James Ward


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Super-Efficient Super Resolution for Fast Adversarial Defense at the Edge 2022 Kartikeya Bhardwaj
Dibakar Gope
James Ward
Paul N. Whatmough
Danny Loh
+ PDF Chat How well do face masks protect the wearer compared to public perceptions? 2021 Eugenia O’Kelly
Anmol Arora
James Ward
P. John Clarkson
+ Semantic sensor fusion: from camera to sparse lidar information 2020 Julie Stephany Berrío
Mao Shan
Stewart Worrall
James Ward
E. Nebot
+ Towards Provably Not-At-Fault Control of Autonomous Robots in Arbitrary Dynamic Environments 2019 Sean Vaskov
Shreyas Kousik
Hannah Larson
Fan Bu
James Ward
Stewart Worrall
Matthew Johnson‐Roberson
Ram Vasudevan
+ PDF Chat Identifying robust landmarks in feature-based maps 2019 Julie Stephany Berrío
James Ward
Stewart Worrall
E. Nebot
+ Towards Provably Not-at-Fault Control of Autonomous Robots in Arbitrary Dynamic Environments 2019 Sean Vaskov
Shreyas Kousik
Hannah Larson
Fan Bu
James Ward
Stewart Worrall
Matthew Johnson‐Roberson
Ram Vasudevan
+ Identifying robust landmarks in feature-based maps. 2018 Julie Stephany Berrío
James Ward
Stewart Worrall
E. Nebot
+ Periodic solutions of first order systems 2012 James Ward
+ On a result of Brezis and Mawhin 2011 Raúl Manásevich
James Ward
+ Nonresonance for a one-dimensional<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>-Laplacian with strong singularity 2011 Chan-Gyun Kim
James Ward
+ PDF Chat Periodic solutions and asymptotic behavior in Liénard systems with p-Laplacian operators 2009 Marta Garcı́a-Huidobro
Raúl Manásevich
James Ward
+ PDF Chat Positive solutions for equations and systems with $p$-Laplace like operators 2009 Marta Garcı́a-Huidobro
James Ward
Raúl Manásevich
+ PDF Chat A Nonresonance Condition for Boundary Value Problems 2008 James Ward
+ Existence, multiplicity, and bifurcation in systems of ordinary differential equations 2007 James Ward
+ PDF Chat Vector p-Laplacian like operators, pseudo-eigenvalues, and bifurcation 2007 Marta Garcı́a-Huidobro
Raúl Manásevich
James Ward
+ Rotation Numbers and Global Bifurcation in Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations 2005 James Ward
+ Bifurcation through higher order terms for problems at resonance 2004 Marta Garcı́a-Huidobro
Raúl Manásevich
James Ward
+ A semilinear elliptic system with vanishing nonlinearities 2003 Rafael Ortega
James Ward
+ PDF Chat A homotopy along $p$ for systems with a vector $p$-Laplace operator 2003 Marta Garcı́a-Huidobro
Raúl Manásevich
James Ward
+ PDF Chat Periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations with bounded nonlinearities 2002 James Ward
+ Guiding-like functions for periodic or bounded solutions of ordinary differential equations 2002 Jean Mawhin
James Ward
+ Bounded Solutions of Some Second Order Nonlinear Differential Equations 1998 Jean Mawhin
James Ward
+ Global Bifurcation of Periodic Solutions to Ordinary Differential Equations 1998 James Ward
+ Bifurcating Continua in Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems and Applications to Differential Equations 1996 James Ward
+ A global continuation theorem and bifurcation from infinity for infinite-dimensional dynamical systems 1996 James Ward
+ Homotopy Index and Asymptotically Autonomous Differential Equations 1995 James Ward
+ Homotopy and Bounded Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations 1994 James Ward
+ PDF Chat Global continuation for bounded solutions of ordinary differential equations 1993 James Ward
+ PDF Chat A Topological Method for Bounded Solutions of Nonautonomous Ordinary Differential Equations 1992 James Ward
+ Almost Periodic Solutions of Nonlinear Second Order Differential Equations 1992 Klaus Schmitt
James Ward
+ PDF Chat A topological method for bounded solutions of nonautonomous ordinary differential equations 1992 James Ward
+ PDF Chat Averaging, homotopy, and bounded solutions of ordinary differential equations 1990 James Ward
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear second order elliptic partial differential equations at resonance 1989 R. Iannacci
M. N. Nkashama
James Ward
+ Conley Index and Non-Autonomous Ordinary Differential Equations 1988 James Ward
+ PDF Chat Bounded and almost periodic solutions of semi-linear parabolic equations 1988 James Ward
+ A boundary value problem with a periodic nonlinearity 1986 James Ward
+ PDF Chat Necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of a nonlinear two-point boundary value problem 1985 Jean Mawhin
James Ward
Michel Willem
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic nonuniform nonresonance conditions in the periodic-Dirichlet problem for semi-linear wave equations 1983 Jean Mawhin
James Ward
+ Periodic solutions of some forced Liénard differential equations at resonance 1983 Jean Mawhin
James Ward
+ PDF Chat Nonuniform nonresonance conditions at the two first eigenvalues for periodic solutions of forced Lienard and Duffing equations 1982 Jean Mawhin
James Ward
+ Existence for a class of semilinear problems at resonance 1982 James Ward
+ Perturbations with some superlinear growth for a class of second order elliptic boundary value problems 1982 James Ward
+ Nonresonance and existence for nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems 1981 Jean Mawhin
James Ward
+ Periodic solutions for systems of second order differential equations 1981 James Ward
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic conditions for periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations 1981 James Ward
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Conditions for Periodic Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations 1981 James Ward
+ PDF Chat Periodic Solutions for a Class of Ordinary Differential Equations 1980 James Ward
+ Existence theorems for nonlinear boundary value problems at resonance 1980 James Ward
+ PDF Chat Periodic solutions for a class of ordinary differential equations 1980 James Ward
+ PDF Chat Periodic solutions of higher order systems 1979 Peter W. Bates
James Ward
+ The existence of periodic solutions for nonlinearly perturbed conservative systems 1979 James Ward
+ Boundary value problems for differential equations in Banach space 1979 James Ward
+ PDF Chat Periodic Solutions of Perturbed Conservative Systems 1978 James Ward
+ PDF Chat Periodic solutions of perturbed conservative systems 1978 James Ward
+ The existence of solutions, stability, and linearization of volterra systems 1977 James Ward
+ PDF Chat Existence of solutions to quasilinear differential equations in a Banach space 1976 James Ward
+ Boundedness and Existence of Periodic Solutions of Quasi-linear Systems 1975 Athanassios G. Kartsatos
James Ward
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Topological Degree Methods in Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems 1979 Jean Mawhin
+ Isolated Invariant Sets and the Morse Index 1978 Charles C. Conley
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ The Homotopy Index and Partial Differential Equations 1987 Krzysztof P. Rybakowski
+ Topological Methods in the Theory of Nonlinear Integral Equations. 1968 E. H. Rothe
M. A. Krasnosel’skii
A. H. Armstrong
J. Burlak
+ Topological dynamics and ordinary differential equations 1971 George R. Sell
+ PDF Chat Geometric Theory of Semilinear Parabolic Equations 1981 Daniel Henry
+ PDF Chat Almost Periodic Differential Equations 1974 A. M. Fink
+ Partial Differential Equations 2022 Avner Friedman
+ Ordinary differential equations : stability and periodic solutions 1980 N. Rouche
Jean Mawhin
+ Periodic solutions of some vector retarded functional differential equations 1974 Jean Mawhin
+ Some global results for nonlinear eigenvalue problems 1971 Paul H. Rabinowitz
+ PDF Chat Coincidence Degree, and Nonlinear Differential Equations 1977 Robert E. Gaines
Jean Mawhin
+ Coincidence degree and nonlinear differential equations 1977 Robert E. Gaines
Jean Mawhin
+ PDF Chat On the homotopy index for infinite-dimensional semiflows 1982 Krzysztof P. Rybakowski
+ Partial Differential Equations 1969 Reinier Timman
+ Minimax Methods in Critical Point Theory with Applications to Differential Equations 1986 P. Rabinowitz
+ Remarks on some quasilinear elliptic equations 1975 Jerry L. Kazdan
F. W. Warner
+ PDF Chat On periodically perturbed conservative systems. 1969 A. C. Lazer
D. A. Sánchez
+ On a nonlinear two-point boundary value problem 1969 A. C. Lazer
D.E Leach
+ Equivalence theorems for nonlinear operator equations and coincidence degree theory for some mappings in locally convex topological vector spaces 1972 Jean Mawhin
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic conditions for periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations 1981 James Ward
+ PDF Chat An existence theorem for periodically perturbed conservative systems. 1974 Shair Ahmad
+ <i>Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations</i> 1956 Earl A. Coddington
Norman Levinson
T. Teichmann
+ Conley Index and Non-Autonomous Ordinary Differential Equations 1988 James Ward
+ Characterizations of the ranges of some nonlinear operators and applications to boundary value problems 1978 H. Brézis
Louis Nirenberg
+ PDF Chat Boundary-value problems for weakly nonlinear ordinary differential equations 1976 E. N. Dancer
+ Periodic boundary value problems for systems of second order differential equations 1973 J. Bebernes
Klaus Schmitt
+ PDF Chat Bounded perturbations of forced harmonic oscillators at resonance 1969 A. C. Lazer
Douglas Edward Leach
+ Boundary value problems for nonlinear second-order vector differential equations 1974 Jean Mawhin
+ A class of semi-linear equations of evolution 1975 A. Pazy
+ Semilinear functional differential equations in Banach space 1978 W. E. Fitzgibbon
+ On boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations 1973 Shui-Nee Chow
Andrzej Lasota
+ Multiple solutions of the periodic boundary value problem for some forced pendulum-type equations 1984 Jean Mawhin
Michel Willem
+ PDF Chat Locally invertible operators and existence problems in differential systems 1976 Athanassios G. Kartsatos
+ Linear problems for systems of nonlinear differential equations 1967 Z. Opial
+ Bifurcating Continua in Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems and Applications to Differential Equations 1996 James Ward
+ PDF Chat Nonuniform nonresonance conditions at the two first eigenvalues for periodic solutions of forced Lienard and Duffing equations 1982 Jean Mawhin
James Ward
+ Hilbert space methods for nonlinear elliptic equations 1979 Peter W. Bates
+ PDF Chat Existence Results for P-Laplacian-Like Systems of O.D.E.’s 2003 Marta Garcı́a-Huidobro
Raúl Manásevich
Mitsuharu Ôtani
+ Existence theorems for nonlinear boundary value problems at resonance 1980 James Ward
+ Nonresonance and existence for nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems 1981 Jean Mawhin
James Ward
+ On Poincaré's perturbation theorem and a theorem of W. S. Loud 1970 Douglas Edward Leach
+ Nonlinear operators and differential equations in Banach spaces 1976 Robert H. Martin
+ PDF Chat Application of a lemma on bilinear forms to a problem in nonlinear oscillations 1972 A. C. Lazer
+ Rothe and altman type coincidence theorems and applications to differential equations 1977 Jean Mawhin
Klaus Schmitt
+ Bounded solutions of nonlinear second order differential equations 1969 Klaus Schmitt
+ Periodic solutions of a forced nonlinear oscillator involving a onesided restoring force 1978 Klaus Schmitt
+ A Topological Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis 1993 Robert F. Brown
+ Periodic solutions of a second order differential equation including a onesided restoring term 1979 Rolf Reißig