Daniel Toundykov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Feedback stabilization of a linear hydro-elastic system 2018 Lorena Bociu
Steven Derochers
Daniel Toundykov
+ PDF Chat A Cantilevered Extensible Beam in Axial Flow: Semigroup Well-posedness and Postflutter Regimes 2018 Jason S. Howell
Daniel Toundykov
Justin T. Webster
+ A Cantilevered Extensible Beam in Axial Flow: Semigroup Well-posedness and Post-flutter Regimes 2017 Jason S. Howell
Daniel Toundykov
Justin T. Webster
+ A Cantilevered Extensible Beam in Axial Flow: Semigroup Well-posedness and Post-flutter Regimes 2017 Jason S. Howell
Daniel Toundykov
Justin T. Webster
+ PDF Chat A Nonlocal Biharmonic Operator and its Connection with the Classical Analogue 2016 Petronela Radu
Daniel Toundykov
Jeremy Trageser
+ Optimal control in a free boundary fluid-elasticity interaction 2015 Daniel Toundykov
Kristina Martin
Lucas Castle
Lorena Bociu
+ Stability analysis of degenerately-damped oscillations 2015 T. B. Anderson
George Avalos
Elizabeth Galvin
Ian Kessler
Michelle Kleckner
Daniel Toundykov
William Tritch
+ PDF Chat Weak solutions and blow-up for wave equations of <i>p</i>-Laplacian type with supercritical sources 2015 Pei Pei
Mohammad A. Rammaha
Daniel Toundykov
+ Well-Posedness Analysis for a Linearization of a Fluid-Elasticity Interaction 2015 Lorena Bociu
Daniel Toundykov
Jean-Paul ZolĂŠsio
+ Stability analysis of degenerately-damped oscillations 2015 T. B. Anderson
George Avalos
Elizabeth Galvin
Ian Kessler
Michelle Kleckner
Daniel Toundykov
William Tritch
+ SemiGlobal Exact Controllability of Nonlinear Plates 2015 Matthias Eller
Daniel Toundykov
+ Well-Posedness and Stability of a Mindlin–Timoshenko Plate Model with Damping and Sources 2015 Pei Pei
Mohammad A. Rammaha
Daniel Toundykov
Daniel Toundykov
Jeremy Trageser
+ Finite time blow-up in nonlinear suspension bridge models 2014 Petronela Radu
Daniel Toundykov
Jeremy Trageser
+ Hadamard well-posedness for a hyperbolic equation of viscoelasticity with supercritical sources and damping 2014 Yanqiu Guo
Mohammad A. Rammaha
Sawanya Sakuntasathien
Edriss S. Titi
Daniel Toundykov
+ Local and global well-posedness of semilinear Reissner–Mindlin–Timoshenko plate equations 2014 Pei Pei
Mohammad A. Rammaha
Daniel Toundykov
+ Global well-posedness and stability of semilinear Mindlin–Timoshenko system 2014 Pei Pei
Mohammad A. Rammaha
Daniel Toundykov
+ PDF Chat Errata: Regular solutions of wave equations with super-critical sources and exponential-to-logarithmic damping 2014 Lorena Bociu
Petronela Radu
Daniel Toundykov
+ Unified Approach to Stabilization of Waves on Compact Surfaces by Simultaneous Interior and Boundary Feedbacks of Unrestricted Growth 2013 Marcelo M. Cavalcanti
V. N. Domingos Cavalcanti
Ryuichi Fukuoka
Daniel Toundykov
+ Regular solutions of wave equations with super-critical sources and exponential-to-logarithmic damping 2013 Lorena Bociu
Petronela Radu
Daniel Toundykov
+ Wave Equations with Nonlinear Sources and Damping: Weak vs. Regular Solutions 2013 Lorena Bociu
Daniel Toundykov
+ Hadamard well-posedness for a hyperbolic equation of viscoelasticity with supercritical sources and damping 2013 Yanqiu Guo
Mohammad A. Rammaha
Sawanya Sakuntasathien
Edriss S. Titi
Daniel Toundykov
+ Global existence and decay of energy for a nonlinear wave equation with $p$-Laplacian damping 2012 Zahava Wilstein
Daniel Toundykov
Mohammad A. Rammaha
+ Wave equation with damping affecting only a subset of static Wentzell boundary is uniformly stable 2012 Marcelo M. Cavalcanti
Irena Lasiecka
Daniel Toundykov
+ Geometrically constrained stabilization of wave equations with Wentzell boundary conditions 2012 Marcelo M. Cavalcanti
Irena Lasiecka
Daniel Toundykov
+ Carleman estimates for elliptic boundary value problems with applications to the stablization of hyperbolic systems 2012 Matthias Eller
Daniel Toundykov
+ On a wave equation with supercritical interior and boundary sources and damping terms 2011 Lorena Bociu
Mohammad A. Rammaha
Daniel Toundykov
+ Wave equations with super-critical interior and boundary nonlinearities 2011 Lorena Bociu
Mohammad A. Rammaha
Daniel Toundykov
+ Boundary stabilization of structural acoustic interactions with interface on a Reissner–Mindlin plate 2011 George Avalos
Daniel Toundykov
+ Semigroup Generation and ``hidden" Trace Regularity of a Dynamic Plate with Non-Monotone Boundary Feedbacks 2010 Irena Lasiecka
Daniel Toundykov
+ Finite dimensional attractor for a composite system of wave/plate equations with localised damping 2009 Francesca Bucci
Daniel Toundykov
+ Global Attractor for a Wave Equation with Nonlinear Localized Boundary Damping and a Source Term of Critical Exponent 2009 Igor Čhuešhov
Irena Lasiecka
Daniel Toundykov
+ Stabilization of the damped wave equation with Cauchy–Ventcel boundary conditions 2009 Marcelo M. Cavalcanti
V. N. Domingos Cavalcanti
Ryuichi Fukuoka
Daniel Toundykov
+ PDF Chat On existence, uniform decay rates and blow up for solutions of systems of nonlinear wave equations with damping and source terms 2009 Claudianor O. Alves
Marcelo M. Cavalcanti
V. N. Domingos Cavalcanti
Mohammad A. Rammaha
Daniel Toundykov
+ Finite dimensional attractor for a composite system of wave/plate equations with localised damping 2009 Francesca Bucci
Daniel Toundykov
+ Regularity of higher energies of wave equation with nonlinear localized damping and a nonlinear source 2008 Irena Lasiecka
Daniel Toundykov
+ Long-term dynamics of semilinear wave equation with nonlinear localized interior damping and a source term of critical exponent 2008 Igor Čhuešhov
Irena Lasiecka
Daniel Toundykov
+ Energy decay rates for the semilinear wave equation with nonlinear localized damping and source terms—an intrinsic approach 2007 Irena Lasiecka
Daniel Toundykov
+ Energy decay rates for the semilinear wave equation with nonlinear localized damping and source terms— an intrinsic approach 2007 Irena Lasiecka
Daniel Toundykov
+ Stability of higher-level energy norms of strong solutions to a wave equation with localized nonlinear damping and a nonlinear source term 2007 Irena Lasiecka
Daniel Toundykov
+ Optimal decay rates for solutions of a nonlinear wave equation with localized nonlinear dissipation of unrestricted growth and critical exponent source terms under mixed boundary conditions 2006 Daniel Toundykov
+ Energy decay rates for the semilinear wave equation with nonlinear localized damping and source terms 2005 Irena Lasiecka
Daniel Toundykov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Uniform boundary stabilization of semilinear wave equations with nonlinear boundary damping 1993 Irena Lasiecka
Daniel Tataru
Matthias Eller
Irena Lasiecka
+ Energy decay rates for the semilinear wave equation with nonlinear localized damping and source terms 2005 Irena Lasiecka
Daniel Toundykov
+ Optimal decay rates for solutions of a nonlinear wave equation with localized nonlinear dissipation of unrestricted growth and critical exponent source terms under mixed boundary conditions 2006 Daniel Toundykov
+ Existence of a Solution of the Wave Equation with Nonlinear Damping and Source Terms 1994 Vladimir Georgiev
Grozdena Todorova
+ Optimality of Energy Estimates for the Wave Equation with Nonlinear Boundary Velocity Feedbacks 2000 Judith Vancostenoble
Patrick MartĂ­nez
+ Local Hadamard well-posedness for nonlinear wave equations with supercritical sources and damping 2010 Lorena Bociu
Irena Lasiecka
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of weak solutions for the semilinear wave equations with supercritical boundary/interior sources and damping 2008 Lorena Bociu
Irena Lasiecka
+ PDF Chat Blow-up of weak solutions for the semilinear wave equations with nonlinear boundary and interior sources and damping 2008 Lorena Bociu
Irena Lasiecka
+ Saddle points and instability of nonlinear hyperbolic equations 1975 L. E. Payne
D. H. Sattinger
+ PDF Chat Existence for a nonlinear wave equation with damping and source terms 2003 James Serrin
Grozdena Todorova
Enzo Vitillaro
+ Monotone Operators in Banach Space and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 2013 R. E. Showalter
+ Local and global wellposedness of weak solutions for the wave equation with nonlinear boundary and interior sources of supercritical exponents and damping 2008 Lorena Bociu
+ Convexity and Weighted Integral Inequalities for Energy Decay Rates of Nonlinear Dissipative Hyperbolic Systems 2004 Fatiha Alabau‐Boussouira
+ On nonlinear wave equations with degenerate damping and source terms 2005 Viorel Barbu
Irena Lasiecka
Mohammad A. Rammaha
+ On a wave equation with supercritical interior and boundary sources and damping terms 2011 Lorena Bociu
Mohammad A. Rammaha
Daniel Toundykov
+ Global existence for the wave equation with nonlinear boundary damping and source terms 2002 Enzo Vitillaro
+ PDF Chat Global existence and nonexistence for nonlinear wave equations with damping and source terms 2002 Mohammad A. Rammaha
Theresa A. Strei
+ PDF Chat Compact sets in the spaceL p (O,T; B) 1986 Jacques Simon
+ PDF Chat A potential well theory for the wave equation with nonlinear source and boundary damping terms 2002 Enzo Vitillaro
+ Existence and decay rate estimates for the wave equation with nonlinear boundary damping and source term 2004 Marcelo M. Cavalcanti
V. N. Domingos Cavalcanti
Patrick MartĂ­nez
+ Nonlinear semigroups and differential equations in Banach spaces 1976 Viorel Barbu
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Control Theory of Coupled PDEs 2003 Irena Lasiecka
GC Gaunaurd
+ Sharp Sufficient Conditions for the Observation, Control, and Stabilization of Waves from the Boundary 1992 Claude Bardos
Gilles Lebeau
Jeffrey Rauch
+ Some new results on global nonexistence and blow-up for evolution problems with positive initial energy 2000 Enzo Vitillaro
+ Uniform stabilization of the wave equation with Dirichlet or Neumann feedback control without geometrical conditions 1992 Irena Lasiecka
Roberto Triggiani
+ Exact controllability and stabilization: The multiplier method 1994 Vilmos Komornik
+ Well-posedness and optimal decay rates for the wave equation with nonlinear boundary damping–source interaction 2007 Marcelo M. Cavalcanti
V. N. Domingos Cavalcanti
Irena Lasiecka
+ Uniform stabilization of the wave equation with dirichlet-feedback control without geometrical conditions 2005 Irena Lasiecka
Roberto Triggiani
+ PDF Chat On existence, uniform decay rates and blow up for solutions of systems of nonlinear wave equations with damping and source terms 2009 Claudianor O. Alves
Marcelo M. Cavalcanti
V. N. Domingos Cavalcanti
Mohammad A. Rammaha
Daniel Toundykov
+ Elliptic Problems in Nonsmooth Domains 2011 Pierre Grisvard
+ Decay of solutions of the wave equation with arbitrary localized nonlinear damping 2005 Mourad Bellassoued
+ PDF Chat Systems of nonlinear wave equations with damping and source terms 2006 Keith Agre
Mohammad A. Rammaha
+ Global Attractors for Semilinear Damped Wave Equations with Supercritical Exponent 1995 Eduard Feireisl
+ Global existence and decay of energy to systems of wave equations with damping and supercritical sources 2012 Yanqiu Guo
Mohammad A. Rammaha
+ PDF Chat Stabilisation frontière de problèmes de Ventcel 2000 Amar Heminna
+ Decay of solutions of wave equations in a bounded region with boundary dissipation 1983 John E. Lagnese
+ Hadamard Well-posedness of Weak Solutions in Nonlinear Dynamic Elasticity-full von Karman Systems 2002 Herbert Koch
Irena Lasiecka
+ Nonconservative wave equations with unobserved Neumann B.C.: global uniqueness and observability in one shot 2000 Irena Lasiecka
Roberto Triggiani
X. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Weak solutions to the Cauchy problem of a semilinear wave equation with damping and source terms 2005 Petronela Radu
+ Decay of solutions of the wave equation with a local nonlinear dissipation 1996 Mitsuhiro Nakao
+ PDF Chat Global existence and non-existence theorems for nonlinear wave equations 2002 David R. Pitts
Mohammad A. Rammaha
+ A potential well theory for the wave equation with a nonlinear boundary condition. 1987 Howard A. Levine
R. A. Smith
+ Problèmes aux limites non homogènes et applications 1968 Enrico Magenes
Jacques Louis Lions
+ Long-term dynamics of semilinear wave equation with nonlinear localized interior damping and a source term of critical exponent 2008 Igor Čhuešhov
Irena Lasiecka
Daniel Toundykov
+ Boundary stabilization of structural acoustic interactions with interface on a Reissner–Mindlin plate 2011 George Avalos
Daniel Toundykov
+ Strong stabilization of models incorporating the thermoelastic Reissner–Mindlin plate equations with second sound 2011 Marié Grobbelaar‐Van Dalsen
+ Carleman Type Estimates in an Anisotropic Case and Applications 1993 Victor Isakov
+ A trace theorem for solutions of the wave equation, and the remote determination of acoustic sources 1983 William W. Symes
L. E. Payne
+ Uniform stabilization of the damped Cauchy–Ventcel problem with variable coefficients and dynamic boundary conditions 2006 Marcelo M. Cavalcanti
Ammar Khemmoudj
Mohamed Medjden