Pablo Shmerkin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The largest slice of fractal percolation 2025 Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ On the Distance Sets Spanned by Sets of Dimension d/2 in $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ 2025 Pablo Shmerkin
Hong Wang
+ PDF Chat Dimensions of Furstenberg sets and an extension of Bourgain’s projection theorem 2024 Pablo Shmerkin
Hong Wang
+ PDF Chat Covering the SierpiƄski carpet with tubes 2024 Aleksi PyörĂ€lĂ€
Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
Meng Wu
+ PDF Chat Dynamical self-similarity, $L^{q}$-dimensions and Furstenberg slicing in $\mathbb{R}^d$ 2024 Emilio Corso
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat On the dimension of orthogonal projections of self-similar measures 2024 Amir Algom
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Kaufman and Falconer Estimates for Radial Projections and a Continuum Version of Beck’s Theorem 2024 Tuomas Orponen
Pablo Shmerkin
Hong Wang
+ Incidence Problems in Harmonic Analysis, Geometric Measure Theory, and Ergodic Theory 2023 Tuomas Orponen
Pablo Shmerkin
Hong Wang
+ Slices and distances: on two problems of Furstenberg and Falconer 2023 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat On the Hausdorff dimension of Furstenberg sets and orthogonal projections in the plane 2023 Tuomas Orponen
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Inverse theorems for discretized sums and $L^q$ norms of convolutions in $\mathbb{R}^d$ 2023 Pablo Shmerkin
+ On the Fourier decay of multiplicative convolutions 2023 Tuomas Orponen
Nicolas de Saxcé
Pablo Shmerkin
+ On the volumes of simplices determined by a subset of $\mathbb{R}^d$ 2023 Pablo Shmerkin
Alexia Yavicoli
+ A non-linear version of Bourgain’s projection theorem 2022 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat On the packing dimension of Furstenberg sets 2022 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat New bounds on Cantor maximal operators 2022 Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ On normal numbers and self-similar measures 2022 Amir Algom
Simon Baker
Pablo Shmerkin
+ On exceptional sets of radial projections 2022 Tuomas Orponen
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Kaufman and Falconer estimates for radial projections and a continuum version of Beck's Theorem 2022 Tuomas Orponen
Pablo Shmerkin
Sheng Wang
+ Dimensions of Furstenberg sets and an extension of Bourgain's projection theorem 2022 Pablo Shmerkin
Sheng Wang
+ On normal numbers and self-similar measures 2021 Amir Algom
Simon Baker
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat On sets containing a unit distance in every direction 2021 Pablo Shmerkin
Han Yu
+ PDF Chat An improved bound for the dimension of $(\alpha,2\alpha)$-Furstenberg sets 2021 Kornélia Héra
Pablo Shmerkin
Alexia Yavicoli
+ PDF Chat Assouad dimension influences the box and packing dimensions of orthogonal projections 2021 K. J. Falconer
Jonathan M. Fraser
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Improved Bounds on the Dimensions of Sets that Avoid Approximate Arithmetic Progressions 2021 Jonathan M. Fraser
Pablo Shmerkin
Alexia Yavicoli
+ On the distance sets spanned by sets of dimension $d/2$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$ 2021 Pablo Shmerkin
Hong Wang
+ On normal numbers and self-similar measures 2021 Amir Algom
Simon Baker
Pablo Shmerkin
+ New bounds on Cantor maximal operators 2021 Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ On the Hausdorff dimension of Furstenberg sets and orthogonal projections in the plane 2021 Tuomas Orponen
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Slices and distances: on two problems of Furstenberg and Falconer 2021 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Improved bounds for the dimensions of planar distance sets 2020 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat On measures that improve $L^q$ dimension under convolution 2020 Eino Rossi
Pablo Shmerkin
+ An improved bound for the dimension of $(\alpha,2\alpha)$-Furstenberg sets 2020 Kornélia Héra
Pablo Shmerkin
Alexia Yavicoli
+ Maximal operators for cube skeletons 2020 Andrea Olivo
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Patterns in random fractals 2020 Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ Covering the SierpiƄski carpet with tubes 2020 Aleksi PyörĂ€lĂ€
Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
Meng Wu
+ On the packing dimension of Furstenberg sets 2020 Pablo Shmerkin
+ An improved bound for the dimension of $(α,2α)$-Furstenberg sets 2020 Kornélia Héra
Pablo Shmerkin
Alexia Yavicoli
+ A nonlinear version of Bourgain's projection theorem 2020 Pablo Shmerkin
+ On sets containing a unit distance in every direction 2019 Pablo Shmerkin
Han Yu
+ Assouad dimension influences the box and packing dimensions of orthogonal projections 2019 K. J. Falconer
Jonathan M. Fraser
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Improved bounds on the dimensions of sets that avoid approximate arithmetic progressions 2019 Jonathan M. Fraser
Pablo Shmerkin
Alexia Yavicoli
+ PDF Chat New Bounds on the Dimensions of Planar Distance Sets 2019 TamĂ s Keleti
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Hölder coverings of sets of small dimension 2019 Eino Rossi
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat On the Hausdorff dimension of pinned distance sets 2019 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat On Furstenberg's intersection conjecture, self-similar measures, and the $L^q$ norms of convolutions 2019 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat $$L^q$$ Dimensions of Self-similar Measures and Applications: A Survey 2019 Pablo Shmerkin
+ $L^q$ dimensions of self-similar measures, and applications: a survey 2019 Pablo Shmerkin
+ On sets containing a unit distance in every direction 2019 Pablo Shmerkin
Yu Han
+ Assouad dimension influences the box and packing dimensions of orthogonal projections 2019 K. J. Falconer
Jonathan M. Fraser
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Improved bounds on the dimensions of sets that avoid approximate arithmetic progressions 2019 Jonathan M. Fraser
Pablo Shmerkin
Alexia Yavicoli
+ Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Additive Combinatorics, Entropy, and Fractal Geometry 2018 Emmanuel Breuillard
Michael Hochman
Pablo Shmerkin
+ On measures that improve $L^q$ dimension under convolution 2018 Eino Rossi
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Improved bounds for the dimensions of planar distance sets 2018 Pablo Shmerkin
+ Self-similar measures: asymptotic bounds for the dimension and Fourier decay of smooth images 2018 Carolina A. Mosquera
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Maximal Operators for cube skeletons 2018 Andrea Olivo
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Absolute continuity of non-homogeneous self-similar measures 2018 Santiago Saglietti
Pablo Shmerkin
Boris Solomyak
+ PDF Chat Squares and their centers 2018 TamĂ s Keleti
DĂĄniel T. Nagy
Pablo Shmerkin
+ On measures that improve $L^q$ dimension under convolution 2018 Eino Rossi
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Improved bounds for the dimensions of planar distance sets 2018 Pablo Shmerkin
+ Maximal Operators for cube skeletons 2018 Andrea Olivo
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Spatially independent martingales, intersections, and applications 2017 Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ Self-similar measures: asymptotic bounds for the dimension and Fourier decay of smooth images 2017 Carolina A. Mosquera
Pablo Shmerkin
+ On equality of Hausdorff and affinity dimensions, via self-affine measures on positive subsystems 2017 Ian D. Morris
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat On distance sets, box-counting and Ahlfors-regular sets 2017 Pablo Shmerkin
+ Patterns in Random Fractals 2017 Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ H\"older coverings of sets of small dimension 2017 Eino Rossi
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat A Class of Random Cantor Measures, with Applications 2017 Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ Patterns in Random Fractals 2017 Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ Hölder coverings of sets of small dimension 2017 Eino Rossi
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Self-similar measures: asymptotic bounds for the dimension and Fourier decay of smooth images 2017 Carolina A. Mosquera
Pablo Shmerkin
+ On Furstenberg's intersection conjecture, self-similar measures, and the $L^q$ norms of convolutions 2016 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat <i>L</i><sup><i>q</i></sup>dimensions and projections of random measures 2016 Daniel Galicer
Santiago Saglietti
Pablo Shmerkin
Alexia Yavicoli
+ PDF Chat Salem Sets with No Arithmetic Progressions 2016 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Absolute continuity of complex Bernoulli convolutions 2016 Pablo Shmerkin
Boris Solomyak
+ A class of random Cantor measures, with applications 2016 Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ On equality of Hausdorff and affinity dimensions, via self-affine measures on positive subsystems 2016 Ian D. Morris
Pablo Shmerkin
+ A class of random Cantor measures, with applications 2016 Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ On Furstenberg's intersection conjecture, self-similar measures, and the $L^q$ norms of convolutions 2016 Pablo Shmerkin
+ On equality of Hausdorff and affinity dimensions, via self-affine measures on positive subsystems 2016 Ian D. Morris
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Salem sets without arithmetic progressions 2015 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat On the dimensions of a family of overlapping self-affine carpets 2015 Jonathan M. Fraser
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of the scenery flow and geometry of measures 2015 Antti KÀenmÀki
Tuomas Sahlsten
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Absolute continuity of self-similar measures, their projections and convolutions 2015 Pablo Shmerkin
Boris Solomyak
+ PDF Chat Sets which are not tube null and intersection properties of random measures 2015 Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ PDF Chat Equidistribution from fractal measures 2015 Michael Hochman
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Structure of distributions generated by the scenery flow 2015 Antti KÀenmÀki
Tuomas Sahlsten
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Projections of self-similar and related fractals: a survey of recent developments 2015 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Projections of Self-Similar and Related Fractals: A Survey of Recent Developments 2015 Pablo Shmerkin
+ Spatially independent martingales, intersections, and applications 2014 Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ PDF Chat On the Exceptional Set for Absolute Continuity of Bernoulli Convolutions 2014 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Non-conformal Repellers and the Continuity of Pressure for Matrix Cocycles 2014 De-Jun Feng
Pablo Shmerkin
+ On packing measures and a theorem of Besicovitch 2014 I. Garcı́a
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Self-affine Sets and the Continuity of Subadditive Pressure 2014 Pablo Shmerkin
+ Spatially independent martingales, intersections, and applications 2014 Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ On the exceptional set for absolute continuity of Bernoulli convolutions 2013 Pablo Shmerkin
+ On the exceptional set for absolute continuity of Bernoulli convolutions 2013 Pablo Shmerkin
+ Self-affine sets and the continuity of subadditive pressure 2013 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Dimension, entropy and the local distribution of measures 2012 Tuomas Sahlsten
Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ On packing measures and a theorem of Besicovitch 2012 I. Garcı́a
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Visible parts of fractal percolation 2012 Ida Arhosalo
Esa JÀrvenpÀÀ
Maarit JÀrvenpÀÀ
MichaƂ Rams
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Local entropy averages and projections of fractal measures 2012 Michael Hochman
Pablo Shmerkin
+ On packing measures and a theorem of Besicovitch 2012 Ignacio García‐Fernández
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Porosity, dimension, and local entropies: a survey 2011 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Convolutions of cantor measures without resonance 2011 FĂ«dor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Multifractal structure of Bernoulli convolutions 2011 Thomas Jordan
Pablo Shmerkin
Boris Solomyak
+ PDF Chat The Dimension of Weakly Mean Porous Measures: a Probabilistic Approach 2011 Pablo Shmerkin
+ Porosity, dimension, and local entropies: a survey 2011 Pablo Shmerkin
+ Porosity, dimension, and local entropies: A survey. 2011 Pablo Shmerkin
+ The dimension of weakly mean porous measures: a probabilistic approach 2010 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat On the Dimension of Iterated Sumsets 2010 Jörg Schmeling
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat The Hausdorff dimension of the projections of self-affine carpets 2010 Andrew Ferguson
Thomas Jordan
Pablo Shmerkin
+ The dimension of weakly mean porous measures: a probabilistic approach 2010 Pablo Shmerkin
+ On the dimension of iterated sumsets 2009 Jörg Schmeling
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Convolutions of Cantor measures without resonance 2009 FĂ«dor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
Pablo Shmerkin
+ The Hausdorff dimension of the projections of self-affine carpets 2009 Andrew Ferguson
Thomas Jordan
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Visible parts of fractal percolation 2009 Ida Arhosalo
Esa JÀrvenpÀÀ
Maarit JÀrvenpÀÀ
MichaƂ Rams
Pablo Shmerkin
+ On the dimension of iterated sumsets 2009 Jörg Schmeling
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Convolutions of Cantor measures without resonance 2009 FĂ«dor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
Pablo Shmerkin
+ The Hausdorff dimension of the projections of self-affine carpets 2009 Andrew L. Ferguson
Thomas H. Jordan
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Overlapping self-affine sets of Kakeya type 2008 Antti KÀenmÀki
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Resonance between Cantor sets 2008 Yuval Peres
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Moreira's Theorem on the arithmetic sum of dynamically defined Cantor sets 2008 Pablo Shmerkin
+ Resonance between Cantor sets 2007 Yuval Peres
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Resonance between Cantor sets 2007 Yuval Peres
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Zeros of {-1, 0, 1} Power Series and Connectedness Loci for Self-Affine Sets 2006 Pablo Shmerkin
Boris Solomyak
+ PDF Chat Overlapping self-affine sets 2006 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat A Modified Multifractal Formalism for a Class of Self-similar Measures with Overlap 2005 Pablo Shmerkin
+ Zeros of {-1,0,1}-power series and connectedness loci for self-affine sets 2005 Pablo Shmerkin
Boris Solomyak
+ A Modified Multifractal Formalism for a Class of Self-Similar Measures 2004 Pablo Shmerkin
+ A Modified Multifractal Formalism for a Class of Self-Similar Measures 2004 Pablo Shmerkin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Geometry of Sets and Measures in Euclidean Spaces 1995 Pertti Mattila
+ PDF Chat Local entropy averages and projections of fractal measures 2012 Michael Hochman
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat On self-similar sets with overlaps and inverse theorems for entropy 2014 Michael Hochman
+ Techniques in fractal geometry 1997 K. J. Falconer
+ Smoothness of projections, Bernoulli convolutions, and the dimension of exceptions 2000 Yuval Peres
Wilhelm Schlag
+ PDF Chat Resonance between Cantor sets 2008 Yuval Peres
Pablo Shmerkin
+ Ergodic fractal measures and dimension conservation 2008 Hillel FĂŒrstenberg
+ Relationships between Different Dimensions of a Measure 2002 Aihua Fan
Ka‐Sing Lau
Hui Rao
+ Some Fundamental Geometrical Properties of Plane Sets of Fractional Dimensions 1954 J. M. Marstrand
+ PDF Chat Existence of L^q dimensions and entropy dimension for self-conformal measures 2000 Yuval Peres
Boris Solomyak
+ The discretized sum-product and projection theorems 2010 Jean Bourgain
+ PDF Chat Absolute continuity of self-similar measures, their projections and convolutions 2015 Pablo Shmerkin
Boris Solomyak
+ PDF Chat Spatially independent martingales, intersections, and applications 2017 Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ Sixty Years of Bernoulli Convolutions 2000 Yuval Peres
Wilhelm Schlag
Boris Solomyak
+ On a Family of Symmetric Bernoulli Convolutions 1939 P. ErdƑs
+ Some connections between Falconer's distance set conjecture, and sets of Furstenburg type 2001 Nets Hawk Katz
Terence Tao
+ Geometry of Sets and Measures in Euclidean Spaces: Fractals and Rectifiability 1995 Pertti Mattila
+ On the Smoothness Properties of a Family of Bernoulli Convolutions 1940 P. ErdƑs
+ PDF Chat On the Exceptional Set for Absolute Continuity of Bernoulli Convolutions 2014 Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Absolute Continuity of Bernoulli Convolutions, A Simple Proof 1996 Yuval Peres
Boris Solomyak
+ PDF Chat Self-similar measures and intersections of Cantor sets 1998 Yuval Peres
Boris Solomyak
+ Measure and dimension for some fractal families 1998 Boris Solomyak
+ PDF Chat Sets which are not tube null and intersection properties of random measures 2015 Pablo Shmerkin
Ville Suomala
+ PDF Chat On the Hausdorff dimensions of distance sets 1985 K. J. Falconer
+ On the ErdƑs-Volkmann and Katz-Tao ring conjectures 2003 Jean Bourgain
+ PDF Chat Recent work connected with the Kakeya problem 2003 Thomas Wolff
+ PDF Chat On the distance sets of self-similar sets 2012 Tuomas Orponen
+ On the Random Series ∑± λ n (an Erdos Problem) 1995 Boris Solomyak
+ PDF Chat Projections of Self-Similar and Related Fractals: A Survey of Recent Developments 2015 Pablo Shmerkin
+ An Introduction to Ergodic Theory 1982 Peter Walters
+ PDF Chat Convolutions of cantor measures without resonance 2011 FĂ«dor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications. 1990 K. J. Falconer
+ PDF Chat Dimension theory of iterated function systems 2009 De‐Jun Feng
Huyi Hu
+ PDF Chat On the multiplicative ergodic theorem for uniquely ergodic systems 1997 Alex Furman
+ PDF Chat The Dimension of Projections of Fractal Percolations 2013 MichaƂ Rams
KĂĄroly Simon
+ Salem sets and restriction properties of Fourier transforms 2000 Gerd Mockenhaupt
+ Multifractal Measures and a Weak Separation Condition 1999 Ka‐Sing Lau
Sze-Man Ngai
+ PDF Chat Projections of the natural measure for percolation fractals 2016 Yuval Peres
MichaƂ Rams
+ Stable Intersections of Regular Cantor Sets with Large Hausdorff Dimensions 2001 Carlos Gustavo Moreira
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz
+ An Introduction to Ergodic Theory 1981 Peter Walters
+ PDF Chat On dimension of porous measures 2002 D. Beliaev
Stanislav Smirnov
+ The Hausdorff dimension of self-affine fractals 1988 K. J. Falconer
+ Scaling scenery of <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> invariant measures 2014 Andrew Ferguson
Jonathan M. Fraser
Tuomas Sahlsten
+ Dynamics on fractals and fractal distributions 2010 Michael Hochman
+ On the distance sets of Ahlfors–David regular sets 2016 Tuomas Orponen
+ PDF Chat Exact dimensionality and projections of random self-similar measures and sets 2014 K. J. Falconer
Xiong Jin
+ How projections affect the dimension spectrum of fractal measures 1997 Brian R. Hunt
Vadim Yu. Kaloshin
+ On the Minkowski Dimension of Strongly Porous Fractal Sets in R<sup> <i>n</i> </sup> 1991 Arto Salli