Zbigniew Lonc


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Computing homomorphisms in hereditary graph classes: the peculiar case of the 5-wheel and graphs with no long claws 2022 Michał Dębski
Zbigniew Lonc
Karolina Okrasa
Marta Piecyk
Paweł Rzążewski
+ PDF Chat Maximin Share Allocations on Cycles 2020 Mirosław Truszczyński
Zbigniew Lonc
+ Dilworth's Theorem for Borel Posets 2020 Bartłomiej Bosek
Jarosław Grytczuk
Zbigniew Lonc
+ Maximin share allocations on cycles 2019 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Maximin share allocations on cycles 2019 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Maximin Share Allocations on Cycles 2018 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Tight Euler tours in uniform hypergraphs - computational aspects 2017 Paweł Rzążewski
Paweł Naroski
Zbigniew Lonc
+ Tight Euler tours in uniform hypergraphs - computational aspects 2017 Zbigniew Lonc
Paweł Naroski
Paweł Rzążewski
+ Harmonious and achromatic colorings of fragmentable hypergraphs 2017 Michaĺ Deͅbski
Zbigniew Lonc
Paweł Rzążewski
+ Sequences of radius <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:math> for complete bipartite graphs 2017 Michaĺ Deͅbski
Zbigniew Lonc
Paweł Rzążewski
+ Achromatic and Harmonious Colorings of Circulant Graphs 2017 Michaĺ Deͅbski
Zbigniew Lonc
Paweł Rzążewski
+ Tight Euler tours in uniform hypergraphs - computational aspects 2017 Zbigniew Lonc
Paweł Naroski
Paweł Rzążewski
+ PDF Chat Universal Cycle Packings and Coverings for k-Subsets of an n-Set 2016 Michaĺ Deͅbski
Zbigniew Lonc
+ Constructing Optimal $k$-Radius Sequences 2016 Adrian Bondy
Zbigniew Lonc
Paweł Rzążewski
+ DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 2 2016 Zbigniew Lonc
+ PDF Chat Sequences of Radius k for Complete Bipartite Graphs 2016 Michaĺ Deͅbski
Zbigniew Lonc
Paweł Rzążewski
+ PDF Chat Harmonious and achromatic colorings of fragmentable hypergraphs 2015 Michaĺ Deͅbski
Zbigniew Lonc
Paweł Rzążewski
+ PDF Chat A linear time algorithm for finding an Euler walk in a strongly connected 3-uniform hypergraph 2012 Zbigniew Lonc
Paweł Naroski
+ Constructions of asymptotically shortest k-radius sequences 2011 Jerzy W. Jaromczyk
Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Constructions of asymptotically shortest k-radius sequences 2011 Jerzy W. Jaromczyk
Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ PDF Chat On graph equivalences preserved under extensions 2011 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Constructions of asymptotically shortest k-radius sequences 2011 Jerzy W. Jaromczyk
Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Counting Independent Sets in Claw-Free Graphs 2011 Konstanty Junosza-Szaniawski
Zbigniew Lonc
+ PDF Chat On Tours that contain all Edges of a Hypergraph 2010 Zbigniew Lonc
Paweł Naroski
+ On graph equivalences preserved under extensions 2010 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ On graph equivalences preserved under extensions 2010 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Edge decompositions into two kinds of graphs 2008 Zbigniew Lonc
Monika Pszczoła
+ Polynomial cases of graph decomposition: A complete solution of Holyer’s problem 2008 Krzysztof Bryś
Zbigniew Lonc
+ PDF Chat On the number of minimal transversals in 3-uniform hypergraphs 2007 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Computing minimal models, stable models and answer sets 2005 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Edge Decompositions of Multigraphs into 3-Matchings 2004 Zbigniew Lonc
Mariusz Meszka
Zdzisław Skupień
+ PDF Chat Computing Minimal Models, Stable Models, and Answer Sets 2003 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Partitioning Boolean lattices into antichains 2003 Muktar E. Elzobi
Zbigniew Lonc
+ PDF Chat Computing Stable Models: Worst-Case Performance Estimates 2002 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Computing stable models: worst-case performance estimates 2002 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ On the problem of computing the well-founded semantics 2001 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ On the number of spanning trees in directed circulant graphs 2001 Zbigniew Lonc
Krzysztof Parol
Jacek Wojciechowski
+ Fixed-Parameter Complexity of Semantics for Logic Programs 2001 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Monochromatic Partitions of Complete Uniform Hypergraphs 2001 Krzysztof Bryś
Zbigniew Lonc
+ On the problem of computing the well-founded semantics 2001 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Fixed-parameter complexity of semantics for logic programs 2001 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Chain Partitions of Products of Two Chains 1999 Zbigniew Lonc
Muktar E. Elzobi
+ Clique and anticlique partitions of graphs 1998 Krzysztof Bryś
Zbigniew Lonc
+ On the asymptotic behavior of the maximum number of spanning trees in circulant graphs 1997 Zbigniew Lonc
Krzysztof Parol
Jacek Wojciechowski
+ On the asymptotic behavior of the maximum number of spanning trees in circulant graphs 1997 Zbigniew Lonc
Krzysztof Parol
Jacek Wojciechowski
+ Edge Decomposition into Isomorphic Copies ofsK1, 2Is Polynomial 1997 Zbigniew Lonc
+ Delta-system decompositions of graphs 1997 Zbigniew Lonc
+ Covering cycles andk-term degree sums 1996 Mekkia Kouider
Zbigniew Lonc
+ On the complexity of some edge-partition problems for graphs 1996 Zbigniew Lonc
+ PDF Chat Clique packings and clique partitions of graphs without odd chordles cycles 1996 Zbigniew Lonc
+ Partitions of large Boolean lattices 1994 Zbigniew Lonc
+ Towards a solution of the Holyer's problem 1994 Zbigniew Lonc
+ Chain partitions of ordered sets 1994 Zbigniew Lonc
+ Fibres of width 3 ordered sets 1994 Zbigniew Lonc
+ Majorization, packing, covering and matroids 1993 Zbigniew Lonc
+ Partitions, packings and coverings by families with nonempty intersections 1992 Zbigniew Lonc
+ Solution of an Extremal Problem Concerning Edge-Partitions of Graphs 1992 Zbigniew Lonc
+ On complexity of some chain and antichain partition problems 1992 Zbigniew Lonc
+ Proof of a conjecture on partitions of a Boolean lattice 1991 Zbigniew Lonc
+ PDF Chat Factors of claw-free graphs 1991 Zbigniew Lonc
Zdeněk Ryjáček
+ Solution of a delta-system decomposition problem 1990 Zbigniew Lonc
+ On resolvable tree‐decompositions of complete graphs 1988 Zbigniew Lonc
+ Chains, antichains, and fibres 1987 Zbigniew Lonc
Ivan Rival
+ Decomposition of large uniform hypergraphs 1985 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Optimal F-Graphs for the Family of all K-Subsets of an N-Set. 1981 Zbigniew Lonc
T. Traczyk
Mirosław Truszczyński
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The existence of k-radius sequences 2011 Simon R. Blackburn⋆
+ On the Complexity of General Graph Factor Problems 1983 David Kirkpatrick
Pavol Hell
+ NP-Completeness of graph decomposition problems 1991 Edith Cohen
Michael Tarsi
+ Constructions of asymptotically shortest k-radius sequences 2011 Jerzy W. Jaromczyk
Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ PDF Chat Universal cycles for minimum coverings of pairs by triples, with application to 2-radius sequences 2011 Yeow Meng Chee
San Ling
Yin Tan
Xiande Zhang
+ Constructing 𝑘-radius sequences 2011 Simon R. Blackburn⋆
James McKee
+ Proof of a conjecture on partitions of a Boolean lattice 1991 Zbigniew Lonc
+ Problems on chain partitions 1988 Jerrold R. Griggs
+ Near Perfect Coverings in Graphs and Hypergraphs 1985 Péter Frankl
V. Rödl
+ Decomposition of large uniform hypergraphs 1985 Zbigniew Lonc
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Graph decomposition is NPC - a complete proof of Holyer's conjecture 1992 Dorit Dor
Michael Tarsi
+ Partitioning Boolean lattices into chains of subsets 1987 Jerrold R. Griggs
Roger K. Yeh
Charles M. Grinstead
+ Recent results in graph decompositions 2010 Fan Chung
Ron Graham
+ On cliques in graphs 1965 J. W. Moon
Leo Moser
+ The Harmonious Chromatic Number of Bounded Degree Graphs 1997 Keith Edwards
+ Delta-system decompositions of graphs 1997 Zbigniew Lonc
+ Edge-disjoint packings of graphs 1994 Derek G. Corneil
Shigeru Masuyama
S. L. Hakimi
+ None 2010 O. V. Borodin
A. O. Ivanova
Mickaël Montassier
Pascal Ochem
André Raspaud
+ PDF Chat Near-Universal Cycles for Subsets Exist 2009 Dawn Curtis
Taylor Hines
Glenn Hurlbert
Tatiana Moyer
+ On the complexity of some edge-partition problems for graphs 1996 Zbigniew Lonc
+ Hypergraphs - Combinatorics of Finite Sets 1989 Claude Berge
+ PDF Chat Extremal problems in logic programming and stable model computation 1999 Paweł Cholewiński
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ PDF Chat Inequalities - Theory of Majorization and Its Applications 1979 2
+ PDF Chat Semantical characterizations and complexity of equivalences in answer set programming 2007 Thomas Eiter
Michael Fink
Stefan Woltran
+ The Difference Between Consecutive Primes 1996 Roger C. Baker
G. Harman
+ PDF Chat Extending and implementing the stable model semantics 2002 Patrik Simons
Ilkka Niemelä
Timo Soininen
+ PDF Chat Approximation Algorithms for Computing Maximin Share Allocations 2015 Georgios Amanatidis
Evangelos Markakis
Afshin Nikzad
Amin Saberi
+ Universal cycles for combinatorial structures 1992 Fan Chung
Persi Diaconis
Ron Graham
+ PDF Chat Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and its Applications. 1981 Barry C. Arnold
Albert W. Marshall
Ingram Olkin
+ PDF Chat Stable Models and an Alternative Logic Programming Paradigm 1999 Victor W. Marek
Mirosław Truszczyński
+ Coloring Face-Hypergraphs of Graphs on Surfaces 2002 André Kündgen
Radhika Ramamurthi
+ Graph Decomposition is NP-Complete: A Complete Proof of Holyer's Conjecture 1997 Dorit Dor
Michael Tarsi
+ Edge Decomposition into Isomorphic Copies ofsK1, 2Is Polynomial 1997 Zbigniew Lonc
+ PDF Chat Strong equivalence made easy: nested expressions and weight constraints 2003 Hudson Turner
+ The gcd-sum function 2001 Kevin Broughan
+ Colorings Of Plane Graphs With No Rainbow Faces 2006 Veselin Jungić
Daniel Kráľ
Riste Škrekovski
+ Packings by Complete Bipartite Graphs 1986 Pavol Hell
David Kirkpatrick
+ On complexity of some chain and antichain partition problems 1992 Zbigniew Lonc
+ The bandwidth problem for graphs and matrices—a survey 1982 Phyllis Zweig Chinn
Jarmila Chvátalová
A. K. Dewdney
Norman E. Gibbs
+ PDF Chat Achromatic number of fragmentable graphs 2009 Keith Edwards
+ Coloring face hypergraphs on surfaces 2004 Zdeněk Dvořák
Daniel Kráľ
Riste Škrekovski
+ Partitions of large Boolean lattices 1994 Zbigniew Lonc
+ s-Overlap Cycles for Permutations 2013 Victoria Horan
Glenn Hurlbert
+ Distinctness of compositions of an integer: A probabilistic analysis 2001 Paweł Hitczenko
Guy Louchard
+ Partially ordered sets 1996 William T. Trotter
+ Polynomial cases of graph decomposition: A complete solution of Holyer’s problem 2008 Krzysztof Bryś
Zbigniew Lonc
+ On the asymptotic behavior of the maximum number of spanning trees in circulant graphs 1997 Zbigniew Lonc
Krzysztof Parol
Jacek Wojciechowski
+ The Number of Maximal Independent Sets in a Tree 1986 Herbert S. Wilf
+ PDF Chat An Inductive Approach to Constructing Universal Cycles on the k-Subsets of [n] 2013 Yevgeniy Rudoy