Gaultier Lambert


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Central limit theorem for smooth statistics of one‐dimensional free fermions 2024 Alix Deleporte
Gaultier Lambert
+ PDF Chat Subcritical multiplicative chaos and the characteristic polynomial of the C$\beta$E 2024 Gaultier Lambert
Joseph Najnudel
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative chaos measures from thick points of log‐correlated fields 2024 Janne Junnila
Gaultier Lambert
Christian Webb
+ PDF Chat Widom's conjecture: variance asymptotics and entropy bounds for counting statistics of free fermions 2024 Alix Deleporte
Gaultier Lambert
+ Universality for free fermions and the local Weyl law for semiclassical Schrödinger operators 2024 Alix Deleporte
Gaultier Lambert
+ PDF Chat Law of large numbers for the maximum of the two-dimensional Coulomb gas potential 2024 Gaultier Lambert
Thomas Leblé
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat From Berry–Esseen to super-exponential 2024 Klara Courteaut
Kurt Johansson
Gaultier Lambert
+ Quantum statistics transmutation via magnetic flux attachment 2023 Gaultier Lambert
Douglas Lundholm
Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat The Characteristic Polynomial of Sums of Random Permutations and Regular Digraphs 2023 Simon Coste
Gaultier Lambert
Yizhe Zhu
+ PDF Chat Strong approximation of Gaussian β ensemble characteristic polynomials: The hyperbolic regime 2023 Gaultier Lambert
Elliot Paquette
+ Central limit theorem for smooth statistics of one-dimensional free fermions 2023 Alix Deleporte
Gaultier Lambert
+ From Berry-Esseen to super-exponential 2022 Klara Courteaut
Kurt Johansson
Gaultier Lambert
+ The characteristic polynomial of sums of random permutations and regular digraphs 2022 Simon Coste
Gaultier Lambert
Yizhe Zhu
+ Multiplicative chaos measures from thick points of log-correlated fields 2022 Janne Junnila
Gaultier Lambert
Christian A. Webb
+ PDF Chat Multivariate normal approximation for traces of random unitary matrices 2021 Kurt Johansson
Gaultier Lambert
+ PDF Chat How much can the eigenvalues of a random Hermitian matrix fluctuate? 2021 Tom Claeys
Benjamin Fahs
Gaultier Lambert
Christian Webb
+ PDF Chat Poisson statistics for Gibbs measures at high temperature 2021 Gaultier Lambert
+ PDF Chat Precise Deviations for Disk Counting Statistics of Invariant Determinantal Processes 2021 Marcel Fenzl
Gaultier Lambert
+ PDF Chat Mesoscopic central limit theorem for the circular $\beta $-ensembles and applications 2021 Gaultier Lambert
+ Universality for free fermions and the local Weyl law for semiclassical Schrödinger operators 2021 Alix Deleporte
Gaultier Lambert
+ CLT for Circular beta-Ensembles at high temperature 2020 Adrien Hardy
Gaultier Lambert
+ Strong approximation of Gaussian $\beta$-ensemble characteristic polynomials: the edge regime and the stochastic Airy function 2020 Gaultier Lambert
Elliot Paquette
+ PDF Chat Maximum of the Characteristic Polynomial of the Ginibre Ensemble 2020 Gaultier Lambert
+ Precise deviations for disk counting statistics of invariant determinantal processes. 2020 Marcel Fenzl
Gaultier Lambert
+ Strong approximation of Gaussian beta-ensemble characteristic polynomials: the hyperbolic regime 2020 Gaultier Lambert
Elliot Paquette
+ Precise deviations for disk counting statistics of invariant determinantal processes 2020 Marcel Fenzl
Gaultier Lambert
+ Strong approximation of Gaussian beta-ensemble characteristic polynomials: the hyperbolic regime 2020 Gaultier Lambert
Elliot Paquette
+ Multivariate normal approximation for traces of random unitary matrices 2020 Kurt Johansson
Gaultier Lambert
+ Strong approximation of Gaussian $β$-ensemble characteristic polynomials: the edge regime and the stochastic Airy function 2020 Gaultier Lambert
Elliot Paquette
+ Poisson statistics for Gibbs measures at high temperature 2019 Gaultier Lambert
+ PDF Chat Quantitative normal approximation of linear statistics of $\beta$-ensembles 2019 Gaultier Lambert
Michel Ledoux
Christian Webb
+ PDF Chat Incomplete Determinantal Processes: From Random Matrix to Poisson Statistics 2019 Gaultier Lambert
+ How much can the eigenvalues of a random Hermitian matrix fluctuate 2019 Tom Claeys
Benjamin Fahs
Gaultier Lambert
Christian Webb
+ Mesoscopic central limit theorem for the circular beta-ensembles and applications 2019 Gaultier Lambert
+ The law of large numbers for the maximum of the characteristic polynomial of the Ginibre ensemble 2019 Gaultier Lambert
+ Poisson statistics for Gibbs measures at high temperature 2019 Gaultier Lambert
+ How much can the eigenvalues of a random Hermitian matrix fluctuate? 2019 Tom Claeys
Benjamin Fahs
Gaultier Lambert
Christian A. Webb
+ Mesoscopic central limit theorem for the circular beta-ensembles and applications 2019 Gaultier Lambert
+ PDF Chat Subcritical Multiplicative Chaos for Regularized Counting Statistics from Random Matrix Theory 2018 Gaultier Lambert
Dmitry Ostrovsky
Nick Simm
+ PDF Chat Gaussian and non-Gaussian fluctuations for mesoscopic linear statistics in determinantal processes 2018 Kurt Johansson
Gaultier Lambert
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for biorthogonal ensembles and related combinatorial identities 2018 Gaultier Lambert
+ PDF Chat The law of large numbers for the maximum of almost Gaussian log-correlated fields coming from random matrices 2018 Gaultier Lambert
Elliot Paquette
+ Mesoscopic fluctuations for unitary invariant ensembles 2018 Gaultier Lambert
+ Stein's method for normal approximation of linear statistics of beta-ensembles 2017 Gaultier Lambert
Michel Ledoux
Christian Webb
+ Quantitative Normal Approximation of Linear Statistics of $\beta$-ensembles 2017 Gaultier Lambert
Michel Ledoux
Christian Webb
+ Quantitative Normal Approximation of Linear Statistics of $β$-ensembles 2017 Gaultier Lambert
Michel Ledoux
Christian A. Webb
+ The law of large numbers for the maximum of almost Gaussian log-correlated fields coming from random matrices 2016 Gaultier Lambert
Elliot Paquette
+ Fluctuations of smooth linear statistics of determinantal point processes 2016 Gaultier Lambert
+ Central limit theorem for biorthogonal ensembles and related combinatorial identities 2016 Gaultier Lambert
+ The law of large numbers for the maximum of almost Gaussian log-correlated fields coming from random matrices 2016 Gaultier Lambert
Elliot Paquette
+ Mesoscopic fluctuations for unitary invariant ensembles 2015 Gaultier Lambert
+ Mesoscopic fluctuations for unitary invariant ensembles 2015 Gaultier Lambert
+ PDF Chat A symmetry-breaking phase transition in a dynamical decision model 2011 Gaultier Lambert
Guillaume Chevereau
Éric Bertin
+ Symmetry-breaking phase transition in a dynamical decision model 2011 Gaultier Lambert
Guillaume Chevereau
Éric Bertin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On fluctuations of eigenvalues of random Hermitian matrices 1998 Kurt Johansson
+ PDF Chat Maximum of the Characteristic Polynomial of Random Unitary Matrices 2016 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
David Belius
Paul Bourgade
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations of Linear Eigenvalue Statistics of β Matrix Models in the Multi-cut Regime 2013 Mariya Shcherbina
+ PDF Chat The characteristic polynomial of a random unitary matrix and Gaussian multiplicative chaos - The $L^2$-phase 2015 Christian Webb
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Expansion of β Matrix Models in the One-cut Regime 2012 Gaëtan Borot
Alice Guionnet
+ Uniform asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to varying exponential weights and applications to universality questions in random matrix theory 1999 Percy Deift
T. Kriecherbauer
K. T-R McLaughlin
Stephanos Venakides
Xin Zhou
+ On the Characteristic Polynomial¶ of a Random Unitary Matrix 2001 C. P. Hughes
Jonathan P. Keating
Neil O’Connell
+ PDF Chat The central limit theorem for local linear statistics in classical compact groups and related combinatorial identities 2000 Alexander Soshnikov
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of the maximum value of the characteristic polynomial of GUE random matrices 2016 Yan V. Fyodorov
Nick Simm
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations of eigenvalues of random normal matrices 2011 Yacin Ameur
Håakan Hedenmalm
Nikolai Makarov
+ An elementary approach to Gaussian multiplicative chaos 2017 Nathanaël Berestycki
+ PDF Chat Determinantal Processes and Independence 2006 J. Hough
Manjunath Krishnapur
Yuval Peres
Bálint Virág
+ PDF Chat Limiting laws of linear eigenvalue statistics for Hermitian matrix models 2006 L. А. Pastur
+ PDF Chat Toeplitz Matrices and Toeplitz Determinants under the Impetus of the Ising Model: Some History and Some Recent Results 2013 Percy Deift
Alexander Its
Igor Krasovsky
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to Random Matrices 2009 Greg W. Anderson
Alice Guionnet
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for biorthogonal ensembles and related combinatorial identities 2018 Gaultier Lambert
+ PDF Chat Gaussian multiplicative chaos and applications: A review 2014 Rémi Rhodes
Vincent Vargas
+ The Maximum of the CUE Field 2017 Elliot Paquette
Ofer Zeitouni
+ Eigenvalue Distribution of Large Random Matrices 2011 L. А. Pastur
Mariya Shcherbina
+ Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices: A Riemann-Hilbert Approach 2000 Percy Deift
+ PDF Chat Determinantal random point fields 2000 Alexander Soshnikov
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Limit for Determinantal Random Point Fields 2002 Alexander Soshnikov
+ PDF Chat Edge Universality of Beta Ensembles 2014 Paul Bourgade
László Erdős
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ PDF Chat Freezing Transition, Characteristic Polynomials of Random Matrices, and the Riemann Zeta Function 2012 Yan V. Fyodorov
Ghaith A. Hiary
Jonathan P. Keating
+ PDF Chat The Noise in the Circular Law and the Gaussian Free Field 2008 Brian Rider
Bálint Virág
+ PDF Chat The two-dimensional Coulomb plasma: quasi-free approximation and central limit theorem 2019 Roland Bauerschmidt
Paul Bourgade
Miika Nikula
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ PDF Chat Subcritical Multiplicative Chaos for Regularized Counting Statistics from Random Matrix Theory 2018 Gaultier Lambert
Dmitry Ostrovsky
Nick Simm
+ PDF Chat Fixed Energy Universality for Generalized Wigner Matrices 2015 Paul Bourgade
László Erdős
Horng‐Tzer Yau
Jun Yin
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations of Two Dimensional Coulomb Gases 2018 Thomas Leblé
Sylvia Serfaty
+ Random matrices and determinantal processes 2005 Kurt Johansson
+ Linear statistics of the circular $\beta $-ensemble, Stein’s method, and circular Dyson Brownian motion 2016 Christian Webb
+ PDF Chat Mesoscopic central limit theorem for the circular $\beta $-ensembles and applications 2021 Gaultier Lambert
+ PDF Chat Freezing transitions and extreme values: random matrix theory, and disordered landscapes 2013 Yan V. Fyodorov
Jonathan P. Keating
+ Determinantal point processes 2015 Alexei Borodin
+ Multiplicative chaos and the characteristic polynomial of the CUE: The 𝐿¹-phase 2020 Miika Nikula
Eero Saksman
Christian Webb
+ Fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index $H=0$ and the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble 2016 Yan V. Fyodorov
Boris A. Khoruzhenko
Nick Simm
+ Central limit theorems for biorthogonal ensembles and asymptotics of recurrence coefficients 2015 Jonathan Breuer
Maurice Duits
+ PDF Chat Gaussian multiplicative chaos revisited 2010 Raoul Robert
Vincent Vargas
+ PDF Chat Large deviation principle for empirical fields of Log and Riesz gases 2017 Thomas Leblé
Sylvia Serfaty
+ PDF Chat Continuum limits of random matrices and the Brownian carousel 2009 Benedek Valkó
Bálint Virág
+ Random Hermitian matrices and Gaussian multiplicative chaos 2018 Nathanaël Berestycki
Christian Webb
Mo Dick Wong
+ Mesoscopic fluctuations for unitary invariant ensembles 2018 Gaultier Lambert
+ PDF Chat Log-correlated Gaussian Fields: An Overview 2017 Bertrand Duplantier
Rémi Rhodes
Scott Sheffield⋆
Vincent Vargas
+ PDF Chat Maximum of the Characteristic Polynomial of the Ginibre Ensemble 2020 Gaultier Lambert
+ Statistical Ensembles of Complex, Quaternion, and Real Matrices 1965 J. Ginibre
+ Strong asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with respect to exponential weights 1999 Percy Deift
Thomas Kriecherbauer
K. T‐R McLaughlin
Stephanos Venakides
Xiaowen Zhou
+ Convergence of the centered maximum of log-correlated Gaussian fields 2017 Jian Ding
Rishideep Roy
Ofer Zeitouni
+ Asymptotic expansion of beta matrix models in the multi-cut regime 2013 Gaëtan Borot
Alice Guionnet
+ The coincidence approach to stochastic point processes 1975 Odile Macchi