Francis Borceux


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Profinite Groupoids and Presheaves 2024 Francis Borceux
+ The Galois Theorem for Rings 2024 Francis Borceux
+ The Galois Theorem of Grothendieck 2024 Francis Borceux
+ The Pierce Spectrum of a Ring 2024 Francis Borceux
+ The Descent Theory of Rings 2024 Francis Borceux
+ Galois Theories of Fields and Rings 2024 Francis Borceux
+ PDF Chat Groupoids and skeletal categories form a pretorsion theory in <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:mi mathvariant="sans-serif">Cat</mml:mi></mml:math> 2023 Francis Borceux
Federico Campanini
Marino Gran
Walter Tholen
+ PDF Chat The stable category of preorders in a pretopos II: the universal property 2022 Francis Borceux
Federico Campanini
Marino Gran
+ The stable category of preorders in a pretopos II: the universal property 2022 Francis Borceux
Federico Campanini
Marino Gran
+ Pretorsion theories in lextensive categories 2022 Francis Borceux
Federico Campanini
Marino Gran
+ On coherent systems of subobjects with application to torsion theory 2022 Francis Borceux
Maria Manuel Clementino
+ Groupoids and skeletal categories form a pretorsion theory in $\mathsf{Cat}$ 2022 Francis Borceux
Federico Campanini
Marino Gran
Walter Tholen
+ PDF Chat The stable category of preorders in a pretopos I: General theory 2021 Francis Borceux
Federico Campanini
Marino Gran
+ PDF Chat On bornological semi-abelian algebras 2021 Francis Borceux
Maria Manuel Clementino
+ A Museum of Curves 2013 Francis Borceux
+ A Differential Approach to Geometry 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Skew Curves 2013 Francis Borceux
+ The Birth of Analytic Geometry 2013 Francis Borceux
+ More on Real Affine Spaces 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Euclidean Geometry 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Hermitian Spaces 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Projective Geometry 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Affine Geometry 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Algebraic Curves 2013 Francis Borceux
+ An Algebraic Approach to Geometry 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Some Masters of Greek Geometry 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Hilbert’s Axiomatization of the Plane 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Post-Hellenic Euclidean Geometry 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Some Pioneers of Greek Geometry 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Non-Euclidean Geometry 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Euclid’s Elements 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Projective Geometry 2013 Francis Borceux
+ An Axiomatic Approach to Geometry 2013 Francis Borceux
+ On the representability of actions in the topos context 2012 Francis Borceux
+ On the representability of actions in the topos context 2012 Francis Borceux
+ MONADIC APPROACH TO GALOIS DESCENT AND COHOMOLOGY Dedicated to Dominique Bourn at the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. 2010 Francis Borceux
S. Caenepeel
George Janelidze
+ Monadic approach to Galois descent and cohomology 2008 Francis Borceux
S. Caenepeel
George Janelidze
+ PDF Chat Protolocalisations of homological categories 2008 Francis Borceux
Maria Manuel Clementino
Marino Gran
Lurdes Sousa
+ Protolocalisations of exact Mal'cev categories 2008 Francis Borceux
Marino Gran
Sandra Mantovani
+ PROTOLOCALISATIONS OF EXACT MAL'CEV CATEGORIES To Walter Tholen, on his sixtieth birthday 2008 Francis Borceux
Marino Gran
Sandra Mantovani
+ Monadic approach to Galois descent and cohomology 2008 Francis Borceux
S. Caenepeel
George Janelidze
+ On closure operators and reflections in Goursat categories 2007 Francis Borceux
Marino Gran
Sandra Mantovani
+ On closure operators and reflections in Goursat categories 2007 Francis Borceux
Marino Gran
Sandra Mantovani
+ Purity in algebra 2007 Francis Borceux
JiĆ™Ä±Ì RosickĂœ
+ On closure operators and reflections in Goursat categories 2007 Francis Borceux
Marino Gran
Sandra Mantovani
+ Jordan–Hölder, modularity and distributivity in non-commutative algebra 2006 Francis Borceux
Marco Grandis
+ Initial normal covers in bi-Heyting toposes 2006 Francis Borceux
Dominique Bourn
Peter Johnstone
+ PDF Chat Topological protomodular algebras 2005 Francis Borceux
Maria Manuel Clementino
George Janelidze
+ Non-Pointed Strongly Protomodular Theories 2004 Francis Borceux
+ A survey of semi-abelian categories 2004 Francis Borceux
+ PDF Chat Topological semi-abelian algebras 2004 Francis Borceux
Maria Manuel Clementino
+ ON VON NEUMANN VARIETIES To Aurelio Carboni, on his sixtieth birthday. 2004 Francis Borceux
+ Essentially affine categories 2004 Francis Borceux
Dominique Bourn
+ Mal’cev categories 2004 Francis Borceux
Dominique Bourn
+ Semi-abelian categories 2004 Francis Borceux
Dominique Bourn
+ On von Neumann varieties 2004 Francis Borceux
JiĆ™Ä±Ì RosickĂœ
+ Homological categories 2004 Francis Borceux
Dominique Bourn
+ Protomodular categories 2004 Francis Borceux
Dominique Bourn
+ Mal’cev, Protomodular, Homological and Semi-Abelian Categories 2004 Francis Borceux
Dominique Bourn
+ A classification of accessible categories 2002 JiĆ™Ä±Ì AdĂĄmek
Francis Borceux
Stephen Lack
JiĆ™Ä±Ì RosickĂœ
+ On regular presheaves and regular semi-categories 2002 Maarten Moens
U. Berni-Canani
Francis Borceux
+ More on injectivity in locally presentable categories 2002 JiĆ™Ä±Ì RosickĂœ
JiĆ™Ä±Ì AdĂĄmek
Francis Borceux
+ None 2002 Francis Borceux
E. M. Vitale
+ Galois theory of Grothendieck 2001 Francis Borceux
+ Categorical Galois theory of commutative rings 2001 Francis Borceux
+ Non-galoisian Galois theory 2001 Francis Borceux
+ PDF Chat Galois Theories 2001 Francis Borceux
George Janelidze
+ None 2000 JiĆ™Ä±Ì AdĂĄmek
Francis Borceux
+ Short Introduction to Enriched Categories 2000 Francis Borceux
Isar Stubbe
+ Left exact presheaves on a small pretopos 1999 Francis Borceux
Maria Cristina Pedicchio
+ None 1998 Francis Borceux
Françoise Grandjean
Carmen Quinteiro
Peter Johnstone
+ Skew $\Omega $-sets coincide with $\Omega $-posets 1998 Francis Borceux
Rosanna Succi Cruciani
+ PDF Chat Enriched accessible categories 1996 Francis Borceux
Carmen Quinteriro
+ A theory of enriched sheaves 1996 Francis Borceux
Carmen Quinteiro
+ The axiom of infinity 1994 Francis Borceux
+ Grothendieck toposes 1994 Francis Borceux
+ The classifying topos 1994 Francis Borceux
+ Handbook of Categorical Algebra 1994 Francis Borceux
+ Abelian categories 1994 Francis Borceux
+ Handbook of Categorical Algebra 1994 Francis Borceux
+ Regular categories 1994 Francis Borceux
+ Categories of fractions 1994 Francis Borceux
+ Flat functors and Cauchy completeness 1994 Francis Borceux
+ Adjoint functors 1994 Francis Borceux
+ A Generic Representation Theorem for Non-commutative Rings 1994 Francis Borceux
Rosanna Succi Cruciani
+ On the notion of bimodel for functorial semantics 1994 Francis Borceux
E. M. Vitale
+ Basic category theory 1994 Francis Borceux
+ Categories and structures 1994 Francis Borceux
+ A Morita theorem in topology 1992 Francis Borceux
E. M. Vitale
+ Open localizations 1991 Francis Borceux
M. Karostenski
+ A characterization of quasi-toposes 1991 Francis Borceux
Maria Cristina Pedicchio
+ A generic sheaf representation for rings 1991 Francis Borceux
Gilberte Van den Bossche
+ Boolean algebras in a localic topos 1990 Francis Borceux
Maria Cristina Pedicchio
Fabio Rossi
+ A theory of quantal sets 1989 Ugo BerniCanani
Francis Borceux
Rosanna SucciCruciani
+ Quantales and C∗-Algebras 1989 Francis Borceux
JiĆ™Ä±Ì RosickĂœ
Gilberte Van den Bossche
+ Prime elements in a localic topos 1989 Francis Borceux
Maria Cristina Pedicchio
+ An essay on noncommutative topology 1989 Francis Borceux
Gilberte Van den Bossche
+ On primeness and maximality of filters 1989 Francis Borceux
Maria Cristina Pedicchio
+ Subobject classifier for algebraic structures 1988 Francis Borceux
Barbara Veit
+ Descent theory for Banach modules 1988 Francis Borceux
Joan Wick Pelletier
+ On the left exactness of orthogonal reflections 1987 Francis Borceux
Barbara Veit
+ On locales of localizations 1987 Francis Borceux
G. M. Kelly
+ Cauchy completion in category theory 1986 Francis Borceux
Dominique Dejean
+ A Sheaf Representation for Modules with Applications to Gelfand Rings 1984 Francis Borceux
Harold Simmons
Gilberte Van den Bossche
+ Algebra in a Localic Topos with Applications to Ring Theory 1983 Francis Borceux
G. Vandenbossche
+ Recovering a frame from its sheaves of algebras 1983 Francis Borceux
Gilberte Van den Bossche
+ Categories of algebraic sheaves 1983 Francis Borceux
Gilberte Van den Bossche
+ Pure representation of rings 1983 Francis Borceux
Gilberte Van den Bossche
+ Applications to module theory 1983 Francis Borceux
Gilberte Van den Bossche
+ PDF Chat Algebra in a Localic Topos with Applications to Ring Theory 1983 Francis Borceux
Gilberte Van den Bossche
+ Gelfand rings 1983 Francis Borceux
Gilberte Van den Bossche
+ Higher order sheaves and Banach modules 1982 Francis Borceux
+ Sheaves of Algebras for a Commutative Theory 1981 Francis Borceux
+ Universal algebra in a closed category 1980 Francis Borceux
Brian Day
+ PDF Chat On characterisation of finitary algebraic categories 1978 Francis Borceux
Brian J. Day
+ PDF Chat On product-preserving Kan extensions 1977 Francis Borceux
Brian J. Day
+ PDF Chat A monadicity theorem 1977 Francis Borceux
Brian J. Day
+ PDF Chat A notion of limit for enriched categories 1975 Francis Borceux
G. M. Kelly
+ Limites enrichies et existence de $V$-foncteur adjoint 1975 Francis Borceux
+ When is $\Omega $ a cogenerator in a topos ? 1975 Francis Borceux
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Semi-abelian categories 2002 George Janelidze
L. MĂĄrki
Walter Tholen
+ PDF Chat Categories for the Working Mathematician 1971 Saunders Mac Lane
+ Mal’cev, Protomodular, Homological and Semi-Abelian Categories 2004 Francis Borceux
Dominique Bourn
+ Some remarks on Maltsev and Goursat categories 1993 A. Carboni
G. M. Kelly
Maria Cristina Pedicchio
+ An Algebraic Approach to Geometry 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Locally Presentable and Accessible Categories 1994 J. AdĂĄmek
J. Rosicky
+ Torsion theories in homological categories 2006 Dominique Bourn
Marino Gran
+ Diagram chasing in Mal'cev categories 1991 A. Carboni
J. Lambek
Maria Cristina Pedicchio
+ A Differential Approach to Geometry 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Normalization equivalence, kernel equivalence and affine categories 1991 Dominique Bourn
+ Basic concepts of enriched category theory 1982 G. M. Kelly
+ A differential approach to geometry: geometric trilogy III 2014 5
George Janelidze
+ Mal'cev categories and fibration of pointed objects 1996 Dominique Bourn
+ PDF Chat Topological semi-abelian algebras 2004 Francis Borceux
Maria Manuel Clementino
+ An algebraic approach to geometry: geometric trilogy II 2014 4
+ PDF Chat A course on mathematical logic 2008 John L. Bell
+ PDF Chat Reflective subcategories, localizations <i>and factorizationa systems</i> 1985 Charles Cassidy
M. HĂ©bert
G. M. Kelly
+ PDF Chat An extension of the Galois theory of Grothendieck 1984 André Joyal
Myles Tierney
+ PDF Chat A notion of limit for enriched categories 1975 Francis Borceux
G. M. Kelly
+ An Axiomatic Approach to Geometry 2013 Francis Borceux
+ Galois theory and a general notion of central extension 1994 George Janelidze
G. M. Kelly
+ Modules over commutative regular rings 1967 R. S. Pierce
+ Reports of the Midwest Category Seminar I 1967 Jean BĂ©nabou
Richard A. Davis
Albrecht Dold
John Isbell
Saunders MacLane
Ulrich Oberst
Jan-Erik Roos
+ Arithmetical categories and commutator theory 1996 Maria Cristina Pedicchio
+ PDF Chat Théorie des Topos et Cohomologie Etale des Schémas 1972 J. L. Verdier
B. Saint-Donat
Alexandre Grothendieck
J.-L. Verdier
+ On locales of localizations 1987 Francis Borceux
G. M. Kelly
+ A characterization of quasi-toposes 1991 Francis Borceux
Maria Cristina Pedicchio
+ PDF Chat Torsion theories and radicals in normal categories 2005 Maria Manuel Clementino
Dikran Dikranjan
Walter Tholen
+ PDF Chat Algebra in a Localic Topos with Applications to Ring Theory 1983 Francis Borceux
Gilberte Van den Bossche
+ Subobject classifier for algebraic structures 1988 Francis Borceux
Barbara Veit
+ Universal algebra in a closed category 1980 Francis Borceux
Brian Day
+ Normal functors and strong protomodularity. 2000 Dominique Bourn
+ PDF Chat Pretorsion theories in general categories 2020 Alberto Facchini
Carmelo A. Finocchiaro
Marino Gran
+ On closed categories of functors 1970 Brian Day
+ Protomodularity, descent, and semidirect products. 1998 Dominique Bourn
George Janelidze
Peter Johnstone
+ PDF Chat Pretorsion theories, stable category and preordered sets 2019 Alberto Facchini
Carmelo A. Finocchiaro
+ PDF Chat The stable category of preorders in a pretopos I: General theory 2021 Francis Borceux
Federico Campanini
Marino Gran
+ A triple theoretic construction of compact algebras 1969 Ernest G. Manes
+ Central extensions and internal groupoids in Maltsev categories 2001 Marino Gran
+ Adjunction for enriched categories 1969 G. M. Kelly
+ Galois Theory and Cohomology of Commutative Rings 1978 Stephen U. Chase
David K. Harrison
Alex Rosenberg
+ Obstruction theory in algebraic categories, I 1972 Grace Orzech
+ PDF Chat On Pure Quotients and Pure Subobjects 2004 JiĆ™Ä±Ì AdĂĄmek
JiĆ™Ä±Ì RosickĂœ
+ Small Cauchy completions 1989 Scott Johnson
+ PDF Chat Kan extensions in Enriched Category Theory 1970 Eduardo J. Dubuc
+ Autonomous categories and duality of functors 1965 F. E. J. Linton
+ 3×3 Lemma and Protomodularity 2001 Dominique Bourn
+ Les C*-algèbres et leurs représentations .. 1964 Jacques Dixmier