Éric Akkermans


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Defects in graphene: A topological description 2023 Amit Goft
Yuval Abulafia
Nadav Orion
Claude Schochet
Éric Akkermans
+ Defects in Graphene : A Topological Description 2023 Amit Goft
Yuval Abulafia
Nadav Orion
Claude Schochet
Éric Akkermans
+ Wavefronts Dislocations Measure Topology in Graphene with Defects 2023 Yuval Abulafia
Amit Goft
Nadav Orion
Éric Akkermans
+ Hydrodynamic description of Non-Equilibrium Radiation 2022 Boris Rotstein
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Uncertainty relations for mesoscopic coherent light 2021 Ariane Soret
Ohad Shpielberg
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Relating diffraction and spectral data of aperiodic tilings: Towards a Bloch theorem 2021 Éric Akkermans
Yaroslav Don
Jonathan Rosenberg
Claude Schochet
+ PDF Chat Roles of cooperative effects and disorder in photon localization: the case of a vector radiation field 2021 Louis Bellando
Aharon Gero
Éric Akkermans
Robin Kaiser
+ PDF Chat Breaking of Continuous Scale Invariance to Discrete Scale Invariance: A Universal Quantum Phase Transition 2021 O. Ovdat
Éric Akkermans
+ Winding Numbers and Topology of Aperiodic Tilings 2021 Yaroslav Don
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Fractal Geometry and Stochastics VI 2021 O. Ovdat
Éric Akkermans
+ Uncertainty Relations for Mesoscopic Coherent Light 2020 Ariane Soret
Ohad Shpielberg
Éric Akkermans
+ Chapitre 2. Équations d’onde dans les milieux aléatoires 2020 Éric Akkermans
Gilles Montambaux
+ Chapitre 2. Équations d’onde dans les milieux aléatoires 2020 Éric Akkermans
Gilles Montambaux
+ PDF Chat Vacancies in graphene: Dirac physics and fractional vacuum charges 2020 O. Ovdat
Yaroslav Don
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Fluctuating Forces Induced by Nonequilibrium and Coherent Light Flow 2020 Ariane Soret
Karyn Le Hur
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Fractal AC Circuits and Propagating Waves on Fractals 2020 Éric Akkermans
Joe P. Chen
Gerald V. Dunne
Luke G. Rogers
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat On the landscape of scale invariance in quantum mechanics 2018 Daniel K. Brattan
O. Ovdat
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Scale anomaly of a Lifshitz scalar: A universal quantum phase transition to discrete scale invariance 2018 Daniel K. Brattan
O. Ovdat
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Revealing the Topology of Quasicrystals with a Diffraction Experiment 2017 Alexandre Dareau
E. Levy
Manel Bosch Aguilera
R. Bouganne
Éric Akkermans
F. Gerbier
J. Beugnon
+ PDF Chat Observing a scale anomaly and a universal quantum phase transition in graphene 2017 O. Ovdat
Jinhai Mao
Yuhang Jiang
Eva Y. Andrei
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Topological boundary states in 1D: An effective Fabry-Perot model 2017 E. Levy
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Measuring topological invariants from generalized edge states in polaritonic quasicrystals 2017 F. Baboux
Eli Levy
A. Lemaı̂tre
Carmen Gómez
E. Galopin
L. Le Gratiet
I. Sagnes
A. Amo
J. Bloch
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Numerical study of continuous and discontinuous dynamical phase transitions for boundary-driven systems 2017 Ohad Shpielberg
Yaroslav Don
Éric Akkermans
+ Observing a Scale Anomaly in Graphene: A Universal Quantum Phase Transition 2017 O. Ovdat
Jinhai Mao
Yuhang Jiang
Eva Y. Andrei
Éric Akkermans
+ Ramsey Interferometry of Particle-Hole Pairs in Tunnel Junctions 2016 Tal Goren
Karyn Le Hur
Éric Akkermans
+ Direct measurement of Chern numbers in the diffraction pattern of a Fibonacci chain 2016 Alexandre Dareau
F Gerbier
R. Bouganne
E. Levy
Manel Bosch Aguilera
Éric Akkermans
J Beugnon
+ PDF Chat Le Chatelier Principle for Out-of-Equilibrium and Boundary-Driven Systems: Application to Dynamical Phase Transitions 2016 Ohad Shpielberg
Éric Akkermans
+ Ramsey Interferometry of Particle-Hole Pairs in Tunnel Junctions 2016 Tal Goren
Karyn Le Hur
Éric Akkermans
+ Topological properties of Fibonacci quasicrystals : A scattering analysis of Chern numbers 2015 E. Levy
A. Barak
A. J. Fisher
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Cooperative effects and disorder: A scaling analysis of the spectrum of the effective atomic Hamiltonian 2014 Louis Bellando
Aharon Gero
Éric Akkermans
Robin Kaiser
+ PDF Chat Fractal Energy Spectrum of a Polariton Gas in a Fibonacci Quasiperiodic Potential 2014 Dimitrii Tanese
E. Gurevich
F. Baboux
T. Jacqmin
A. Lemaı̂tre
E. Galopin
I. Sagnes
A. Amo
J. Bloch
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Wave Propagation in One Dimension: Methods and Applications to Complex and Fractal Structures 2013 Éric Akkermans
Gerald V. Dunne
Eli Levy
+ PDF Chat Cooperative effects and photon localization in atomic gases: The two-dimensional case 2013 Aharon Gero
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous emission from a fractal vacuum 2013 Éric Akkermans
E. Gurevich
+ PDF Chat Universal current fluctuations in the symmetric exclusion process and other diffusive systems 2013 Éric Akkermans
Thierry Bodineau
Bernard Derrida
Ohad Shpielberg
+ PDF Chat Universal current fluctuations in the symmetric exclusion process and other diffusive systems 2013 Éric Akkermans
Thierry Bodineau
Bernard Derrida
Ohad Shpielberg
+ PDF Chat Cooperative effects in one-dimensional random atomic gases: Absence of single-atom limit 2013 Éric Akkermans
Aharon Gero
+ PDF Chat Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Fields on Fractals 2013 Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Spatial log-periodic oscillations of first-passage observables in fractals 2012 Éric Akkermans
O. Bénichou
Gerald V. Dunne
Alexander Teplyaev
Raphaël Voituriez
+ PDF Chat Ramsey Fringes and Time-Domain Multiple-Slit Interference from Vacuum 2012 Éric Akkermans
Gerald V. Dunne
+ Wave propagation in one-dimension: Methods and applications to complex and fractal structures 2012 Éric Akkermans
Gerald V. Dunne
Eli Levy
+ Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Fields on Fractals 2012 Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamics of Photons on Fractals 2010 Éric Akkermans
Gerald V. Dunne
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Physical consequences of complex dimensions of fractals 2009 Éric Akkermans
Gerald V. Dunne
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Photon Localization and Dicke Superradiance in Atomic Gases 2008 Éric Akkermans
Aharon Gero
Robin Kaiser
+ PDF Chat Conservation of energy in coherent backscattering of light 2008 S. Fiebig
Christof M. Aegerter
W. Bührer
M. Störzer
Éric Akkermans
Gilles Montambaux
G. Maret
+ PDF Chat Numerical study of one-dimensional and interacting Bose–Einstein condensates in a random potential 2008 Éric Akkermans
Sankalpa Ghosh
Ziad H. Musslimani
+ PDF Chat Superradiance and multiple scattering of photons in atomic gases 2007 Aharon Gero
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Intensity Correlations and Mesoscopic Fluctuations of Diffusing Photons in Cold Atoms 2007 O. Assaf
Éric Akkermans
+ Effect of Superradiance on Transport of Diffusing Photons in Cold Atomic Gases 2006 Aharon Gero
Éric Akkermans
+ Interference of diffusing photons and level crossing spectroscopy 2006 Éric Akkermans
O. Assaf
+ PDF Chat Mesoscopic scattering of spin<i>s</i>particles 2005 Cord A. Müller
Christian Miniatura
Éric Akkermans
Gilles Montambaux
+ PDF Chat Nonexponential Quasiparticle Decay and Phase Relaxation in Low-Dimensional Conductors 2005 Gilles Montambaux
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Vortex nucleation through edge states in finite Bose–Einstein condensates 2004 Éric Akkermans
Sankalpa Ghosh
+ Bogomol'nyi bound and screw dislocations in a mesoscopic smectic-A 2004 Éric Akkermans
Sankalpa Ghosh
Amos Schtalheim
+ Non-exponential relaxations in disordered conductors 2004 Gilles Montambaux
Éric Akkermans
+ Vortices in finite Bose-Einstein condensates 2003 Éric Akkermans
Sankalpa Ghosh
+ Composite Bosons description of rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates 2003 Éric Akkermans
Sankalpa Ghosh
+ Phase coherence times in the multiple scattering of photons by cold atoms 2002 Éric Akkermans
Christian Miniatura
Cord A. Müller
+ PDF Chat Mesoscopic superconductors in the London limit: Equilibrium properties and metastability 2001 Éric Akkermans
D. M. Gangardt
K. Mallick
+ Coherent multiple scattering in disordered media 2001 Éric Akkermans
G. Montambaux
+ PDF Chat Dual point description of mesoscopic superconductors 2000 Éric Akkermans
D. M. Gangardt
K. Mallick
+ PDF Chat Spectral Determinant on Quantum Graphs 2000 Éric Akkermans
Alain Comtet
J. Desbois
Gilles Montambaux
Christophe Texier
+ Vortices in mesoscopic superconductors 2000 Éric Akkermans
D. M. Gangardt
K. Mallick
+ PDF Chat Vortices in small superconducting disks 2000 Éric Akkermans
K. Mallick
+ PDF Chat Spectral determinant on quantum graphs 2000 Éric Akkermans
Alain Comtet
J. Desbois
Gilles Montambaux
Christophe Texier
+ PDF Chat Vortices in Ginzburg-Landau billiards 1999 Éric Akkermans
K. Mallick
+ A strong-coupling theory of superfluid ${^4}$He 1999 Nir S. Gov
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Topological Features of the Magnetic Response in Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields 1999 Éric Akkermans
R. Narevich
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical spectrum of integrable systems in a magnetic field 1998 Dominique Spehner
R. Narevich
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Heat kernel of integrable billiards in a magnetic field 1998 R. Narevich
Dominique Spehner
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Chiral boundary conditions for quantum Hall systems 1998 Éric Akkermans
R. Narevich
+ PDF Chat Level curvatures, spectral statistics and scaling for interacting particles 1998 Éric Akkermans
J.‐L. Pichard
+ Hybridization of localized and density modes for the roton spectrum of superfluid ${^4}$He 1998 Nir S. Gov
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Boundary conditions for bulk and edge states in Quantum Hall systems 1998 Éric Akkermans
J. E. Avron
R. Narevich
R. Seiler
+ Topological Features of the Magnetic Response in Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields 1998 Éric Akkermans
R. Narevich
+ Boundary Conditions for Bulk and Edge States in Quantum Hall Systems 1996 Éric Akkermans
J. E. Avron
R. Narevich
R. Seiler
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Observing a scale anomaly and a universal quantum phase transition in graphene 2017 O. Ovdat
Jinhai Mao
Yuhang Jiang
Eva Y. Andrei
Éric Akkermans
+ Spectral asymmetry and Riemannian Geometry. I 1975 Michael Atiyah
V. K. Patodi
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat Non-equilibrium steady states: fluctuations and large deviations of the density and of the current 2007 Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamics of Photons on Fractals 2010 Éric Akkermans
Gerald V. Dunne
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Renormalization-group limit cycle for the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>∕</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>r</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>potential 2004 Eric Braaten
Demian Phillips
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Path Integral Formulation of Full Counting Statistics 2003 S. Pilgram
Andrew N. Jordan
Eugene V. Sukhorukov
Μ. Büttiker
+ PDF Chat On the limit cycle for the 1/r2 potential in momentum space 2005 H.‐W. Hammer
Brian Swingle
+ PDF Chat Universality in few-body systems with large scattering length 2006 Eric Braaten
H.‐W. Hammer
+ PDF Chat Density of states on fractals : « fractons » 1982 S. Alexander
R. Orbach
+ PDF Chat Attractive Inverse Square Potential,<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>U</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math>Gauge, and Winding Transitions 2014 Cristiano Nisoli
A. R. Bishop
+ Effect of Superradiance on Transport of Diffusing Photons in Cold Atomic Gases 2006 Aharon Gero
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Conformality lost 2009 David B. Kaplan
Jong-Wan Lee
D. Son
Mikhail Stephanov
+ PDF Chat Quantum Anomaly in Molecular Physics 2001 Horacio E. Camblong
L.N. Epele
H. Fanchiotti
C. A. Garcı́a Canal
+ PDF Chat Photon Localization and Dicke Superradiance in Atomic Gases 2008 Éric Akkermans
Aharon Gero
Robin Kaiser
+ PDF Chat Spatial log-periodic oscillations of first-passage observables in fractals 2012 Éric Akkermans
O. Bénichou
Gerald V. Dunne
Alexander Teplyaev
Raphaël Voituriez
+ PDF Chat Boundary conditions for bulk and edge states in Quantum Hall systems 1998 Éric Akkermans
J. E. Avron
R. Narevich
R. Seiler
+ PDF Chat Nonrelativistic inverse square potential, scale anomaly, and complex extension 2009 Sergej Moroz
Richard Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Quantum criticality and deconfinement in phase transitions between valence bond solids 2004 Ashvin Vishwanath
Leon Balents
T. Senthil
+ PDF Chat Bipartite Rokhsar–Kivelson points and Cantor deconfinement 2004 Eduardo Fradkin
David A. Huse
Roderich Moessner
Vadim Oganesyan
S. L. Sondhi
+ PDF Chat Macroscopic fluctuation theory 2015 Lorenzo Bertini
Alberto De Sole
Davide Gabrielli
G. Jona‐Lasinio
Cláudio Landim
+ Topological properties of Fibonacci quasicrystals : A scattering analysis of Chern numbers 2015 E. Levy
A. Barak
A. J. Fisher
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Fields on Fractals 2013 Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Realization of a tunable artificial atom at a supercritically charged vacancy in graphene 2016 Jinhai Mao
Yuhang Jiang
Dean Moldovan
Guohong Li
Kenji Watanabe
Takashi Taniguchi
M. Ramezani Masir
F. M. Peeters
Eva Y. Andrei
+ PDF Chat Physical consequences of complex dimensions of fractals 2009 Éric Akkermans
Gerald V. Dunne
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Topological order and conformal quantum critical points 2004 Eddy Ardonne
Paul Fendley
Eduardo Fradkin
+ PDF Chat Topological States and Adiabatic Pumping in Quasicrystals 2012 Yaacov E. Kraus
Yoav Lahini
Zohar Ringel
Mor Verbin
Oded Zilberberg
+ PDF Chat Quantum gravity at a Lifshitz point 2009 Petr Hořava
+ Self-adjoint Extensions in Quantum Mechanics 2012 Д. М. Гитман
I. V. Tyutin
B. L. Voronov
+ PDF Chat Spectral zeta functions of fractals and the complex dynamics of polynomials 2007 Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Coulomb Impurity Problem in Graphene 2007 Vitor M. Pereira
Johan Nilsson
A. H. Castro Neto
+ PDF Chat Random walks on fractal structures and percolation clusters 1983 R. Rammal
G. Toulouse
+ Singular potentials in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics 1964 Kurt Meetz
+ PDF Chat Holographic Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transitions 2010 Kristan Jensen
Andreas Karch
D. Son
Ethan Thompson
+ PDF Chat Fractal Energy Spectrum of a Polariton Gas in a Fibonacci Quasiperiodic Potential 2014 Dimitrii Tanese
E. Gurevich
F. Baboux
T. Jacqmin
A. Lemaı̂tre
E. Galopin
I. Sagnes
A. Amo
J. Bloch
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Gravity duals of Lifshitz-like fixed points 2008 Shamit Kachru
Xiao Liu
Michael Mulligan
+ PDF Chat Superradiance and multiple scattering of photons in atomic gases 2007 Aharon Gero
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Controlled Dicke Subradiance from a Large Cloud of Two-Level Systems 2012 Tom Bienaimé
N. Piovella
Robin Kaiser
+ PDF Chat Spectral Dimension of the Universe in Quantum Gravity at a Lifshitz Point 2009 Petr Hořava
+ Critical Behavior at the Onset of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mover><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">k</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>→</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mover></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:math>-Space Instability on the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>λ</mml:mi></mml:math>Line 1975 R. M. Hornreich
Marshall Luban
S. Shtrikman
+ PDF Chat Hořava–Lifshitz cosmology: a review 2010 Shinji Mukohyama
+ PDF Chat Semiholographic Quantum Criticality 2011 Kristan Jensen
+ PDF Chat Atomic Collapse and Quasi–Rydberg States in Graphene 2007 A. V. Shytov
M. I. Katsnelson
Leonid Levitov
+ PDF Chat Radio-Frequency Association of Efimov Trimers 2010 Thomas Lompe
T. B. Ottenstein
Friedhelm Serwane
A. N. Wenz
G. Zürn
Selim Jochim
+ PDF Chat Supercritical Coulomb impurities in gapped graphene 2008 Vitor M. Pereira
Valeri N. Kotov
A. H. Castro Neto
+ Spectral asymptotics for Laplacians on self-similar sets 2009 Naotaka Kajino
+ PDF Chat Universality in Three- and Four-Body Bound States of Ultracold Atoms 2009 S. E. Pollack
D. Dries
Randall G. Hulet
+ PDF Chat The Fractal Dimension of the Spectrum of the Fibonacci Hamiltonian 2008 David Damanik
Mark Embree
Anton Gorodetski
Serguei Tcheremchantsev
+ Observation of Universality in Ultracold<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mi>Li</mml:mi><mml:mprescripts /><mml:none /><mml:mn>7</mml:mn></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:math>Three-Body Recombination 2009 Noam Gross
Zav Shotan
S. J. J. M. F. Kokkelmans
Lev Khaykovich