Christian Korff


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Cylindric Hecke Characters and Gromov–Witten Invariants via the Asymmetric Six-Vertex Model 2020 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Yang–Baxter algebras, convolution algebras, and Grassmannians 2020 V. G. Gorbunov
Christian Korff
Catharina Stroppel
+ PDF Chat Cylindric symmetric functions and positivity 2020 Christian Korff
David Palazzo
+ PDF Chat Алгебры Янга-Бакстера, алгебра конволюций и многообразия Грассмана 2020 V. G. Gorbunov
Christian Korff
Catharina Stroppel
+ Cylindric symmetric functions and positivity 2018 Christian Korff
David Palazzo
+ Cylindric reverse plane partitions and 2D TQFT 2018 Christian Korff
David Palazzo
+ Yang-Baxter algebras as convolution algebras: The Grassmannian case 2018 Vassily Gorbounov
Christian Korff
Catharina Stroppel
+ PDF Chat Quantum integrability and generalised quantum Schubert calculus 2017 Vassily Gorbounov
Christian Korff
+ Dimers, crystals and quantum Kostka numbers 2017 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat From quantum Bäcklund transforms to topological quantum field theory 2016 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Quantum Cohomology via Vicious and Osculating Walkers 2014 Christian Korff
+ Equivariant quantum cohomology and Yang-Baxter algebras 2014 Vassily Gorbounov
Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Cylindric Versions of Specialised Macdonald Functions and a Deformed Verlinde Algebra 2012 Christian Korff
+ Quantum cohomology via vicious and osculating walkers 2012 Christian Korff
+ Cylindric Macdonald functions and a deformation of the Verlinde algebra 2011 Christian Korff
+ The su(n) WZNW fusion ring as integrable model: a new algorithm to compute fusion coecien ts 2011 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Schur polynomials and the crystal limit of the U_{q} \widehat{\mathfrak {sl}}(2)-vertex model 2010 Christian Korff
+ The<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mover accent="true"><mml:mi mathvariant="fraktur">sl</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>-WZNW fusion ring: A combinatorial construction and a realisation as quotient of quantum cohomology 2010 Christian Korff
Catharina Stroppel
+ Proceedings of the Workshop "Geometric Aspects of Discrete and Ultra-Discrete Integrable Systems" (March 30 − April 3, 2009, University of Glasgow, UK) 2010 Christian Korff
Masato Okado
W. K. Schief
Tetsuji Tokihiro
+ A Combinatorial Derivation of the Racah-Speiser Algorithm for Gromov-Witten invariants 2009 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat <i>PT</i>symmetry of the non-Hermitian XX spin-chain: non-local bulk interaction from complex boundary fields 2008 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Turning the quantum group invariant<i>XXZ</i>spin-chain Hermitian: a conjecture on the invariant product 2008 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat PT symmetry on the lattice: the quantum group invariant<i>XXZ</i>spin chain 2007 Christian Korff
Robert Weston
+ PDF Chat A<i>Q</i>-operator for the quantum transfer matrix 2007 Christian Korff
+ PT-invariance and representations of the Temperley-Lieb algebra on the unit circle 2007 Christian Korff
+ Representation Theory and Baxter's TQ equation for the six-vertex model. A pedagogical overview.(Solvable Lattice Models 2004 : Recent Progress on Solvable Lattice Models ) 2006 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat A<i>Q</i>-operator for the twisted XXX model 2006 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Non-crystallographic reduction of generalized Calogero–Moser models 2006 Andreas Fring
Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Affine Toda field theories related to Coxeter groups of noncrystallographic type 2005 Andreas Fring
Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat A Q-operator identity for the correlation functions of the infinite XXZ spin-chain 2005 Christian Korff
+ Solving Baxter’s 𝑇𝑄-equation via representation theory 2005 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Auxiliary matrices on both sides of the equator 2004 Christian Korff
+ Representation theory and Baxter's TQ equation for the six-vertex model. A pedagogical overview. 2004 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Exactly solvable potentials of Calogero type for<i>q</i>-deformed Coxeter groups 2004 Andreas Fring
Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Auxiliary matrices for the six-vertex model and the algebraic Bethe ansatz 2004 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat The twisted XXZ chain at roots of unity revisited 2004 Christian Korff
+ Solving Baxter's TQ-equation via representation theory 2004 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Auxiliary matrices for the six-vertex model at<i>q<sup>N</sup></i>= 1: II. Bethe roots, complete strings and the Drinfeld polynomial 2003 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Auxiliary matrices for the six-vertex model at roots of unity II 2003 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Auxiliary matrices for the six-vertex model at<i>q<sup>N</sup></i> 1 and a geometric interpretation of its symmetries 2003 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Universal amplitude ratios and Coxeter geometry in the dilute AL model 2002 Christian Korff
Katherine Seaton
+ PDF Chat Quantum superalgebras at roots of unity and non-Abelian symmetries of integrable models 2002 Christian Korff
I. Roditi
+ PDF Chat Loop symmetry of integrable vertex models at roots of unity 2001 Christian Korff
Barry M. McCoy
+ PDF Chat Colours associated to nonsimply-laced Lie algebras and exact S-matrices 2001 Christian Korff
+ Colour valued scattering matrices from non simply-laced Lie algebras 2000 Christian Korff
+ Lie algebraic structures in integrable models, affine Toda field theory 2000 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Large and small density approximations to the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz 2000 Andreas Fring
Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamic Bethe ansatz of the homogeneous sine-Gordon models 2000 Olalla A. Castro-Alvaredo
Andreas Fring
Christian Korff
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat Form factors of the homogeneous sine-Gordon models 2000 Olalla A. Castro-Alvaredo
Andreas Fring
Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Colour valued scattering matrices 2000 Andreas Fring
Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat On the universal representation of the scattering matrix of affine Toda field theory 2000 Andreas Fring
Christian Korff
Bruno Schulz
+ Lie algebraic structures in integrable models, affine Toda field theory 2000 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat The ultraviolet behaviour of integrable quantum field theories, affine Toda field theory 1999 Andreas Fring
Christian Korff
Bruno Schulz
+ PDF Chat Two-particle scattering theory for anyons 1999 Christian Korff
Guillaume Lang
Robert Schrader
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mover accent="true"><mml:mi mathvariant="fraktur">sl</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>-WZNW fusion ring: A combinatorial construction and a realisation as quotient of quantum cohomology 2010 Christian Korff
Catharina Stroppel
+ Quantum Multiplication of Schur Polynomials 1999 Aaron Bertram
Ionuţ Ciocan-Fontanine
William Fulton
+ PDF Chat Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras 1990 Victor G. Kač
+ None 2001 Tetsuo Deguchi
K. Fabricius
Barry M. McCoy
+ A q-analogue of U(g[(N+1)), Hecke algebra, and the Yang-Baxter equation 1986 Michio Jimbo
+ Partition function of the Eight-Vertex lattice model 1972 R. J. Baxter
+ PDF Chat Fusion rings and geometry 1991 Doron Gepner
+ PDF Chat Affine approach to quantum Schubert calculus 2005 Alexander Postnikov
+ PDF Chat On the universal representation of the scattering matrix of affine Toda field theory 2000 Andreas Fring
Christian Korff
Bruno Schulz
+ Cylindric skew Schur functions 2005 Peter R. W. McNamara
+ On quantum cohomology rings of Fano manifolds and a formula of Vafa and Intriligator 1997 Bernd Siebert
Gang Tian
+ Quantum cohomology rings of Grassmannians and total positivity 2001 Konstanze Rietsch
+ PDF Chat Bethe's equation is incomplete for the XXZ model at roots of unity 2001 K. Fabricius
Barry M. McCoy
+ Quantum Schubert Calculus 1997 Aaron Bertram
+ The Verlinde algebra and the cohomology of the Grassmannian 1993 Edward Witten
+ Common structures between finite systems and conformal field theories through quantum groups 1990 Vincent Pasquier
Hubert Saleur
+ A guide to quantum groups 1994 Vyjayanthi Chari
Andrew Pressley
+ Eight-vertex model in lattice statistics and one-dimensional anisotropic heisenberg chain. I. Some fundamental eigenvectors 1973 R. J. Baxter
+ Fusion rules and modular transformations in 2D conformal field theory 1988 Erik Verlinde
+ PDF Chat A generalized<i>Q</i>-operator for<i>U<sub>q</sub></i>vertex models 2002 Marco Rossi
Robert Weston
+ PDF Chat Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, theta functions and modular forms 1984 Victor G. Kač
Dale H. Peterson
+ Thermodynamic Bethe ansatz in relativistic models: Scaling 3-state potts and Lee-Yang models 1990 Al.B. Zamolodchikov
+ Affine Toda field theory and exact S-matrices 1990 H. W. Braden
E. Corrigan
Patrick Dorey
Ryu Sasaki
+ Canonical bases in tensor products and graphical calculus for Uq(𝔰𝔩2) 1997 Igor Frenkel
Mikhail Khovanov
+ Quantum S-matrix of the (1 + 1)-dimensional Todd chain 1979 �. A. Arinshtein
V.A. Fateyev
A. B. Zamolodchikov
+ Local conserved densities and zero-curvature conditions for Toda lattice field theories 1985 D. Olive
Neil Turok
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional generalized Toda lattice 1981 А. В. Михайлов
M. A. Olshanetsky
A. M. Perelomov
+ PDF Chat Quantum Inverse Scattering Method and Correlation Functions 1993 V. E. Korepin
N. M. Bogoliubov
A. G. Izergin
+ PDF Chat Auxiliary matrices for the six-vertex model at<i>q<sup>N</sup></i>= 1: II. Bethe roots, complete strings and the Drinfeld polynomial 2003 Christian Korff
+ Noncommutative Schur functions and their applications 2006 Sergey Fomin
Curtis Greene
+ Topological Mirrors and Quantum Rings 1991 Cumrun Vafa
+ Introduction to Quantum Groups 2010 G. Lusztig
+ One-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg chain 1972 R. J. Baxter
+ Quantum Inverse Scattering Method and Correlation Functions 1993 V. E. Korepin
N. M. Bogoliubov
A. G. Izergin
+ Equivariant quantum Schubert calculus 2005 Leonardo C. Mihalcea
+ Conformal field theory 2024 Philippe Di Francesco
Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
+ Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups 1990 James E. Humphreys
+ Equivariant cohomology, Koszul duality, and the localization theorem 1997 Mark Goresky
Robert Kottwitz
Robert MacPherson
+ PDF Chat Gromov-Witten invariants on Grassmannians 2003 Anders Skovsted Buch
Andrew Kresch
Harry Tamvakis
+ PDF Chat The modified Lax and two-dimensional Toda lattice equations associated with simple Lie algebras 1981 George Wilson
+ PDF Chat Integrable Structure of Conformal Field Theory II. Q-operator and DDV equation 1997 Vladimir V. Bazhanov
Sergei L. Lukyanov
Alexander B. Zamolodchikov
+ None 2003 K. Fabricius
Barry M. McCoy
+ PDF Chat Affine Stanley symmetric functions 2006 Thomas Lam
+ Eight-vertex model in lattice statistics and one-dimensional anisotropic heisenberg chain. III. Eigenvectors of the transfer matrix and hamiltonian 1973 R. J. Baxter
+ Eight-vertex model in lattice statistics and one-dimensional anisotropic heisenberg chain. II. Equivalence to a generalized ice-type lattice model 1973 R. J. Baxter
+ New exact results in Affine Toda field theories: Free energy and wave-function renormalizations 1991 C. Destri
H. J. de Vega
+ PDF Chat The fusing rule and the scattering matrix of affine Toda theory 1992 Andreas Fring
D. Olive
+ PDF Chat Cylindric Versions of Specialised Macdonald Functions and a Deformed Verlinde Algebra 2012 Christian Korff
+ Purely elastic scattering theories and their ultraviolet limits 1990 Timothy R. Klassen
Ezer Melzer
+ PDF Chat Schur Polynomials and The Yang-Baxter Equation 2011 Ben Brubaker
Daniel Bump
Solomon Friedberg