А. В. Щепетилов


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On the Uniqueness of the Finite-Difference Analogues of the Fundamental Solution of the Heat Equation and the Wave Equation in Discrete Potential Theory 2024 И. Э. Степанова
I. I. Kolotov
А. В. Щепетилов
A. G. Yagola
A. N. Levashov
+ On the construction of an optimal network of observation points when solving inverse lin-ear problems of gravimetry and magnetometry 2024 I. E. Stepanova
D. V. Lukyanenko
I. I. Kolotov
А. В. Щепетилов
A. G. Yagola
A. N. Levashov
+ Erratum to: On the Construction of an Optimal Network of Observation Points when Solving Inverse Linear Problems of Gravimetry and Magnetometry 2024 И. Э. Степанова
D. V. Lukyanenko
I. I. Kolotov
А. В. Щепетилов
A. G. Yagola
A. N. Levashov
+ On the Construction of an Optimal Network of Observation Points when Solving Inverse Linear Problems of Gravimetry and Magnetometry 2024 И. Э. Степанова
D. V. Lukyanenko
I. I. Kolotov
А. В. Щепетилов
A. G. Yagola
A. N. Levashov
+ PDF Chat On the Unique Solvability of Inverse Problems of Magnetometry and Gravimetry 2023 И. Э. Степанова
D. V. Lukyanenko
I. I. Kolotov
А. В. Щепетилов
A. G. Yagola
+ Application of a Combined Approach Based on Analytical Approximations and Construction of Gravity Field Integral Curves for the Interpretation of Marine and Airborne Gravimetric Data 2021 И. Э. Степанова
А. В. Щепетилов
Anton Salnikov
P. S. Mikhailov
В. В. Погорелов
A. V. Batov
В. А. Тимофеева
+ Parametric Structural Approach to Constructing Digital Models of the Relief and Gravitational Field of the Earth Using Analytical S-Approximations 2020 И. Э. Степанова
А. В. Щепетилов
В. В. Погорелов
P. S. Mikhailov
+ Improving the Methods for Processing Large Data in Geophysics and Geomorphology Based on the Modified S- and F-approximations 2020 И. Э. Степанова
И.А. Керимов
D. N. Raevskiy
А. В. Щепетилов
+ Separation of Potential Fields Generated by Different Sources Based on Modified S-Approximations 2020 И. Э. Степанова
D. N. Raevskiy
А. В. Щепетилов
+ Modified Method S-, F- and R-Approximations in Solving Inverse Problems of Geophysics and Geomorphology 2019 И. Э. Степанова
И.А. Керимов
D. N. Raevsky
А. В. Щепетилов
+ Combined Method of F-, S-, and R-Approximations of Increased Dimensionality in Solving the Problems of Geophysics and Geomorphology 2018 И. Э. Степанова
И.А. Керимов
D. N. Raevskiy
А. В. Щепетилов
+ Combined method of F-, S-, and R-approximations in solving the problems of geophysics and geomorphology 2018 И. Э. Степанова
И.А. Керимов
D. N. Raevskiy
А. В. Щепетилов
+ On the interpretation of large gravimagnetic data by the modified method of S-approximations 2017 И. Э. Степанова
D. N. Raevskiy
А. В. Щепетилов
+ Particle in a Central Field on Two-Point Homogeneous Spaces 2006 А. В. Щепетилов
+ Two-Body Hamiltonian on Two-Point Homogeneous Spaces 2006 А. В. Щепетилов
+ Algebras of Invariant Differential Operators on Unit Sphere Bundles Over Two-Point Homogeneous Riemannian Spaces 2006 А. В. Щепетилов
+ Classical Two-Body Problem on Two-Point Homogeneous Riemannian Spaces 2006 А. В. Щепетилов
+ Differential Operators on Smooth Manifolds 2006 А. В. Щепетилов
+ PDF Chat Nonintegrability of the two-body problem in constant curvature spaces 2006 А. В. Щепетилов
+ PDF Chat The two-body quantum mechanical problem on spheres 2006 А. В. Щепетилов
+ Calculus and Mechanics on Two-Point Homogenous Riemannian Spaces 2006 А. В. Щепетилов
+ Nonintegrability of the two-body problem in constant curvature spaces II 2006 А. В. Щепетилов
+ Two-body problem on spaces of constant curvature 2005 А. В. Щепетилов
И. Э. Степанова
+ PDF Chat Algebras of invariant differential operators on unit sphere bundles over two-point homogeneous Riemannian spaces 2003 А. В. Щепетилов
+ PDF Chat Two-body problem on two-point homogeneous spaces, invariant differential operators and the mass center concept 2003 А. В. Щепетилов
+ PDF Chat The geometric sense of the Sasaki connection 2003 А. В. Щепетилов
+ Two-body problem on spaces of constant curvature: II. Spectral properties of the Hamiltonian 2000 И. Э. Степанова
А. В. Щепетилов
+ Invariant treatment of the two-body problem with central interaction on simply connected spaces of constant sectional curvature 2000 А. В. Щепетилов
+ Two-body problem on spaces of constant curvature: I. Dependence of the Hamiltonian on the symmetry group and the reduction of the classical system 2000 А. В. Щепетилов
+ Quantum mechanical two-body problem with central interaction on simply connected constant-curvature surfaces 1999 А. В. Щепетилов
+ Some quantum mechanical problems in Lobachevsky space 1996 А. В. Щепетилов
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the S-approximation of the Earth's gravity field: regional version 2009 И. Э. Степанова
+ On the solution of inverse problems of gravimetry by the modified method of S-approximations 2015 D. N. Raevskiy
И. Э. Степанова
+ The modified method of S-approximations: Regional version 2015 D. N. Raevskiy
И. Э. Степанова
+ PDF Chat Spaces of constant curvature 2010 Joseph A. Wolf
+ Groups and Geometric Analysis 2000 Sigurđur Helgason
+ Two-body problem on spaces of constant curvature: I. Dependence of the Hamiltonian on the symmetry group and the reduction of the classical system 2000 А. В. Щепетилов
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ Quantum mechanical two-body problem with central interaction on simply connected constant-curvature surfaces 1999 А. В. Щепетилов
+ PDF Chat Two-body problem on two-point homogeneous spaces, invariant differential operators and the mass center concept 2003 А. В. Щепетилов
+ On the S-approximation of the Earth's gravity field 2008 И. Э. Степанова
+ Special Functions and the Theory of Group Representations 1968 N. I︠a︡. Vilenkin
+ Two-body problem on spaces of constant curvature: II. Spectral properties of the Hamiltonian 2000 И. Э. Степанова
А. В. Щепетилов
+ Approximation Approach in Various Modifications of the Method of Linear Integral Representations 2019 И. Э. Степанова
И.А. Керимов
A. G. Yagola
И. Э. Степанова
Д.Н. Раевский
+ Mathematical methods of classical mechanics 1978 Владимир Игоревич Арнольд
+ PDF Chat Die Mechanik in den Nicht-Euklidischen Raumformen. 1885 Wilhelm Killing
+ On the interpretation of large gravimagnetic data by the modified method of S-approximations 2017 И. Э. Степанова
D. N. Raevskiy
А. В. Щепетилов
+ Foundations of Differential Geometry 1963 Shôshichi Kobayashi
Katsumi Nomizu
+ Combined method of F-, S-, and R-approximations in solving the problems of geophysics and geomorphology 2018 И. Э. Степанова
И.А. Керимов
D. N. Raevskiy
А. В. Щепетилов
+ Quasi-exactly solvable models in quantum mechanics 2017 A.G. Ushveridze
+ A classification of the unitary irreducible representations ofSU(N, 1) 1968 Ulf Ottoson
+ Commutative homogeneous spaces and co-isotropic symplectic actions 2001 É. B. Vinberg
+ Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces 2001 Sigurđur Helgason
+ Theory of Group Representations and Applications 1986 A. O. Barut
R. Ra̧czka
+ Note on the "Kepler Problem" in a Spherical Space, and the Factorization Method of Solving Eigenvalue Problems 1941 A. F. Stevenson
+ A classification of the unitary irreducible representations ofSO 0(N, 1) 1968 Ulf Ottoson
+ Two-Point Homogeneous Spaces 1952 Hsien-Chung Wang
+ Representation of Lie Groups and Special Functions 1991 N. Ja. Vilenkin
A. U. Klimyk
+ Combined Method of F-, S-, and R-Approximations of Increased Dimensionality in Solving the Problems of Geophysics and Geomorphology 2018 И. Э. Степанова
И.А. Керимов
D. N. Raevskiy
А. В. Щепетилов
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables 1965 D. B. Owen
Milton Abramowitz
Irene A. Stegun
+ PDF Chat Algebras of invariant differential operators on unit sphere bundles over two-point homogeneous Riemannian spaces 2003 А. В. Щепетилов
+ Some quantum mechanical problems in Lobachevsky space 1996 А. В. Щепетилов
+ 2-spaces of constant curvature 2009 J. B. Griffiths
Jiřı́ Podolský
+ <i>Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations</i> 1956 Earl A. Coddington
Norman Levinson
T. Teichmann
+ PDF Chat Systems of singular integral operators on spheres 1969 Daniel A. Levine
+ Path integral treatment of the hydrogen atom in a curved space of constant curvature 1987 A. O. Barut
Akira Inomata
Georg Junker
+ PDF Chat Rieffel induction as generalized quantum Marsden-Weinstein reduction 1995 N.P. Landsman
+ Quadratic algebras and dynamics in curved spaces. I. Oscillator 1992 Ya.I. Granovskii
Alexei Zhedanov
I. M. Lutsenko
+ Constraints, reduction, and quantization 1986 Mark J. Gotay
+ An introduction to differential algebra 1957 Irving Kaplansky
+ Topology of transitive transformation groups 1994 A. L. Onishchik
+ On formal integrability of evolution equations and local geometry of surfaces 2001 Mikhail V. Foursov
Peter J. Olver
Enríque G. Reyes
+ An iterational method for finding the minimum of a sum of squares 1966 M.K. Gavurin
Yu.B. Farforovskaya
+ Symplectic Techniques in Physics 1984 Victor Guillemin
Shlomo Sternberg
+ Lectures on Exceptional Lie Groups 1996 J. F. Adams
Zafer Mahmud
護 三村
+ Lie groups and algebraic groups 1990 É. B. Vinberg
A. L. Onishchik
Dimitry Leites
+ Analysis of the Laplacian on the complete Riemannian manifold 1983 Robert S. Strichartz
+ Riemannian symmetric spaces of rank one 1972 Isaac Chavel
+ Pseudo-spherical Surfaces and Integrability of Evolution Equations 1998 Enríque G. Reyes
+ Chaos on the pseudosphere 1986 N. L. Balázs
A. Voros