Csaba Csíkos


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Exploring Students’ Mathematical Beliefs: Gender, Grade, and Culture Differences 2023 Achmad Hidayatullah
Csaba Csíkos
+ PDF Chat The effect of teaching conceptual knowledge on students’ achievement, anxiety about, and attitude toward mathematics 2023 Yusuf Fakhraddin Hussein
Csaba Csíkos
+ PDF Chat A metakognícióelmélet 21. századi szerepvállalásáról 2022 Csaba Csíkos
+ PDF Chat Metacognitive and Non-Metacognitive Processes in Arithmetic Performance: Can There Be More than One Meta-Level? 2022 Csaba Csíkos
+ PDF Chat Mathematics Related Belief System and Word Problem-Solving in the Indonesian Context 2022 Achmad Hidayatullah
Csaba Csíkos
+ PDF Chat A Test for Understanding Simple Fractions Among 5th Grade Students at the Beginning of Lower Secondary Education 2022 Csaba Csíkos
Tímea Karika
+ Word problems in different textbooks at the early stage of teaching mathematics comparative analysis 2020 Judit Szitányi
Fanni Biró
Csaba Csíkos
+ PDF Chat Teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge in teaching word problem solving strategies 2019 Csaba Csíkos
Judit Szitányi
+ Mathematical Learning and Its Difficulties in Eastern European Countries 2019 Csaba Csíkos
Szilárd András
Attila Rausch
Анна Шварц
+ Parents' and teachers' views on the distinct role of mathematics as a school subject 2017 Gizella Berze
Csaba Csíkos
+ PDF Chat Strategies and performance in elementary students’ three-digit mental addition 2015 Csaba Csíkos
+ The effects of using drawings in developing young children’s mathematical word problem solving: A design experiment with third-grade Hungarian students 2011 Csaba Csíkos
Judit Szitányi
Rita Kelemen
+ Fifth-grade students’ approaches to and beliefs of mathematics word problem solving: a large sample Hungarian study 2011 Csaba Csíkos
Rita Kelemen
Lieven Verschaffel
+ Mathematical literacy and the application of mathematical knowledge 2011 Csaba Csíkos
Lieven Verschaffel
+ Diagnostic assessment frameworks for mathematics 2011 Csaba Csíkos
Benő Csapó
+ Matematikai szöveges feladatoknehézségének és érdekességénekmegítélése 5. osztályos tanulókkörében 2009 Csaba Csíkos
Rita Kelemen
+ A metakogníció iskolai fejlesztésének alapjai = Foundations for developing students` metacognition 2007 Csaba Csíkos
Éva D. Molnár
Klára Tarkó
István Zsigmond
+ A matematikai alapképességek, a matematikai gondolkodás fejlődése 6-18 éves korban = Development of basic mathematical skills and mathematical thinking of 6-18-year-olds 2006 Tibor Vidákovich
Csaba Csíkos
József Kontra
Csaba Csíkos
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Realistic considerations in mathematical modeling of school arithmetic word problems 1994 Lieven Verschaffel
Erik De Corte
Sabien Lasure
+ Pre-service teachers' conceptions and beliefs about the role of real-world knowledge in mathematical modelling of school word problems 1997 Lieven Verschaffel
Erik De Corte
I. Borghart
+ PDF Chat Clarifying Differences Between Reading Skills and Reading Strategies 2008 Peter Afflerbach
P. David Pearson
Scott G. Paris
+ Modelling reality in mathematics classrooms: The case of word problems 1997 Brian Greer
+ Every word problem has a solution—The social rationality of mathematical modeling in schools 1997 Kurt Reusser
Рита Стеблер
+ Learning and Teaching Mathematics: An International Perspective 2018 Peter Bryant
Terezinha Nuñes
+ PDF Chat Strategies and performance in elementary students’ three-digit mental addition 2015 Csaba Csíkos
+ PDF Chat Teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge in teaching word problem solving strategies 2019 Csaba Csíkos
Judit Szitányi
+ Fifth-grade students’ approaches to and beliefs of mathematics word problem solving: a large sample Hungarian study 2011 Csaba Csíkos
Rita Kelemen
Lieven Verschaffel
+ The effect of illustrations in arithmetic problem-solving: Effects of increased cognitive load 2008 Inez E. Berends
E.C.D.M. van Lieshout
+ Conceptualizing, investigating, and enhancing adaptive expertise in elementary mathematics education 2009 Lieven Verschaffel
Koen Luwel
Joke Torbeyns
Wim Van Dooren
+ PDF Chat Metacognitive and Non-Metacognitive Processes in Arithmetic Performance: Can There Be More than One Meta-Level? 2022 Csaba Csíkos
+ Content Knowledge for Teaching 2008 Deborah Loewenberg Ball
Mark Hoover
Geoffrey Phelps
+ The perils of averaging data over strategies: An example from children's addition. 1987 Robert S. Siegler
+ Comprehension of arithmetic word problems: A comparison of successful and unsuccessful problem solvers. 1995 Mary Hegarty
Richard E. Mayer
Christopher A. Monk
+ Socialist mathematics education: Does it exist? 1980 A. G. Howson
+ PDF Chat Young children can add and subtract by predicting and checking 2004 Osnat Zur
Rochel Gelman
+ Word problems: A vehicle for promoting authentic mathematical understanding and problem solving in the primary school? 1997 Lieven Verschaffel
Erik De Corte
+ When the Problem Is Not the Question and the Solution Is Not the Answer: Mathematical Knowing and Teaching 1990 Magdalene Lampert
+ A Comparison of Textbooks' Presentation of Fractions 2015 Jo Ann Cady
Thomas E. Hodges
Robyn Collins
+ None 1997 Lyn D. English
+ An analysis of elementary school children’s fractional knowledge depicted with circle, rectangle, and number line representations 2015 Zelha Tunç-Pekkan
+ The effects of using drawings in developing young children’s mathematical word problem solving: A design experiment with third-grade Hungarian students 2011 Csaba Csíkos
Judit Szitányi
Rita Kelemen
+ What the eyes already ‘know’: using eye movement measurement to tap into children's implicit numerical magnitude representations 2009 Angela Heine
Verena Thaler
Sascha Tamm
Stefan Hawelka
Michael Schneider
Joke Torbeyns
Bert De Smedt
Lieven Verschaffel
Elsbeth Stern
Arthur M. Jacobs
+ Teachers’ Personal Agency: Making Sense of Slope Through Additive Structures 2007 Janet G. Walter
Hope Gerson
+ PDF Chat Separate roles for executive and phonological components of working memory in mental arithmetic 2000 Ansgar J. Furst
Graham J. Hitch
+ Linking mathematics education and democracy: Citizenship, mathematical archaeology, mathemacy and deliberative interaction 1998 Ole Skovsmose
+ The Effect of Semantic Structure on First Graders' Strategies for Solving Addition and Subtraction Word Problems 1987 Erik De Corte
Lieven Verschaffel
+ PDF Chat Patterns of Individual Differences in Conceptual Understanding and Arithmetical Skill: A Meta-Analysis 2009 Camilla Gilmore
Μαριέττα Παπαδάτου-Παστού
+ The contribution of general cognitive abilities and number abilities to different aspects of mathematics in children 2013 Ulf Träff
+ Geometry is more than proof 1981 Alan R. Hoffer
+ None 2001 Christoph Selter
+ Children's construction of mathematical knowledge in solving novel isomorphic problems in concrete and written form 1996 Lyn D. English
+ The Role of Proof in Mathematics Education 1994 William D. Markel
+ None 2002 John Threlfall
+ Cross‐cultural investigation into cognitive underpinnings of individual differences in early arithmetic 2014 Maja Rodic
Xinlin Zhou
Tatiana Tikhomirova
Wei Wei
Sergey Malykh
Victoria Ismatulina
Elena Sabirova
Yulia Davidova
Maria Grazia Tosto
Jean‐Pascal Lemelin
+ Teaching and Learning Science in Hungary, 1867–1945: Schools, Personalities, Influences 2011 Tibor Frank
+ Addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers: adaptive strategy use and the influence of instruction in German third grade 2009 Aiso Heinze
Franziska Marschick
Frank Lipowsky
+ Proving is convincing and explaining 1993 Reuben Hersh
+ None 2003 Wim Van Dooren
Lieven Verschaffel
Patrick Onghena
+ Are patterns important? An investigation of the relationships between proficiencies in patterns, computation, executive functioning, and algebraic word problems. 2011 Kerry Lee
Swee Fong Ng
Rebecca Bull
Madeline Pe
Ringo Ho Moon Ho
+ Four aspects of strategic change: Contributions to children's learning of multiplication. 1995 Patrick Lemaire
Robert S. Siegler
+ None 2000 Diane F. Halpern
Mary Louise LaMay
+ Mathematics anxiety in preservice teachers: Its relationship to their conceptual and procedural knowledge of fractions 2009 Vanessa Rayner
Nicole Pitsolantis
Helena P. Osana
+ The Development of Children's Adaptive Expertise in the Number Domain 20 to 100 2006 Joke Torbeyns
Lieven Verschaffel
Pol Ghesquière
+ Extending the conceptual change approach to mathematics learning and teaching 2004 Stella Vosniadou
Lieven Verschaffel
+ Mathematics Undergraduates' Perceptions of Proof 1995 Dennis Almeida
+ Exploring mathematical connections of prospective middle-grades teachers through card-sorting tasks 2011 Jennifer A. Eli
Margaret J. Mohr‐Schroeder
Carl W. Lee
+ Teaching Realistic Mathematical Modeling in the Elementary School: A Teaching Experiment With Fifth Graders 1997 Lieven Verschaffel
Erik De Corte
+ The effects of different modes of representation on the solution of one-step additive problems 2007 Ιλιάδα Ηλία
Athanasios Gagatsis
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