Xian Guo


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Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Continuous control with deep reinforcement learning 2016 Timothy Lillicrap
Jonathan J. Hunt
Alexander Pritzel
Nicolas Heess
Tom Erez
Yuval Tassa
David Silver
Daan Wierstra
+ Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning 2016 Volodymyr Mnih
Adrià Puigdomènech Badia
Mehdi Mirza
Alex Graves
Tim Harley
Timothy Lillicrap
David Silver
Koray Kavukcuoglu
+ Emergence of Locomotion Behaviours in Rich Environments 2017 Nicolas Heess
Dhruva Tb
Sriram Srinivasan
Jay Lemmon
Josh Merel
Greg Wayne
Yuval Tassa
Tom Erez
Ziyu Wang
S. M. Ali Eslami
+ Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms 2017 John Schulman
Filip Wolski
Prafulla Dhariwal
Alec Radford
Oleg Klimov
+ Q-Prop: Sample-Efficient Policy Gradient with An Off-Policy Critic 2016 Shixiang Gu
Timothy Lillicrap
Zoubin Ghahramani
Richard E. Turner
Sergey Levine
+ PDF Chat Scaled total least squares fundamentals 2002 Christopher C. Paige
Zdeněk Strakoš
+ Robust regression using iteratively reweighted least-squares 1977 Paul W. Holland
Roy E. Welsch
+ An Improved Weighted Total Least Squares Method with Applications in Linear Fitting and Coordinate Transformation 2011 Xiaohua Tong
Yanmin Jin
Lingyun Li
+ A WTLS-Based Method for Remote Sensing Imagery Registration 2014 Tianjun Wu
Yong Ge
Jianghao Wang
Alfred Stein
Yongze Song
Yunyan Du
Jianghong Ma
+ PDF Chat The element-wise weighted total least-squares problem 2004 Ivan Markovsky
Maria Luisa Rastello
A. Premoli
Alexander Kukush
Sabine Van Huffel
+ Estimation of Nonlinear Errors-in-Variables Models for Computer Vision Applications 2006 B. Matei
Peter Meer
+ Continuous control with deep reinforcement learning 2015 Timothy Lillicrap
Jonathan J. Hunt
Alexander Pritzel
Nicolas Heess
Tom Erez
Yuval Tassa
David Silver
Daan Wierstra
+ Robust Statistics 1981 Peter J. Huber
+ PDF Chat Path integral guided policy search 2017 Yevgen Chebotar
Mrinal Kalakrishnan
Ali Abdullah Yahya
Adrian Li
Stefan Schaal
Sergey Levine
+ Q-PrOP: Sample-efficient policy gradient with an off-policy critic 2017 Shixiang Gu
Timothy Lillicrap
Zoubin Ghahramani
Richard E. Turner
Sergey Levine
+ Soft Actor-Critic: Off-Policy Maximum Entropy Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Stochastic Actor 2018 Tuomas Haarnoja
Aurick Zhou
Pieter Abbeel
Sergey Levine
+ IMPALA: Scalable Distributed Deep-RL with Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architectures 2018 Lasse Espeholt
Hubert Soyer
Rémi Munos
Karen Simonyan
Volodymir Mnih
Tom Ward
Yotam Doron
Vlad Firoiu
Tim Harley
Iain Dunning
+ Trust Region Policy Optimization 2015 John Schulman
Sergey Levine
Philipp Moritz
Michael I. Jordan
Pieter Abbeel
+ Continuous Deep Q-Learning with Model-based Acceleration 2016 Shixiang Gu
Timothy Lillicrap
Ilya Sutskever
Sergey Levine
+ Control of Memory, Active Perception, and Action in Minecraft 2016 Junhyuk Oh
Valliappa Chockalingam
Satinder Singh
Honglak Lee
+ PDF Chat Neural Network Dynamics for Model-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning with Model-Free Fine-Tuning 2018 Anusha Nagabandi
Gregory Kahn
Ronald S. Fearing
Sergey Levine
+ PDF Chat Geospatial big data handling theory and methods: A review and research challenges 2015 Songnian Li
Suzana Dragićević
Francesc Antón Castro
Monika Sester
Stephan Winter
Arzu Çöltekin
Christopher Pettit
Bin Jiang
James Haworth
Alfred Stein
+ The Total Least Squares Problem 1991 Sabine Van Huffel
Joos Vandewalle
+ When to Trust Your Model: Model-Based Policy Optimization 2019 Michael Jänner
Justin Fu
Marvin Zhang
Sergey Levine
+ High-Dimensional Continuous Control Using Generalized Advantage Estimation 2015 John Schulman
Philipp Moritz
Sergey Levine
Michael I. Jordan
Pieter Abbeel
+ IMPALA: Scalable Distributed Deep-RL with Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architectures 2018 Lasse Espeholt
Hubert Soyer
Rémi Munos
Karen Simonyan
Volodymir Mnih
Tom Ward
Yotam Doron
Vlad Firoiu
Tim Harley
Iain Dunning
+ Measurement error and latent variables in econometrics 2000 Thomas Wansbeek
+ On weighted total least-squares adjustment for linear regression 2007 Burkhard Schaffrin
Andreas Wieser
+ Scaled total-least-squares-based registration for optical remote sensing imagery 2012 Yong Ge
Tianjun Wu
Jianghao Wang
Jianghong Ma
Yunyan Du
+ The Total Least Squares Problem: Computational Aspects and Analysis. 1992 George W. Fisher
Sabine Van Huffel
Joos Vandewalle