Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Hyperbolic actions of higher rank lattices come from rank-one factors 2024 Uri Bader
Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Alex Furman
Alessandro Sisto
+ PDF Chat Simple 𝑝-adic Lie groups with abelian Lie algebras 2024 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Ashot Minasyan
D. Osin
+ PDF Chat Amalgams of rational unipotent groups and residual nilpotence 2024 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Timothée Marquis
+ PDF Chat Lattice envelopes of right-angled Artin groups 2024 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Tom De Medts
+ A totally disconnected invitation to locally compact groups 2023 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
George A. Willis
+ Growing trees from compact subgroups 2023 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Timothée Marquis
Colin D. Reid
+ PDF Chat A type I conjecture and boundary representations of hyperbolic groups 2023 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Mehrdad Kalantar
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat Tame automorphism groups of polynomial rings with property (T) and infinitely many alternating group quotients 2023 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Martin Kassabov
+ PDF Chat Piecewise strongly proximal actions, free boundaries and the Neretin groups 2023 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Adrien Le Boudec
Nicolás Matte Bon
+ Simple $p$-adic Lie groups with abelian Lie algebras 2023 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Ashot Minasyan
D. Osin
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic generalized triangle groups, property (T) and finite simple quotients 2022 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Marston Conder
Marek Kaluba
Stefan Witzel
+ PDF Chat A radius <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math> irreducibility criterion for lattices in products of trees 2022 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ Commensurated subgroups and micro-supported actions (with an appendix by Dominik Francoeur) 2022 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Adrien Le Boudec
+ Hyperbolic actions of higher-rank lattices come from rank-one factors 2022 Uri Bader
Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Alex Furman
Alessandro Sisto
+ Tame automorphism groups of polynomial rings with property (T) and infinitely many alternating group quotients 2022 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Martin Kassabov
+ On compact uniformly recurrent subgroups 2022 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Gil Goffer
Waltraud Lederle
+ PDF Chat Locally normal subgroups and ends of locally compact Kac-Moody groups 2021 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Timothée Marquis
Colin D. Reid
+ PDF Chat Locally normal subgroups and ends of locally compact Kac-Moody groups 2021 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Timothée Marquis
Colin D. Reid
+ PDF Chat Growing trees from compact subgroups 2021 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Colin D. Reid
Timothée Marquis
+ Locally normal subgroups and ends of locally compact Kac-Moody groups 2021 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Timothée Marquis
Colin D. Reid
+ A totally disconnected invitation to locally compact groups 2021 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
George A. Willis
+ A type I conjecture and boundary representations of hyperbolic groups 2021 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Mehrdad Kalantar
Nicolas Monod
+ Growing trees from compact subgroups 2021 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Timothée Marquis
Colin D. Reid
+ Piecewise strongly proximal actions, free boundaries and the Neretin groups 2021 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Adrien Le Boudec
Nicolás Matte Bon
+ PDF Chat Groups with irreducibly unfaithful subsets for unitary representations 2020 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Pierre de la Harpe
+ Commensurated subgroups and micro-supported actions 2020 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Adrien Le Boudec
Dominik Francoeur
+ Hyperbolic generalized triangle groups, property (T) and finite simple quotients 2020 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Marston Conder
Marek Kaluba
Stefan Witzel
+ PDF Chat Bounding the covolume of lattices in products 2019 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Adrien Le Boudec
+ Erratum and addenda to "Isometry groups of non-positively curved spaces: discrete subgroups" 2019 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat On the residual and profinite closures of commensurated subgroups 2019 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Peter H. Kropholler
Colin D. Reid
Phillip Wesolek
+ PDF Chat A sixteen-relator presentation of an infinite hyperbolic Kazhdan group 2019 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ PDF Chat Finite and Infinite Quotients of Discrete and Indiscrete Groups 2019 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ PDF Chat Lattices in amenable groups 2019 Uri Bader
Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Tsachik Gelander
Shahar Mozes
+ Erratum and addenda to "Isometry groups of non-positively curved spaces: discrete subgroups" 2019 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat Approximating Simple Locally Compact Groups by Their Dense Locally Compact Subgroups 2018 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Colin D. Reid
Phillip Wesolek
+ PDF Chat Bounding the covolume of lattices in products 2018 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Adrien Le Boudec
+ PDF Chat Indicability, residual finiteness, and simple subquotients of groups acting on trees 2018 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Phillip Wesolek
+ On the linearity of lattices in affine buildings and ergodicity of the singular Cartan flow 2018 Uri Bader
Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Jean Lécureux
+ Non-discrete simple locally compact groups 2018 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Radu
+ Non-discrete simple locally compact groups 2018 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ Groups with irreducibly unfaithful subsets for unitary representations 2018 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Pierre de la Harpe
+ Future directions in locally compact groups: a tentative problem list 2018 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Manod
+ Future directions in locally compact groups 2018 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ Closed sets of real roots in Kac-Moody root systems 2018 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Timothée Marquis
+ A radius 1 irreducibility criterion for lattices in products of trees 2018 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ Groups with irreducibly unfaithful subsets for unitary representations 2018 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Pierre de la Harpe
+ Future directions in locally compact groups 2018 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat Corrigendum to “Decomposing locally compact groups into simple pieces” [Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 150 (1) (2011) 97-128] 2017 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ A sixteen-relator presentation of an infinite hyperbolic Kazhdan group 2017 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ Approximating simple locally compact groups by their dense locally compact subgroups 2017 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Colin D. Reid
Phillip Wesolek
+ On the residual and profinite closures of commensurated subgroups 2017 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Peter H. Kropholler
Colin D. Reid
Phillip Wesolek
Colin D. Reid
George A. Willis
Colin D. Reid
George A. Willis
+ On the residual and profinite closures of commensurated subgroups 2017 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Peter H. Kropholler
Colin D. Reid
Phillip Wesolek
+ Finite and infinite quotients of discrete and indiscrete groups 2017 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ A sixteen-relator presentation of an infinite hyperbolic Kazhdan group 2017 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ On the linearity of lattices in affine buildings and ergodicity of the singular Cartan flow. 2016 Uri Bader
Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Jean Lécureux
+ Simplicity of Twin Tree Lattices with Non-trivial Commutation Relations 2016 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Bertrand Rémy
+ On the linearity of lattices in affine buildings and ergodicity of the singular Cartan flow 2016 Uri Bader
Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Jean Lécureux
+ PDF Chat Amenable hyperbolic groups 2015 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Yves Cornulier
Nicolas Monod
Romain Tessera
+ An indiscrete Bieberbach theorem: from amenable CAT(0) groups to Tits buildings 2015 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal forms of Kac–Moody groups are acylindrically hyperbolic 2015 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
David Hume
+ PDF Chat Erratum to ’Buildings with isolated subspaces and relatively hyperbolic Coxeter groups’ 2015 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ PDF Chat An indiscrete Bieberbach theorem: from amenable CAT$(0)$ groups to Tits buildings 2015 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat Totally Disconnected Locally Compact Groups with a Linear Open Subgroup 2015 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Thierry Stulemeijer
+ An indiscrete Bieberbach theorem: from amenable CAT(0) groups to Tits buildings 2015 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat Lectures on proper CAT(0) spaces and their isometry groups 2014 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ Relative amenability 2014 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ Orthogonal forms of Kac--Moody groups are acylindrically hyperbolic 2014 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
David Hume
+ PDF Chat On embeddings into compactly generated groups 2014 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Yves de Cornulier
+ PDF Chat Gelfand pairs and strong transitivity for Euclidean buildings 2014 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Corina Ciobotaru
+ Limits of contraction groups and the Tits core 2014 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
George A. Willis
Colin D. Reid
+ Lectures on CAT(0) spaces and their isometry groups 2014 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ Boundary Moufang trees with abelian root groups of characteristic p 2014 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Matthias Grüninger
+ PDF Chat Automorphism groups of right-angled buildings: simplicity and local splittings 2014 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ Orthogonal forms of Kac--Moody groups are acylindrically hyperbolic 2014 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
David Hume
+ PDF Chat Trees, contraction groups, and Moufang sets 2013 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Tom De Medts
+ PDF Chat Locally normal subgroups of simple locally compact groups 2013 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Colin D. Reid
George A. Willis
+ PDF Chat Regular elements in CAT(0) groups 2013 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Gašper Zadnik
+ Limits of contraction groups and the Tits core 2013 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Colin D. Reid
George A. Willis
+ PDF Chat On conjugacy separability of some Coxeter groups and parabolic-preserving automorphisms 2013 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Ashot Minasyan
+ Relative amenability 2013 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ Limits of contraction groups and the Tits core 2013 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Colin D. Reid
George A. Willis
+ PDF Chat Fixed points and amenability in non-positive curvature 2012 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ On conjugacy separability of some Coxeter groups and parabolic-preserving automorphisms 2012 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Ashot Minasyan
+ PDF Chat Open subgroups of locally compact Kac–Moody groups 2012 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Timothée Marquis
+ PDF Chat A lattice in more than two Kac-Moody groups is arithmetic 2012 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ On conjugacy separability of some Coxeter groups and parabolic-preserving automorphisms 2012 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Ashot Minasyan
+ Regular elements in CAT(0) groups 2011 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Gašper Zadnik
+ PDF Chat Rank Rigidity for Cat(0) Cube Complexes 2011 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Michah Sageev
+ PDF Chat Simple groups without lattices 2011 Uri Bader
Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Tsachik Gelander
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Chat Bipolar Coxeter groups 2011 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Piotr Przytycki
+ PDF Chat Simple locally compact groups acting on trees and their germs of automorphisms 2011 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Tom De Medts
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial and group-theoretic compactifications of buildings 2011 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Jean Lécureux
+ PDF Chat Can An Anisotropic Reductive Group Admit A Tits System? 2011 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Timothée Marquis
+ Regular elements in CAT(0) groups 2011 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Gašper Zadnik
+ PDF Chat Twist-rigid Coxeter groups 2010 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Piotr Przytycki
+ PDF Chat Decomposing locally compact groups into simple pieces 2010 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat Non-distortion of twin building lattices 2010 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Bertrand Rémy
+ PDF Chat Twin building lattices do not have asymptotic cut-points 2010 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
François Dahmani
Vincent Guirardel
+ PDF Chat Rank-One Isometries of Buildings and Quasi-Morphisms of Kac–Moody Groups 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Koji Fujiwara
+ PDF Chat On Geometric Flats in the CAT(0) Realization of Coxeter Groups and Tits Buildings 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Frédéric Haglund
+ PDF Chat On the distortion of twin building lattices 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Bertrand Rémy
+ PDF Chat On the distortion of twin building lattices 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Bertrand Rémy
+ PDF Chat At infinity of finite-dimensional CAT(0) spaces 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Alexander Lytchak
+ PDF Chat Amenable groups and Hadamard spaces with a totally disconnected isometry group 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ PDF Chat Buildings with isolated subspaces and relatively hyperbolic Coxeter groups 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ “Abstract” homomorphisms of split Kac-Moody groups 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ PDF Chat Isometry groups of non-positively curved spaces: structure theory 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat Isometry groups of non-positively curved spaces: discrete subgroups 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat Groups with a root group datum 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Bertrand Rémy
+ PDF Chat Simplicity and superrigidity of twin building lattices 2008 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Bertrand Rémy
+ Isometry groups and lattices of non-positively curved spaces 2008 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat Some properties of non-positively curved lattices 2008 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ Rank one isometries of buildings and quasi-morphisms of Kac-Moody groups 2008 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Koji Fujiwara
+ PDF Chat A uniform bound on the nilpotency degree of certain subalgebras of Kac–Moody algebras 2007 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ Buildings with isolated subspaces and relatively hyperbolic Coxeter groups 2007 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ On 2-spherical Kac-Moody groups and their central extensions 2007 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ Reflection rigidity of 2-spherical Coxeter groups 2007 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Bernhard Mühlherr
+ Buildings with isolated subspaces and relatively hyperbolic Coxeter groups 2007 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ PDF Chat Conjugacy of 2–spherical subgroups of Coxeter groups and parallel walls 2006 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ PDF Chat Simplicité abstraite des groupes de Kac–Moody non affines 2006 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Bertrand Rémy
+ On geometric flats in the {${\rm CAT}(0)$} realization of Coxeter groups and Tits buildings 2006 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Frédéric Haglund
+ Isomorphisms of Kac–Moody groups which preserve bounded subgroups 2005 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Bernhard Mühlherr
+ Primitive symmetric spaces 2005 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ Conjugacy of one-ended subgroups of Coxeter groups and parallel walls 2005 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ Reflection triangles and parallel walls in Coxeter complexes 2005 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ Isomorphisms of Kac-Moody groups 2005 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Bernhard Mühlherr
+ Reflection triangles in Coxeter groups and biautomaticity 2005 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Bernhard Mühlherr
+ The Thick Frame of a Weak Twin Building 2005 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Metric Spaces of Non-Positive Curvature 1999 Martin R. Bridson
André Haefliger
+ PDF Chat Groups acting on trees: From local to global structure 2000 Marc Burger
Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Chat Decomposing locally compact groups into simple pieces 2010 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ Lattices in product of trees 2000 Marc Burger
Shahar Mozes
+ Discrete Subgroups of Semisimple Lie Groups 1991 Gregori Aleksandrovitch Margulis
+ Algebraic and Abstract Simple Groups 1964 Jacques Tits
+ PDF Chat Isometry groups of non-positively curved spaces: structure theory 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ Compact open subgroups in simple totally disconnected groups 2006 George A. Willis
+ Uniqueness and presentation of Kac-Moody groups over fields 1987 Jacques Tits
+ Buildings are <i>CAT</i>(0) 1998 Michael W. Davis
+ Lectures on buildings 1990 Mark Ronan
+ PDF Chat The conjugacy problem for Coxeter groups 2009 Daan Krammer
+ Twin buildings and groups of Kac-Moody type 2010 Jacques Tits
+ The local structure of length spaces with curvature bounded above 1999 Bruce Kleiner
+ Amenable isometry groups of Hadamard spaces 1998 Scot Adams
Werner Ballmann
+ The Structure of Spherical Buildings 2020 Richard M. Weiss
+ PDF Chat Isometry groups of non-positively curved spaces: discrete subgroups 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat Amenable hyperbolic groups 2015 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Yves Cornulier
Nicolas Monod
Romain Tessera
+ PDF Chat Buildings of Spherical Type and Finite BN-Pairs 1974 Jacques Tits
+ Abstract commensurators of profinite groups 2011 Yiftach Barnea
Mikhail Ershov
Thomas Weigel
+ Factor and normal subgroup theorems for lattices in products of groups 2005 Uri Bader
Yehuda Shalom
Colin D. Reid
George A. Willis
+ On the root system of a coxeter group 1982 Vinay V. Deodhar
+ Rigidity of commensurators and irreducible lattices 2000 Yehuda Shalom
+ Superrigidity for irreducible lattices and geometric splitting 2006 Nicolas Monod
+ Sur le groupe des automorphismes d’un arbre 1970 Jacques Tits
+ PDF Chat Simplicity and superrigidity of twin building lattices 2008 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Bertrand Rémy
+ PDF Chat Groupes de Kac-Moody déployés et presque déployés 2018 Bertrand Rémy
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Spaces of Nonpositive Curvature 1995 Werner Ballmann
+ PDF Chat Amenable groups and Hadamard spaces with a totally disconnected isometry group 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
+ PDF Chat Simple locally compact groups acting on trees and their germs of automorphisms 2011 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Tom De Medts
+ PDF Chat Abstract simplicity of locally compact Kac–Moody groups 2014 Timothée Marquis
+ A note on subgroups generated by reflections in Coxeter groups 1989 Vinay V. Deodhar
+ Coxeter Groups act on CAT(0) cube complexes 2003 Graham A. Niblo
Lawrence D. Reeves
+ PDF Chat Topological groups of Kac–Moody type, right-angled twinnings and their lattices 2006 Bertrand Rémy
Mark Ronan
+ PDF Chat On Geometric Flats in the CAT(0) Realization of Coxeter Groups and Tits Buildings 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Frédéric Haglund
+ Homomorphismes "Abstraits" de Groupes Algebriques Simples 1973 Armand Borel
Jacques Tits
+ The structure of totally disconnected locally compact groups 1994 George A. Willis
Colin D. Reid
George A. Willis
+ PDF Chat Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras 1990 Victor G. Kač
+ PDF Chat A lattice in more than two Kac-Moody groups is arithmetic 2012 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ METRIC SPACES OF NON-POSITIVE CURVATURE (Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften 319) <i>By</i> M<scp>ARTIN</scp> R. B<scp>RIDSON</scp> and A<scp>NDRÉ</scp> H<scp>AEFLIGER</scp>: 643 pp., £58.50, <scp>ISBN</scp> 3-540-64324-9 (Springer, Berlin, 1999). 2001 Graham A. Niblo
+ Kazhdan's Property (T) 2008 Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ PDF Chat Cantor systems, piecewise translations and simple amenable groups 2013 Kate Juschenko
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat Fixed points and amenability in non-positive curvature 2012 Pierre‐Emmanuel Caprace
Nicolas Monod
+ Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups 1972 M. S. Raghunathan
+ PDF Chat On homogeneous manifolds of negative curvature 1974 Ernst Heintze
+ A characterization of irreducible symmetric spaces and Euclidean buildings of higher rank by their asymptotic geometry 2009 Bernhard Leeb
+ PDF Chat Contraction groups and scales of automorphisms of totally disconnected locally compact groups 2004 Udo Baumgartner
George A. Willis
+ PDF Chat A product for permutation groups and topological groups 2017 Simon M. Smith