo Piazza
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions and minimal interfaces on manifolds with conical singularities 2024 Daniel Grieser
Sina Held
Hannes Uecker
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Analytic torsion for fibred boundary metrics and conic degeneration 2024 Jørgen Olsen Lye
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Convergence of the Yamabe flow on singular spaces with positive Yamabe constant 2023 Gilles Carron
Jørgen Olsen Lye
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Prescribed mean curvature flow of non-compact space-like Cauchy hypersurfaces 2023 Giuseppe Gentile
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Bounded Ricci curvature and positive scalar curvature under Ricci flow 2023 Klaus Kröncke
Tobias Marxen
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Long time existence of Yamabe flow on singular spaces with positive Yamabe constant 2023 Jørgen Olsen Lye
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Normalized Yamabe flow on manifolds with bounded geometry 2023 Bruno Caldeira
Luiz Hartmann
Boris Vertman
+ Cheeger-Müller theorem for a wedge singularity along an embedded submanifold 2023 Luiz Hartmann
Boris Vertman
+ Stability of $L^2-$invariants on stratified spaces 2023 Francesco Bei
Paolo Piazza
Boris Vertman
+ Extremals of determinants for Laplacians on discrete surfaces 2023 Paul Hafemann
Boris Vertman
+ Spectral zeta function on discrete tori and Epstein-Riemann Hypothesis 2022 Alexander Meiners
Boris Vertman
+ Analysis, Geometry and Topology of Singular PDE 2022 Claire Debord
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Signatures of Witt spaces with boundary 2022 Paolo Piazza
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Spectral geometry on manifolds with fibered boundary metrics I: Low energy resolvent 2022 Daniel Grieser
Mohammad Talebi
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Spectral geometry on manifolds with fibred boundary metrics II: heat kernel asymptotics 2022 Mohammad Talebi
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Prescribed mean curvature flow of non-compact space-like Cauchy hypersurfaces 2022 Giuseppe Gentile
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Ricci DeTurck flow on incomplete manifolds 2022 Tobias Marxen
Boris Vertman
+ Spectral zeta function on discrete tori and Epstein-Riemann conjecture 2022 Alexander Meiners
Boris Vertman
+ Prescribed mean curvature flow of non-compact space-like Cauchy hypersurfaces 2022 Giuseppe Gentile
Boris Vertman
+ Convergence of Yamabe flow on some complete manifolds with infinite volume 2021 Bruno Caldeira
Luiz Hartmann
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Resolvent trace asymptotics on stratified spaces 2021 Luiz Hartmann
Matthias Lesch
Boris Vertman
+ Convergence of the Yamabe flow on singular spaces with positive Yamabe constant 2021 Gilles Carron
Jørgen Olsen Lye
Boris Vertman
+ Spectral geometry on manifolds with fibred boundary metrics II: heat kernel asymptotics 2021 Mohammad Sadegh Talebi
Boris Vertman
+ Normalized Yamabe flow on manifolds with bounded geometry 2021 Bruno Caldeira
Luiz Hartmann
Boris Vertman
+ Ricci de Turck flow on incomplete manifolds 2021 Tobias Marxen
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Perelman’s entropies for manifolds with conical singularities 2020 Klaus Kröncke
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat A Survey on the Ricci Flow on Singular Spaces 2020 Klaus Kröncke
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Differential Geometry in the Large 2020 Klaus Kroencke
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Mean Curvature Flow in Asymptotically Flat Product Spacetimes 2020 Klaus Kröncke
Oliver Lindblad Petersen
Felix Lubbe
Tobias Marxen
Wolfgang Maurer
Wolfgang Meiser
Oliver C. Schnürer
Áron Szabó
Boris Vertman
+ Long-time existence of Yamabe flow on singular spaces with positive Yamabe constant 2020 Jørgen Olsen Lye
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Ricci de Turck Flow on Singular Manifolds 2020 Boris Vertman
+ Bounded Ricci Curvature and Positive Scalar Curvature under Singular Ricci de Turck Flow 2020 Klaus Kroencke
Tobias Marxen
Boris Vertman
+ Spectral geometry on manifolds with fibred boundary metrics I: Low energy resolvent 2020 Daniel Grieser
Mohammad Talebi
Boris Vertman
+ Signatures of Witt spaces with boundary 2020 Paolo Piazza
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Stability of Ricci de Turck flow on singular spaces 2019 Klaus Kröncke
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Long-time existence of the edge Yamabe flow 2019 Eric Bahuaud
Boris Vertman
+ Perelman's Entropies for Manifolds with conical Singularities 2019 Klaus Kroencke
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Eta and rho invariants on manifolds with edges 2019 Paolo Piazza
Boris Vertman
+ Perelman's Entropies for Manifolds with conical Singularities 2019 Klaus Kroencke
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Cheeger–Müller theorem on manifolds with cusps 2018 Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat On the domain of Dirac and Laplace type operators on stratified spaces 2018 Luiz Hartmann
Matthias Lesch
Boris Vertman
+ On the domain of a Dirac operator on stratified spaces 2017 Luiz Hartmann
Matthias Lesch
Boris Vertman
+ On the domain of Dirac and Laplace type operators on stratified spaces. 2017 Luiz Hartmann
Matthias Lesch
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Regularized limit of determinants for discrete tori 2017 Boris Vertman
+ On the domain of Dirac and Laplace type operators on stratified spaces 2017 Luiz Hartmann
Matthias Lesch
Boris Vertman
+ Zeta-determinants of Sturm–Liouville operators with quadratic potentials at infinity 2016 Luiz Hartmann
Matthias Lesch
Boris Vertman
+ Long-time existence of the edge Yamabe flow 2016 Eric Bahuaud
Boris Vertman
+ Eta and rho invariants on manifolds with edges 2016 Paolo Piazza
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Refined analytic torsion as analytic function on the representation variety and applications 2016 Maxim Braverman
Boris Vertman
+ Ricci flow on singular manifolds 2016 Boris Vertman
+ Long-time existence of the edge Yamabe flow 2016 Eric Bahuaud
Boris Vertman
+ Eta and rho invariants on manifolds with edges 2016 Paolo Piazza
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat The biharmonic heat operator on edge manifolds and non-linear fourth order equations 2015 Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Quantum Field Theory and Gluing Formula for Determinants 2015 Nicolai Reshetikhin
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Heat-trace asymptotics for edge Laplacians with algebraic boundary conditions 2015 Boris Vertman
+ Cheeger-Mueller Theorem on manifolds with cusps 2014 Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Regularizing infinite sums of zeta-determinants 2014 Matthias Lesch
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Mapping properties of the heat operator on edge manifolds 2014 Eric Bahuaud
Emily B. Dryden
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat A New Proof of a Bismut-Zhang Formula for Some Class of Representations 2014 Maxim Braverman
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Elliptic theory of differential edge operators II: boundary value problems 2014 Rafe Mazzeo
Boris Vertman
+ Cheeger-Mueller Theorem on manifolds with cusps 2014 Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat The Metric Anomaly of Analytic Torsion on Manifolds with Conical Singularities 2013 Werner Müller
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Yamabe flow on manifolds with edges 2013 Eric Bahuaud
Boris Vertman
+ Elliptic theory of differential edge operators, II: boundary value problems 2013 Rafe Mazzeo
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat The exotic heat-trace asymptotics of a regular-singular operator revisited 2013 Boris Vertman
+ The biharmonic heat operator on edge manifolds and non-linear fourth order equations 2013 Boris Vertman
+ The Cahn-Hilliard equation and the Biharmonic heat kernel on edge manifolds 2013 Boris Vertman
+ Multiparameter resolvent trace expansion for elliptic boundary problems 2013 Boris Vertman
+ The biharmonic heat operator on edge manifolds and non-linear fourth order equations 2013 Boris Vertman
+ A new proof of a Bismut-Zhang formula for some class of representations 2013 Maxim Braverman
Boris Vertman
+ Elliptic theory of differential edge operators, II: boundary value problems 2013 Rafe Mazzeo
Boris Vertman
+ Analytic torsion on manifolds with edges 2012 Rafe Mazzeo
Boris Vertman
+ Yamabe flow on manifolds with edges 2011 Eric Bahuaud
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat The metric anomaly of analytic torsion at the boundary of an even dimensional cone 2011 Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Regular singular Sturm–Liouville operators and their zeta-determinants 2011 Matthias Lesch
Boris Vertman
+ Analytic Torsion on Manifolds with Edges 2011 Rafe Mazzeo
Boris Vertman
+ Analytic Torsion on Manifolds with Edges 2011 Rafe Mazzeo
Boris Vertman
+ Yamabe flow on manifolds with edges 2011 Eric Bahuaud
Boris Vertman
+ The Metric Anomaly at the Regular Boundary of the Analytic Torsion of a Bounded Generalized Cone, II. Even-Dimensional Generalized Cone 2010 Boris Vertman
+ The Metric Anomaly of Analytic Torsion on Manifolds with Conical Singularities 2010 Werner Mueller
Boris Vertman
+ The Metric Anomaly of Analytic Torsion at the Boundary of an Even Dimensional Cone 2010 Boris Vertman
+ The Metric Anomaly of Analytic Torsion at the Boundary of an Even Dimensional Cone 2010 Boris Vertman
+ The Metric Anomaly of Analytic Torsion on Manifolds with Conical Singularities 2010 Werner Mueller
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Zeta determinants for regular-singular Laplace-type operators 2009 Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Analytic Torsion of a Bounded Generalized Cone 2009 Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Refined analytic torsion on manifolds with boundary 2009 Boris Vertman
+ Refined Analytic Torsion on Manifolds with Boundary 2008 Boris Vertman
+ Gluing Formula for Refined Analytic Torsion 2008 Boris Vertman
+ Refined Analytic Torsion on Manifolds with Boundary 2008 Boris Vertman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Atiyah-Patodi-Singer Index Theorem 1993 Richard Melrose
+ Analytic torsion on manifolds with edges 2012 Rafe Mazzeo
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Spectral geometry of singular Riemannian spaces 1983 Jeff Cheeger
+ Elliptic theory of differential edge operators I 1991 Rafe Mazzeo
+ None 1992 Richard Melrose
+ Analytic torsion and R-torsion of Riemannian manifolds 1978 Werner Müller
+ PDF Chat Zeta determinants for regular-singular Laplace-type operators 2009 Boris Vertman
+ Heat kernel asymptotics on manifolds with conic singularities 1999 Edith A. Mooers
+ R-Torsion and the Laplacian on Riemannian manifolds 1971 Daniel Ray
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat Kähler--Einstein metrics with edge singularities 2015 Thalia Jeffres
Rafe Mazzeo
Yanir A. Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Yamabe flow on manifolds with edges 2013 Eric Bahuaud
Boris Vertman
+ An Index Theorem for First Order Regular Singular Operators 1988 Jochen Brüning
R. Seeley
+ Operators of Fuchs type, conical singularities, and asymptotic methods 1997 Matthias Lesch
+ PDF Chat Analytic and topological torsion for manifolds with boundary and symmetry 1993 Wolfgang Lück
+ PDF Chat Generalized Ray-Singer conjecture. I. A manifold with a smooth boundary 1995 S. M. Vishik
+ PDF Chat Determinants of Regular Singular Sturm ‐ Liouville Operators 1998 Matthias Lesch
+ Heat Kernels and Dirac Operators 1992 Nicole Berline
Ezra Getzler
Michèle Vergne
+ Analytic Torsion and The Heat Equation 1979 Jeff Cheeger
+ PDF Chat Mapping properties of the heat operator on edge manifolds 2014 Eric Bahuaud
Emily B. Dryden
Boris Vertman
+ IntersectionR-torsion and analytic torsion for pseudomanifolds 1987 A. Mir and B. Dar
+ Asymptotics and Special Functions 1997 F. W. J. Olver
+ PDF Chat Functional determinants for general self-adjoint extensions of Laplace-type operators resulting from the generalized cone 2007 Klaus Kirsten
Paul Loya
Jinsung Park
+ PDF Chat An anomaly formula for Ray–Singer metrics on manifolds with boundary 2006 J. Brüning
Xiaonan Ma
+ Kähler-Hodge theory for conformal complex cones 1993 J. Brüning
Matthias Lesch
+ Hilbert complexes 1992 Ning Ju-hong
Matthias Lesch
+ PDF Chat The signature package on Witt spaces 2012 Pierre Albin
Éric Leichtnam
Rafe Mazzeo
Paolo Piazza
+ Kähler Metrics with Cone Singularities Along a Divisor 2012 Simon Donaldson
+ PDF Chat Ricci flow of negatively curved incomplete surfaces 2009 Gregor Giesen
Peter M. Topping
+ PDF Chat Analytic Torsion of a Bounded Generalized Cone 2009 Boris Vertman
+ The resolvent expansion for second order regular singular operators 1987 Jochen Brüning
R. Seeley
+ PDF Chat Local smoothing results for the Ricci flow in dimensions two and three 2013 Miles Simon
+ PDF Chat Ricci Flow on Surfaces with Conical Singularities 2010 Hao Yin
+ PDF Chat Analytic torsion and Reidemeister torsion 1977 Jeff Cheeger
+ PDF Chat A renormalized index theorem for some complete asymptotically regular metrics: The Gauss–Bonnet theorem 2007 Pierre Albin
+ PDF Chat Existence of Ricci Flows of Incomplete Surfaces 2011 Gregor Giesen
Peter M. Topping
+ PDF Chat Zeta invariants for Dirichlet series 2006 Mauro Spreafico
+ PDF Chat The Metric Anomaly of Analytic Torsion on Manifolds with Conical Singularities 2013 Werner Müller
Boris Vertman
+ Zeta function and regularized determinant on a disc and on a cone 2004 Mauro Spreafico
+ PDF Chat On the determinant of elliptic boundary value problems on a line segment 1995 Dan Burghelea
Leonid Friedlander
Thomas Kappeler
+ PDF Chat Long-time existence of the edge Yamabe flow 2019 Eric Bahuaud
Boris Vertman
+ The expansion of the resolvent near a singular stratum of conical type 1991 J. Brüning
R. Seeley
+ PDF Chat The index formula for families of Dirac type operators on pseudomanifolds 2023 Pierre Albin
Jesse Gell‐Redman
+ PDF Chat Ricci flow on surfaces with conic singularities 2015 Rafe Mazzeo
Yanir A. Rubinstein
Nataša Šešum
+ PDF Chat Exotic Expansions and Pathological Properties of ζ-Functions on Conic Manifolds 2008 Klaus Kirsten
Paul Loya
Jinsung Park
+ PDF Chat The analytic torsion of a cone over an odd dimensional manifold 2010 Luiz Hartmann
Mauro Spreafico
+ Stable and unstable Einstein warped products 2016 Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat Analytic torsion and 𝑅-torsion for unimodular representations 1993 Werner Müller
+ Bessel functions, heat kernel and the conical Kähler–Ricci flow 2015 Xiuxiong Chen
Yuanqi Wang
+ Invariance theory, the heat equation, and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem 1995 Peter Gilkey
+ PDF Chat Conformal deformation of a Riemannian metric to constant scalar curvature 1984 Richard Schoen