Jérémie Gressier


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The Spectral Difference Raviart–Thomas Method for Two and Three-Dimensional Elements and Its Connection with the Flux Reconstruction Formulation 2022 Gonzalo Sáez-Mischlich
Javier Sierra Ausin
Jérémie Gressier
+ PDF Chat Sweep effects on canonical shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction 2022 Thomas Bergier
Romain Gojon
Jérémie Gressier
Stéphane Jamme
Laurent Joly
+ PDF Chat A conservative multirate explicit time integration method for computation of compressible flows 2021 Ramzi Messahel
Gilles Grondin
Jérémie Gressier
Julien Bodart
+ A robust explicit asynchronous time integration method for hyperbolic conservation laws 2021 Ramzi Messahel
Athanasios Boutsikakis
Gilles Grondin
Jérémie Gressier
Matteo Parsani
Radouan Boukharfane
+ The Spectral Difference Raviart-Thomas method for two and three-dimensional elements and its connection with the Flux Reconstruction formulation 2021 Gonzalo Sáez-Mischlich
Javier Sierra Ausin
Jérémie Gressier
+ A High-Order Compact Limiter Based on Spatially Weighted Projections for the Spectral Volume and the Spectral Differences Method 2015 Raphaël Lamouroux
Jérémie Gressier
Gilles Grondin
+ The sonic point glitch problem: A numerical solution 2008 Jean‐Marc Moschetta
Jérémie Gressier
+ Simulation des transferts de chaleur à l'impact de jets supersoniques chauds sous-détendus. 2007 Domingo Llacer-Ravinet
Philippe Reulet
Jérémie Gressier
Pierre Millan
+ Résolution performante des problèmes instationnaires d'interaction thermique fluide - solide. 2006 Emmanuel Radenac
Jérémie Gressier
Pierre Millan
+ Une méthode conservative de couplage instationnaire de codes en aérothermique 2005 Emmanuel Radenac
Jérémie Gressier
Pierre Millan
Andrea Giovannini
+ A conservative coupling numerical method for transient conjugate heat transfer 2005 Emmanuel Radenac
Jérémie Gressier
Pierre Millan
Andrea Giovannini
+ A matrix stability analysis of the carbuncle phenomenon 2004 Michael Dumbser
Jean‐Marc Moschetta
Jérémie Gressier
+ The Carbuncle Phenomenon: A Genuine Euler Instability ? 2001 Jean‐Marc Moschetta
Jérémie Gressier
Jean-Christophe Robinet
G. Casalis
+ On the Positivity of FVS Schemes 2001 Jean‐Marc Moschetta
Jérémie Gressier
+ Shock wave instability and the carbuncle phenomenon: same intrinsic origin? 2000 Jean-Christophe Robinet
Jérémie Gressier
G. Casalis
Jean‐Marc Moschetta
+ A Cure for the Sonic Point Glitch 2000 Jean‐Marc Moschetta
Jérémie Gressier
+ Positivity of Flux Vector Splitting Schemes 1999 Jérémie Gressier
Philippe Villedieu
Jean‐Marc Moschetta
+ The carbuncle phenomenon: an intrinsic inviscid instability 1999 Jean-Christophe Robinet
Jérémie Gressier
G. Casalis
Jean‐Marc Moschetta
+ On the pathological behavior of upwind schemes 1998 Jérémie Gressier
Jean‐Marc Moschetta
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Direct simulation methods for compressible inviscid ideal-gas flow 1980 D. I. Pullin
+ Towards the ultimate conservative difference scheme. V. A second-order sequel to Godunov's method 1979 Bram van Leer
+ Approximate Riemann Solvers, Parameter Vectors, and Difference Schemes 1997 Philip L. Roe
+ On Godunov-type methods near low densities 1991 Bernd Einfeldt
C.‐D. Munz
Philip L. Roe
Björn Sjögreen
+ PDF Chat A contribution to the great Riemann solver debate 1994 James J. Quirk
+ PDF Chat Robustness versus accuracy in shock-wave computations 2000 J�r�mie Gressier
Jean‐Marc Moschetta
+ PDF Chat A New Flux Splitting Scheme 1993 Meng‐Sing Liou
Christopher J. Steffen
+ Flux-vector splitting for the Euler equations 1982 Bram van Leer
+ On the Stability and Accuracy of the Spectral Difference Method 2008 Kris Van Den Abeele
Chris Lacor
Z.J. Wang
+ Blunt-body flow simulations 1988 K. PEERY
Scott T. Imlay
+ Restoration of the contact surface in the HLL-Riemann solver 1994 Eleuterio F. Toro
M. Spruce
W. Speares
+ On positivity preserving finite volume schemes for Euler equations 1996 Benoı̂t Perthame
Chi‐Wang Shu
+ Explicit multi-time stepping methods for convection-dominated flow problems 1998 Natasha M. Maurits
H. van der Ven
A.E.P. Veldman
+ High Resolution Schemes for Conservation Laws with Locally Varying Time Steps 2001 Clint Dawson
Robert C. Kirby
+ Gas-Kinetic Finite Volume Methods, Flux-Vector Splitting, and Artificial Diffusion 1995 Kun Xu
Luigi Martinelli
Antony Jameson
+ Dissipation Additions to Flux-Difference Splitting 1995 Hong-Chia Lin
+ Boltzmann Type Schemes for Gas Dynamics and the Entropy Property 1990 Benoı̂t Perthame
+ Positivity of Flux Vector Splitting Schemes 1999 Jérémie Gressier
Philippe Villedieu
Jean‐Marc Moschetta
+ Multirate time stepping for accelerating explicit discontinuous Galerkin computations with application to geophysical flows 2012 Bruno Seny
Jonathan Lambrechts
Richard Comblen
Vincent Legat
Jean‐François Remacle
+ Finite difference methods for numerical computation of discontinous solutions of the equations of fluid dynamics 1959 С. К. Годунов
+ PDF Chat Efficient implementation of essentially non-oscillatory shock-capturing schemes 1988 Chi‐Wang Shu
Stanley Osher
+ Approximate Riemann solvers, parameter vectors, and difference schemes 1981 Philip L. Roe
+ Multirate Runge–Kutta schemes for advection equations 2008 M. Schlegel
Oswald Knoth
Martin Arnold
Ralf Wolke
+ Shock wave instability and the carbuncle phenomenon: same intrinsic origin? 2000 Jean-Christophe Robinet
Jérémie Gressier
G. Casalis
Jean‐Marc Moschetta
+ An efficient parallel implementation of explicit multirate Runge–Kutta schemes for discontinuous Galerkin computations 2013 Bruno Seny
Jonathan Lambrechts
Thomas Toulorge
Vincent Legat
Jean‐François Remacle
+ Multidimensional Dissipation for Upwind Schemes: Stability and Applications to Gas Dynamics 1998 Richard Sanders
Eric Morano
Marie-Claude Druguet
+ A kinetic theory solution method for the Navier–Stokes equations 1993 M. N. Macrossan
R. I. Oliver
+ �ber die partiellen Differenzengleichungen der mathematischen Physik 1928 Richard Courant
Kurt Friedrichs
Hans Lewy
+ Positively conservative Roe’s matrix for Euler equations 2008 B. Dubroca
+ Numerical approximations to nonlinear conservation laws with locally varying time and space grids 1983 Stanley Osher
Richard Sanders
+ A Robust Low Diffusive Kinetic Scheme for the Navier–Stokes/Euler Equations 1997 Jean‐Marc Moschetta
D. I. Pullin
+ An Accurate and Robust Flux Splitting Scheme for Shock and Contact Discontinuities 1997 Yasuhiro Wada
Meng‐Sing Liou
+ On Upstream Differencing and Godunov-Type Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws 1983 Amiram Harten
Peter D. Lax
Bram van Leer
+ High-Order Positivity-Preserving Kinetic Schemes for the Compressible Euler Equations 1996 Jean-Luc Estivalèzes
Philippe Villedieu
+ Pulsating flows about axisymmetric concave bodies 1981 Argyris G. Panaras
+ Runge–Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method using WENO limiters II: Unstructured meshes 2008 Jun Zhu
Jianxian Qiu
Chi‐Wang Shu
Michael Dumbser
+ Efficient implementation of essentially non-oscillatory shock-capturing schemes, II 1989 Chi‐Wang Shu
Stanley Osher
+ Flux-Vector Splitting for the 1990s 1991 Bram Vanleer
+ The numerical simulation of two-dimensional fluid flow with strong shocks 1984 Paul R. Woodward
Phillip Colella
+ A conservative coupling numerical method for transient conjugate heat transfer 2005 Emmanuel Radenac
Jérémie Gressier
Pierre Millan
Andrea Giovannini
+ How to preserve the mass fractions positivity when computing compressible multi-component flows 1991 Bernard Larrouturou
+ Spectral (Finite) Volume Method for Conservation Laws on Unstructured Grids. Basic Formulation 2002 Z.J. Wang
+ PDF Chat The Runge-Kutta local projection discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for conservation laws. IV. The multidimensional case 1990 Bernardo Cockburn
Suchung Hou
Chi‐Wang Shu
+ Methods for the Accurate Computations of Hypersonic Flows 2001 Kyu Hong Kim
Chongam Kim
Oh-Hyun Rho
+ None 2003 Z.J. Wang
Yen Liu
+ A multirate time stepping strategy for stiff ordinary differential equations 2006 Valeriu Savcenco
Willem Hundsdorfer
J.G. Verwer
+ Kinetic theory based new upwind methods for inviscid compressible flows 1986 S. M. Deshpande
+ Weighted Essentially Non-oscillatory Schemes 1994 Xudong Liu
Stanley Osher
Tony F. Chan
+ Introduction to “Approximate Riemann Solvers, Parameter Vectors, and Difference Schemes” 1997 M. J. Baines
+ Gas-kinetic finite volume methods 2008 Kun Xu
Luca Martinelli
A. Jameson