Valeri Marenitch


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Direction control of bilinear systems. I 2010 Abdon Choque
Valeri Marenitch
+ The Closed Orbit Controllability Criterium 2010 Valeri Marenitch
+ Direction control of bilinear systems. I 2010 Abdon Choque
Valeri Marenitch
+ Tangent cones at infinity under quadratic curvature decay 2010 Valeri Marenitch
G. Pacelli Bessa
+ GEODESIC LINES IN ^ SL2(R) AND Sol 2008 Valeri Marenitch
+ Rigidity of non-negatively curved metrics on open five-dimensional manifolds 2004 Valeri Marenitch
+ Manifolds with minimal radial curvature bounded from below and close to the round sphere 2000 Valeri Marenitch
+ Some inequalities for immersed surfaces 1997 Valeri Marenitch
Irwen Valle Guadalupe
+ Regularity properties of the heat-flow in manifolds of non-positive curvature 1995 Valeri Marenitch
+ On the ideal boundaries of open four---dimensional manifolds of nonnegative curvature 1994 Valeri Marenitch
+ On the existence of harmonic maps of the surface to the space of it's normal bundle 1993 Valeri Marenitch
+ Structure of open manifolds of nonnegative curvature I 1992 Valeri Marenitch
+ With Toponogov ) Open manifolds of nonnegative curvature 1989 Valeri Marenitch
+ Structure of open manifolds of nonnegative curvature 1989 Valeri Marenitch
+ Uniqueness and stability of the solution of the equation of erosion as well as of some other equations, Questions of well-possesedness for inverse problems of mathematical physics 1986 Valeri Marenitch
+ The metric of nonnegative curvature on the tangent bundle of two-dimensional sphere 1986 Valeri Marenitch
+ Topological gap phenomenon for open manifolds of nonnegative curvature 1985 Valeri Marenitch
+ Open manifolds of nonnegative Ricci curvature with rapidly increasing volume 1985 Valeri Marenitch
V. A. Toponogov
+ Metric structure of open manifolds of nonnegative curvature 1983 Valeri Marenitch
+ Structure of the curvature tensor of the open manifold of nonnegative curvature 1983 Valeri Marenitch
+ Some note to the problem of integral geometry in the middle dimensions, Questions of well-possesedness for inverse problems of mathematical physics 1982 Valeri Marenitch
+ Metric structure of open manifolds of nonnegative curvature 1981 Valeri Marenitch
+ Metric structure of four-dimensional analytical manifolds of nonnegative curvature 1980 Valeri Marenitch
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Controllability of two-dimensional bilinear systems 1996 Carlos José Braga Barros
Joao Ribeiro Gonçalves Filho
Osvaldo Germano do RocĂ­o
Luiz A. B. San MartĂ­n
+ PDF Chat On the Structure of Complete Manifolds of Nonnegative Curvature 1972 Jeff Cheeger
Detlef Gromoll
+ Control Theory from the Geometric Viewpoint 2004 Andrei Agrachev
Yuri L. Sachkov
+ Metric structure of open manifolds of nonnegative curvature 1981 Valeri Marenitch
+ Direction control of bilinear systems. I 2010 Abdon Choque
Valeri Marenitch
+ Determination of the Transitivity of Bilinear Systems 1979 William M. Boothby
Edward N. Wilson
+ Curvatures of left invariant metrics on lie groups 1976 John Milnor
+ On the Geometry of Groups of Heisenberg Type 1983 Aroldo Kaplan
+ Scalar curvature, non-abelian group actions, and the degree of symmetry of exotic spheres 1974 H. Blaine Lawson
Shing Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat The Geometries of 3-Manifolds 1983 Peter Scott
+ PDF Chat Normal curvature of surfaces in space forms 1983 Irwen Valle Guadalupe
Lucio RodrĂ­guez
+ A transitivity problem from control theory 1975 William M. Boothby
+ None 1997 Valery Marenich
+ PDF Chat The holonomy in open manifolds of nonnegative curvature. 1996 Valery Marenich
+ Frenet Formulas and Geodesics in Sol Geometry 2007 Attila Bölcskei
Brigitta Szilágyi
+ PDF Chat Some examples of manifolds of nonnegative curvature 1973 Jeff Cheeger
+ The metric of nonnegative curvature on the tangent bundle of two-dimensional sphere 1986 Valeri Marenitch
+ PDF Chat Proof of the soul conjecture of Cheeger and Gromoll 1994 G. Perelman
+ PDF Chat Geodesic spheres as generators of the homotopy groups of ${\rm O}$, $B{\rm O}$ 1978 A. Rigas
+ The Closed Orbit Controllability Criterium 2010 Valeri Marenitch