Wolfgang Ziller


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Initial value problems on cohomogeneity one manifolds, I 2024 Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Palais–Smale sequences for the prescribed Ricci curvature functional 2024 Artem Pulemotov
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Curvature homogeneous hypersurfaces in space forms 2024 Robert L. Bryant
Luis A. Florit
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Palais-Smale sequences for the prescribed Ricci curvature functional 2023 Artem Pulemotov
Wolfgang Ziller
+ On the variational properties of the prescribed Ricci curvature functional 2021 Artem Pulemotov
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat The prescribed Ricci curvature problem for naturally reductive metrics on compact Lie groups 2021 Romina M. Arroyo
Artem Pulemotov
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Geometric graph manifolds with non‐negative scalar curvature 2021 Luis A. Florit
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Curvature Homogeneous Manifolds in Dimension 4 2021 Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Geodesic behavior for Finsler metrics of constant positive flag curvature on $S^2$ 2021 Robert L. Bryant
Patrick Foulon
S. V. Ivanov
Vladimir S. Matveev
Wolfgang Ziller
+ On the variational properties of the prescribed Ricci curvature functional 2021 Artem Pulemotov
Wolfgang Ziller
Wolfgang Ziller
Artem Pulemotov
Yanir A. Rubinstein
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Curvature homogeneous manifolds in dimension 4 2020 Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ The prescribed Ricci curvature problem for naturally reductive metrics on compact Lie groups 2020 Romina M. Arroyo
Artem Pulemotov
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Curvature homogeneous manifolds in dimension 4 2020 Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ The prescribed Ricci curvature problem for naturally reductive metrics on compact Lie groups 2020 Romina M. Arroyo
Artem Pulemotov
Wolfgang Ziller
+ On the Ricci iteration for homogeneous metrics on spheres and projective spaces 2018 Timothy Buttsworth
Artem Pulemotov
Yanir A. Rubinstein
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Seven dimensional cohomogeneity one manifolds with nonnegative curvature 2018 Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Smoothness Conditions in Cohomogeneity manifolds 2018 Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ On the Ricci iteration for homogeneous metrics on spheres and projective spaces 2018 Timothy Buttsworth
Artem Pulemotov
Yanir A. Rubinstein
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Seven dimensional cohomogeneity one manifolds with nonnegative curvature 2017 Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Geometric Graph Manifolds with non-negative scalar curvature 2017 Luis A. Florit
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Seven dimensional cohomogeneity one manifolds with nonnegative curvature 2017 Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Nonnegatively curved Euclidean submanifolds in codimension two 2016 Luis A. Florit
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Reversible homogeneous Finsler metrics with positive flag curvature 2016 Ming Xu
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Reversible homogeneous Finsler metrics with positive flag curvature 2016 Ming Xu
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Manifolds with conullity at most two as graph manifolds 2016 Luis A. Florit
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Nonnegatively curved Euclidean submanifolds in codimension two 2015 Luis A. Florit
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Revisiting homogeneous spaces with positive curvature 2015 Burkhard Wilking
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Revisiting homogeneous spaces with positive curvature 2015 Burkhard Wilking
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Geometrically Formal Homogeneous Metrics of Positive Curvature 2015 Manuel Amann
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Nonnegatively curved Euclidean submanifolds in codimension two 2015 Luis A. Florit
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Revisiting homogeneous spaces with positive curvature 2015 Burkhard Wilking
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Geometrically formal homogeneous metrics of positive curvature 2014 Manuel Amann
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Concavity and rigidity in non-negative curvature 2014 Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Topology of non-negatively curved manifolds 2014 Christine Escher
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Riemannian Manifolds with Positive Sectional Curvature 2014 Wolfgang Ziller
+ Geometry of Manifolds with Non-negative Sectional Curvature : Editors: Rafael Herrera, Luis HernĂĄndez-Lamoneda 2014 Owen Dearricott
Fernando Galaz‐García
Lee Kennard
Catherine Searle
Gregor Weingart
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Geometry of Manifolds with Non-negative Sectional Curvature 2014 Owen Dearricott
Fernando Galaz‐García
Lee Kennard
Catherine Searle
Gregor Weingart
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Geometrically formal homogeneous metrics of positive curvature 2014 Manuel Amann
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Polar manifolds and actions 2012 Karsten Grove
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Topology of non-negatively curved manifolds 2012 Christine Escher
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Polar manifolds and actions 2012 Karsten Grove
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Topology of non-negatively curved manifolds 2012 Christine Escher
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Riemannian Manifolds with positive sectional curvature 2012 Wolfgang Ziller
+ Polar manifolds and actions 2012 Karsten Grove
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Topological obstructions to fatness 2011 Luis A. Florit
Wolfgang Ziller
+ An Exotic $${T_{1}\mathbb{S}^4}$$ with Positive Curvature 2011 Karsten Grove
Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Lifting group actions and nonnegative curvature 2011 Karsten Grove
Wolfgang Ziller
Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Concavity and rigidity in non-negative curvature 2010 Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Obstructions to positive curvature 2010 Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Concavity and rigidity in non-negative curvature 2010 Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Non-negative curvature obstructions in cohomogeneity one and the Kervaire spheres 2009 Karsten Grove
Luigi Verdiani
Burkhard Wilking
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat EDITORIAL NOTE Non-negative curvature obstructions in cohomogeneity one and the Kervaire spheres 2009 Karsten Grove
Luigi Verdiani
Burkhard Wilking
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat On the topology of positively curved Bazaikin spaces 2009 Luis A. Florit
Wolfgang Ziller
+ On Eschenburg's Habilitation on Biquotients 2009 Wolfgang Ziller
+ On M. Mueter's Ph.D. Thesis on Cheeger deformations 2009 Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat On the Geometry of Cohomogeneity One Manifolds with Positive Curvature 2008 Wolfgang Ziller
+ A new type of a positively curved manifold 2008 Karsten Grove
Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Positively curved homogeneous metrics on spheres 2008 Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ A positively curved manifold homeomorphic to T$_1$S$^4$ 2008 Karsten Grove
Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Positively curved cohomogeneity one manifolds and 3-Sasakian geometry 2008 Karsten Grove
Burkhard Wilking
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Lifting Group Actions and Nonnegative Curvature 2008 Karsten Grove
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Orbifold fibrations of Eschenburg spaces 2007 Luis A. Florit
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Topological properties of Eschenburg spaces and 3-Sasakian manifolds 2007 Ted Chinburg
Christine Escher
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Examples of Manifolds with non-negative sectional curvature 2007 Wolfgang Ziller
+ Examples of Riemannian Manifolds with non-negative sectional curvature 2007 Wolfgang Ziller
+ Positively curved homogeneous metrics on spheres 2007 Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ On the geometry of cohomogeneity one manifolds with positive curvature 2007 Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Examples of Manifolds with Non-negative Sectional Curvature 2006 Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Symmetries of Eschenburg spaces and the Chern problem 2006 Karsten Grove
Krishnan Shankar
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Correction to the geometry and structure of isotropy irreducible homogeneous spaces 2006 Joseph A. Wolf
Wolfgang Ziller
J.A. wouF
+ Orbifold fibrations of Eschenburg spaces 2006 Luis A. Florit
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Non-negative curvature obstructions in cohomogeneity one and the Kervaire spheres 2006 Karsten Grove
Burkhard Wilking
Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ On the topology of positively curved Bazaikin spaces 2006 Luis A. Florit
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Symmetries of Eschenburg spaces and the Chern problem 2006 Karsten Grove
Krishnan Shankar
Wolfgang Ziller
+ On The Classification of Positively Curved Manifolds with Cohomogeneity One 2005 Karsten Grove
Burkhard Wilking
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Positively Curved Cohomogeneity One Manifolds and 3-Sasakian Geometry 2005 Karsten Grove
Burkhard Wilking
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat A variational approach for compact homogeneous Einstein manifolds 2004 Christoph B�hm
McKenzie Wang
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Biquotients with Singly Generated Rational Cohomology 2004 Vitali Kapovitch
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Topological properties of Eschenburg spaces and 3-Sasakian manifolds 2004 Ted Chinburg
Christine Escher
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Biquotients with singly generated rational cohomology 2002 Vitali Kapovitch
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Cohomogeneity one manifolds with positive Ricci curvature 2002 Karsten Grove
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Biquotients with singly generated rational cohomology 2002 Vitali Kapovitch
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Curvature and Symmetry of Milnor Spheres 2000 Karsten Grove
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Curvature and symmetry of Milnor spheres 2000 Karsten Grove
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Curvature and symmetry of Milnor spheres 2000 Karsten Grove
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Spherical minimal immersions of the 3-sphere 1999 GĂĄbor TĂłth
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Isotropy irreducible spaces and s-representations 1996 Ernst Heintze
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Weakly Symmetric Spaces 1996 Wolfgang Ziller
+ Symmetric spaces and strongly isotropy irreducible spaces 1993 McKenzie Wang
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Spherical minimal immersions of spherical space forms 1993 Dennis DeTurck
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Minimal isometric immersions of spherical space forms in spheres 1992 Dennis DeTurck
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Corrections to "On the Free Loop Space of Homogeneous Spaces" 1991 John McCleary
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat On isotropy irreducible Riemannian manifolds 1991 McKenzie Wang
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Local Rigidity of Symmetric Spaces 1990 Viktor Schroeder
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Einstein metrics on principal torus bundles 1990 McKenzie Y. Wang
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Local rigidity of symmetric spaces 1990 Viktor Schroeder
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Calibrated geometries in Grassmann manifolds 1989 Herman Gluck
Frank Morgan
Wolfgang Ziller
+ On the Free Loop Space of Homogeneous Spaces 1987 John McCleary
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Fibrations of spheres by parallel great spheres and Berger's rigidity theorem 1987 Herman Gluck
F. W. Warner
Wolfgang Ziller
+ On the volume of a unit vector field on the three-sphere 1986 Herman Gluck
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Existence and non-existence of homogeneous Einstein metrics 1986 McKenzie Y. Wang
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Einstein metrics with positive scalar curvature 1986 M. Wang
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat On normal homogeneous Einstein manifolds 1985 McKenzie Y. Wang
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Naturally Reductive Metrics of Nonpositive Ricci Curvature 1984 Carolyn S. Gordon
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Naturally reductive metrics of nonpositive Ricci curvature 1984 Carolyn S. Gordon
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Geometry of the Katok examples 1983 Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Existence of closed geodesics on positively curved manifolds 1983 Werner Ballmann
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
Wolfgang Ziller
+ On the number of closed geodesics on a compact Riemannian manifold 1982 Werner Ballmann
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Homogeneous einstein metrics on spheres and projective spaces 1982 Wolfgang Ziller
+ Closed Geodesics on Positively Curved Manifolds 1982 Werner Ballmann
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Closed geodesics and the fundamental group 1981 Werner Ballmann
Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Naturally reductive metrics and Einstein metrics on compact Lie groups 1979 J. E. D’Atri
Wolfgang Ziller
+ The jacobi equation on naturally reductive compact Riemannian homogeneous spaces 1977 Wolfgang Ziller
+ The free loop space of globally symmetric spaces 1977 Wolfgang Ziller
+ Closed geodesics on homogeneous spaces 1976 Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Minimal hypersurfaces in spaces of constant curvature 1976 M. Pinl
Wolfgang Ziller
+ �ber einen Satz von G. Ricci-Curbastro und die Gau�sche Kr�mmung der Minimalfl�chen III 1972 M. Pinl
Wolfgang Ziller
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Compact Homogeneous Riemannian Manifolds with Strictly Positive Curvature 1972 Nolan R. Wallach
+ PDF Chat New examples of manifolds with strictly positive curvature 1982 J.-H. Eschenburg
+ Freie isometrische Aktionen auf kompakten Lie-Gruppen mit positiv gekrßmmten Orbiträumen 1984 Jost-Hinrich Eschenburg
+ PDF Chat Curvature and Symmetry of Milnor Spheres 2000 Karsten Grove
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Les variÊtÊs riemanniennes homogènes normales simplement connexes à courbure strictement positive 1961 Thomas Berger
+ PDF Chat Positively curved cohomogeneity one manifolds and 3-Sasakian geometry 2008 Karsten Grove
Burkhard Wilking
Wolfgang Ziller
+ 𝐺-manifolds with one-dimensional orbit space 1992 A. V. Alekseevskii
D. V. AlekseevskiÄ­
+ PDF Chat An infinite family of distinct 7-manifolds admitting positively curved Riemannian structures 1975 Simon Aloff
Nolan R. Wallach
+ On a certain family of closed 13-dimensional Riemannian manifolds of positive curvature 1996 Ya. V. BazaĂŽkin
+ Cohomogeneity one manifolds with positive Ricci curvature 2002 Karsten Grove
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Equivariant geometry and Kervaire spheres 1987 Allen Back
Wu-Yi Hsiang
+ Naturally reductive metrics and Einstein metrics on compact Lie groups 1979 J. E. D’Atri
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Cohomogeneity One Manifolds of Even Dimension with Strictly Positive Sectional Curvature 2004 Luigi Verdiani
+ Optimal pinching constants of odd dimensional homogeneous spaces 1999 Thomas PĂźttmann
+ A 7-manifold with positive curvature 2011 Owen Dearricott
+ Homogeneous einstein metrics on spheres and projective spaces 1982 Wolfgang Ziller
+ Rank two fundamental groups of positively curved manifolds 2000 Karsten Grove
Krishnan Shankar
+ Introduction to Compact Transformation Groups 1972 Glen E. Bredon
+ An exotic sphere with positive sectional curvature 2008 Peter Petersen
Frederick Wilhelm
+ Einstein metrics on principal torus bundles 1990 McKenzie Y. Wang
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Unflat connections in 3-sphere bundles over 𝑆⁴ 1981 Andrzej Derdziński
A. Rigas
+ PDF Chat On the Structure of Complete Manifolds of Nonnegative Curvature 1972 Jeff Cheeger
Detlef Gromoll
+ PDF Chat On isotropy irreducible Riemannian manifolds 1991 McKenzie Wang
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Minimal submanifolds of low cohomogeneity 1971 Wu-Yi Hsiang
H. Blaine Lawson
+ PDF Chat Some examples of manifolds of nonnegative curvature 1973 Jeff Cheeger
+ Positive Pinching, Volume and Second Betti Number 1999 Fuquan Fang
X. Rong
+ An Exotic Sphere With Nonnegative Sectional Curvature 1974 Detlef Gromoll
Wolfgang Meyer
+ Topological properties of Eschenburg spaces and 3-Sasakian manifolds 2007 Ted Chinburg
Christine Escher
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Cohomogeneity and positive curvature in low dimensions 1993 Catherine Searle
+ PDF Chat Symmetries of Eschenburg spaces and the Chern problem 2006 Karsten Grove
Krishnan Shankar
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Examples of Manifolds with Non-negative Sectional Curvature 2006 Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Orbifold fibrations of Eschenburg spaces 2007 Luis A. Florit
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Positive Sectional Curvature on 3-Sasakian Manifolds 2004 Owen Dearricott
+ PDF Chat Positively curved homogeneous metrics on spheres 2008 Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ Lifting group actions and nonnegative curvature 2011 Karsten Grove
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Manifolds with positive curvature operators are space forms 2008 Christoph BĂśhm
Burkhard Wilking
+ PDF Chat The geometry and structure of isotropy irreducible homogeneous spaces 1968 Joseph A. Wolf
+ Foundations of Differential Geometry 1963 ShĂ´shichi Kobayashi
Katsumi Nomizu
+ PDF Chat Einstein metrics on principal fibre bundles 1973 Gary R. Jensen
+ PDF Chat Cheeger Manifolds and the Classification of Biquotients 2002 Burt Totaro
+ PDF Chat The initial value problem for cohomogeneity one Einstein metrics 2000 J.-H. Eschenburg
McKenzie Y. Wang
+ PDF Chat A condition for positivity of curvature 1992 Lucas Monteiro Chaves
Andrzej Derdziński
A. Rigas
+ Obstructions to nonnegative curvature and rational homotopy theory 2002 Igor Belegradek
Vitali Kapovitch
+ PDF Chat The geometry and topology of 3-Sasakian manifolds. 1994 Charles P. Boyer
Krzysztof Galicki
Benjamin M. Mann
+ PDF Chat Inhomogeneous spaces of positive curvature 1992 J.-H. Eschenburg
+ An Exotic $${T_{1}\mathbb{S}^4}$$ with Positive Curvature 2011 Karsten Grove
Luigi Verdiani
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Free, Isometric Circle Actions on Compact Symmetric Spaces 2003 J.-H. Eschenburg
Andreas Kollross
Krishnan Shankar
+ Fat bundles and symplectic manifolds 1980 A. J. Weinstein
+ PDF Chat Some nondiffeomorphic homeomorphic homogeneous 7-manifolds with positive sectional curvature 1991 Matthias Kreck
Stephan Stolz
+ Examples of Riemannian Manifolds with non-negative sectional curvature 2007 Wolfgang Ziller