Max O. Souza


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Impact of Social Reaction on the Dynamics of Epidemics 2023 Helio Schechtman
Max O. Souza
+ Optimal Trading in Automatic Market Makers with Deep Learning 2023 Sebastian Jaimungal
Yuri F. Saporito
Max O. Souza
Yuri Thamsten
+ PDF Chat Optimal Trading in Automatic Market Makers with Deep Learning 2023 Sebastian Jaimungal
Yuri Saporito
Max O. Souza
Yuri Thamsten
+ PDF Chat A Mathematical Framework for Dynamical Social Interactions with Dissimulation 2022 Yuri Saporito
Max O. Souza
Yuri Thamsten
+ Entropy and the arrow of time in population dynamics 2022 Diogo Costa-Cabanas
Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat On Regularized Optimal Execution Problems and Their Singular Limits 2022 Max O. Souza
Yuri Thamsten
+ Entropy and the arrow of time in population dynamics 2022 Diogo Costa-Cabanas
Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ Continuous approximations for the fixation probability of the Moran processes on star graphs 2022 Poly H. da Silva
Max O. Souza
+ A mathematical framework for dynamical social interactions with dissimulation 2022 Yuri Saporito
Max O. Souza
Yuri Thamsten
+ Estimating parameters and states of an epidemic model using observers 2022 Frédéric Hamelin
Abderrahman Iggidr
Alain Rapaport
Gauthier Sallet
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat Gradient Flow Formulations of Discrete and Continuous Evolutionary Models: A Unifying Perspective 2021 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
LĂ©onard Monsaingeon
Ana Margarida Ribeiro
Max O. Souza
+ Identifiability and observability of the SIR model with quarantine 2021 Frédéric Hamelin
Abderrahman Iggidr
Alain Rapaport
Gauthier Sallet
Max O. Souza
+ On regularized optimal execution problems and their singular limits 2021 Max O. Souza
Yuri Thamsten
+ Gradient flow formulations of discrete and continuous evolutionary models: a unifying perspective 2019 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
LĂ©onard Monsaingeon
Ana Margarida Ribeiro
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat From Fixation Probabilities to d-player Games: An Inverse Problem in Evolutionary Dynamics 2019 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ Stability and estimation problems related to a stage-structured epidemic model 2019 Mamadou Lamine Diouf
Abderrahman Iggidr
Max O. Souza
+ Gradient flow formulations of discrete and continuous evolutionary models: a unifying perspective 2019 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
LĂ©onard Monsaingeon
Ana Margarida Ribeiro
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat Fitness potentials and qualitative properties of the Wright-Fisher dynamics 2018 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ State estimators for some epidemiological systems 2018 Abderrahman Iggidr
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat Conservative parabolic problems: Nondegenerated theory and degenerated examples from population dynamics 2018 Olga Danilkina
Max O. Souza
Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
+ From fixation probabilities to d-player games: an inverse problem in evolutionary dynamics 2018 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ From fixation probabilities to d-player games: an inverse problem in evolutionary dynamics 2018 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat On the stochastic evolution of finite populations 2017 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat Vector borne diseases on an urban environment: The effects of heterogeneity and human circulation 2017 Abderrahman Iggidr
Jair Koiller
Maria LĂșcia Fernandes Penna
Gauthier Sallet
M.A. Silva
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat On the dynamics of a class of multi-group models for vector-borne diseases 2016 Abderrahman Iggidr
Gauthier Sallet
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat A Hedged Monte Carlo Approach to Real Option Pricing 2015 Edgardo Brigatti
Felipe MacĂ­as
Max O. Souza
Jorge P. Zubelli
+ PDF Chat Fixation in large populations: a continuous view of a discrete problem 2015 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat Robustness of Cucker–Smale flocking model 2015 Eduardo Canale
Federico Dalmao
Ernesto Mordecki
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat A Hedged Monte Carlo Approach to Real Option Pricing 2015 Edgardo Brigatti
Felipe MacĂ­as
Max O. Souza
Jorge P. Zubelli
+ Conservative parabolic problems: non-degenerated theory and degenerated examples from population dynamics 2014 Olga Danilkina
Max O. Souza
Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
+ PDF Chat Robustness of Cucker-Smale flocking model 2014 Eduardo Canale
Federico Dalmao
Ernesto Mordecki
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat Robustness of Cucker-Smale flocking model 2014 Eduardo Canale
Federico Dalmao
Ernesto Mordecki
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat Discrete and continuous SIS epidemic models: A unifying approach 2014 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ Conservative parabolic problems: non-degenerated theory and degenerated examples from population dynamics 2014 Olga Danilkina
Max O. Souza
Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
+ Robustness of Cucker-Smale flocking model 2014 Eduardo Canale
Federico Dalmao
Ernesto Mordecki
Max O. Souza
+ Analysis of the dynamics of a class of models for vector-borne diseases with host circulation 2013 Abderrahman Iggidr
Gauthier Sallet
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat Multiscale analysis for a vector-borne epidemic model 2013 Max O. Souza
+ Time-scale separation and centre manifold analysis describing vector-borne disease dynamics 2013 Filipe Rocha
MaĂ­ra Aguiar
Max O. Souza
Nico Stollenwerk
+ PDF Chat The frequency-dependent Wright–Fisher model: diffusive and non-diffusive approximations 2013 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat Understanding the effect of vector dynamics in epidemic models using center manifold analysis 2012 Filipe Rocha
MaĂ­ra Aguiar
Max O. Souza
Nico Stollenwerk
+ Continuous Models for Genetic Evolution in Large Populations 2011 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat The SIR epidemic model from a PDE point of view 2010 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat Global Stability for a Class of Virus Models with Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Immune Response and Antigenic Variation 2010 Max O. Souza
Jorge P. Zubelli
+ PDF Chat From discrete to continuous evolution models: A unifying approach to drift-diffusion and replicator dynamics 2009 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat A non-standard evolution problem arising in population genetics 2009 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ Global analysis of a class of HIV models with immune response and antigenic variation 2008 Max O. Souza
Jorge P. Zubelli
+ A non-standard evolution problem arising in population genetics 2008 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ Discrete processes, drift-diusion equations and replicator dynamics 2008 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ A non-standard evolution problem arising in population genetics 2008 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ Inverse problems and regularization techniques in option pricing 2007 Max O. Souza
Jorge P. Zubelli
+ Discrete versus continuous models in evolutionary dynamics: From simple to simpler–and even simpler–models 2007 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ The continuous limit of the Moran process and the diffusion of mutant genes in infinite populations 2006 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat From discrete to continuous evolution models: A unifying approach to drift-diffusion and replicator dynamics 2009 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat A non-standard evolution problem arising in population genetics 2009 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat The frequency-dependent Wright–Fisher model: diffusive and non-diffusive approximations 2013 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ Degenerate Parabolic Equations 1993 Emmanuele DiBenedetto
+ PDF Chat Fixation in large populations: a continuous view of a discrete problem 2015 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ Analysis of a dengue disease transmission model 1998 L. Esteva
CristĂłbal Vargas
+ PDF Chat Coevolutionary Dynamics: From Finite to Infinite Populations 2005 Arne Traulsen
Jens Christian Claussen
Christoph Hauert
+ Mathematical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: Model Building, Analysis and Interpretation 2000 Odo Diekmann
Hans Heesterbeek
+ PDF Chat On the stochastic evolution of finite populations 2017 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ <i>Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations</i> 1956 Earl A. Coddington
Norman Levinson
T. Teichmann
+ Reproduction numbers and sub-threshold endemic equilibria for compartmental models of disease transmission 2002 P. van den Driessche
James Watmough
+ The Mathematical Theory of Infectious Diseases and its applications 1978 N. R. Ling
+ Second Order Parabolic Differential Equations 1996 Gary M. Lieberman
+ Singular and Degenerate Cauchy Problems 1976 Robert W. Carroll
R. E. Showalter
+ PDF Chat Multiscale analysis for a vector-borne epidemic model 2013 Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat On the definition and the computation of the basic reproduction ratio R 0 in models for infectious diseases in heterogeneous populations 1990 Odo Diekmann
Hans Heesterbeek
J.A.J. Metz
+ PDF Chat The SIR epidemic model from a PDE point of view 2010 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat Fitness potentials and qualitative properties of the Wright-Fisher dynamics 2018 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ Discrete versus continuous models in evolutionary dynamics: From simple to simpler–and even simpler–models 2007 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ Evolutionary games in the multiverse 2010 Chaitanya S. Gokhale
Arne Traulsen
+ Mathematical and statistical analyses of the spread of dengue 2006 Hiroshi Nishiura
+ Gradient Flows: In Metric Spaces and in the Space of Probability Measures 2005 Luigi Ambrosio
Nicola Gigli
Giuseppe Savaré
+ The continuous limit of the Moran process and the diffusion of mutant genes in infinite populations 2006 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ Markov Processes: Characterization and Convergence. 1987 Andris Abakuks
S. N. Ethier
Thomas G. Kurtz
+ Sturm-Liouville theory 2005 Anton Zettl
+ A deterministic model for gonorrhea in a nonhomogeneous population 1976 Ana Lajmanovich
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat Evolutionary Multiplayer Games 2014 Chaitanya S. Gokhale
Arne Traulsen
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ Partial Differential Equations 1982 Fritz John
+ PDF Chat Gradient flows of the entropy for finite Markov chains 2011 Jan Maas
+ PDF Chat Discrete and continuous SIS epidemic models: A unifying approach 2014 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Max O. Souza
+ PDF Chat The effects of human movement on the persistence of vector-borne diseases 2009 Chris Cosner
John C. Beier
Robert Stephen Cantrell
Daniel Impoinvil
Lev Kapitanski
Matthew D. Potts
Adriana Troyo
Shigui Ruan
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: Model Building, Analysis and Interpretation 2001 Andrew Roddam
+ PDF Chat Man Bites Mosquito: Understanding the Contribution of Human Movement to Vector-Borne Disease Dynamics 2009 Ben Adams
Durrell D. Kapan
+ Global stability of an epidemic model for vector-borne disease 2010 Hong-Zhi Yang
Huiming Wei
Xue-Zhi Li
+ Kinetic Models for Chemotaxis and their Drift-Diffusion Limits 2004 Fabio A. C. C. Chalub
Peter A. Markowich
Benoı̂t Perthame
Christian Schmeiser
+ PDF Chat The Role of Human Movement in the Transmission of Vector-Borne Pathogens 2009 Steven T. Stoddard
Amy C. Morrison
Gonzalo M. VĂĄzquez-Prokopec
Valerie Paz Soldan
Tadeusz J. Kochel
Uriel Kitron
John P. Elder
Thomas W. Scott
+ Mathematics in Population Biology 2003 Horst R. Thieme
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov functions and global properties for SEIR and SEIS epidemic models 2004 Andrei Korobeinikov
+ Global dynamics of a dengue epidemic mathematical model 2009 Liming Cai
Shu-Min Guo
Xuezhi Li
Mini Ghosh
+ Monotone Dynamical Systems: An Introduction to the Theory of Competitive and Cooperative Systems 2008 Hal L. Smith
+ PDF Chat Can Human Movements Explain Heterogeneous Propagation of Dengue Fever in Cambodia? 2012 Magali Teurlai
Rekol Huy
Bernard Cazelles
Raphaël Duboz
Christophe Baehr
Sirenda Vong
+ On the Approximation Properties of Bernstein Polynomials via Probabilistic Tools 2003 Henryk Gzyl
José Luis Palacios
+ A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemics 1927 W. O. Kermack
A. G. McKendrick
+ PDF Chat A Wasserstein gradient flow approach to Poisson−Nernst−Planck equations 2015 David Kinderlehrer
LĂ©onard Monsaingeon
Xiang Xu
+ The analysis of linear partial differential operators 1990 Lars Hörmander
+ Stability of the endemic equilibrium in epidemic models with subpopulations 1985 Herbert W. Hethcote
Horst R. Thieme
+ PDF Chat Interpolation and approximation by polynomials 2004 George M. Phillips
Jonathan M. Borwein
Peter Borwein
+ PDF Chat Stochasticity and evolutionary stability 2006 Arne Traulsen
Jorge M. Pacheco
Lorens A. Imhof
+ PDF Chat Spatial Evaluation and Modeling of Dengue Seroprevalence and Vector Density in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2009 Nildimar Alves HonĂłrio
Rita Maria Ribeiro Nogueira
Clåudia Torres Codeço
MarĂ­lia SĂĄ Carvalho
Oswaldo Gonçalves Cruz
MĂŽnica de Avelar FigueirĂȘdo Mafra MagalhĂŁes
JosĂ©lio Maria GalvĂŁo de AraĂșjo
Eliane Saraiva Machado de AraĂșjo
Marcelo Quintela Gomes
Luciane Silva Pinheiro