Alan Hartman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Mitigating Bias in Algorithmic Systems—A Fish-eye View 2022 Kalia Orphanou
Jahna Otterbacher
Styliani Kleanthous
Khuyagbaatar Batsuren
Fausto Giunchiglia
Veronika Bogina
Avital Shulner Tal
Alan Hartman
Tsvi Kuflik
+ PDF Chat Mitigating Bias in Algorithmic Systems - A Fish-Eye View 2022 Kalia Orphanou
Jahna Otterbacher
Styliani Kleanthous
Khuyagbaatar Batsuren
Fausto Giunchiglia
Veronika Bogina
Avital Shulner Tal
Alan Hartman
Tsvi Kuflik
+ PDF Chat Mitigating Bias in Algorithmic Systems - A Fish-Eye View 2021 Kalia Orphanou
Jahna Otterbacher
Styliani Kleanthous
Khuyagbaatar Batsuren
Fausto Giunchiglia
Veronika Bogina
Avital Shulner Tal
Alan Hartman
Tsvi Kuflik
+ Mitigating Bias in Algorithmic Systems: A Fish-Eye View of Problems and Solutions Across Domains. 2021 Kalia Orphanou
Jahna Otterbacher
Styliani Kleanthous
Khuyagbaatar Batsuren
Fausto Giunchiglia
Veronika Bogina
Avital Shulner Tal
Alan Hartman
Tsvi Kuflik
+ UML 2 Semantics Symposium: Formal Semantics for UML 2014 Manfred Broy
Michelle L. Crane
Juergen Dingel
Alan Hartman
Bernhar Rumpe
B. Selic
+ Intersections of Steiner quadruple systems 1992 Alan Hartman
Zvi Yehudai
+ Packing designs with block size 6 and index 5 1992 Ahmed M. Assaf
Alan Hartman
Nabil Shalaby
+ Intersections and supports of quadruple systems 1991 Charles J. Colbourn
Alan Hartman
+ Towards a Large Set of Steiner Quadruple Systems 1991 Tuvi Etzion
Alan Hartman
+ Subdesigns in Steiner quadruple systems 1991 Andrew Granville
Alan Hartman
+ On packing designs with block size 5 and index 4 1990 Ahmed M. Assaf
Alan Hartman
+ Resolvable group divisible designs with block size 3 1989 Ahmed M. Assaf
Alan Hartman
+ Steiner Triple Systems with an Involution 1987 Alan Hartman
D. G. Hoffman
+ The existence of resolvable Steiner quadruple systems 1987 Alan Hartman
+ On small packing and covering designs with block size 4 1986 Alan Hartman
+ Covering triples by quadruples: An asymptotic solution 1986 Alan Hartman
W. H. Mills
R. C. Mullin
+ On three-designs of small order 1983 Haim Hanani
Alan Hartman
Earl S. Kramer
+ Quadruple systems containing AG(3,2) 1982 Alan Hartman
+ Exact Covering Configurations and Steiner Systems 1982 Alan Hartman
R. C. Mullin
Douglas R. Stinson
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On Quadruple Systems 1960 Haim Hanani
+ Covering triples by quadruples: An asymptotic solution 1986 Alan Hartman
W. H. Mills
R. C. Mullin
+ The packing of pairs by quadruples 1991 Ahmed M. Assaf
+ Intersections among Steiner systems 1974 Earl S. Kramer
Dale M. Mesner
+ Steiner quadruple systems - a survey 1978 Charles C. Lindner
Alexander Rosa
+ Construction of steiner quadruple systems having a prescribed number of blocks in common 1981 Mario Gionfriddo
C.C. Lindler
+ Subdesigns in Steiner quadruple systems 1991 Andrew Granville
Alan Hartman
+ Intersections and supports of quadruple systems 1991 Charles J. Colbourn
Alan Hartman
+ PDF Chat Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization 2016 Bolei Zhou
Aditya Khosla
Ă€gata Lapedriza
Aude Oliva
Antonio Torralba
+ Embeddings of Steiner triple systems 1973 Jean Doyen
Richard M. Wilson
+ PDF Chat Further Results on the Construction of Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares and the Falsity of Euler's Conjecture 1960 R. C. Bose
S. S. Shrikhande
E. T. Parker
+ Quadruple systems containing AG(3,2) 1982 Alan Hartman
+ On the set J(v) for Steiner Quadruple systems of order v = 2n with nâ©ľ4 1983 Mario Gionfriddo
+ Automated Hate Speech Detection and the Problem of Offensive Language 2017 Thomas Davidson
Dana Warmsley
Michael W. Macy
Ingmar Weber
+ PDF Chat A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning 2021 Ninareh Mehrabi
Fred Morstatter
Nripsuta Ani Saxena
Kristina Lerman
Aram Galstyan
+ PDF Chat Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-Based Localization 2017 Ramprasaath R. Selvaraju
Michael Cogswell
Abhishek Das
Ramakrishna Vedantam
Devi Parikh
Dhruv Batra
+ PDF Chat Seeing through the Human Reporting Bias: Visual Classifiers from Noisy Human-Centric Labels 2016 Ishan Misra
C. Lawrence Zitnick
Margaret Mitchell
Ross Girshick
+ PDF Chat An algorithm for removing sensitive information: Application to race-independent recidivism prediction 2019 James E. Johndrow
Kristian Lum
+ PDF Chat Interpretable Explanations of Black Boxes by Meaningful Perturbation 2017 Ruth Fong
Andrea Vedaldi
+ On a problem in combinations 1847 T. P. Kirkman
+ PDF Chat Stereotypical Bias Removal for Hate Speech Detection Task using Knowledge-based Generalizations 2019 Pinkesh Badjatiya
Manish Gupta
Vasudeva Varma
+ Steiner quadruple systems having a prescribed number of quadruples in common 1986 Giovanni Lo Faro
+ PDF Chat Certifying and Removing Disparate Impact 2015 Michael Feldman
Sorelle A. Friedler
John Moeller
Carlos Scheidegger
Suresh Venkatasubramanian
+ Counterfactual Fairness 2017 Matt J. Kusner
Joshua R. Loftus
Chris Russell
Ricardo Silva
+ PDF Chat Rating Reliability and Bias in News Articles: Does AI Assistance Help Everyone? 2019 Benjamin D. Horne
Dorit Nevo
John O’Donovan
Jin-Hee Cho
Sibel Adalı
+ PDF Chat Steiner Triple Systems Having a Prescribed Number of Triples in Common 1975 C. C. Lindner
A. Rosa
+ Gender Bias in Coreference Resolution: Evaluation and Debiasing Methods 2018 Jieyu Zhao
Tianlu Wang
Mark Yatskar
Vicente Ordóñez
Kai-Wei Chang
+ On small packing and covering designs with block size 4 1986 Alan Hartman
+ PDF Chat Measuring Discrimination in Socially-Sensitive Decision Records 2009 Dino Pedreschi
Salvatore Ruggieri
Franco Turini
+ PDF Chat A new table of constant weight codes 1990 A.E. Brouwer
James B. Shearer
N. J. A. Sloane
Warren D. Smith
+ The spectrum of support sizes for threefold triple systems 1990 Charles J. Colbourn
E. S. Mahmoodian
+ On the interpretation of weight vectors of linear models in multivariate neuroimaging 2013 Stefan Haufe
Frank C. Meinecke
Kai Görgen
Sven Dähne
John­–Dylan Haynes
Benjamin Blankertz
Felix BieĂźmann
+ Resolvable bibd and sols 1983 Ronald D. Baker
+ Intersections of Steiner systemss(3,4,v) withv=5�2 n 1985 Mario Gionfriddo
+ Intersections of Steiner quadruple systems 1992 Alan Hartman
Zvi Yehudai
+ PDF Chat Orthomorphisms of Groups and Orthogonal Latin Squares. I 1961 Diane Johnson
A. L. Dulmage
N. S. Mendelsohn
+ PDF Chat On a class of nonlinear second-order differential equations 1960 Zeev Nehari
+ Calculations for Bertrand's Postulate 1981 Heiko Harborth
Arnfried Kemnitz
+ A survey on measuring indirect discrimination in machine learning 2015 Indrė Žliobaitė
+ The Flower Intersection Problem for Steiner Triple Systems 1987 D. G. Hoffman
C. C. Lindner
+ Some New 5-Designs 1976 R. H. F. Denniston
+ PDF Chat Discrimination in online ad delivery 2013 Latanya Sweeney
+ On the covering of pairs by quadruples 1986 Ahmed M. Assaf
+ Rotational Steiner triple systems 1982 Chung Je Cho
+ PDF Chat Fairness through awareness 2012 Cynthia Dwork
Moritz Hardt
Toniann Pitassi
Omer Reingold
Richard S. Zemel
+ Three Orthogonal Latin Squares 1986 W. D. Wallis
+ Towards a Large Set of Steiner Quadruple Systems 1991 Tuvi Etzion
Alan Hartman
+ On reverse Steiner triple systems 1972 Alexander Rosa
+ The number of repeated blocks in twofold triple systems 1986 Alexander Rosa
D. G. Hoffman
+ PDF Chat A representation of the Mathieu groupM 24 as a collineation group 1966 John A. Todd