Toni Hildebrandt


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Leçons sur l'intégration et la recherche des fonctions primitives, second edition 1999 Toni Hildebrandt
+ Compactness in the Space of Quasi-Continuous Functions 1966 Toni Hildebrandt
+ Compactness in the Space of Quasi-Continuous Functions 1966 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat On systems of linear differentio-Stieltjes-integral equations 1959 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat International Congress of Mathematicians 1950 Toni Hildebrandt
Arnold Dresden
B Gill
J. L. Kline
Marston Morse
Dick Churchill
E. Reissner
A. H. Taub
John V. Wehausen
R Boas
+ PDF Chat International Congress of Mathematicians 1948 Walter Bartky
Dick Churchill
G. C. Evans
Richard Courant
John von Neumann
R Boas
Arthur Erdélyi
George PĂłlya
Antoni Zygmund
Toni Hildebrandt
+ Remarks on the Abel-Dini Theorem 1942 Toni Hildebrandt
+ Remarks on the Abel-Dini Theorem 1942 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat On unconditional convergence in normed vector spaces 1940 Toni Hildebrandt
+ Definitions of Stieltjes Integrals of the Riemann Type 1938 Toni Hildebrandt
+ Review: R. Rothe, Höhere Mathematik für Mathematiker, Physiker, und Ingenieure 1938 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Höhere Mathematik für Mathematiker, Physiker, und Ingenieure 1938 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Linear operations on functions of bounded variation 1938 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Höhere Mathematik. Teil III. Raumkurven und Flächen. Linienintegrale und mehrfache Integrale. Differentialgleichungen nebst Anwendungen 1937 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat On Bounded Linear Functional Operations 1934 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Höhere Mathematik. Teil IV: Uebungsaufgaben mit Lösungen. Heft II 1934 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat On bounded linear functional operations 1934 Toni Hildebrandt
+ A Simple Continuous Function with a Finite Derivative at No Point 1933 Toni Hildebrandt
+ Review: Alfred Pringsheim, Vorlesungen ueber Funktionentheorie. Part 2 1933 Toni Hildebrandt
+ On Linear Functional Operations and the Moment Problem for a Finite Interval in One or Several Dimensions 1933 Toni Hildebrandt
I. J. Schoenberg
+ PDF Chat On the moment problem for a finite interval 1932 Toni Hildebrandt
+ Review: Konrad Knopp, Theorie und Anwendung der unendlichen Reihen 1931 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Theorie und Anwendung der unendlichen Reihen 1931 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Lehrbuch der Funktionentheorie 1931 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat On the interchange of limit and Lebesgue integral for a sequence of functions 1931 Toni Hildebrandt
+ Linear functional transformations in general spaces 1931 Toni Hildebrandt
+ Review: Rudolf Rothe, Hoehere Mathematik. Teil I. Differentialrechnung und Grundformeln der Integralrechnung, nebst Anwendungen 1930 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Hoehere Mathematik. Teil I. Differentialrechnung und Grundformeln der Integralrechnung, nebst Anwendungen 1930 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Höhere Mathematik für Mathematiker, Physiker, und Ingenieure 1930 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Note on interchange of order of limits 1928 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Implicit functions and their differentials in general analysis 1927 Toni Hildebrandt
Lawrence M. Graves
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Vorlesungen ueber Zahlen- und Funktionenlehre. Vol. II, pt. 1: Grundlagen der Theorie der analytischen Funktionen einer komplexen Veraenderlichen 1926 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat The Borel theorem and its generalizations 1926 Toni Hildebrandt
+ Review: R. Rothe, Höhere Mathematik 1925 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Einfuhrung in die Theorie der gewohnlichen Differentialgleichungen auf Funktionentheoretischer Grundlage. 1924 Toni Hildebrandt
L. Schlesinger
+ PDF Chat Convergence of sequences of linear operations 1922 Toni Hildebrandt
+ On Pseudo-Resolvents of Linear Integral Equations in General Analysis 1920 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat On bordered Fredholm determinants 1920 Toni Hildebrandt
+ Discussions: Relating to Finding Derivatives of Trigonometrical Functions 1918 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat On boundary value problems in linear differential equations in general analysis 1918 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat On Boundary Value Problems in Linear Differential Equations in General Analysis 1918 Toni Hildebrandt
+ On integrals related to and extensions of the Lebesgue integrals 1918 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Errata: “On a theory of linear differential equations in general analysis” [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 18 (1917), no. 1, 73–96; 1501063] 1917 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat On integrals related to and extensions of the Lebesgue integrals 1917 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers. 1916 Toni Hildebrandt
Georg Cantor
Philip E. B. Jourdain
+ PDF Chat On a generalization of a theorem of Dini on sequences of continuous functions 1914 Toni Hildebrandt
+ Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Interchange of Limit and Summation in the Case of Sequences of Infinite Series of a Certain Type 1912 Toni Hildebrandt
+ On the Determination of Conics Through Two Points, the Major Axis and One Focus Being Given 1908 Toni Hildebrandt
+ On the Determination of Conics Through Two Points, The Major Axis and One Focus Being Given 1908 Toni Hildebrandt
+ Note on the Convergence of a Sequence of Functions of a Certain Type 1908 H. E. Buchanan
Toni Hildebrandt
+ Existence of a Minimum of a Quadratic Function 1908 Toni Hildebrandt
+ Existence of a Minimum of a Quadratic Function 1908 Toni Hildebrandt
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On Integration with Respect to a Function of Bounded Variation 1914 W. H. Young
+ PDF Chat The Borel theorem and its generalizations 1926 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat A Theorem on the Integral of Stieltjes 1925 J. M. Hyslop
+ PDF Chat A new definition of a Stieltjes integral 1937 Arthur H. Copeland
+ PDF Chat Integration in noncommutative systems 1950 Frank M. Stewart
+ Functions of Intervals 1924 J. C. Burkill
+ PDF Chat On the existence of the Stieltjes integral 1925 Hal L. Smith
+ On a New Method in the Theory of Integration 1911 W. H. Young
+ PDF Chat On the equivalence of two methods of defining Stieltjes integrals 1935 B. C. Getchell
+ PDF Chat Stieltjes Integrals in Mathematical Statistics 1930 J. Shohat
+ PDF Chat Linear functional operations on functions having discontinuities of the first kind 1934 H. S. Kaltenborn
+ PDF Chat A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Existence of a Stieltjes Integral 1917 Gilbert Ames Bliss
+ On the new theory of integration 1913 William Young
+ PDF Chat An inequality of the Hölder type, connected with Stieltjes integration 1936 Louise Young
+ PDF Chat Determinants of harmonic matrices 1956 J. S. MacNerney
+ Sur les fractions continues 1849 G. Eisenstein
+ Definitions of Stieltjes Integrals of the Riemann Type 1938 Toni Hildebrandt
+ On the Inversion of the Order of Integration of a Two Fold Iterated Integral 1926 H. J. Ettlinger
+ Stieltjes Integrals in Linear Spaces 1955 J. S. MacNerney
+ A General Theory of Limits 1922 Eliakim Hastings Moore
Hal L. Smith
+ The Cauchy Definition of a Definite Integral 1915 David Gillespie
+ Elementary Properties of the Stieltjes Integral 1919 H. E. Bray
+ The Theory of Functions of Real Variables 1960 A W Gillies
+ PDF Chat Démonstration nouvelle d'un théorème concernant les opérations fonctionnelles linéaires 1914 Frédéric Riesz
+ The Boundary Problems and Developments Associated with a System of Ordinary Linear Differential Equations of the First Order 1923 George D. Birkhoff
Rudolph E. Langer
+ The general theory of integration. 1904 W. H. Young
Ernest William Hobson
+ Concerning Harnack's Theory of Improper Definite Integrals 1901 Eliakim Hastings Moore
+ Determinants of Harmonic Matrices 1956 J. S. MacNerney
+ PDF Chat Integration in Noncommutative Systems 1950 Frank M. Stewart
+ On integrals related to and extensions of the Lebesgue integrals 1918 Toni Hildebrandt
+ Definitions of Stieltjes Integrals of the Riemann Type 1938 T Hildebrandt
+ Sur quelques définitions possibles de l’intégrale de Stieltjes 1936 Maurice Fréchet
+ Das Riemann-Stieltjessche Integral 1934 J. Ridder
+ PDF Chat Syntomic cohomology and $p$-adic Ă©tale cohomology 1992 Kazuya KatĂ´
William Messing