Michael Væth


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Survival Analysis 2015 Per Kragh Andersen
Michael Vӕth
+ Expected Number of Deaths 2014 Michael Væth
+ Survival Analysis 2014 Per Kragh Andersen
Michael Væth
+ Excess Mortality 2014 Michael Væth
+ The two-dimensional beta binomial distribution 2011 Bo Martin Bibby
Michael Vӕth
+ Trend tests for the evaluation of exposure-response relationships in epidemiological exposure studies 2009 Ludwig A. Hothorn
Michael Vӕth
Torsten Hothorn
+ Survival Analysis 2005 Per Kragh Andersen
Michael Væth
+ Survival Analysis 2005 Per Kragh Andersen
Michael Væth
+ Expected Number of Deaths 2005 Michael Væth
+ Excess Mortality 2005 Michael Væth
+ Survival Analysis 2004 Per Kragh Andersen
Michael Væth
+ A simple approach to power and sample size calculations in logistic regression and Cox regression models 2004 Michael Vӕth
Eva Skovlund
+ Comments on a commentary: statistical evaluation of split mouth caries trials 1998 Michael Vӕth
Sven Poulsen
+ The Errors-in-Variables Problem: Considerations Provided by Radiation Dose-Response Analyses of the A-Bomb Survivor Data 1992 Donald A. Pierce
Daniel O. Stram
Michael Vӕth
Daniel W. Schafer
+ The Errors-in-Variables Problem: Considerations Provided by Radiation Dose-Response Analyses of the A-Bomb Survivor Data 1992 Donald A. Pierce
Daniel O. Stram
Michael Vӕth
Daniel W. Schafer
+ Letters to the editor 1992 Michael Vӕth
J.B. Garner
+ Simple parametric and nonparametric models for excess and relative mortality. 1989 P. Andersen
Michael Vӕth
+ Stereological analysis of three‐dimensional structure organization of surfaces in multiphase specimens: statistical methods and model‐inferences 1988 Jens Peter Kroustrup
H.J.G. Gundersen
Michael Vӕth
+ On the Use of Wald's Test in Exponential Families 1985 Michael Vӕth
Michael Vӕth
+ Maximum Likelihood Estimation in a Two-Way Analysis of Variance with Correlated Errors in One Classification 1981 Ingram Olkin
Michael Vӕth
+ Maximum likelihood estimation in a two-way analysis of variance with correlated errors in one classification 1981 Ingram Olkin
Michael Vӕth
+ A small sample study of occurrence/exposure rates for rare events 1980 Geert Schou
Michael Væth
+ A note on the sampling distribution of the maximum likelihood estimators in a competing exponential risks model 1977 Michael Væth
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Statistical Models Based on Counting Processes 1993 Per Kragh Andersen
Ørnulf Borgan
Richard D. Gill
Niels Keiding
+ Nonparametric Inference for a Family of Counting Processes 1978 Odd O. Aalen
+ Nonparametric Estimation from Incomplete Observations 1958 Edward L. Kaplan
Paul Meier
+ Analysis of Survival Data under the Proportional Hazards Model 1975 N. E. Breslow
+ The Statistical Analysis of Interval-censored Failure Time Data 2006 Jianguo Sun
+ Dynamic Regression Models for Survival Data 2007 Debajyoti Sinha
+ Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime Data 2002 Jerald F. Lawless
+ PDF Chat Smoothing Counting Process Intensities by Means of Kernel Functions 1983 Henrik Ramlau-Hansen
+ Analysis of Multivariate Survival Data 2000 Philip Hougaard
+ Design and analysis of randomized clinical trials requiring prolonged observation of each patient. I. Introduction and design 1976 Richard Peto
Malcolm C. Pike
P. Armitage
N. E. Breslow
D. R. Cox
S V Howard
Nathan Mantel
Klim McPherson
Julian Peto
Peter G. Smith
+ Statistical Methods for Survival Data Analysis 1981 Gary L. Tietjen
+ Survival Distributions: Reliability Applications in the Biomedical Sciences 1976 Peter Heil
Alan J. Gross
Virginia A. Clark
+ Categorical Data Analysis: Some Reflections on the Log Linear Model and Logistic Regression. Part I: Historical and Methodological Overview 1981 Peter B. Imrey
Gary G. Koch
Maura E. Stokes
J. N. Darroch
Daniel Freeman
H. Dennis Tolley
+ Normal likelihoods and their relation to large sample theory of estimation 1973 D. A. Sprott
+ The proportional hazards model: applications in epidemiology 1978 Norman E. Breslow
+ Survival Models and Data Analysis 1981 André I. Khuri
+ Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime Data 1983 Ray E. Schafer
J. F. Lawless
+ Linear rank tests with right censored data 1978 Ross L. Prentice
+ Statistical Analysis of a Multiplicative Model and Its Application to the Standardization of Vital Rates: A Review 1987 Jan M. Hoem
+ Linear Nonparametric Tests for Comparison of Counting Processes, with Applications to Censored Survival Data, Correspondent Paper 1982 Per Kragh Andersen
Ørnulf Borgan
Richard D. Gill
Niels Keiding
Ørnulf Borgan
+ Regression Analysis of Relative Survival Rates 1987 Timo Hakulinen
Leena Tenkanen
+ Analysis of Survival Data. 1985 N. E. Breslow
D. R. Cox
David Oakes
+ Additive and Multiplicative Models for Relative Survival Rates 1984 J. D. Buckley
+ Hazard Plotting for Incomplete Failure Data 1969 Wayne Nelson
+ A proportional regression model for 20 year survival of colon cancer in Norway 1995 Per‐Henrik Zahl
+ PDF Chat A Large Sample Study of Cox's Regression Model 1981 Anastasios A. Tsiatis
+ Cox's Regression Model for Counting Processes: A Large Sample Study 1982 P. Andersen
Richard D. Gill
+ PDF Chat A Generalization of the Gamma Distribution 1962 E. W. Stacy
+ A linear regression model for the analysis of life times 1989 Odd O. Aalen
+ Proportional excess hazards 1996 Peter Sasieni
+ PDF Chat A Large Sample Study of the Life Table and Product Limit Estimates Under Random Censorship 1974 N. E. Breslow
John Crowley
+ The Inverse Gaussian Distribution as a Lifetime Model 1977 Raj S. Chhikara
J. Leroy Folks
+ PDF Chat Regression Analysis with Randomly Right-Censored Data 1981 Hira L. Koul
V. Susarla
John Van Ryzin
+ The exact behaviour of the maximum likelihood estimator in the pure birth process and the pure death process 1977 Beyer Je
Niels Keiding
William Simonsen
+ The Robustness of Life Testing Procedures Derived from the Exponential Distribution 1961 Marvin Zelen
Mary C. Dannemiller
+ Multiplicative and additive models with external controls in a cohort study of cancer mortality 1985 Michael J. Campbell
+ An information criterion for parameters under a simple order restriction 1999 Kazuo Anraku
+ Percentage Points of the Asymptotic Distributions of One and Two Sample K-S Statistics for Truncated or Censored Data 1975 James A. Koziol
David P. Byar
+ Nonparametric Estimation from Incomplete Observations 1992 Edward L. Kaplan
Paul Meier
+ Covariate measurement errors and parameter estimation in a failure time regression model 1982 Ross L. Prentice
+ PDF Chat Trend Tests for Dichotomous Endpoints with Application to Carcinogenicity Studies 1997 Markus Neuhäuser
Ludwig A. Hothorn
+ On the Likelihood Ratio Test for a Shift in Location of Normal Populations 1979 Keith J. Worsley
+ The Statistical Analysis of Interval-Censored Failure Time Data 2007 Do-Hwan Park
+ A bivariate beta distribution 2003 Ingram Olkin
Ruixue Liu
+ Approximations for Regression with Covariate Measurement Error 1988 Alice S. Whittemore
Joseph B. Keller
+ Statistical Tables for the Design of Clinical Trials. 1988 C Wickham
David Machin
Michael J. Campbell
+ Power Calculations for Likelihood Ratio Tests in Generalized Linear Models 1992 Steven G. Self
Robert H. Mauritsen
Jill Ohara
+ Multiple comparison procedures based on the maximal component of the cumulative chi-squared statistic 1992 Chihiro Hirotsu
Satoshi Kuriki
Anthony J. Hayter
+ Multiplicative Errors-in-Variables Models with Applications to Recent Data Released by the U.S. Department of Energy 1986 Jiunn Tzon Hwang
+ Evaluation of Animal Carcinogenicity Studies: Cochran-Armitage Trend Test vs. Multiple Contrast Tests 2000 Ludwig A. Hothorn
Frank Bretz