Benjamin A. Burton


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Small Triangulations of $4$-Manifolds: Introducing the $4$-Manifold Census 2024 Rhuaidi Antonio Burke
Benjamin A. Burton
Jonathan Spreer
+ PDF Chat Effective Computation of the Heegaard Genus of 3-Manifolds 2024 Benjamin A. Burton
Finn Thompson
+ PDF Chat Crushing Surfaces of Positive Genus 2024 Benjamin A. Burton
Thiago de Paiva
Alexander He
Connie On Yu Hui
+ PDF Chat Arc Diagrams on 3-Manifold Spines 2023 Jack Brand
Benjamin A. Burton
Zsuzsanna Dancso
Alexander He
Adele Jackson
Joan E. Licata
+ Hard Diagrams of the Unknot 2023 Benjamin A. Burton
Hsien-Chih Chang
Maarten Löffler
Clément Maria
Arnaud de Mesmay
Saul Schleimer
Eric Sedgwick
Jonathan Spreer
+ Finding large counterexamples by selectively exploring the Pachner graph 2023 Benjamin A. Burton
Alexander He
+ Arc diagrams on 3-manifold spines 2022 Jack Brand
Benjamin A. Burton
Zsuzsanna Dancso
Alexander He
Adele Jackson
Joan E. Licata
+ PDF Chat On the hardness of finding normal surfaces 2021 Benjamin A. Burton
Alexander He
+ Hard Diagrams of the Unknot 2021 Benjamin A. Burton
Hsien-Chih Chang
Maarten Löffler
Arnaud de Mesmay
Clément Maria
Saul Schleimer
Eric Sedgwick
Jonathan Spreer
+ The Next 350 Million Knots 2020 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Embeddings of 3-Manifolds in <i>S</i><sup>4</sup> from the Point of View of the 11-Tetrahedron Census 2020 Ryan Budney
Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Knot Diagrams of Treewidth Two 2020 Hans L. Bodlaender
Benjamin A. Burton
Fedor V. Fomin
Alexander Grigoriev
+ Connecting 3-manifold triangulations with monotonic sequences of bistellar flips 2020 Benjamin A. Burton
Alexander He
+ Knot Diagrams of Treewidth Two 2019 Hans L. Bodlaender
Benjamin A. Burton
Fedor V. Fomin
Alexander Grigoriev
+ Knot Diagrams of Treewidth Two 2019 Hans L. Bodlaender
Benjamin A. Burton
Fedor V. Fomin
Alexander Grigoriev
+ PDF Chat The Parameterized Complexity of Finding a 2-Sphere in a Simplicial Complex 2019 Benjamin A. Burton
Sergio Cabello
Stefan Kratsch
William Pettersson
+ On the hardness of finding normal surfaces 2019 Benjamin A. Burton
Alexander He
+ Knot Diagrams of Treewidth Two 2019 Hans L. Bodlaender
Benjamin A. Burton
Fedor V. Fomin
Alexander Grigoriev
+ PDF Chat Algorithms and complexity for Turaev–Viro invariants 2018 Benjamin A. Burton
Clément Maria
Jonathan Spreer
+ The parameterized complexity of finding a 2-sphere in a simplicial complex 2018 Benjamin A. Burton
Sergio Cabello
Stefan Kratsch
William Pettersson
+ Computing closed essential surfaces in 3-manifolds 2018 Benjamin A. Burton
Stephan Tillmann
+ The parameterized complexity of finding a 2-sphere in a simplicial complex 2018 Benjamin A. Burton
Sergio Cabello
Stefan Kratsch
William Pettersson
+ The HOMFLY-PT polynomial is fixed-parameter tractable 2017 Benjamin A. Burton
+ The HOMFLY-PT polynomial is fixed-parameter tractable 2017 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat The cusped hyperbolic census is complete 2017 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Computing Optimal Homotopies over a Spiked Plane with Polygonal Boundary 2017 Benjamin A. Burton
Erin Wolf Chambers
Marc van Kreveld
Wouter Meulemans
Tae Tim Ophelders
Bettina Speckmann
+ PDF Chat Finding Non-orientable Surfaces in 3-Manifolds 2017 Benjamin A. Burton
Arnaud de Mesmay
Uli Wagner
+ The Pachner graph of 2-spheres 2017 Benjamin A. Burton
Basudeb Datta
Jonathan Spreer
+ The Parameterized Complexity of Finding a 2-Sphere in a Simplicial Complex 2017 Benjamin A. Burton
Sergio Cabello
Stefan Kratsch
William Pettersson
+ The Pachner graph of 2-spheres 2017 Benjamin A. Burton
Basudeb Datta
Jonathan Spreer
+ The HOMFLY-PT polynomial is fixed-parameter tractable 2017 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Courcelle's theorem for triangulations 2016 Benjamin A. Burton
Rodney G. Downey
+ PDF Chat A Construction Principle for Tight and Minimal Triangulations of Manifolds 2016 Benjamin A. Burton
Basudeb Datta
Nitin Singh
Jonathan Spreer
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Seifert fibred spaces with transitive cyclic automorphism group 2016 Benjamin A. Burton
Jonathan Spreer
+ PDF Chat Computational Geometric and Algebraic Topology 2016 Benjamin A. Burton
Herbert Edelsbrunner
Jeff Erickson
Stephan Tillmann
+ Finding non-orientable surfaces in 3-manifolds 2016 Benjamin A. Burton
Arnaud de Mesmay
Uli Wagner
+ PDF Chat On the complexity of immersed normal surfaces 2016 Benjamin A. Burton
Éric Colin de Verdière
Arnaud de Mesmay
+ PDF Chat Parameterized Complexity of Discrete Morse Theory 2016 Benjamin A. Burton
Thomas Lewiner
JoĂŁo PaixĂŁo
Jonathan Spreer
+ PDF Chat 2-manifold recognition is in logspace 2016 Benjamin A. Burton
Murray Elder
Arkadius Kalka
Stephan Tillmann
+ Efficient Algorithms to Decide Tightness 2016 Bhaskar Bagchi
Basudeb Datta
Benjamin A. Burton
Nitin Singh
Jonathan Spreer
+ PDF Chat Separation index of graphs and stacked 2-spheres 2015 Benjamin A. Burton
Basudeb Datta
Nitin Singh
Jonathan Spreer
+ Tabulation of 3-manifolds of lengths up to 10 2015 Akio Kawauchi
Ikuo Tayama
Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Algorithms and Complexity for Turaev-Viro Invariants 2015 Benjamin A. Burton
Clément Maria
Jonathan Spreer
+ An edge-based framework for enumerating 3-manifold triangulations 2014 Benjamin A. Burton
William Pettersson
+ Efficient algorithms to decide tightness 2014 Bhaskar Bagchi
Benjamin A. Burton
Basudeb Datta
Nitin Singh
Jonathan Spreer
+ PDF Chat A New Approach to Crushing 3-Manifold Triangulations 2014 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Collection of abstracts of the Workshop on Triangulations in Geometry and Topology at CG Week 2014 in Kyoto 2014 Jonathan Spreer
Uli Wagner
Benjamin A. Burton
Satoshi Murai
Eric Sedgwick
Henry Segerman
+ The cusped hyperbolic census is complete 2014 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat A Duplicate Pair in the SnapPea Census 2014 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Courcelle's theorem for triangulations 2014 Benjamin A. Burton
Rodney G. Downey
+ Computationally proving triangulated 4-manifolds to be diffeomorphic 2014 Benjamin A. Burton
Jonathan Spreer
+ 2-manifold recognition is in logspace 2014 Benjamin A. Burton
Murray Elder
Arkadius Kalka
Stephan Tillmann
+ Algorithms, complexity and computation 2014 Ryan Budney
Benjamin A. Burton
Kazuhiro Ichihara
+ Knot theory: Algorithms, complexity and computation (NII Shonan Meeting 2014-4). 2014 Ryan Budney
Benjamin A. Burton
Kazuhiro Ichihara
+ Courcelle's theorem for triangulations 2014 Benjamin A. Burton
+ An edge-based framework for enumerating 3-manifold triangulations 2014 Benjamin A. Burton
William Pettersson
+ PDF Chat Fixed Parameter Tractable Algorithms in Combinatorial Topology 2014 Benjamin A. Burton
William Pettersson
+ Collection of abstracts of the Workshop on Triangulations in Geometry and Topology at CG Week 2014 in Kyoto 2014 Jonathan Spreer
Uli Wagner
Benjamin A. Burton
Satoshi Murai
Eric Sedgwick
Henry Segerman
+ Computationally proving triangulated 4-manifolds to be diffeomorphic 2014 Benjamin A. Burton
Jonathan Spreer
+ The cusped hyperbolic census is complete 2014 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Efficient algorithms to decide tightness 2014 Bhaskar Bagchi
Benjamin A. Burton
Basudeb Datta
Nitin K. Singh
Jonathan Spreer
+ Courcelle's theorem for triangulations 2014 Benjamin A. Burton
Rodney G. Downey
+ Enumerating fundamental normal surfaces: Algorithms, experiments and invariants 2013 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Multi-Objective Integer Programming: An Improved Recursive Algorithm 2013 Melih Ă–zlen
Benjamin A. Burton
Cameron A. G. MacRae
+ PDF Chat Computing closed essential surfaces in knot complements 2013 Benjamin A. Burton
Alexander Coward
Stephan Tillmann
+ PDF Chat Parameterized complexity of discrete morse theory 2013 Benjamin A. Burton
Thomas Lewiner
JoĂŁo PaixĂŁo
Jonathan Spreer
+ A new approach to crushing 3-manifold triangulations 2013 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Computational topology and normal surfaces: Theoretical and experimental complexity bounds 2013 Benjamin A. Burton
JoĂŁo PaixĂŁo
Jonathan Spreer
+ PDF Chat The complexity of detecting taut angle structures on triangulations 2013 Benjamin A. Burton
Jonathan Spreer
+ PDF Chat Locating Regions in a Sequence under Density Constraints 2013 Benjamin A. Burton
Mathias Hiron
+ PDF Chat Computing closed essential surfaces in knot complements 2013 Benjamin A. Burton
Alexander Coward
Stephan Tillmann
+ PDF Chat Computational Topology with Regina: Algorithms, Heuristics and Implementations 2013 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Computationally proving triangulated 4-manifolds to be diffeomorphic 2013 Benjamin A. Burton
Jonathan Spreer
+ PDF Chat Parameterized complexity of discrete morse theory 2013 Benjamin A. Burton
Thomas Lewiner
JoĂŁo PaixĂŁo
Jonathan Spreer
+ PDF Chat A new approach to crushing 3-manifold triangulations 2013 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Computing the Crosscap Number of a Knot Using Integer Programming and Normal Surfaces 2012 Benjamin A. Burton
Melih Ă–zlen
+ Computational topology with Regina: Algorithms, heuristics and implementations 2012 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Computational topology with Regina: Algorithms, heuristics and implementations 2012 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Optimising a nonlinear utility function in multi-objective integer programming 2012 Melih Ă–zlen
M. AzizoÄźlu
Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat A Tree Traversal Algorithm for Decision Problems in Knot Theory and 3-Manifold Topology 2012 Benjamin A. Burton
Melih Ă–zlen
+ A fast branching algorithm for unknot recognition with experimental polynomial-time behaviour 2012 Benjamin A. Burton
Melih Ă–zlen
+ PDF Chat Triangulating a Cappell–Shaneson knot complement 2012 Ryan Budney
Benjamin A. Burton
Jonathan A. Hillman
+ PDF Chat Complementary Vertices and Adjacency Testing in Polytopes 2012 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Computational topology with Regina: Algorithms, heuristics and implementations 2012 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Computing closed essential surfaces in knot complements 2012 Benjamin A. Burton
Alexander Coward
Stephan Tillmann
+ Fundamental normal surfaces and the enumeration of Hilbert bases 2011 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Simplification paths in the Pachner graphs of closed orientable 3-manifold triangulations 2011 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat The Weber-Seifert dodecahedral space is non-Haken 2011 Benjamin A. Burton
J Rubinstein
Stephan Tillmann
+ Triangulating a Cappell-Shaneson knot complement 2011 Ryan Budney
Benjamin A. Burton
Jonathan A. Hillman
+ PDF Chat The pachner graph and the simplification of 3-sphere triangulations 2011 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat A tree traversal algorithm for decision problems in knot theory and 3-manifold topology 2011 Benjamin A. Burton
Melih Ă–zlen
+ PDF Chat Detecting genus in vertex links for the fast enumeration of 3-manifold triangulations 2011 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Maximal admissible faces and asymptotic bounds for the normal surface solution space 2011 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Triangulating a Cappell-Shaneson knot complement 2011 Ryan Budney
Benjamin A. Burton
Jonathan A. Hillman
+ Simplification paths in the Pachner graphs of closed orientable 3-manifold triangulations 2011 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Searching a Bitstream in Linear Time for the Longest Substring of Any Given Density 2010 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat The complexity of the normal surface solution space 2010 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Projective geometry and the outer approximation algorithm for multiobjective linear programming 2010 Benjamin A. Burton
Melih Ă–zlen
+ PDF Chat Quadrilateral–Octagon Coordinates for Almost Normal Surfaces 2010 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Converting between quadrilateral and standard solution sets in normal surface theory 2009 Benjamin A. Burton
+ The Weber-Seifert dodecahedral space is non-Haken 2009 Benjamin A. Burton
J Rubinstein
Stephan Tillmann
+ PDF Chat Optimizing the double description method for normal surface enumeration 2009 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Quadrilateral-octagon coordinates for almost normal surfaces 2009 Benjamin A. Burton
Diane Donovan
Craig Eldershaw
+ Quadrilateral-octagon coordinates for almost normal surfaces 2009 Benjamin A. Burton
+ The Weber-Seifert dodecahedral space is non-Haken 2009 Benjamin A. Burton
J. Hyam Rubinstein
Stephan Tillmann
+ PDF Chat Enumeration of Non-Orientable 3-Manifolds Using Face-Pairing Graphs and Union-Find 2007 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Observations from the 8-Tetrahedron Nonorientable Census 2007 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Observations from the 8-tetrahedron non-orientable census 2005 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Observations from the 8-tetrahedron non-orientable census 2005 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Efficient enumeration of 3-manifold triangulations 2004 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Introducing Regina, The 3-Manifold Topology Software 2004 Benjamin A. Burton
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat 0-Efficient Triangulations of 3-Manifolds 2003 William Jaco
J Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Introducing Regina, The 3-Manifold Topology Software 2004 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat The computational complexity of knot and link problems 1999 Joel Hass
Jeffrey C. Lagarias
Nicholas Pippenger
+ An Algorithm to Recognize the 3-Sphere 1995 J Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Algorithms for the complete decomposition of a closed $3$-manifold 1995 William Jaco
Jeffrey L. Tollefson
+ PDF Chat A census of cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds 1999 P. Callahan
Martin Hildebrand
Jeffrey R. Weeks
+ PDF Chat Optimizing the double description method for normal surface enumeration 2009 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Normal surface Q-theory 1998 Jeffrey L. Tollefson
+ PDF Chat Three-Manifolds Having Complexity At Most 9 2001 Bruno Martelli
Carlo Petronio
+ PDF Chat The Weber-Seifert dodecahedral space is non-Haken 2011 Benjamin A. Burton
J Rubinstein
Stephan Tillmann
+ PDF Chat Symmetries, Isometries and Length Spectra of Closed Hyperbolic Three-Manifolds 1994 Craig D. Hodgson
Jeffrey R. Weeks
+ PDF Chat Converting between quadrilateral and standard solution sets in normal surface theory 2009 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Detecting genus in vertex links for the fast enumeration of 3-manifold triangulations 2011 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat The complexity of the normal surface solution space 2010 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Complexity theory of three-dimensional manifolds 1990 Sergey V. Matveev
+ �ber das Hom�omorphieproblem der 3-Mannigfaltigkeiten. I 1962 Wolfgang Haken
+ Geschlossene Flächen in dreidimensionalen Mannigfaltigkeiten [19–29] 2011 11
+ Affine Structures in 3-Manifolds: V. The Triangulation Theorem and Hauptvermutung 1952 Edwin E. MoĂŻse
+ PDF Chat A new decomposition theorem for 3-manifolds 2002 Bruno Martelli
Carlo Petronio
+ PDF Chat Quadrilateral–Octagon Coordinates for Almost Normal Surfaces 2010 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Algorithms for essential surfaces in 3-manifolds 2002 William Jaco
David Letscher
J Rubinstein
+ A fast branching algorithm for unknot recognition with experimental polynomial-time behaviour 2012 Benjamin A. Burton
Melih Ă–zlen
+ PDF Chat A Tree Traversal Algorithm for Decision Problems in Knot Theory and 3-Manifold Topology 2012 Benjamin A. Burton
Melih Ă–zlen
+ PDF Chat Enumeration of Non-Orientable 3-Manifolds Using Face-Pairing Graphs and Union-Find 2007 Benjamin A. Burton
+ Double description method revisited 1996 Komei Fukuda
A. Prodon
+ Knottedness is in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="sans-serif">NP</mml:mi></mml:math>, modulo GRH 2014 Greg Kuperberg
+ PDF Chat Algorithmic topology and classification of 3-manifolds 2004 Sergei Matveev
+ P.L. Homeomorphic Manifolds are Equivalent by Elementary 5hellingst 1991 Udo Pachner
+ The maximum numbers of faces of a convex polytope 1970 Peter McMullen
+ PDF Chat Computational Topology with Regina: Algorithms, Heuristics and Implementations 2013 Benjamin A. Burton
+ PDF Chat Finite covers of random 3-manifolds 2006 Nathan M. Dunfield
William P. Thurston
+ Non-orientable 3-manifolds of small complexity 2003 Gennaro Amendola
Bruno Martelli
+ Normal surfaces in topologically finite 3-manifolds 2004 Stephan Tillmann
+ PDF Chat Thin Position and the Recognition Problem for $\bold{S^3}$ 1994 Abigail Thompson
+ PDF Chat Computing the Crosscap Number of a Knot Using Integer Programming and Normal Surfaces 2012 Benjamin A. Burton
Melih Ă–zlen
+ PDF Chat A polynomial upper bound on Reidemeister moves 2015 Marc Lackenby
+ PDF Chat Computer Recognition of Three-Manifolds 1998 Sergei Matveev
+ 3-manifold knot genus is NP-complete 2002 Ian Agol
Joel Hass
William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat The computational complexity of knot genus and spanning area 2005 Ian Agol
Joel Hass
William P. Thurston
+ The Complexity of Vertex Enumeration Methods 1983 Martin Dyer
+ PDF Chat Notes on Perelman’s papers 2008 Bruce Kleiner
John Lott
+ PDF Chat Sphere recognition lies in NP 2011 Saul Schleimer
+ PDF Chat Non-orientable 3-manifolds of complexity up to 7 2005 Gennaro Amendola
Bruno Martelli
+ An Algorithm to Recognise Small Seifert Fiber Spaces 2004 J Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Computing Optimal Morse Matchings 2006 Michael Joswig
Marc E. Pfetsch
+ PDF Chat Complexity of Geometric Three-manifolds 2004 Bruno Martelli
Carlo Petronio
+ PDF Chat Polyhedral minimal surfaces, Heegaard splittings, and decision problems for 3-dimensional manifolds 1996 William Kazez
+ PDF Chat Computing closed essential surfaces in knot complements 2013 Benjamin A. Burton
Alexander Coward
Stephan Tillmann