Peter G. Doyle


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Let's reinvent subtraction 2022 Peter G. Doyle
+ Conway's drum quilts 2020 Peter G. Doyle
+ Conway's drum quilts 2020 Peter G. Doyle
+ Frobenius's last proof 2019 Peter G. Doyle
+ A category for bijective combinatorics 2019 Peter G. Doyle
+ Frobenius's last proof 2019 Peter G. Doyle
+ Conway's doughnuts 2018 Peter G. Doyle
Shikhin Sethi
+ Geometry and the Imagination in Minneapolis 2018 John H. Conway
Peter G. Doyle
Jane Gilman
William P. Thurston
+ Conway's doughnuts 2018 Peter G. Doyle
Shikhin Sethi
+ PDF Chat Cyclic groups with the same Hodge series 2017 Daryl DeFord
Peter G. Doyle
+ Blowing bubbles on the torus 2017 Peter G. Doyle
Jean Steiner
+ Equivariant division 2017 Prajeet Bajpai
Peter G. Doyle
+ Spectral invariants and playing hide-and-seek on surfaces 2017 Peter G. Doyle
Jean Steiner
+ Equivariant division 2017 Prajeet Bajpai
Peter G. Doyle
+ Blowing bubbles on the torus 2017 Peter G. Doyle
Jean Steiner
+ Division by four 2015 Peter G. Doyle
Cecil S. Qiu
+ Changing gears: Isospectrality via eigenderivative transplantation 2015 Peter G. Doyle
Peter Herbrich
+ Division by four 2015 Peter G. Doyle
Cecil S. Qiu
+ Cyclic groups with the same Hodge series 2014 Daryl DeFord
Peter G. Doyle
+ Cyclic groups with the same Hodge series 2014 Daryl DeFord
Peter G. Doyle
+ Stackable and queueable permutations 2012 Peter G. Doyle
+ Stackable and queueable permutations 2012 Peter G. Doyle
+ Laplace-isospectral hyperbolic 2-orbifolds are representation-equivalent 2011 Peter G. Doyle
Juan Pablo Rossetti
+ Commuting time geometry of ergodic Markov chains 2011 Peter G. Doyle
Jean Steiner
+ Maybe there's no such thing as a random sequence 2011 Peter G. Doyle
+ Laplace-isospectral hyperbolic 2-orbifolds are representation-equivalent 2011 Peter G. Doyle
Juan Pablo Rossetti
+ Some planar isospectral domains 2010 Peter Buser
J. Conway
Peter G. Doyle
Klaus‐Dieter Semmler
+ The Kemeny constant of a Markov chain 2009 Peter G. Doyle
Gnu Fdl
+ Max-min approach to Perron-Frobenius 2009 Peter G. Doyle
Gnu Fdl
+ Riffles, ruffles, and the turning algebra 2008 Peter G. Doyle
Dan Rockmore
+ Isospectral hyperbolic surfaces have matching geodesics 2008 Peter G. Doyle
Juan Pablo Rossetti
+ Frustration solitaire 2007 Peter G. Doyle
Charles M. Grinstead
J. Laurie Snell
+ Electric currents in infinite networks 2007 Peter G. Doyle
+ The number of Latin rectangles 2007 Peter G. Doyle
+ A 27-vertex graph that is vertex-transitive and edge-transitive but not l-transitive 2007 Peter G. Doyle
Gnu Fdl
+ Frustration solitaire 2007 Peter G. Doyle
Charles M. Grinstead
J. Laurie Snell
+ The knee-jerk mapping 2006 Peter G. Doyle
Jim Reeds
+ Division by three 2006 Peter G. Doyle
John H. Conway
+ Isospectral hyperbolic surfaces have matching geodesics 2006 Peter G. Doyle
Juan Pablo Rossetti
+ Isospectral hyperbolic surfaces have matching geodesics 2006 Peter G. Doyle
Juan Pablo Rossetti
+ The knee-jerk mapping 2006 Peter G. Doyle
Jim Reeds
+ Division by three 2006 Peter G. Doyle
John H. Conway
+ PDF Chat Tetra and Didi, the cosmic spectral twins 2004 Peter G. Doyle
Juan Pablo Rossetti
+ 23040 symmetries of hyperbolic tetrahedra 2003 Peter G. Doyle
Gregory Leibon
+ Random Walks and Electric Networks 2000 Peter G. Doyle
J. Laurie Snell
+ Solving the sextic by iteration: A complex dynamical approach 1999 Scott Crass
Peter G. Doyle
+ None 1997 Scott Crass
Peter G. Doyle
+ PDF Chat The asymptotic value of the circle-packing rigidity constants s n * 1994 Peter G. Doyle
Zheng-Xu He
Burt Rodin
+ PDF Chat Second derivatives of circle packings and conformal mappings 1994 Peter G. Doyle
Zheng-Xu He
Burt Rodin
+ None 1994 Peter Buser
J. Conway
Peter G. Doyle
Klaus‐Dieter Semmler
+ PDF Chat Self-packing of centrally symmetric convex bodies in ℝ2 1992 Peter G. Doyle
J. C. Lagarias
Dana Randall
+ Tracking a wiener process with a process of finite energy 1989 Peter G. Doyle
L. A. Shepp
+ PDF Chat Solving the quintic by iteration 1989 Peter G. Doyle
Curt McMullen
+ PDF Chat The Match Set of a Random Permutation Has the FKG Property 1988 Peter C. Fishburn
Peter G. Doyle
L. A. Shepp
+ PDF Chat On the bass note of a Schottky group 1988 Peter G. Doyle
+ Electric currents in innite networks 1988 Peter G. Doyle
Gnu Fdl
+ On deciding whether a surface is parabolic or hyperbolic 1988 Peter G. Doyle
+ PDF Chat Random Walks and Electric Networks. 1987 Kenneth B. Stolarksy
Peter G. Doyle
J. Laurie Snell
+ Non-Sexist Solution of the Menage Problem 1986 Kenneth P. Bogart
Peter G. Doyle
+ Non-Sexist Solution of the Ménage Problem 1986 Kenneth P. Bogart
Peter G. Doyle
+ Rayleigh’s monotonicity law 1984 Peter G. Doyle
J. Laurie Snell
+ PDF Chat Random walk on the Speiser graph of a Riemann surface 1984 Peter G. Doyle
+ PDF Chat Random Walks and Electric Networks 1984 Peter G. Doyle
J. Laurie Snell
+ Random walks in one dimension 1984 Peter G. Doyle
J. Laurie Snell
+ The classical proofs of Pólya’s theorem 1984 Peter G. Doyle
J. Laurie Snell
+ Random walks on more general infinite networks 1984 Peter G. Doyle
J. Laurie Snell
+ Pólya’s recurrence problem 1984 Peter G. Doyle
J. Laurie Snell
+ Random walks in two dimensions 1984 Peter G. Doyle
J. Laurie Snell
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Random Walks and Electric Networks 1984 Peter G. Doyle
J. Laurie Snell
+ Riemannian Coverings and Isospectral Manifolds 1985 Toshikazu Sunada
+ The orbifold notation for surface groups 2010 John H. Conway
+ PDF Chat Solving the quintic by iteration 1989 Peter G. Doyle
Curt McMullen
+ Zur analytischen Theorie hyperbolischer Raumformen und Bewegungsgruppen. II 1961 Heinz Huber
+ PDF Chat One cannot hear the shape of a drum 1992 Carolyn S. Gordon
David L. Webb
Scott A. Wolpert
+ None 1994 Peter Buser
J. Conway
Peter G. Doyle
Klaus‐Dieter Semmler
+ PDF Chat The length spectra of some compact manifolds of negative curvature 1977 Ramesh Gangolli
+ Random walk and electric currents in networks 1959 C. St. J. A. Nash‐Williams
+ PDF Chat A Simple Criterion for Transience of a Reversible Markov Chain 1983 Terry Lyons
+ PDF Chat Critical Phenomena for Spitzer's Reversible Nearest Particle Systems 1982 David Griffeath
Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Isospectral Riemann surfaces 1986 Peter Buser
+ Harmonic Functions on Open Riemann Surfaces 1952 H. L. Royden
+ PDF Chat Huber's Theorem for Hyperbolic Orbisurfaces 2009 Emily B. Dryden
Alexander Strohmaier
+ Division by three 2006 Peter G. Doyle
John H. Conway
+ PDF Chat Solving the Sextic by Iteration: A Study in Complex Geometry and Dynamics 1999 Scott Crass
+ Extremals for Logarithmic Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities on compact manifolds 2006 Kate Okikiolu
+ PDF Chat Cancellation laws in the arithmetic of cardinals 1949 Alfred Tarski
+ PDF Chat Convergence of circle packings of finite valence to Riemann mappings 1993 Zheng-Xu He
Burt Rodin
+ Varietes Riemanniennes Isospectrales et non Isometriques 1980 Marie-France Vignéras
+ PDF Chat An estimate for hexagonal circle packings 1991 Zheng-Xu He
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel for orbifolds 2008 Emily B. Dryden
Carolyn S. Gordon
Sarah J. Greenwald
David L. Webb
+ The Hexagonal Packing Lemma and Discrete Potential Theory 1990 Dov Aharonov
+ Geodesics in homology classes 1987 Ralph S. Phillips
Peter Sarnak
+ Brownian Motion and Potential Theory 2010 Michael E. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Tetra and Didi, the cosmic spectral twins 2004 Peter G. Doyle
Juan Pablo Rossetti
+ PDF Chat Spectra of Lens Spaces from 1-Norm Spectra of Congruence Lattices 2015 Emilio A. Lauret
Roberto J. Miatello
Juan Pablo Rossetti
+ On spherical space forms with meta-cyclic fundamental group which are isospectral but not equivariant cobordant 1985 Peter Gilkey
+ Isospectral Finiteness of Hyperbolic Orbisurfaces 2004 Emily B. Dryden
+ Statistical Mechanics of Dimers on a Plane Lattice 1961 Michael E. Fisher
+ An enumeration of knots and links, and some of their algebraic properties 1970 James Conway
+ Finite Markov chains 1976 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
+ PDF Chat Ueber eine einfache Gruppe von 360 ebenen Collineationen 1896 A. Wiman
+ Groups of polynomial growth and expanding maps 1981 Mikhael Gromov
+ A new energy characterization of the smallest eigenvalue of the schrödinger equation 1977 Charles J. Holland
+ Isoperimetric inequalities in mathematical physics 1951 George Pólya
Gábor Szegő
+ Lehrbuch der Algebra 1921 Heinrich Weber
+ Schwarz's lemma for circle packings 1987 Burt Rodin
+ PDF Chat Harmonic functions on open Riemann surfaces 1952 H. L. Royden
+ PDF Chat Untersuchungen aus der Mengenlehre 1905 Felix Bernstein
+ PDF Chat The convergence of circle packings to the Riemann mapping 1987 Burt Rodin
Dennis Sullivan
+ The dinner table problem 1980 Bengt Aspvall
Frank M. Liang
+ Lens spaces isospectral on p-forms for every p 2013 Emilio A. Lauret
Roberto J. Miatello
Juan Pablo Rossetti
+ Isospectral plane domains and surfaces via Riemannian orbifolds 1992 Carolyn S. Gordon
David L. Webb
Scott A. Wolpert
+ Cayley graphs and planar isospectral domains 1988 Peter Buser
+ Principles of random walk 1964 Frank Spitzer
+ Dimer Statistics and Phase Transitions 1963 Piet Kasteleyn
+ Producing New Bijections from Old 1995 David Feldman
Jim Propp
+ An Extension of a Network Theorem 1961 R. Foster
+ A Rogers-Ramanujan bijection 1981 Adriano M. Garsia
Stephen C. Milne