José M. M. Veloso


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A global invariant for path structures and second order differential equations 2025 Elisha Falbel
José M. M. Veloso
+ Reductions of path structures and classification of homogeneous structures in dimension three 2024 Elisha Falbel
Martin Mion-Mouton
José M. M. Veloso
+ Gauss-Bonnet Theorems for Surfaces in Sub-Riemannian Three-dimensional Manifolds 2023 José M. M. Veloso
+ A global invariant for path structures and second order differential equations 2023 Elisha Falbel
José M. M. Veloso
+ Second Variation of Sub-Riemannian Surface Measure of Non-horizontal Submanifolds in Sub-Riemannian Stratified Lie Groups 2022 Maria R. B. Santos
José M. M. Veloso
+ Rotation surfaces of constant Gaussian curvature and mean curvature in sub-Riemannian Heisenberg space $$\mathbb H^1$$ 2022 José M. M. Veloso
+ Nonlinear Spencer operators on differentiable groupoids 2022 José M. M. Veloso
+ Riemannian approximation scheme in sub-Riemannian Heisenberg space H1 and rotation surfaces of constant Gaussian curvature 2022 José M. M. Veloso
+ PDF Chat Cartan connections and path structures with large automorphism groups 2021 Elisha Falbel
Martin Mion-Mouton
José M. M. Veloso
+ Cartan connections and path structures with large automorphism groups 2021 Elisha Falbel
Martin Mion-Mouton
José M. M. Veloso
+ Cartan connections and path structures with large automorphisms groups 2021 Elisha Falbel
Martin Mion-Mouton
José M. M. Veloso
+ PDF Chat Flag structures on real 3-manifolds 2020 Elisha Falbel
José M. M. Veloso
+ Limit of Gaussian and normal curvatures of surfaces in Riemannian approximation scheme for sub-Riemannian three dimensional manifolds and Gauss-Bonnet theorem 2020 José M. M. Veloso
+ Rotation surfaces of constant Gaussian curvature as Riemannian approximation scheme in sub-Riemannian Heisenberg space $\mathbb H^1$ 2019 José M. M. Veloso
+ PDF Chat Prolongation Projection Commutativity Theorem 2018 José M. M. Veloso
+ Flag structures on real 3-manifolds 2018 Elisha Falbel
José M. M. Veloso
+ Gauss-Bonnet Theorem in Sub-Riemannian Heisenberg Space ℍ 1 $\mathbb H^{1}$ 2016 Marcos M. Diniz
José M. M. Veloso
+ First Variation of the Hausdorff Measure of Non-horizontal Submanifolds in Sub-Riemannian Stratified Lie Groups 2016 Marcos M. Diniz
Maria R. B. Santos
José M. M. Veloso
+ PDF Chat Diffeomorphisms preserving<b>R</b>-circles in three dimensional CR manifolds 2016 Elisha Falbel
José M. M. Veloso
+ PDF Chat A Lorentz form associated to contact sub-conformal and CR manifolds 2014 Elisha Falbel
José M. M. Veloso
+ First variation of the Hausdorff measure of non-horizontal submanifolds in stratified Lie groups with constant metric factors 2014 Marcos M. Diniz
Maria R. B. Santos
José M. M. Veloso
+ First variation of the Hausdorff measure of non-horizontal submanifolds in stratified Lie groups 2014 Marcos M. Diniz
Maria R. B. Santos
José M. M. Veloso
+ First variation of the Hausdorff measure of non-horizontal submanifolds in stratified Lie groups 2014 Marcos M. Diniz
Maria R. B. Santos
José M. M. Veloso
+ Diffeomorphisms preserving R-circles in three dimensional CR manifolds 2013 Elisha Falbel
José M. M. Veloso
+ Gauss-Bonnet theorem in sub-Riemannian Heisenberg space $H^1$ 2012 José M. M. Veloso
Marcos M. Diniz
+ k-Step Sub-Riemannian Manifold whose Sub-Riemannian Metric Admits a Canonical Extension to a Riemannian Metric 2010 Marcos M. Diniz
José M. M. Veloso
+ PDF Chat Isomorphism of Intransitive Linear Lie Equations 2009 José M. M. Veloso
+ Regions Where the Exponential Map at Regular Points of Sub-Riemannian Manifolds is a Local Diffeomorphism 2009 Marcos M. Diniz
José M. M. Veloso
Víctor Ayala
Marcos M. Diniz
José M. M. Veloso
+ A bilinear form associated to contact sub-conformal manifolds 2006 Elisha Falbel
José M. M. Veloso
+ A parallelism for contact conformal sub-Riemannian geometry 1998 Elisha Falbel
José M. M. Veloso
+ Conformal sub-Riemannian geometry in dimension 3 1995 Elisha Falbel
Cláudio Gorodski
José M. M. Veloso
+ Constant curvature models in sub-Riemannian geometry 1993 Elisha Falbel
José M. M. Veloso
José A. Verderesi
+ PDF Chat Lie's third theorem for intransitive Lie equations 1990 José M. M. Veloso
+ Three dimensional Cauchy-Riemann manifolds 1985 José M. M. Veloso
José A. Verderesi
+ Variedades de Cauchy-Riemann de dimensão tres 1984 Elisha Falbel
José M. M. Veloso
+ Álgebras de lie intransitivas e o problema da equivalência para equações de lie 1980 José M. M. Veloso
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Real hypersurfaces in complex manifolds 1974 Shiing-Shen Chern
Jürgen Moser
+ PDF Chat Carnot-Carathéodory spaces seen from within 1996 Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-Hermitian structures on a real hypersurface 1978 S. M. Webster
+ Gauss-Bonnet Theorem in Sub-Riemannian Heisenberg Space ℍ 1 $\mathbb H^{1}$ 2016 Marcos M. Diniz
José M. M. Veloso
+ A Tour of Subriemannian Geometries, Their Geodesics and Applications 2006 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Sub-Riemannian geometry 1986 Robert S. Strichartz
+ The Burns-Epstein invariant and deformation of CR structures 1990 Jih-Hsin Cheng
John M. Lee
+ Real hypersurfaces in complex manifolds 1977 D. Burns
Steven Shnider
+ PDF Chat Sub-Riemannian calculus on hypersurfaces in Carnot groups 2007 Donatella Danielli
Nicola Garofalo
Duy-Minh Nhieu
+ An Introduction to the Heisenberg Group and the Sub-Riemannian Isoperimetric Problem 2007 Luca Capogna
Scott D. Pauls
Donatella Danielli
Jeremy T. Tyson
+ PDF Chat A global invariant for three dimensional CR-manifolds 1988 D. Burns
Charles L. Epstein
+ First Variation of the Hausdorff Measure of Non-horizontal Submanifolds in Sub-Riemannian Stratified Lie Groups 2016 Marcos M. Diniz
Maria R. B. Santos
José M. M. Veloso
+ Distinguished curves in pseudoconvex boundaries 1977 D. Burns
Klas Diederich
Steven Shnider
+ PDF Chat Flag structures on real 3-manifolds 2020 Elisha Falbel
José M. M. Veloso
+ PDF Chat Integrability criteria for systems of nonlinear partial differential equations 1967 Hubert Goldschmidt
+ Existence Theorems for Analytic Linear Partial Differential Equations 1967 Hubert Goldschmidt
+ PDF Chat Stable H-Minimal Hypersurfaces 2013 Francescopaolo Montefalcone
+ Constant curvature models in sub-Riemannian geometry 1993 Elisha Falbel
José M. M. Veloso
José A. Verderesi
+ The tangent space in sub-Riemannian geometry 1996 A. Bellaïche
+ PDF Chat Corrections to: ``Sub-Riemannian geometry'' 1989 Robert S. Strichartz
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic curvature of curves and surfaces and a Gauss–Bonnet theorem in the Heisenberg group 2016 Zoltán M. Balogh
Jeremy T. Tyson
Eugenio Vecchi
+ Correction to "Monge-Ampere Equations, the Bergman Kernel, and Geometry of Pseudoconvex Domains" 1976 Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Chat Variations on Gromov's open-dense orbit theorem 2018 Charles Frances
+ PDF Chat Sur les variétés à connexion projective 1924 Élie Cartan
+ Geodesic flows on closed Riemann manifolds with negative curvature 1969 D. V. Anosov
+ PDF Chat Sur la structure des groupes infinis de transformation (suite) 1905 Élie Cartan
+ PDF Chat Sur la structure des équations de Lie. I. Le troisième théorème fondamental 1972 Hubert Goldschmidt
+ Monge-Ampere Equations, the Bergman Kernel, and Geometry of Pseudoconvex Domains 1976 Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Chat A flag structure on a cusped hyperbolic 3-manifold 2015 Elisha Falbel
Rafael Santos Thebaldi
+ PDF Chat Geodesic flows of negatively curved manifolds with smooth stable and unstable foliations 1988 Masahiko Kanai
+ PDF Chat Gauss-Bonnet theorems in the affine group and the group of rigid motions of the Minkowski plane 2020 Yong Wang
Sining Wei
+ PDF Chat On the non-linear cohomology of Lie equations. I 1976 Hubert Goldschmidt
D. C. Spencer
+ PDF Chat The Fefferman metric and pseudo-Hermitian invariants 1986 John M. Lee
+ PDF Chat An algebraic model of transitive differential geometry 1964 Victor Guillemin
Shlomo Sternberg
+ PDF Chat Complex hyperbolic geometry of the figure-eight knot 2015 Martin Deraux
Elisha Falbel
+ Area-stationary surfaces in the Heisenberg group <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">H</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math> 2008 Manuel Ritoré
César Rosales
+ Spherical hypersurfaces in complex manifolds 1976 D. Burns
Steven Shnider
+ PDF Chat Contact 3-manifolds twenty years since J. Martinet's work 1992 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Hypersurfaces and variational formulas in sub-Riemannian Carnot groups 2007 Francescopaolo Montefalcone
+ PDF Chat An intrinsic construction of Fefferman’s CR metric 1986 Frank A. Farris
+ PDF Chat Diabatic limit, eta invariants and Cauchy–Riemann manifolds of dimension 3☆ 2007 Olivier Biquard
Marc Herzlich
Michel Rumin
+ The ?-stability theorem for flows 1970 Charles Pugh
Michael Shub
+ PDF Chat The classification of complete stable area-stationary surfaces in the Heisenberg group <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">H</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math> 2009 Ana Hurtado
Manuel Ritoré
César Rosales
+ Sur la géométrie pseudo-conforme des hypersurfaces de l'espace de deux variables complexes 1933 Élie Cartan
+ Regions Where the Exponential Map at Regular Points of Sub-Riemannian Manifolds is a Local Diffeomorphism 2009 Marcos M. Diniz
José M. M. Veloso
+ CR geometry and Cartan geometry 1995 Masatake Kuranishi
+ PDF Chat Flag structures on Seifert manifolds 2001 Thierry Barbot
+ A parallelism for contact conformal sub-Riemannian geometry 1998 Elisha Falbel
José M. M. Veloso
+ PDF Chat Some regularity theorems for Carnot-Carathéodory metrics 1990 Ursula Hamenstädt
+ Compl�tude des vari�t�s Lorentziennes � courbure constante 1996 Bruno Klingler