Faye Jackson


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Parts in k-indivisible partitions always display biases between residue classes 2024 Faye Jackson
Misheel Otgonbayar
+ PDF Chat Unexpected biases between congruence classes for parts in k-indivisible partitions 2023 Faye Jackson
Misheel Otgonbayar
+ PDF Chat Distinct Angle Problems and Variants 2023 Henry L. Fleischmann
Hongyi B. Hu
Faye Jackson
Steven J. Miller
Eyvindur A. Palsson
Ethan Pesikoff
Charles Wolf
+ Parts in $k$-indivisible Partitions Always Display Biases between Residue Classes 2023 Faye Jackson
Misheel Otgonbayar
+ The Bergman Game 2022 Benjamin Baily
Justine Dell
Irfan Durmić
Henry L. Fleischmann
Faye Jackson
Isaac Mijares
Steven J. Miller
Ethan Pesikoff
Luke Reifenberg
Alicia Smith Reina
+ PDF Chat Limiting Spectral Distributions of Families of Block Matrix Ensembles 2022 Teresa Dunn
Henry L. Fleischmann
Faye Jackson
Simran Khunger
Steven J. Miller
Luke Reifenberg
Alexander Shashkov
Stephen M. Willis
+ Biases among Congruence Classes for Parts in k-regular Partitions 2022 Faye Jackson
Misheel Otgonbayar
+ Unexpected Biases between Congruence Classes for Parts in k-indivisible Partitions 2022 Faye Jackson
Misheel Otgonbayar
+ Irreducibility over the Max-Min Semiring 2021 Benjamin Baily
Justine Dell
Henry L. Fleischmann
Faye Jackson
Steven J. Miller
Ethan Pesikoff
Luke Reifenberg
+ PDF Chat Irreducibility over the Max-Min Semiring 2021 Benjamin Baily
Justine Dell
Henry L. Fleischmann
Faye Jackson
Steven J. Miller
Ethan Pesikoff
Luke Reifenberg
+ The Generalized Bergman Game 2021 Benjamin Baily
Justine Dell
Irfan Durmić
Henry L. Fleischmann
Faye Jackson
Isaac Mijares
Steven J. Miller
Ethan Pesikoff
Luke Reifenberg
Alicia Smith Reina
+ Limiting Spectral Distributions of Families of Block Matrix Ensembles 2021 Teresa Dunn
Henry L. Fleischmann
Faye Jackson
Simran Khunger
Steven J. Miller
Luke Reifenberg
Alexander S. Shashkov
Stephen G. Willis
+ Irreducibility over the Max-Min Semiring 2021 Benjamin Baily
Justine Dell
Henry L. Fleischmann
Faye Jackson
Steven J. Miller
Ethan Pesikoff
Luke Reifenberg
+ Distinct Angle Problems and Variants 2021 Henry L. Fleischmann
Hongyi B. Hu
Faye Jackson
Steven J. Miller
Eyvindur A. Palsson
Ethan Pesikoff
Charles Wolf
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Generalized Zeckendorf Game 2018 Paul Baird‐Smith
Alyssa Epstein
Kristen Flint
Steven J. Miller
+ Generalized Zeckendorf expansions 1994 Peter J. Grabner
Robert F. Tichy
István Nemes
A. Pethö
+ On the number of summands in Zeckendorf decompositions 2010 Murat Koloğlu
Gene S. Kopp
Steven J. Miller
Yinghui Wang
+ Linear independence of digamma function and a variant of a conjecture of Rohrlich 2009 Sanoli Gun
M. Ram Murty
Purusottam Rath
+ The distribution of gaps between summands in generalized Zeckendorf decompositions 2015 Amanda Bower
Rachel Insoft
Shiyu Li
Steven J. Miller
Philip Tosteson
+ From Fibonacci numbers to central limit type theorems 2012 Steven J. Miller
Yinghui Wang
+ Hankel Operators and Their Applications 2003 Vladimir Peller
+ Factorization of polynomials in one variable over the tropical semiring 2005 Ki Hang Kim
F.W. Roush
+ Noncrossing Partitions, Catalan Words, and the Semicircle Law 2011 Sayan Banerjee
Arup Bose
+ Spectral measure of large random Hankel, Markov and Toeplitz matrices 2004 Włodzimierz Bryc
Amir Dembo
Tiefeng Jiang
+ Centrosymmetric isospectral flows and some inverse eigenvalue problems 2003 Fasma Diele
Ivonne Sgura
+ PDF Chat A Spectral Characterization of Generalized Real Symmetric Centrosymmetric and Generalized Real Symmetric Skew-Centrosymmetric Matrices 2002 David Tao
Mark Yasuda
+ PDF Chat The Limiting Spectral Measure for Ensembles of Symmetric Block Circulant Matrices 2011 Murat Koloğlu
Gene S. Kopp
Steven J. Miller
+ PDF Chat Distinct distances on algebraic curves in the plane 2014 János Pach
Frank de Zeeuw
+ Limiting spectral distribution of a special circulant 2002 Arup Bose
Joydip Mitra
+ PDF Chat On some inequalities for the gamma and psi functions 1997 Horst Alzer
+ The Threefold Way. Algebraic Structure of Symmetry Groups and Ensembles in Quantum Mechanics 1962 Freeman J. Dyson
+ PDF Chat Nuclei, Primes and the Random Matrix Connection 2009 F.W.K. Firk
Steven J. Miller
+ Transcendental values of the digamma function 2007 M. Ram Murty
N. Saradha
+ PDF Chat A Problem of Leo Moser About Repeated Distances on the Sphere 1989 P. Erdős
Dean Hickerson
János Pach
+ On a problem of Chowla 1973 A. Baker
B. J. Birch
Eduard Wirsing
+ PDF Chat Zeroes of zeta functions and symmetry 1999 Nicholas Katz
Peter Sarnak
+ How many Boolean polynomials are irreducible? 2014 Yaroslav Shitov
+ PDF Chat Distribution of Eigenvalues of Highly Palindromic Toeplitz Matrices 2010 Steven Glenn Jackson
Steven J. Miller
Thuy Linh Pham
+ PDF Chat On the Erdős distinct distances problem in the plane 2014 Larry Guth
Nets Hawk Katz
+ PDF Chat Few distinct distances implies no heavy lines or circles 2014 Adam Sheffer
Joshua Zahl
Frank de Zeeuw
+ β-Expansions and symbolic dynamics 1989 F. Blanchard
+ PDF Chat A note on distinct distance subsets 2013 Marcos Charalambides
+ New Maximal Two-Distance Sets 1997 Petr Lisoněk
+ PDF Chat The number of distinct distances from a vertex of a convex polygon 2013 Gabriel Nivasch
János Pach
Rom Pinchasi
Shira Zerbib
+ PDF Chat On the Distribution of Values of Angles Determined by Coplanar Points 1979 James Conway
H. T. Croft
Paul Erdős
M. J. T. Guy
+ Finite beta-expansions 1992 Christiane Frougny
Boris Solomyak
+ Sets with few distinct distances do not have heavy lines 2015 Orit E. Raz
Oliver Roche‐Newton
Micha Sharir
+ On Sets of Distances of <i>n</i> Points 1970 P. Erdős
+ A Number System with an Irrational Base, George Bergman (NT) 2007 Gerald L. Alexanderson
Peter Ross
+ Central Limit Theorems for Gaps of Generalized Zeckendorf Decompositions 2016 Ray Li
Steven J. Miller
+ Integer partitions, probabilities and quantum modular forms 2017 Hieu T. Ngo
Robert C. Rhoades
+ A Note on the Weak Dirac Conjecture 2017 Zeye Han
+ PDF Chat Hankel Operators and Their Applications 2006 1
+ Some Geometrical Thoughts II 1967 H. T. Croft
+ The Zeckendorf Game 2018 Paul Baird‐Smith
Alyssa Epstein
Kristen Flint
Steven J. Miller
+ Distinct distances between lattice points 1970 R. Kent Guy
Péter L. Erdős
+ PDF Chat Limiting spectral measures for random matrix ensembles with a polynomial link function 2015 Steven J. Miller
Kirk Swanson
Kimsy Tor
Karl Winsor
+ Maximally additively reducible subsets of the integers 2019 Gal Gross
+ Distribution of Eigenvalues of Random Real Symmetric Block Matrices 2019 Keller Blackwell
Neelima Borade
Charles Devlin
Noah Luntzlara
Renyuan Ma
Steven J. Miller
Mengxi Wang
Wanqiao Xu
+ Gaps of Summands of the Zeckendorf Lattice 2019 Neelima Borade
Dexter Cai
David Z. Chang
Bruce Fang
Alex Liang
Steven J. Miller
Wanqiao Xu
+ Distribution of Eigenvalues of Weighted, Structured Matrix Ensembles 2011 Olivia Beckwith
Victor Luo
Steven J. Miller
Karen Shen
Nicholas Triantafillou
+ Dismal Arithmetic 2011 David Applegate
Marc LeBrun
N. J. A. Sloane
+ PDF Chat The number of parts in certain residue classes of integer partitions 2015 Olivia Beckwith
Michael H. Mertens
+ PDF Chat Convergence of joint moments for independent random patterned matrices 2011 Arup Bose
Rajat Subhra Hazra
Koushik Saha