Eduardo S. Fraga


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Strongly interacting matter in extreme magnetic fields 2024 Prabal Adhikari
Martin Ammon
Sidney S. Avancini
Alejandro Ayala
Aritra Bandyopadhyay
D. Blaschke
Fábio L. Braghin
P. V. Buividovich
Rafael P. Cardoso
Casey Cartwright
+ PDF Chat Transport coefficients of chiral fluid dynamics using low-energy effective models 2024 Pedro Nogarolli
Gabriel S. Denicol
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Quark anomalous magnetic moment in an extreme magnetic background from perturbative QCD 2024 Eduardo S. Fraga
L. F. Palhares
C. Villavicencio
+ PDF Chat Cold and dense perturbative QCD in a very strong magnetic background 2024 Eduardo S. Fraga
L. F. Palhares
Tulio E. Restrepo
+ PDF Chat Quark anomalous magnetic moment in an extreme magnetic background from perturbative QCD 2024 Eduardo S. Fraga
L. F. Palhares
C. Villavicencio
+ PDF Chat SU(3) parity doubling in cold neutron star matter 2023 Eduardo S. Fraga
Rodrigo da Mata
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
+ PDF Chat Hot perturbative QCD in a very strong magnetic background 2023 Eduardo S. Fraga
L. F. Palhares
Tulio E. Restrepo
+ PDF Chat Analytic approach to axion-like-particle emission in core-collapse supernovae 2023 Ana Luisa Foguel
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Strange magnetars admixed with fermionic dark matter 2023 Osvaldo Ferreira
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ Hot perturbative QCD in a very strong magnetic background 2023 Eduardo S. Fraga
L. F. Palhares
Tulio E. Restrepo
+ SU(3) parity doubling in cold neutron star matter 2023 Eduardo S. Fraga
Rodrigo da Mata
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
+ Power corrections to the photon polarization tensor in a hot and dense medium of massive fermions 2023 Osvaldo Ferreira
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ Cold and dense perturbative QCD in a very strong magnetic background 2023 Eduardo S. Fraga
L. F. Palhares
Tulio E. Restrepo
+ PDF Chat Strange quark matter from a baryonic approach 2022 Eduardo S. Fraga
Rodrigo da Mata
Savvas Pitsinigkos
Andreas Schmitt
+ PDF Chat R<sup>2</sup>-gravity quark stars from perturbative QCD 2022 José C. Jiménez
Juan M. Z. Pretel
Eduardo S. Fraga
S. E. Jorás
Ribamar R. R. Reis
+ PDF Chat Radial Oscillations of Quark Stars Admixed with Dark Matter 2022 José C. Jiménez
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Heavy-quark effects on cold quark matter and self-bound stars 2022 José C. Jiménez
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ Strange quark matter from a baryonic approach 2022 Eduardo S. Fraga
Rodrigo da Mata
Savvas Pitsinigkos
Andreas Schmitt
+ Chiral restoration of strange baryons 2022 Eduardo S. Fraga
Rodrigo da Mata
Savvas Pitsinigkos
Andreas Schmitt
+ Strange magnetars admixed with fermionic dark matter 2022 Osvaldo Ferreira
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ Analytic approach to axion-like-particle emission in core-collapse supernovae 2022 Ana Luisa Foguel
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Chiral restoration of strange baryons 2022 Eduardo S. Fraga
Rodrigo da Mata
Savvas Pitsinigkos
Andreas Schmitt
+ Long Range Plan: Dense matter theory for heavy-ion collisions and neutron stars 2022 Alessandro Lovato
Travis Dore
Robert D. Pisarski
Bjoern Schenke
Katerina Chatziioannou
J. Read
Philippe Landry
Paweł Danielewicz
Dean Lee
Scott Pratt
+ PDF Chat Insights on the peak in the speed of sound of ultradense matter 2021 Maurício Hippert
Eduardo S. Fraga
Jorge Noronha
+ PDF Chat Radial oscillations in neutron stars from QCD 2021 José C. Jiménez
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Supernovae neutrino detection via coherent scattering off silicon nuclei 2020 Ana Luisa Foguel
Eduardo S. Fraga
C. Bonifazi
+ Dynamics of critical fluctuations: Theory – phenomenology – heavy-ion collisions 2020 Marcus Bluhm
Alexander Philipp Kalweit
Marlene Nahrgang
M. Arslandok
P. Braun‐Munzinger
Stefan Floerchinger
Eduardo S. Fraga
M. Gaździcki
C. Hartnack
C. Herold
+ PDF Chat Cold quark matter with heavy quarks and the stability of charm stars 2020 José C. Jiménez
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ Dynamics of critical fluctuations: Theory -- phenomenology -- heavy-ion collisions 2020 Marcus Bluhm
Marlene Nahrgang
Alexander Philipp Kalweit
M. Arslandok
P. Braun‐Munzinger
Stefan Floerchinger
Eduardo S. Fraga
M. Gaździcki
C. Hartnack
C. Herold
+ PDF Chat Radial oscillations of quark stars from perturbative QCD 2019 José C. Jiménez
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Surface tension of dense matter at the chiral phase transition 2019 Eduardo S. Fraga
Maurício Hippert
Andreas Schmitt
+ PDF Chat New class of compact stars: Pion stars 2018 Bastian B. Brandt
Gergely Endrődi
Eduardo S. Fraga
Maurício Hippert
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
Sebastian Schmalzbauer
+ PDF Chat Lepton-rich cold QCD matter in protoneutron stars 2018 José C. Jiménez
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ Lepton-rich cold quark matter 2018 José C. Jiménez
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity fluctuations near the QCD critical point 2017 Maurício Hippert
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Linde problem in Yang-Mills theory compactified on<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">T</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math> 2017 Eduardo S. Fraga
D. Kroff
Jorge Noronha
+ PDF Chat Features of the QCD Phase Diagram from Small, Noisy, Fluctuating Systems 2017 Eduardo S. Fraga
Maurício Hippert
+ PDF Chat The impact of quark masses on pQCD thermodynamics 2016 Thorben Graf
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Perturbative thermodynamics at nonzero isospin density for cold QCD 2016 Thorben Graf
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Neutron star structure from QCD 2016 Eduardo S. Fraga
Aleksi Kurkela
Aleksi Vuorinen
+ PDF Chat Critical versus spurious fluctuations in the search for the QCD critical point 2016 Maurício Hippert
Eduardo S. Fraga
E. Santos
+ PDF Chat Nucleating quark droplets in the core of magnetars 2015 D. Kroff
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat EMMI rapid reaction task force meeting on quark matter in compact stars 2014 Michael Buballa
Verônica Dexheimer
A. Drago
Eduardo S. Fraga
P. Haensel
I. N. Mishustin
Giuseppe Pagliara
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
Stefan Schramm
Armen Sedrakian
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical partition function for the double-well potential 2014 D. Kroff
A. Bessa
C. A. A. de Carvalho
Eduardo S. Fraga
S. E. Jorás
Eduardo S. Fraga
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
Aleksi Vuorinen
+ A search for inverse magnetic catalysis in thermal quark–meson models 2014 Eduardo S. Fraga
B. W. Mintz
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
Aleksi Kurkela
Aleksi Vuorinen
+ Thermodynamics of <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math>-flavor strongly interacting matter at nonzero isospin 2014 Rainer Stiele
Eduardo S. Fraga
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
+ Chiral pions in a magnetic background 2013 Giuseppe Colucci
Eduardo S. Fraga
Armen Sedrakian
+ PDF Chat Large<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>deconfinement transition in the presence of a magnetic field 2013 Eduardo S. Fraga
Jorge Noronha
L. F. Palhares
+ Effect of quark masses on the QCD pressure in a strong magnetic background 2013 Jean-Paul Blaizot
Eduardo S. Fraga
L. F. Palhares
+ PDF Chat Thermal Chiral and Deconfining Transitions in the Presence of a Magnetic Background 2013 Eduardo S. Fraga
+ QCD under extreme conditions: an informal discussion 2013 Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Fingerprints of disoriented chiral condensates in cosmic ray showers 2012 R. M. de Almeida
A. De Roeck
Eduardo S. Fraga
E. Santos
+ PDF Chat Deconfinement in the presence of a strong magnetic background: An exercise within the MIT bag model 2012 Eduardo S. Fraga
L. F. Palhares
+ Finite-size scaling as a tool for the search of the critical endpoint of QCD in heavy-ion data 2012 L. F. Palhares
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Langevin simulation of scalar fields: Additive and multiplicative noises and lattice renormalization 2012 N.C. Cassol-Seewald
Ricardo L. S. Farias
Eduardo S. Fraga
G. Krein
Rudnei O. Ramos
+ PDF Chat Finite-size scaling as a tool in the search for the QCD critical point in heavy ion data 2011 Eduardo S. Fraga
L. F. Palhares
P. Sørensen
+ Phase diagram of strong interactions in an external magnetic field 2011 Ana Júlia Mizher
M. N. Chernodub
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ Finite-size effects and the search for the critical endpoint of QCD 2011 Eduardo S. Fraga
T. Kodama
L. F. Palhares
P. Sørensen
+ Finite-size effects and the search for the critical endpoint of QCD 2011 Eduardo S. Fraga
T. Kodama
L. F. Palhares
P. Sørensen
+ PDF Chat Chiral transition in a finite system and possible use of finite-size scaling in relativistic heavy ion collisions 2011 L. F. Palhares
Eduardo S. Fraga
T. Kodama
+ PDF Chat Effective potential in the boundary effective theory formalism 2011 A. Bessa
C. A. A. de Carvalho
Eduardo S. Fraga
François Gelis
+ PDF Chat Pressure of massless hot scalar theory in the boundary effective theory framework 2011 A. Bessa
F. T. Brandt
C. A. A. de Carvalho
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Possible splitting of deconfinement and chiral transitions in strong magnetic fields in QCD 2011 Eduardo S. Fraga
Ana Júlia Mizher
M. N. Chernodub
+ Surface tension in the cold and dense chiral transition and astrophysical applications 2011 L. F. Palhares
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ Signatures of the chiral critical endpoint of QCD in heavy-ion collisions: the role of finite-size effects 2011 L. F. Palhares
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ Finite-size effects and the search for the critical endpoint of QCD 2011 Eduardo S. Fraga
T. Kodama
L. F. Palhares
P. Sørensen
+ PDF Chat Droplets in the cold and dense linear sigma model with quarks 2010 L. F. Palhares
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Phase diagram of hot QCD in an external magnetic field: Possible splitting of deconfinement and chiral transitions 2010 Ana Júlia Mizher
M. N. Chernodub
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Quantum statistical correlations in thermal field theories: Boundary effective theory 2010 A. Bessa
F. T. Brandt
C. A. A. de Carvalho
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat On thermal nucleation of quark matter in compact stars 2010 B. W. Mintz
Eduardo S. Fraga
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
Giuseppe Pagliara
+ PDF Chat Possible splitting of deconfinement and chiral transitions in strong magnetic fields in QCD 2010 Eduardo S. Fraga
Ana Júlia Mizher
M. N. Chernodub
+ PDF Chat Nucleation of quark matter in protoneutron star matter 2010 B. W. Mintz
Eduardo S. Fraga
Giuseppe Pagliara
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
+ PDF Chat Weinberg power counting and the quark determinant at small chemical potential 2010 Eduardo S. Fraga
C. Villavicencio
+ Chiral symmetry restoration and strong CP violation in a strong magnetic background 2010 Eduardo S. Fraga
Ana Júlia Mizher
+ Finite-size effects and the search for the critical endpoint in heavy ion collisions 2010 L. F. Palhares
Eduardo S. Fraga
T. Kodama
+ PDF Chat Functional density matrix formulation of quantum statistics 2010 A. Bessa
C. A. A. de Carvalho
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ Chiral symmetry restoration and strong CP violation in a strong magnetic background 2009 Eduardo S. Fraga
Ana Júlia Mizher
+ Finite-size effects and the search for the critical endpoint in heavy ion collisions 2009 L. F. Palhares
Eduardo S. Fraga
T. Kodama
+ PDF Chat CP violation and chiral symmetry restoration in the hot linear sigma model in a strong magnetic background 2009 Ana Júlia Mizher
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ Finite-size effects, pseudocritical quantities and signatures of the chiral critical endpoint of QCD 2009 L. F. Palhares
Eduardo S. Fraga
T. Kodama
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative Yukawa theory at finite density and temperature 2009 Eduardo S. Fraga
L. F. Palhares
Marcus Benghi Pinto
+ PDF Chat Can a strong magnetic background modify the nature of the chiral transition in QCD? 2009 Eduardo S. Fraga
Ana Júlia Mizher
+ PDF Chat Mass and chemical asymmetry in QCD matter 2009 L. F. Palhares
Eduardo S. Fraga
C. Villavicencio
+ PDF Chat On the nucleation of hadronic domains in the quark-hadron transition 2009 B. W. Mintz
A. Bessa
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical calculation of decay rates 2009 A. Bessa
C. A. A. de Carvalho
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat CP Violation in the Linear Sigma Model 2009 Ana Júlia Mizher
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Phase conversion in a weakly first-order quark-hadron transition 2009 A. Bessa
Eduardo S. Fraga
B. W. Mintz
+ PDF Chat Quark mass and isospin dependence of the deconfining critical temperature 2009 Eduardo S. Fraga
L. F. Palhares
C. Villavicencio
+ Non-Markovian expansion in quantum dissipative systems 2009 Eduardo S. Fraga
G. Krein
L. F. Palhares
+ Finite-size effects and the search for the critical endpoint in heavy ion collisions 2009 L. F. Palhares
Eduardo S. Fraga
T. Kodama
+ Chiral symmetry restoration and strong CP violation in a strong magnetic background 2009 Eduardo S. Fraga
Ana Júlia Mizher
+ PDF Chat Chiral transition in a strong magnetic background 2008 Eduardo S. Fraga
Ana Júlia Mizher
+ PDF Chat Perturbative Yukawa theory at finite density: The role of masses and renormalization group flow at two loops 2008 L. F. Palhares
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ Phase of the complex functional determinant in QCD at small chemical potential 2008 Eduardo S. Fraga
C. Villavicencio
+ PDF Chat Langevin dynamics of the pure<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mi>U</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math>deconfining transition 2007 Eduardo S. Fraga
G. Krein
Ana Júlia Mizher
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical thermodynamics of scalar fields 2007 Andre Bessa
C. A. A. de Carvalho
Eduardo S. Fraga
François Gelis
+ PDF Chat Non-local effects at the onset of the chiral transition 2007 L. F. Palhares
Eduardo S. Fraga
T. Kodama
G. Krein
+ PDF Chat Langevin dynamics of the deconfinement transition for pure gauge theory 2007 Ana Júlia Mizher
Eduardo S. Fraga
G. Krein
+ PDF Chat Nucleation in the chiral transition with an inhomogeneous background 2007 Bruno G. Taketani
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat QCD Effective action at high temperature and small chemical potential 2007 C. Villavicencio
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Connecting an effective model of confinement and chiral symmetry to lattice QCD 2007 Eduardo S. Fraga
Á. Mócsy
+ PDF Chat Dissipation and memory effects in pure glue deconfinement 2007 Eduardo S. Fraga
T. Kodama
G. Krein
Ana Júlia Mizher
L. F. Palhares
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical approximation for the partition function in QFT 2007 A. Bessa
C. A. A. de Carvalho
Eduardo S. Fraga
François Gelis
+ PDF Chat Fermion mass and the pressure of dense matter 2007 Eduardo S. Fraga
L. F. Palhares
+ PDF Chat Effects from inhomogeneities in the chiral transition 2006 Bruno G. Taketani
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat The role of quark mass in cold and dense pQCD and quark stars 2006 Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat The role of noise and dissipation in the hadronization of the quark-gluon plasma 2006 Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamical instabilities in an expanding quark gluon plasma 2005 C.E. Aguiar
Eduardo S. Fraga
T. Kodama
+ PDF Chat Role of quark mass in cold and dense perturbative QCD 2005 Eduardo S. Fraga
Paul Romatschke
+ PDF Chat Remarks on transient effects for photon production in heavy ion collisions 2005 Eduardo S. Fraga
François Gelis
Dominique Schiff
+ Can dissipation prevent explosive decomposition in high-energy heavy ion collisions? 2005 Eduardo S. Fraga
G. Krein
+ Quasiparticle model for deconfined matter and the nucleation of hadrons 2005 Andre Bessa
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Finite-size effects on nucleation in a first-order phase transition 2005 Eduardo S. Fraga
Raju Venugopalan
+ PDF Chat Finite-size effects on nucleation in a first-order phase transition 2004 Eduardo S. Fraga
Raju Venugopalan
+ PDF Chat Correlations around an interface 2004 A. Bessa
C. A. A. de Carvalho
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Dilute nuclear matter in chiral perturbation theory 2004 Eduardo S. Fraga
Yoshitaka Hatta
Robert D. Pisarski
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
+ PDF Chat Finite-size constraints on nucleation of hadrons in a quark-gluon plasma 2004 Eduardo S. Fraga
Raju Venugopalan
+ PDF Chat Transient photon production in a QGP 2004 Eduardo S. Fraga
François Gelis
Dominique Schiff
+ PDF Chat Transient photon production in a QGP 2004 Eduardo S. Fraga
+ Hydrodynamical instabilities beyond the chiral critical point 2003 C.E. Aguiar
Eduardo S. Fraga
T. Kodama
+ The Equation of State for Cold and Dense Strongly Interacting Matter 2003 Eduardo S. Fraga
Y. Hatta
Robert D. Pisarski
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
+ PDF Chat Equilibration time scales in homogeneous Bose–Einstein condensate dynamics 2002 Daniel G. Barci
Eduardo S. Fraga
Marcelo Gleiser
Rudnei O. Ramos
+ PDF Chat Improved semiclassical density matrix: Taming caustics 2002 C. A. A. de Carvalho
R. M. Cavalcanti
Eduardo S. Fraga
S. E. Jorás
+ PDF Chat New class of compact stars at high density 2002 Eduardo S. Fraga
Robert D. Pisarski
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamic Models for Heavy-Ion Collisions and Beyond 2001 Adrian Dumitru
J. Brachmann
Eduardo S. Fraga
Walter Greiner
A.D. Jackson
Jonathan Lenaghan
H. Stöcker
O. Scavenius
+ PDF Chat Small, dense quark stars from perturbative QCD 2001 Eduardo S. Fraga
Robert D. Pisarski
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
+ Microscopic Evolution of a Weakly Interacting Homogeneous Bose Gas 2001 Daniel G. Barci
Eduardo S. Fraga
Rudnei O. Ramos
+ PDF Chat First-order chiral phase transition in high-energy collisions: Can nucleation prevent spinodal decomposition? 2001 O. Scavenius
Adrian Dumitru
Eduardo S. Fraga
Jonathan Lenaghan
A.D. Jackson
+ Microscopic Evolution of a Weakly Interacting Homogeneous Bose Gas 2001 Daniel G. Barci
Eduardo S. Fraga
Rudnei O. Ramos
+ Small, Dense Quark Stars from Perturbative QCD 2001 Eduardo S. Fraga
Robert D. Pisarski
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
R. M. Cavalcanti
Eduardo S. Fraga
S. E. Jorás
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium Field Theory Description of the Bose-Einstein Condensate 2000 Daniel G. Barci
Eduardo S. Fraga
Rudnei O. Ramos
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical approximation to the partition function of a particle in<b><i>D</i></b>dimensions 2000 C. A. A. de Carvalho
R. M. Cavalcanti
Eduardo S. Fraga
S. E. Jorás
+ Uniform semiclassical approximation in quantum statistical mechanics 2000 C. A. A. de Carvalho
R.M. Cavalcanit
Eduardo S. Fraga
S. E. Jorás
+ PDF Chat Dynamical viscosity of nucleating bubbles 1999 S. M. Alamoudi
Daniel G. Barci
D. Boyanovsky
C. A. A. de Carvalho
Eduardo S. Fraga
S. E. Jorás
F. I. Takakura
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Series at Finite Temperature 1999 C. A. A. de Carvalho
R. M. Cavalcanti
Eduardo S. Fraga
S. E. Jorás
+ PDF Chat Electron localization by a magnetic vortex 1997 R. M. Cavalcanti
Eduardo S. Fraga
C. A. A. de Carvalho
+ PDF Chat Role of fermions in bubble nucleation 1997 Daniel G. Barci
Eduardo S. Fraga
C. A. A. de Carvalho
+ PDF Chat Thermal decays in a hot Fermi gas 1995 Eduardo S. Fraga
C. A. A. de Carvalho
+ PDF Chat Polarons as nucleation droplets in nondegenerate polymers 1994 D. Boyanovsky
C. A. A. de Carvalho
Eduardo S. Fraga
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Role of quark mass in cold and dense perturbative QCD 2005 Eduardo S. Fraga
Paul Romatschke
+ PDF Chat First-order chiral phase transition in high-energy collisions: Can nucleation prevent spinodal decomposition? 2001 O. Scavenius
Adrian Dumitru
Eduardo S. Fraga
Jonathan Lenaghan
A.D. Jackson
+ PDF Chat Small, dense quark stars from perturbative QCD 2001 Eduardo S. Fraga
Robert D. Pisarski
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
+ PDF Chat Cold quark matter 2010 Aleksi Kurkela
Paul Romatschke
Aleksi Vuorinen
+ PDF Chat Approximately self-consistent resummations for the thermodynamics of the quark-gluon plasma: Entropy and density 2001 Jean-Paul Blaizot
Edmond Iancu
Anton Rebhan
+ PDF Chat Quark-gluon plasma as a condensate of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>Z</mml:mi><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mn>3</mml:mn><mml:mo>)</mml:mo><mml:mn /></mml:math>Wilson lines 2000 Robert D. Pisarski
+ Can dissipation prevent explosive decomposition in high-energy heavy ion collisions? 2005 Eduardo S. Fraga
G. Krein
+ PDF Chat First-Order Chiral Phase Transition May Naturally Lead to a “Quenched” Initial Condition and Strong Soft-Pion Fields 1999 O. Scavenius
Adrian Dumitru
+ PDF Chat Chiral transition in a strong magnetic background 2008 Eduardo S. Fraga
Ana Júlia Mizher
Eduardo S. Fraga
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
Aleksi Vuorinen
+ PDF Chat Explosive Decomposition in Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions 2001 O. Scavenius
Adrian Dumitru
A.D. Jackson
+ PDF Chat The effects of topological charge change in heavy ion collisions: “Event by event and violation” 2008 Dmitri E. Kharzeev
Larry McLerran
Harmen J. Warringa
+ PDF Chat Chiral phase transition within effective models with constituent quarks 2001 O. Scavenius
Á. Mócsy
I. N. Mishustin
Dirk H. Rischke
+ PDF Chat Chiral Fluid Dynamics and Collapse of Vacuum Bubbles 1999 I. N. Mishustin
O. Scavenius
+ PDF Chat Phase diagram of hot QCD in an external magnetic field: Possible splitting of deconfinement and chiral transitions 2010 Ana Júlia Mizher
M. N. Chernodub
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamics near a chiral critical point 2003 K. Paech
H. Stöcker
Adrian Dumitru
+ PDF Chat A two-solar-mass neutron star measured using Shapiro delay 2010 Paul Demorest
Timothy T. Pennucci
S. M. Ransom
M. S. Roberts
J. W. T. Hessels
A. Yu. Illarionov
В.Д. Тонеев
+ PDF Chat A Massive Pulsar in a Compact Relativistic Binary 2013 John Antoniadis
P. C. C. Freire
Norbert Wex
Thomas M. Tauris
Ryan S. Lynch
M. H. van Kerkwijk
M. Krämer
C. Bassa
V. S. Dhillon
T. Driebe
+ PDF Chat Coherent amplification of classical pion fields during the cooling of droplets of quark plasma 1997 Abdellatif Abada
Michael C. Birse
+ PDF Chat Chiral Phase Transition in an Expanding Quark-Antiquark Plasma 1995 Abdellatif Abada
J. Aichelin
+ Quark–hadron phase transition in a magnetic field 2008 N. O. Agasian
С. М. Федоров
+ PDF Chat Event-by-event fluctuations in heavy ion collisions and the QCD critical point 1999 M. Stephanov
Krishna Rajagopal
Edward Shuryak
+ PDF Chat Density inhomogeneities in heavy-ion collisions around the critical point 2005 K. Paech
Adrian Dumitru
+ PDF Chat Signals of the QCD Phase Transition in Core-Collapse Supernovae 2009 Irina Sagert
Tobias Fischer
Matthias Hempel
Giuseppe Pagliara
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
Anthony Mezzacappa
F.‐K. Thielemann
M. Liebendörfer
+ PDF Chat L<scp>ATTICE</scp> QCD <scp>AT</scp> F<scp>INITE</scp> T<scp>EMPERATURE</scp> 2003 E. Laermann
Owe Philipsen
+ PDF Chat Quark mass and isospin dependence of the deconfining critical temperature 2009 Eduardo S. Fraga
L. F. Palhares
C. Villavicencio
+ PDF Chat Role of fluctuations in the linear<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>σ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>model with quarks 2004 Á. Mócsy
I. N. Mishustin
P.J. Ellis
+ PDF Chat Effects from inhomogeneities in the chiral transition 2006 Bruno G. Taketani
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat QCD phase transition in a strong magnetic background 2010 Massimo D’Elia
Swagato Mukherjee
Francesco Sanfilippo
+ PDF Chat Signatures of the Tricritical Point in QCD 1998 Mikhail Stephanov
Krishna Rajagopal
Edward Shuryak
+ PDF Chat Equation of state for dense QCD and quark stars 2002 Jens O. Andersen
Michael Strickland
+ PDF Chat Perturbative Yukawa theory at finite density: The role of masses and renormalization group flow at two loops 2008 L. F. Palhares
Eduardo S. Fraga
+ PDF Chat Slowing out of equilibrium near the QCD critical point 2000 B. A. Berdnikov
Krishna Rajagopal
+ PDF Chat Finite-size effects on nucleation in a first-order phase transition 2004 Eduardo S. Fraga
Raju Venugopalan
Aleksi Kurkela
Aleksi Vuorinen
+ PDF Chat New class of compact stars at high density 2002 Eduardo S. Fraga
Robert D. Pisarski
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
+ PDF Chat EMMI rapid reaction task force meeting on quark matter in compact stars 2014 Michael Buballa
Verônica Dexheimer
A. Drago
Eduardo S. Fraga
P. Haensel
I. N. Mishustin
Giuseppe Pagliara
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
Stefan Schramm
Armen Sedrakian
+ PDF Chat Event-by-event fluctuations from decay of a Polyakov loop condensate 2001 Adrian Dumitru
Robert D. Pisarski
+ PDF Chat Magnetic catalysis and anisotropic confinement in QCD 2002 V. A. Miransky
I. A. Shovkovy
+ PDF Chat Strange quark matter and compact stars 2004 F. Weber
+ PDF Chat Gravitational-Wave Constraints on the Neutron-Star-Matter Equation of State 2018 Eemeli Annala
Tyler Gorda
Aleksi Kurkela
Aleksi Vuorinen
+ PDF Chat Chiral condensate in a constant electromagnetic field 2007 Thomas D. Cohen
David A. McGady
Elizabeth S. Werbos
+ PDF Chat Universality and the magnetic catalysis of chiral symmetry breaking 1999 G. W. Semenoff
I. A. Shovkovy
L. C. R. Wijewardhana
+ PDF Chat Non-Gaussian Fluctuations near the QCD Critical Point 2009 Mikhail Stephanov
+ PDF Chat Chiral magnetic effect in the Polyakov–Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model 2010 Kenji Fukushima
Marco Ruggieri
R. Gatto
+ PDF Chat Deconfinement in the presence of a strong magnetic background: An exercise within the MIT bag model 2012 Eduardo S. Fraga
L. F. Palhares
+ PDF Chat Quark mass thresholds in QCD thermodynamics 2006 M. Laine
York Schröder
+ PDF Chat Pressure of QCD at finite temperatures and chemical potentials 2003 Aleksi Vuorinen
+ PDF Chat Dimensional reduction and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking by a magnetic field in 3 + 1 dimensions 1995 V. P. Gusynin
V. A. Miransky
I. A. Shovkovy